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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte dropped her bag onto the seat next to Henry before grabbing an old copy of the textbook from the spare pile at the back of the class as she didn't have any of her own, returning to the desk she sat herself down and took out her only notebook. This whole time she was determined to avoid Heidis gaze which was definitely challenging but she wasn't in the mood for any of her nastiness today. "everything will be fine," she whispered over to Henry with a small smile.

Zack had been telling the lads how the pair of them had gone all the way, describing Mila to them all and his voice was growing from a whisper. When she turned round in her seat to face him he smirked, "Sorry babe, I was just telling the lads about how you were begging for more last night. You really did love it didn't you babe, calling me daddy as well - very sexy." he said it loud enough for the class to hear and the teacher shouted over for him to stop otherwise he was going to be removed from the room.
International star

Henry was looking through the text book, minding his own business, he smiled at her, until the shadow loomed over his desk and he had to use all his power not to punch her in the tits there and then. "I'm not so sure about that.." he mumbled, looking up to see Heidi lurking over them, and he leaned bald in his chairs his arms across his chest. 

Heidi smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile, in fact if looks could kill Charlotte would be having a heart attack right about now. She chewed on her gum in her mouth, wrapping it around her tongue and popping it, looking at them. "Morning, losers." She snickered. She had got over the fact her nude had been spread and was looking for a little bit more revenge against them. "By the way, Charlotte. I hear your druggie Mom has been locked up again, what a shame you'll be homeless soon."

Mila felt her cheeks go red, everyone was listening and laughing at her, and his group of friends were going mental. "Mate, I bet you had her gagging for it!" He cackled and they all laughed in their stupid grunting way. "Zack we didn't even have sex, your dirty little dick didn't come anywhere near me so I don't know why you're spreading horrible lies." Was he really trying to make he really mad? She wasn't up for punching another boy in the face.

Charlotte had tried to ignore Heidi's lovely morning greeting until she heard her name, and then all of a sudden she saw red and she was on her feet. "what the fuck did you just say to me?" she said, the words like fire leaving her tongue. It was rare for Charlotte to let her anger show like this but whenever anything was mentioned her mum it just made her switch. Her mind was going into overdrive because how the hell could Heidi know? She didn't tell anyone other than Henry and surely he wouldn't have told Heidi this. "Do you want to explain to me why you are making shit up about my family?"

Zack couldn't help but laugh when his mate started adding commentary, "you aren't wrong there mate!" he said laughing even harder, giving the teacher no attention now at all, "aww don't be sour Mila you were screaming out about it last night so don't get all shy now.. unless your secret boyfriend is in this classroom with us all? oh wait.. that was just some lie you wanted to say to play into your dirty little fantasies wasn't it"
International star

Heidi leaned a hand in the desk, her other hand twirling her hair around her fingers ass she watched Charlotte get up. "Well myyyy dad was the one who arrested her after finding her drugged up and out of her head on whatever her poison she had chosen was, obviously she didn't care enough to tell you or your weirdo little brother about it. But I thought I'd be kind and at least tell you what was going on with your psycho family. They'll be round to take your brother this afternoon, most likely." She winked, and went and sat back down in her seat.

Mila was getting more and more wound up, not only was what he saying complete lies but also, everyone else seemed to be believing and all the little friendship groups were gossiping and talking about the party. "You're an idiot, so you know that Zack!" She yelled, and her teacher shouted her name, giving her a final warning, but Mila didn't care anymore, all she could see was red and soon her hands were in fists again. "No he is not in this class, but if he was he'd kick your ass right down. But seeing as he's not here right now, I'll do it for him." And with that she stood up out of her chair, causing it to fall over and she grabbed him by his tshirt and punched him in the nose.

The words that came tumbling out of Heidi's mouth were like poisonous little daggers, Charlotte felt sick to her core and without even realising it she slapped Heidi on the cheek hard. And in less than a second the teacher had sent Charlotte out of the class and instructed her to go straight to the principles office. She couldn't even bring herself to speak it was hard enough just to hold the tears back as she grabbed her stuff and left the class, fury burning up inside of her body. 

