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Southside Acres [RP]

Ellie watched as he stretched up to place her suitcases on top of her wardrobe, his body shape was phenomenal which made it hard not to stare. "oh gosh thank you" she said, feeling her cheeks glow pink from blushing. Had he just called her beautiful? This handsome guy.. wow. "well I've done a little bit of modelling here and there, nothing major sadly. Not quite vogue magazine. But I did a small photoshoot for DollsKill, a clothing website, which was pretty fun. Also helped run an independent clothing company with my friend back at uni and I modelled everything for that." she finished with a smile before ruffling her now air dried hair, "hmm.. something you are interested in, how old you are and if you are this nice to every girl that finds their way into this apartment complex during the early hours." she giggled. 

Nathan gasped as she patted his chest, swatting her hand away playfully, "these are my non-existant boobs and I feel that you are violating my innocent body" he gasped, dramatically. It's a wonder why he never went into theatre with how dramatic he could be. "Perhaps he is secretly a government spy? Then again, he would of quickly reported you or taken you in for questioning." he laughed before letting a smirk grow on his lips, "I suppose I could give you a hand, but only this once ! and I will not be linked to this deception crime ok." he chuckled to himself before stretching his legs out, "shame we didn't get a full name, could of done a cheeky facebook search and dug up all the dirty facts on her. Since I know how much you enjoy things like that from how much you've watched Catfish"
International star

Wesley shrugged his shoulders and went and sat in the edge of the bed with her, leaning his torso back, a yawn escaping from his mouth. This was the biggest amount of labour work he'd done for a long while. "Well inget t now, I mean your bone structure he near on perfect, I've not seen cheek bones on anyone likenthat since I went to London fashion week last year." He sat back up, running his fingers through his hair to push it back into place, his full pink lips falling into a slight pout. "Well I'm 26, 27 soon to be fair, and I'm interested in planes and trains. Nerdy I know but the mechanical and engineering side blows my brains!" His face lit up slightly before a chuckle escaped his mouth. "There's never been any other flat mates for a long time. Since I moved in, anyway."

Adelita gasped and held her hand in her lap, an almost hurt look lasting in her bronzed skin. Her eyes fell dark and her head dropped, bottom lip sticking out, ready to send him on the ultimate guilt trip. "Hey that hurt, I'm a delicate lady I'll have you know." She lifted her head to look at him and tried her mighty best to keep her serious face etched, but it was no use. She wasn't a serious person. "Hell I'd be in Alcatraz by now if he was a government spy, the shit you two have seen and sworn you wouldn't tell." She smirked and patted his shoulder. "Good boy, you know it makes sense. I owe you a drink." She let out a satisfied sigh, yet gasping at his suggestion. "I would do no such thing.. and.. if I did.. it's for the safety of us all! We could have just let a loose prisoner into our home."

"you went to london fashion week?! I'm unbelievably envious." Ellie enthused as she ran her fingers across her knees as they spoke. He was only a few years older than her, well.. just over five, that didn't bother her but it may be something he didn't like. " trains and planes huh? that's pretty cool." she smiled softly at him, taking in all of his features as he spoke. "I'll take that as me being special then." she said, nibbling down on her lip a little bit. "since you answered my questions, you get to ask me three things. can be whatever your train loving heart desires." As she spoke she ruffled her hair around, trying to get rid of the awkward frizz. 

Nathan tried to restrain from feeling guilty but the moment her bottom lip stuck out he caved, this was why he could never have a dog he would forever be giving them treats. "damnit you know the pouted lip gets me every time!" he grumbled, but in a joking way, before pressing a kiss to his fingers which he then pressed against her hand. "there, the magic touch shall heal your precious delicate hands!" he shook his head, laughing for a moment, "that is damn true. You are lucky you are living with two trustworthy guys otherwise you would be strutting your stuff in a bright orange jump suit for the rest of your pretty life." he chuckled again, before a small smirk formed on his lips, "hey, what the heck, lets try find her." he said in a low voice before grabbing his tablet. "tell me where to start, detective !"
International star

Wesley nodded his head. "Yeah, my business.. well the business I'm part covering for at the moment, was running an event there so I got to go along. But I had people with me so I got to enjoy the show. Beautiful, all of it. The smaller designers are always my favourite." He added, smiling down at her. She was such a small little thing, he could soon work out just how she had become model material. He'd possibly never seen such a petite frame on a young lady before. "Special or stupid, take your pick. No one really chooses to live on this side of the town to be fair but it is a lot cheaper and just as easy to get into central town, which we will do if we go out tonight.. if you're up for It?" He subtly suggested, before it was his turn to ask questions. "Right.. why did you move here.. how old are you.. and.. do you like pineapple on pizza?" He asked.

