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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte didn't entirely know how to react, it was like she had just been smacked in the face but not by David, "Wait .. what do you mean retaliate? I thought Heidi accidentally posted it?" she was so stunned that she barely even registered that David had his hand on her lip until she looked down at her drink. She moved his hand lightly with hers trying not to be rude, "are you just trying to make a joke here David cause this is a serious matter okay."

Zack frowned as she put her clothes back on but followed in her back and pulled his own back on. He messaged about with his hair and shrugged, "alright if that's how you feel then," he said, not even seeming that fussed at this point. He opened the door for her and let her out, closing it behind them. "just let me know when you are ready alright? no rush or anything." he said with a half smile on his lips before he went down the stairs and back into the body of the party. 
International star

David shook his head, "I'm deadly serious, charlotte, what, did lover boy hide that from you? See I told he was bad, a girl like you deserves much better." He loaded up his phond, showingnher the message where Henry had started it all, revealing it to her. "I'm not lying." He said quietly, his hand dropping to his side. Henry had just walked back into the room, wandering where she'd got to. She was talking an awfully long time to pour drinks, and god damn it that little weed was bothering her again. He went over and put his arm around her waist. "Everything okay babe?" He asked.

Mila sighed. "Sorry I just want to be sure.. please don't tell anyone about this." She begged him once they were out the room, waiting for him to walk away, she quickly wiped a few tears from her eyes. Pulling her jacket back on she went down the stares and slipped out the door and headed back home, keeping her head down. Her whole evening had been a complete wreck and she couldn't wait to sleep it off and just get rid of it. She shimmied back up the drainpipe and into her room, slumping onto her bed.

Charlotte took David's phone from him, staring at the message and the name attached to it. David was a lot of things and she knew he was interested in her but he wasn't the type to lie just to get her. While she was looking she felt a hand touch her waist and she jumped a little, seeing that it was Henry she handed David's phone back and smiled weakly, "thanks David." she said faintly, before turning to look at Henry, "can we talk? in private?" she said, her voice a little shaky.

Zack nodded, "yeah yeah.. sure." he said before he vanished back to drinking games and what not with the #lads. 

Ryan had waited a few hours and had long since put Robbie down to sleep. The entire time it had been radio silence from Mila and he was starting to worry that he had really fucked things up with her. Finally, after much internal debate, he sent her a text. hey, I hope you got home safe x .He hovered over the send button for a little white before hitting it. 
International star

David shrugged. "Just text me if you need me." He said simply before walking away from her. He'd dropped Henry in it and hopefully she'd come running into his arms at the end of the night. Henry was a little concerned, the look on her face was not happy and he wanted to know what the little weasel had done to upset her. "Yeah of course, let's go back into the garden okay?" He followed her out and went and sat back down on the grass with her, taking her hand in his. "What's the matter, Charlie?"

Mila took off her clothes and pulled on a small pair of cotton shorts with a baggy tshirt and took off her make up, before turning end light of and climbing into bed, curling up, she pulled hed phone up to her and sighed. Yeah I got home quick. Just thought I'd calm myself down. Sorry. X she replied, loading up YouTube, watching some cute dog videos.

Charlotte was thankful when they were back outside, she was in the process of fighting back tears and anger. As they sat on the grass she tried to pull herself together, looking Henry directly in the eyes, "You sent out that photo of Heidi.. didn't you?" as the words left her mouth she knew it had to be true. Adding up all the pieces in her mind it made sense to have been him. But there she was foolishly believing him the entire day that it must have been Heidi making a mistake.

Ryan sat curled up on his sofa, finishing off the chocolates that had been opened previously. thanks good, and no need to apologise. I'm just glad you are doing better x he let out a small sigh of relief as he continued watching a show on Netflix and marking some homework since he had the spare time.
International star

Henry frowned and dropped her hand, a lump forming in his throat and his face began to burn bend found out, that damn dork had grassed on him! "You were never meant to find out this way.." he admitted, keeping his eyes on her, but he didn't touch her, he was sure she'd flip if he tried any sort of affection. "I did it but.. honestly I just.. I was so angry, I was so furious, I just wanted to get back at her. I wanted her to feel how I felt." He knew there was no excuses but he didn't know how he was going to make this any better.