Zack was so busy laughing at all the drama he had spread and the gossiping that was now going on that he didn't see the punch coming and before he knew it she had hit him on the nose. "What the fuck Mila?" he said, standing up. He looked over at the teacher as if to say 'what are you going to do about this'.  Mr Stewart had tried to get them all to calm down but this was the final straw, "Mila to the principles office, NOW. Zack go to the nurses office and have her check your nose.". 
International star

Henry wanted to applaud Charlotte for standing up to Heidi like that, he had never found the guts to do it and maybe now she'd realise she couldn't bully everyone into being belittled into her ways. But then Charlotte was sent out and he grabbed his stuff too and began to rush out of the room with her, the teacher trying to call him back but that was the least of his worries. Right now Charlotte had her whole world crashin down in front of her and he needed to be there for her. Running down the corridor after her he reached and grabbed her hand to stop her in her tracks. "Hey hey hey, it's just me.. it's okay. Well done for standing up to her. That slap looked like it hurt." He brought his hands up to cup her face.

Mila was furious, she had held her anger in a lot recently but being made fun of, and people spreading lies aboufnher, was something she wasn't going to stand for. "What the fuck? I'll give you what the fuck!" She yelled going to hit him again but the teacher grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. Grabbing her bag she stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door after her, she let out a frustrated yell before storming to the principles office, knocking on the door with her rather sore knuckles and sulking herself into the seat, ready for a royal telling off.

When Charlotte felt a hand on her she turned around ready to smack someone else, thinking it was Heidi coming to try some more shit with her. "Henry" she said, her eyes filling with an ocean of unstoppable tears and she wrapped her arms around him and just let them all tumble out. "I hope her cheek is stinging," she said weakly, "how dare she talk about my family like that, about Robbie." now she was sobbing uncontrollably which was something she rarely did in a public place, let alone her school.

Principle Spoons (idk why not) heard a knock at his door and he groaned ever so slightly, he had been hoping for a quiet peaceful day. "Come in," he called, watching as Mila trooped in, her cheeks red from anger. "Take a seat." he said, waving his hand to the chair in front of his desk. "Now what has brought you here today? You look like you've been in some sort of altercation Miss (herlastnamehereplz)" He moved over to his computer and updated his emails to see he had two, one with the subject for Mila. He opened it up and read the brief report the teacher had made. "Talk me through what happened please."
International star

Henry pulled her into him, one arm around her tightly, the other on the back of her head, stroking her hair very softly with his fingers, raking through her curls gently. "I think her cheek will be stinging for the rest of the week, and the bitch deserves it." He pulled away just a little so that he could look down at her, his hand that was on her waist lifting to try and wipe her tears. "But I think you should talk to the principle, just to tell him how much she has been picking on you." He pushed no her hair from her face, where it was sticking to her tears. "She has no right bringing in your private life."

Mila had ran out of adrenaline and now her body was shaking slightly. This was the third time she'd been caught hitting someone and she was scared she was gonna get thrown out for good. She stepped in and sat down opposite him at the desk, hiding her hand in her lap for now, a nice big red bruise showing up against her knuckles. "Zack was spreading rumours about me round the class.. saying I had sex with him and stuff.. I really don't want to talk about it, it's so embarrassing." She sighed quietly. "I'm trying to work on my anger, I really am. But he was saying really horrible things."

Charlotte laughed weakly when he mentioned Heidi's cheek being sore the the rest of the week but he was right, she had to go to the principles office. "but.. what if he doesn't believe me? Heidi and her family are influential and mine is a train wreck." she sniffled hard, rubbing at her face to try and stop the tears and messed up mascara from getting any worse. Before he answered she started walking towards the office, her hand in his, knowing she had to go regardless because the teacher had sent her there. 

Principle Spoons listened to her brief account of the situation, and then referred back to the teachers email. "Your teacher has mentioned hearing Zack making sexual references and that the topic was asked to be dropped, then you were seen to punch Zack on the nose? Is that what you are referring to when you say you are working on controlling your anger." he let his glasses slide down his nose ever so slightly, shaking his head. "Miss Morgans I'm afraid I will need to call your parents in to discuss this matter further."
International star

Henry couldn't help but agree, Heidi had the upper hand, her dad was a police officer and well, charlottes family wasn't exactly a functional one, but she deserved to have Robbie with her and she deserved happiness. "Well you have your cousin on your side, and he's a teacher here, so that's brownie points to you." He walked to the office slowly with her, he wanted to make sure she got there without anyone of Heidi's clan interfering with her again. "Just tell him how it is. She assaulted you yesterday, as well."

Mila punched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes as she tried to compose herself. "Well he didn't stop with the remarks, and that's why I punched him. And he deserved it, I don't even care," she scowled, sulking into the seat until her parents were bought into the occasion and she shook her head. "Please don't do That!" She rested her hands on the desk, panicking slightly. If her dad found out how she was behaving, she'd be grounded for life, she'd never be able to hang out with Ryan again outside of school. "Just one more chance."