Adelita flashed her pearly white teeth at him, with just a hint of gold fake tooth that was on the left side of her mouth at the top. Something she thought was quite extravagant and she loved. "That's more like it, these are magical hands and can dommagical things, can't be damaging them can I?" She wiggled her fingers in his face beforekeaning herself back, pulling her top consciously down over her tummy, noticing it had ridden up. Tutting, Adelita shook her head at him, before a dangerous smirk crossed her lips. "well if I went down again I'd with me. Claim you were my accomplice, how about that? Pretty fair I reckon, I'm sure holding information from the filth is illegal, Nath." She teased, sitting up a little more and swiftly snatching the tablet from his hand. "Lets see.. Ellie.. lets type it in.." she began to work her magic ways and before long she brought up Ellie's profile. "There we go. Easy."

Ellie was getting drawn into him the more he spoke about fashion week, the smaller designers were what she adored and hearing someone like Wesley agree with her just made everything seem that extra bit special. "If you are going I'd love to go." she said with a smile, "I mean, as long as thats okay." she laughed softly, "Well I am 21 and just graduated from university with a joint degree in art and history of art. I moved here because it was the only place I could afford considering how crippling my student loans have me and I wanted to move away from my home town because there were far too many bad memories back there." she sighed a little, before remembering his third question, "and no, pineapple has no place on pizza !" 

Nathan shook his head, letting it hang a little as he did, in shame. Adelita had successfully guilt tripped him once again, but he was sure it wasn't going to be for the last time. It was one of her many talents - getting her way with people, winning them over. "hey ! you cannot drag me down with you.. though prison life would make an interesting article. Journalist finding out what it's all about - from the inside! OO I can see it now." he grinned a little. He watched as she quickly searched up her account and he smirked a little, scrolling through the information, "21. University graduate.. bloody hell she has five brothers?!" he chuckled, continuing to scroll. Though there was no mention of her exboyfriend, mainly because she had deleted everything with him in it. "seems educated." he shrugged, "educated but no other dirt on her here - not even a drunken nightout photo!"
International star

Wesley nodded his head enthusiastically. "I can show you the nicer places to go, if you're that kinda person. We all like a good night out, it'd be nice if you joined us. That's if we're cool enough for your modelling scene." He joked, nudging her gently with his shoulder, he cocked his head to the side, listening to her. "Oh wow, I didn't realise you were that young. That explains the whole being broke shenanigans. No problem, first week is always a struggle but you'll get yourself on your feet. And in the meantime, I'm sure Adelita will share any womanly things you need." Rubbing his neck awkwardly. Ellie made him feel that way. But it was nice to finally have a fresh face that didn't know him.

Adelita was so proud of her ways, most people in her situation would be called a snake, or a manipulative bitch. But she was simply sassy Adelita who got away with everything. "You wouldn't last five minutes behind bars, they'd have that cute little ass of yours for breakfast I guarantee it." Smirking, she patted his leg, stretching her own legs back out in front of her, she glanced down at her nails. She definitely needed to get herself to the salon, pronto. Averting her eyes back to the screen, she flicked through the information and clicked through a few pictures and mutual friends. "Ex boyfriend.. look.. you're missing all the signs, idiot."

Ellie couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips when he said he would show her all the nice places, "I'm just excited for having a good night if I'm honest. It's been so hectic getting ready to move out and coming here, need a little bit of fun before I go completely nuts." Her cheeks went a little pink when he called her young, yep he was definitely going to have no interest in her young ass. "And here I was thinking you would be the one sharing all the womanly things." she couldn't help but laugh, her eyes analysing him carefully. It was hard to tell if he was comfortable around her or just trying to make her feel welcome, maybe he even hated having to spend this much time near her? The only thing she knew for sure was that he was not easy to read.

Nathan raised his brow slightly, "you think my ass is cute huh? " he chuckled quietly, "but I'll have you know that I think I could hold my own in there, at least I would have flip flops and not sanitary pads like yourself." he took a glance down at her hand which was now situated on his leg, he smiled, it was always nice to know she felt comfortable around him. That was one of his main goals in life, to make people feel comfortable, mainly because it usually got them talking which could lead to potential articles. "wait.. how do you know that?!" he peered at the tablet, his eyes scanning for information that explicitly said - EX. "hmm wonder if that's what she is getting away from.  Maybe she needs a rebound ... "
International star

Wesley looked over at her for a moment. It was so nice for him to see such a genuine smile on her lips, no fornthat smile to be created by him made him feel so good inside. He couldn't remember the last time he'd spent a quality moment with someone like this, Adelita wasn't exactly affectionate and well, Nathan was a man. He didn't exactly want any kind of affection from him. "Hmm I suppose I could let you borrow my tweezers now and again if you really needed to." He chuckled and stood up from her bed. Ellie was such a calm and placid being he felt a little awkward. He was so clumsy and loud and she was the opposite, he could tell. "So, shall I leave you to it? Let you be settled in and whatever.."

