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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry lifted his headband when he heard the familiar footsteps and he took his earphones out and turned the music off on his phone, slipping his phone into the pocket of his jacket, he finally turned to look at her, letting out a small sigh. "Hey.." he whispered, he wanted to so bady reach out and take a hold of her hands and pull her in for a gigantic hug but the truth just didn't seem quite right to him. So instead he ran his hand along her fingers, giving them a small squeeze, just to let her know he still was in it for the long haul. "I'm a really big fucking idiot.." he began, shaking his head.

Mila could feel the guilt eating her alive and she was feeling sick with fear as she walked through the long way to school, trying to prepare what's she was supposed to say to him. As soon as she was face to face, she was going to be honest with him, but over text it jut didn't seem right, he deserved to be treated better than that. Everything will sort itself eventually baby x she frowned, he hadn't replied with a text but she ignored it for now and carried on walking, chewing on the inside of her lip, a nervous habit she hadn't picked up in a long time.

Charlotte dropped herself onto the bench in front of him, letting the old backpack sit down beside her. She felt awkward, for the first time in her life around Henry. "that's putting it lightly," she said with a small laugh, slipping her hand properly into his, missing his touch. "I just never expected you to lie to me Henry.. we've been so open and honest with each other our whole lives, and if dating you is going to change that then... " she let her voice trail off, looking down at their hands.

Ryan read Mila's latest text and rolled his eyes, "sure it'll fix itself, once everyone stops fucking me about" he said to himself in a low voice. He responded with hopefully. if you want to chat before class starts I'm in the theatre, will be all day x He hit send before stuffing his phone into his pocket and setting up do not disturb posters on the doors, as well as one advising that it was a one at a time system into the theatre so that auditions were private.
International star

He rybahd never know the air between them to feel so thick and stagnant, it was awful and he wished he could erase it all and start their friendship again just to make things okay. "I know and I didn't mean it, I just got so angry and as soon as I did it I had the biggest pang of regret and I didn't want you to hate me. But I'm guessing I've messed all this up now, and I just really wanna apologise to playing you around.." he frowned, the words she used only reiterating how he thought she felt. "You.. you don't want this any more do you?"

Mila read his text and sped herself up a little, the sooner she spoke to him the better, she just needed to get it out of her system. Okay I'll see you in a bit, love u :* x she sent, along with a load of heart emojis, pushing her phone into the back pocket of her jeans she jogged to school and into the building, slipping into the theatre, she smiled when she saw him. God, he was just perfect. It's like seeing his face just washed away all of her worry. "Morning." She said quietly, going over to where he stood, she gently slipped her hand into his.

Charlotte listened quietly as he spoke, struggling to make eye contact with him. Once he had finished she lifted her head up to look at him, her eyes filling up with tears, "I want us to be us, I don't want you to be scared to be honest with me.. " her voice cracked a little and she paused to recompose herself, "promise you'll be honest going forward Henry, thats all I'm asking of you."

Ryan finished off the preparation for the audition by putting a pile of paper on the desk he would be sitting at along with a few pens. He turned around when he heard a familiar voice enter the room, his heart aching. "Morning," he said, a small smile on his lips as he held her hand. "Mila.. " he paused, looking at the ground for a moment, "I wanted to see you this morning because I know about what happened last night." he lifted his gaze to meet hers, unsure of how to continue forward.
International star

Henry lifted his hand and ran his thumb under her eyes to try and rid any tears that were daring to fall and spoil her beautiful face. "I wasn't scared of being honest I was just scared of what you'd think of me, because I lowered myself to her level." God he was about ready to cry, seeing his best friend in such a state, and he was the one causing it made the situation even worse. "I promise you, Charlotte I promise on my eolemlife, with all my heart. You can ask me anything and now I swear you will get nothing but the truth."

Mila was about to press her lips to his but she was stopped by him talking and suddenly, she was dropped straight in at the deep end. That damn cousin! She was a little rat. Deep breaths, she told herself, you can be honest with him, just explain it to him. "Well that's why I wanted to talk to you, too.." she let go of his hand, trying her best to count to ten in her head. "I.. I went to a party.." she began, lifting her eyes to look at him. "I was mad and angry and I didn't know where we were any more and I got drunk. This guy tried it on with me but I swear I didn't let him touch me.. we just kissed." 