Charlotte nodded her head a little bit, "hopefully Ryan would be willing to stand by me" she said in a weak voice, fear was starting to seep in. Was there really someone coming to get Robbie? Take him away from her and put him into care? When they reached the office she knocked but was told to wait outside, so she lowered herself into one of the seats, her whole body trembling at this point.

Principle Spoons shook his head, his attention more on the computer as he saw another email coming in about a fight. "Miss Morgans I understand this is frustrating but you physically assaulted another student, your parents need to get involved. You are lucky it's not the police." When he heard the knock at the door he called, "Take a seat outside please." Turning his attention back to Mila, "I'm going to call them in for a discussion now, so for the meantime please wait outside of my office until another member of staff comes to collect you for private studying until your parents arrive."
International star

Henry crouched in front of her, and kissed her forehead. "Everyone will stand by you, baby girl." He whispered, before he stood back up from her. "I'm on the end of the phone if you need me, okay?" He blew her a kiss and then headed for his second lesson of the day, there was no point in going back to that class now, plus he needed his own time to calm down. He went out into the field and sat himself on their special bench, having a cheeky little close of his eyes for five minutes.

mila rolled her eyes at him, he wasn't even listening to what she said, she was only defending herself but of course rugby star Zack would never dare upset anyone on purpose. "Whatever, you might as well just kick me out now." This was it, she might as well be locked in a dungeon forever because her life was basically over. She got up and walked out of the room, slamming the door as she left. Looking down at Charlotte. This was all her fault. If she wouldn't have gotten into any more trouble, Mila would have ripped her head off there and then. She sat down on a chair, staring at the ground, waiting for a teacher.

Principle Spoons could clearly tell that Mila was frustrated but at the end of the day assault was assault. Once she had left his office he called her father, asking for both him and his wife to come down to the school at their earliest convenience. He then called through to Ryan's office, "Hello Mr Valentine, I understand you are running auditions today would you be able to look after one trouble maker for me? Just for around 45 minutes until her parents make it to the school." he paused for a moment, "great great, it's Miss Morgans I'll get her to head there with some homework to do." Hanging up the phone he poked his head out of his office, "Miss Morgans if you could head to the theatre and prepare to report to Mr Valentine to do some silent work until your parents are here. Miss Winchester if you'll come into my office please."

Charlotte  nodded her head, "I'll give you a text when I am free okay, or at least if I get free." she said with a faint laugh before Henry left her sitting alone. Her nerves were starting to swallow her up and she pulled her hoodie out of her bag and onto her body, hugging herself a little as she did. Mila came out of the office which just made her roll her eyes, of course she was here. Mila seemed to be everywhere now a days. When instructed she got up and entered the principles office. 
International star

Mila sat there with her arms across her body tightly, trying her best not to cry or throw a complete strop. She needed to grow up, she needed to get out of this phase but it was so hard when people wound her up. Getting up once she was told she could go and hang out in the theatre, a wave of relief ran over her body, but it was gone in record time. Ryan was gonna know about her kicking off. She slipped into the theatre and went and sat in one of the chairs, pulling her feet up onto the seat, her knees to her chest.

Mr Spoons raised his eyebrows at Charlotte when she came into his office, typing in her name to bring up her file, and the corresponding email. "My my my, you girls really have nothing better to do than fight today? So what happened, if you'd like to explain the circumstances which ended with you slapping another pupil." He pulled his hands away from his computer and pushed his glasses back up his nose, his eyes finally landing on her. He knew of her troubled home life but while her attendance was still good, he simply tried to keep out of students business.

Charlotte felt so uncomfortable in his office, the last time she was here was when she had tried to run away for a few days and the school had to have an intervention but that was two years ago now. "It's .. kind of a long story. Heidi recently broke up with my best friend Henry and things didn't end well between them, well yesterday she decided to bring me into it and before gym she actually pulled my hair, spat at me and threatened my friend. Then today .." she paused, swallowing hard, "she told the entire class about my mums.. umm.. substance issues and said to everyone she was in jail and that the police are going to be sending social services to take my little brother away." she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes again, "and I just saw red, Sir.. I'm not normally violent but the moment she mentioned Robbie I just couldn't help it"

Ryan couldn't believe what he had just been briefly told my the Mr Spoons, he was unbelievably disappointed in Mila. When she entered the theatre he had to act professional as there was someone else in with him, "Take a seat at the back and take out some homework Miss Morgans," he said, turning his attention back to the guy on stage, "please continue" he said and watched the end of his audition before excusing the boy and turning back to Mila. There was no one else due in until lunch break so he had time to talk to her. "what happened Mila?" he said, moving to the back of the theatre to be beside her.
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