Adelita nodded. "Cute lil tooshy you got going on there, Nathan, I won't deny that. Shame you've missed out on leg day every day if your life. And well, your shoulders, they're nothing to grip onto are they." She looked him up and down before nudging his side. "I'm kidding. I'm sure you'll make your very own weird happy one day." Turning her attention to the to, she gasped, shaking her head and throwing a cushion at the tv, narrowly missing a vase next to it. "Fuck that! Thorgy should never have gone home!" Sighing quietly, Adelita looked back down at the tablet and pointed to all the information. "It's right there, dumbass. Rebound however.. is a brilliant plan. Maybe we should set Wes up!"

Ellie grinned brightly, "fantastic! tweezers are pretty essential for maintaining these mad eyebrows." When he stood up she felt herself move forward instinctively, not wanting him to go, not yet anyway. "uh.. could you maybe stay for just a little bit longer?" she said softly, biting down on her lip, "if you have things to do I completely understand .. just .. honestly you are making this experience a lot easier and I'm not ready to sit and be alone with my mind right now." she brought her hand up to her mouth and nibbled a little on the skin surrounding her thumb, a bad habbit she was drying so hard to get out of. Was it childish to practically beg him to stay? He likely had work to get to or do .. or a girlfriend to spend time with. She hadn't thought of that.. 

Nathan, for just a split moment, felt rather smug about himself after being complimented by her but that quickly fell through when she began to pick on him for not being the classic muscular guy that she was always seen with. "well thanks for the momentary ego boost I had." he said, shaking his head a little at her before she said she was kidding, "lets hope I manage to make someone happy aye?" he chuckled, gazing up towards the screen. He had completely forgotten that a show had been put on, "ouch.. not the result you wanted huh?" he said, patting her on the leg, "there there. " he said in a mocking tone. "You my darling, are a genius! Maybe a little lovin' will pull him right out his shell"
International star

Wesley narrowed his eyes in concentration, looking at her eyebrows. He hadn't even noticed them, the pure shape of them, so strong, they were a big feature on her beautiful face and he just kept taking in more and more of her. But she wouldn't want to go out with an old man like him, she was probably just trying to be nice."well if that's what you want then I don't mind sticking round, your company is really nice. I'll go and grab my laptop and I'll be back." Smiling down at her, he jogged out of her flat and into his win, grabbing his laptop and hard drive plus the charger, he glanced into the living room before wandering back into Ellie's flat. "The handsome stallion has returned."

Adelita didn't feel bad for her comments, surely Nathan knew her by now and that she was joking. The guys she went for were massive muscle heads that spent 40 hours a day in the gym and drank nothing but steroids and protein shakes. Scary men with tattoos on their faces. Not nice boys like Nathan. "Hey, maybe you should swoop in there instead of Wes and you can be her knight in shining armour? Might as well give it a chance." She shrugged and leaned back into the cushions, picking up the remote, she flicked through before standing up slowly, stretching her arms above her head. "Maybe that's what's been holding him back."

Ellie could see his concentration on her eyebrows and quickly shielded them from view, "don't look too closely  ! I can't remember if I plucked the monobrow recently." she said jokingly before dropping her hands back down to her sides. Her smile grew when he said he would keep her company for a bit longer, "thank you, I really appreciate it! well.. I will be right here waiting on you I promise." As he walked out the room she let her eyes trail down his body, he was simply incredible. While he was out the room she shuffled back over to get her phone before plopping herself back down on her bed, leaning against the wall - no new messages. What a surprise. Her head raised when he came back through, "indeed you have." she smiled at him before patting the bed beside her. 

Nathan had never been the athletic type, sure he could run and he would be decent enough in a fight but past that he really didn't care. Most of his younger life was spent gaming or out with friends rather than preparing for the next big sports game or whatever it was jocks did with their time. "and make you jealous of all that attention? now that just wouldn't be fair on you would it." he chuckled. Turning his head when he heard Wes walking around and tried to spot if he was coming back out to join them - apparently not. "what? not having a love interest?" he tilted his head and nodded, "maybe.. " he looked back at Adelita, "perhaps if you were in a serious relationship you wouldn't be getting into so much trouble every other weekend."
International star

Wesley plugged in his charger into the port in the wall and then shuffled back into the bed with her, his back on the wall, his legs stretched out in front of him. "Hey I've done a good job, there's two of us sat here and it hasn't collapsed yet. I think you'll be alright." He patted the frame that was next to him, a cheesy grin on his lips. He hadn't smiled for so long, not like this. She gave off such a calm aura and it made him feel at peace, the hairs on the back of his neck weren't on edge and his hands weren't clenched into fists for once. "So tell me about uni. I dropped out in my second year so I didn't get the full experience. Tell me more." He glanced over st her, his fingers tapping away at his keyboard.