Mila slid down the notification, her hand hesitating before replying. And I think you might be right.. I'm definitely not ready either. X she sent, opening up tiktok and scrolling through, laughing at a couple of goofy videos, swiftly scrolling past the ones that were a little weirder. She pulled his name back up and she pressed call, holding the phone to her ear, going under the duvet to muffle the sound so that her parents didn't hear.

Charlotte felt her body churning, as if she was about to be sick but not because of the alcohol or feeling unwell, but purely out of shock. "how was I suppose to find out? since you managed to blatantly lie to me today." she fell silent again to let him reason out why he did it, but it didn't matter, "I don't care why you did it Henry, I care that you lied to me. Our entire friendship was built on trust and in one day you've manage to fuck that all up." she stood up, her anger rising rapidly, "you know how important trust is to me Henry.... I just.. " she closed her eyes, taking a moment to breath before making her decision, "I'm gonna head home, we can talk tomorrow when you are sober and maybe feel like being truthful again." she grabbed her handbag and scooped her phone out of it to text her cousin hey any chance I could stay with you tonight? and maybe get a lift.. 

Ryan was confused at something a student had wrote in their assignment piece but as he was trying to decipher it another message came through from Mila. He stopped to read it, a small smile forming on his lips, I'm sure in time we both will be and it will be incredible x he hit send before seeing another notification come through. He raised a brow slightly at the message from Charlie before replying, yeah of course, everything alright Charlie? send me the address and I'll be there shortly.
International star

Henryfelt horrible, Charlotte had depended on him so much, and he thought he'd finally got it right, that he'd been the right thing that she needed. But not even a day and it had all come crumbling down already and he'd royally messed up. "Charlie can't we just talk, please?" But it was just too late and she'd already walked out and away from him. Rubbing atbhis head he let out a grown and lay aback on the grass. He had nothing. He had no gif,friend, no best friend, no one. He'd never felt so low in his whole life.

mila sighed when he didn't answer the call and went back to tiktok, scrolling through the videos, but her eyes were feeling heavy and tired. It was a late night for her and it had been a mixed back fo a day. What the hell had she gotten herself into.

Charlotte waited outside the house until Ryan showed up, climbing into the car and thanking him for the lift. They sat in silence almost the entire way back to her own house where he let her go in to pick up some clothes for herself to wear for going to school the next day and then they headed back to Ryans. Once inside she just let everything spill out about Henry and the photos and the lie. She cried on his sofa like the mess she felt inside and Ryan hugged her until she calmed down. Eventually she said, "I'm sorry to hear about things ending with you and Mila.. I thought it was going well?"

At this Ryan fell silent, what did she mean? Surely Mila hadn't confided in Charlotte out of rage, that just wouldn't make sense.. "uh.. what do you mean?" he asked her.

Charlotte looked at him, bewildered by his response, "well.. she was at the party and I saw her making out with a guy from my year.. I just assumed that things had ended with you two...... fuck" she said, realising that that clearly was not the case and that she had just broken the news to Ryan. "I'm gonna... go and get some sleep." she said before heading off to his second spare room.

Ryan sat there in shock, but Mila had told him she got home and things were fine? What the fuck had she been up too. "Night.. " he managed to say as his cousin went off up the stairs. He pulled his phone out to see a missed call from Mila and he texted her sorry, Charlie had a shit night so I ended up going to rescue her from a party. Hope you had a good evening, maybe we can talk tomorrow at break?
International star

Henry finished the last of his drink that he had in his hand and then headed inside and chucked the empty cup in the bin, making sure he had his wallet snd phone in his pocket he went and said good bye to Zack before heading out and stumbling home. Collapsing onto his bed he rubbed st his face hard with his hands, letting out a frustrated yell. Everything was supposed to be perfect now but Henry had taken his spite for Heidi too far. He slipped his phone out and text her. Good night, Charlie. I love you. Xxxx

Mila was half asleep with a little bit of drool dripping out of her mouth, fidgeting slightly when she heard her phone buzz, she opened it up and smiled. She forgot Charlotte was at the party, she'd stayed away from her and her weird boyfriend but now she was suddenly thinking, where had they been while she was with Zack? No worries just wanted to say good njght. See you tomorrow. X she sent, plugging her phone in to charge and then rolling over to sleep. The alcohol in her making her feel a bit groggy.