Charlotte held his hand against her face when he reached out to stop the flood gates from opening, "I'll hold you to that promise okay, so you better not go breaking my heart again." she said before moving herself in for a hug, wrapping her arms around him tightly and forcing herself to hold her tears back. "just don't be so silly again in the future okay!" she said, playfully hitting him on the arm as they released from their embrace. "I can't cope with these emotional rollercoasters."

Ryan watched her reaction as he spoke, seeing the truth unfold in front of him. Her walls were breaking down like dominos being nudged slightly and all falling in line. "why didn't you say something last night?" he said, the hurt filling his heart and causing his chest to ache. "I just never could have expected this from you." he let out a small sigh, rubbing his head as he leaned against the edge of his desk. "did it mean anything to you? kissing this guy?" 
International star

Henry wrapped his arms around her as tight as he coukdnwhen she come over to him and he kissed her head, filled with so much relief that she didn't completely despise him, he squeezed her gently before letting her go. "I think we should maybe hustvstart sith a clean slate today. Today is the day for our official anniversary.. if you keep me around for that long." He teased as he stood up from the bench and took her hand in his. "I know.. you deserve a break. Did you end up staying at your cousins last night?" he asked, walking inside with her.

Mila couldn't help it, whether it was the authoritative figure she saw him as or whether it was the fact she just couldn't lie to someone she loved, either way she was spilling it out without even realising. "Infeel like a dumb bitch for it, believe me.. and I wanted to but you didn't answer my call and then you had some drama going on." She fiddled with the sleeves on her jacket in an attempt to distract herself, quickly shaking her head. She couldn't bare to see how much she was hurting him. "I swear it meant nothing, I was just so caught up in all my emotions and I wasn't being a brat." She admitted.

Charlotte wiped away all trace of fallen tears, making sure her mascara hadn't smudged across her face. "a clean slate sounds perfect Henry," she said with a genuine smile across her lips before laughing a little, "good to know you are planning into the future." she said as they headed towards the school building, "yeah.. it was really awkward though. I kind of told him what had happened with us because I was upset, but I thought he was having a shit time too because I saw his girlfriend kissing another guy. Turns out he had no idea so I put my foot in it" 

Ryan hated when she called herself a bitch, she was far from it. But given the circumstances he wasn't going to correct her, not this time. He moved from the desk over to her, slipping his hands into hers. "You made a mistake.. it happens. but as long as it didn't mean anything then we can get passed this, right?" he said calmly, clearly still hurt but he didn't want to lose her. He was willing to forgive her, the way she was speaking it sounded like a simple drunken mistake and hadn't he been young and foolish once?
International star

Henry wiped his thumb against her cheek to wipe away a little black splodge from her face, God she was so beautiful, even when she would never admit it, he was always in awe of her beauty. "Let's grab some breakfast." He walked inside with her and into the canteen where he waited in the queue With her, keeping their hands together, choosing out some toast and juice. "What.. what the fuck happened at that party? Jesus Christ man that posh pray sure did throw one of the worst parties I've ever seen. I don't think anyone had a good time." Shaking his head he paid for the food and sat down at the end of one of the tables.

Mila felt like the biggest idiot ever. Not even twelve hours ago some dumb boy had had his hands on her naked body and she had almost let him take everything from her, and here she was, stood in front of on elf the sweetest men, trying to persuade him that everything was going to be okay. That's what she wanted to believe, anyway. "I just wish I hadn't even gone there, I felt so disgusting afterwards.. it made me realise maybe I'm not so ready for sex after all." She said, finally looking up at him, squeezing his hands gently. Ryan had been so forgiving and it was making the guilt inside ten times worse.

Charlotte walked hand in hand with him to the canteen, "I already had breakfast .. Ryan actually cooked Robbie and I waffles." she said with a small laugh, "was nice to actually have an adult in my life.. care in the morning." she sat down beside Henry as he ate his food, sipping at the fresh orange juice carton she had picked up. "Well I think David was feeling really good about himself after exposing your ass." she giggled, trying to make light of the situation, "he was really trying to impress me, bless."

Ryan raised his eyebrow ever so slightly but let it fall and pulled her in for a hug, holding her safely in his arms. He planted a kiss onto the top of her head, "I wish you hadn't either Mila," he said softly, finally letting go of her and meeting her eyes. "but this will make us stronger okay? not pull us apart." he smiled faintly before straightening out his shirt and tie. "I'm glad he didn't try anything more with you." he added.
International star

Henry took a big sip of his drink. Not realising how thirsty he was until it hit his throat he downed the majority of the bottle, and then munched on his toast, he was a growing boy he needed his food! "Well do you know what, that's actually really nice to hear, because you deserve having an adult looking after you, instead of you having to be the adult." And although she probably hadn't slept well much like he hadn't, he could see the weight of the world was slowly fading from her shoulders. "Oh yeah I'm sure he had a whale of a time,  as if he actually has a shot with you, I can't believe he exposed me like that." He rolled his eyes.