Adelita pouted a little at him. "That's true. I'll have no one to piss off in the mornings with my looooovely angelic voice. You'd be too busy in bed with a girl. I've changed my mind, you're not allowed a girlfriend until I have a boyfriend. It's a pact." She shook his hand and nodded once, finalising the handshake that Nathan hadn't even agreed to. She went over to her small backpack and pulled out a small packet of cigarettes, and a lighter, giving it a couple of shakes she lit it up, walking over to the balcony area, she opened the doors. "Serious relationships are for losers. Plus the guys I like don't want that's they wanna squeeze my butt do a couple of things and that's good enough.." she took a long drag and sighed.

girlll your new outfit is BOMB
Ellie was now sat so close to him, their arms gently rubbing, it made her feel a little all fluffy on the inside - a crush was definitely forming here. "you did an incredible job, I mean I doubt anyone else is really going to end up here so it should hold up." she giggled, blushing slightly as she watched him load up his laptop, curious of what he was going to start doing on it. "you want the full experience huh? well.. it consisted of stress.. stress.. deadlines.. " her voice went quiet, looking at her hands as she drew shapes onto the mattress, "and shitty relationships." she nodded her head, "that's about the lot. oh, and the pressure to go out partying every single night."

Before he could do anything about it Adelita had grabbed Nathan's hand and shaken on it, "ah damnit!! now I'm going to be alone forever." he said with a cheeky smirk on his lips. He rose to his feet and followed her outside so he could hear her speaking properly without having to strain his ears over the television. "but don't you want to be appreciated properly? treated the way you deserve rather than just.. left behind?" he suggested, leaning against the railing of their balcony area and breathing in the air mixed with the smoke from her cigarette, which caused him to frown. One thing he had never been fond of was smoking but he could stand being around others that did without complaining.. too much.
International star

Wesley felt his shoulders relax as he sunk into the cosy memory foam mattress he was sunken into, keeping his bum nice and squished. "That's a lie, I bet a beautiful girl like you could get any man she wants to. Some young little hipster with a crazy hair cut and skinny jeans so tight he can't sit down in them." Chuckling a his own little made up character, he logged into his emails and began deleting all the junk, replying to a few more important ones in between. And then of course, sending some straight to the block folder. God damn it, it had been two years since he left, couldn't she take the hint that he had no more interest? Looking back down at Ellie, Wes smiled, but in a more intrigued way. "Shitty relationships? What happened?" He asked.

Adelita rolled her eyes at him. "Better watch that tongue of yours, be a shame if someone chopped it off for you saying the wrong thing. What a tradgedy that would be." Her serious pout turned into a smirk as she looked up at him, the sun hitting her hazel eyes just right, making them look as if they were pools of pure gold. Leaning the small of her back on the railing she stretched her torso back, letting her head fall back, her eye closed, embracing the small amount of sun they had. Though cold, it felt nice to have the magnificent light in her body. "Well I've never really thought about it to be honest because I've never had anything like that.. I don't know if I'd like having someone in my life all the time, there with me every day." She took another drag and blew it out through her nose.

Ellie couldn't help but laugh at his description of what he thought her perfect man would be, "Not quite my type but I'll let you off since your imagination is quite clearly wild" She stretched her legs back out, wiggling her toes around in her socks. "Its a long story but basically I'd been with this guy for three years but half way through he went to study abroad.. turns out he started seeing someone else while there. My graduation rolls round and he shows up with the other girl and dumped me right there." She looked up at him, a small smile on her lips, "was a pretty shitty way to graduate but I still got to throw my stupid cap into the air"

Nathan gazed out into the distance, spotting one of the neighbourhood junkies walking the street with his bulldog that looked like he had seen better days. He knew that he wanted more in his life, this place wasn't going to be where he died. "You've managed to live with me for coming on three years now, at this point in our relationship I should be considering proposing.. or getting us a puppy" he said with a cheeky grin on his lips as he looked back at her. The way she leaned back just highlighted all of her physique - she was a beauty. Even underneath all the makeup she was gorgeous. 
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