*skipping to the next day*

Charlotte woke up with thankfully no hangover but had ignored Henry's text from the night before. She was still frustrated with him but she knew she would end up forgiving him. He had been in a shitty situation and probably panicked when confronted with admitting the truth to her originally. Morning x she texted to him before proceeding to get Robbie ready for school.

Ryan had been awake for a while and had made breakfast for himself and his two guests in hopes of cheering everyone in the house up. When they made their way downstairs he grinned at Robbie, "morning champ, you want a waffle?" he said and looked over at Charlie, "how you feeling today?" he asked, glad when she said she was doing alright. As they all sat eating waffles he sent a text off to Mila, morning cutie, how are you this morning? x
International star

Henry had been awake for a little while, and had eaten the leftover pizza for breakfast, and was now sat on his bed in his pants, debating on whether or not he actually wanted to go to school. He his hurt a little and alsonhe didn't want to face Charlotte, and the fowl mood she was bound to be in. He pulled on a pair grey slack trousers with black belt, and a white polo shirt, and some loafers, he was going for a smarter look today. He picked up his phone, smiling when he saw her name. Morning, how are you feeling? X he answered, shoving on his black denim jacket he headed out the door. deciding on walking today.

Mila hadn't slept much, the worry inside her building up and the guilt alive. She'd stopped Zack before things went overboard but she'd still kissed him and she felt like the worst human in the world. She stood in front of herb mirror and added some make up to her face, covering up the dark circles under her eyes. Today was the day for auditions, too, and she hadn't even managed to practise anything, maybe she was destined to be a tree. Going over to her phone, she smiled seeing his name. Morning baby :* I'm good how are you doing? X she pulled on a pair of skinny jeans with a floral cropped tank top. 

Charlotte finished off her waffles before heading back upstairs to pack up Robbie's school bag with everything he would need for the day. Ryan was letting her borrow a notebook, pen and old backpack since all of her things were at Henrys. Once they were all ready they bundled into Ryan's car. feeling a bit shit she typed, but then backspaced and started again im alright, last night turned out pretty shit though right? x She hit send. 

Ryan was hoping that Mila would fess up on her own accord, rather than continue to act like nothing had happened. He could feel his heart break with every response that didn't come with some sort of truth or attempt at it. Thats good babe I'm glad. I'm doing alright, weird having a full house this morning. He hit send before calling the pair to get into the car for school. Once he dropped off Robbie at primary school he headed to his work, "Charlie do you mind not saying anything to Mila .. I think I need to talk to her myself about what's going on."
International star

Henry plugged his earphones and and blasted a little music in his ears, taking the long route to school, not particularly wanting to be there. He was still going to be the laughing stock at the end of the day and he wished the year would be over with already. Ver shit. Can we talk once you're here? I think I have some apologising to do. X his mind was a little clearer now that the alcohol was no longer in the story and he needed to speak to her properly. He went and sat down on a bench, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Mila didn't even know how she was supposed to talk to Ryan without mouthing off about herself, she'd never got drunk before, she'd never had a boyfriend before, she'd never even been touched by a boy before. And she'd pretty much wrecked everything within a space of an hour the night before. Bet it was mad having kids in the house, it's all fucked up st the minute for you, wish I could make things easier for you baby x  she shoved her feet into some converse and pulled a baggy hoody on, pulling her bag on she headed out and began to walk to school, knowing she'd most likely be late.

"Of course I won't," Charlotte said plainly, though she found their whole relationship disturbing still it concerned her even further that Mila had claimed that this was love and so intense yet the same day was off making out with another guy. The whole thing baffled her. Yeah I think we need to talk, meet you at the usual spot. She sent before hurrying out the car as soon as she could and heading to their usual bench where she could see Henry sitting, "Hey.. " she said as she approached.

Ryan wanted so badly for Mila to admit to what she had done, not continue to make out like she had done nothing. Yet here she was acting like she wanted to make things easier for him. yeah, things are so fucked up its ridiculous he said, hitting send and getting out of his car. He headed straight to his drama department but rather than going to his office he went to the theatre area and began setting up the stands for auditions that were happening for the entirety of the day.
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