Mila fell into his chest and just embraced him for a little while. "I really don't deserve you.." she whispered, seems fall from him again. The belly was due to ring shortly and she couldn't risk anyone seeing them together like this, and dropped her hands from him slowly. "Me too.. I don't know what I would have done.. I don't know about anything really.. I wish I could just wash it off me." She leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek, resting her hand to the side of his neck. "I'll see you later okay, for my audition." She sighed as the bell rang, as if on cue, and quickly dropped her hands from his body.

Charlotte decided that a bit of fun was in order, "I mean he is kinda cute though, isn't he? the way his glasses slide down his nose sometimes, just gets your senses tingling." she gave a little snort of laughter, failing to keep up the serious tone in her voice any longer, "but he did call me a pretty girl and smart so I'll take those compliments to the bank I suppose." she said, still laughing just a little at the look on Henry's face. 

Ryan wanted to hold her in his arms for the remainder of the day, but at least now they were on the same page. That was all he could take away from this situation. He wished it hadn't taken another boy getting involved for things to be this way yet here they were. "I can't wait to see you later on," he said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her cheek before the bell rang. "Now hurry along, don't want to be late for your other classes now do you?" he said with a smile on his face before turning away from her and sorting himself out and making sure everything was in place for his busy day ahead.
International star

Henry gasped, shaking his head at her. He could not believe what she had just said to him, as if she was talking about the little nerd like that. "I mean if that's what gets your yayas going hunny, whatever floats your boat." He crossed his arms over in a sassy way no stood up, before smirking again when she laughed. "You're evil to me did you know that?but he's not wrong is he so I guess I can let him go for that one." He took her hand when the bell went and began heading to their first lesson. Hoping that the exciting scandals from the previous day were over and he could just get on with his day.

Mila wanted to redo the previous evening, so they could go back to chilling out and she'd know just how she really felt and she could maybe not ruin them. "I can't wait to be a tree." She grinned and waved as she walked out of his class, and headed up the stairs to her sociology lesson, flopping in her seat, she knew she was late but she really didn't care, her mind was busy on many other things and learning wasn't very high up on her list. She chewed on the end of her pen, averting her eyes when Zack came into the room. He stank of trouble.

Charlotte couldn't help herself, she loved just having a bit of fun with Henry and that wasn't going to stop just because they were together now. "Me? Evil?! I must protest dear Henry I am but a lovely fair lady." she said with a laugh. As the bell rang she got up from her seat and slid her hand into his, heading to their English class. She was hoping things were going to be a bit calmer today but knowing they shared their first class of the day with Heidi meant anything could happen. 

"You won't be a tree!" Ryan called as she left the room, sighing as the doors closed behind her. Now he had to wait most of the day before seeing her again and it seriously sucked. 

Zack strolled into the room, fashionably late and unbothered as ever, with a few of his buff friends coming in with him. He smirked over at Mila, passing her table and saying, "morning gorgeous," he winked before taking his seat behind her and taking things out of his bag, while also chatting to some of his friends in hushed tones, Milas name being audible every now and then.
International star

Henry was dreading his day, when he'd first signed up to all his classes for the last term of the year, Heidi had made sure that they signed up to everything together so that they were in the same class for everything, which he was now deeply regretting because all he wanted to do was avoid her. "We will just stay quiet, she has no reason to be up in our faces, there's no reason we can't be civil." He slid into a seat in the back and made sure that Charlotte was next to him, pulling out his notebook and pens, his eyes looked up, Heidi and her crew waltzing through the door.

Mila could think of nothing but how horrible his hands had felt on her, it hadn't felt like she had imagined it and honestly she wanted to forget every single little feeling she'd ever had for Zack. Yes, he was attractive, but he was nothing but pig headed and everyone knew that. She took a few notes, twirling some of her hair around her finger as she did so, she tried her best to ignore their comments but it was getting worse, and some of the things he mentioned.. it wasn't true at all! He hadn't even managed to touch her like that never mind all the other god awful things. She turned around in her seat, narrowing her eyes at him. "If you're gonna talk about me you could do it to my face."
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