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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Mr Spoons could see this was an uncomfortable issue but it was his job to deal with this and his policy was one which had no tolerance fo abuse or bullying of any kind. He leaned his headband back and closed his eyes. How the hell was he getting round this one? Well I would call your mother in to discuss this with her, but I don't think that's very apt right now." He said quietly, running his fingers through his grey hair, scratching the back of his neck. "You understand that I still have to punish you. But Ms Lawson won't be getting away with her behaviour, either. I will have this matter investigated. In the mean time I want you to stay with your cousin, and Ryan Valentine? He will be your temporary guardian."

Mila pulled out a book from her backpack and flicked through it slowly, it was a pretty good method of distraction and she could feel all the anxiety finally washing away, even though her dad would be there within the hour. She waited until she was sure they were alone and then finally he was next to her, and she closed the book, shoving it back in her bag. The look on his face was one of pure disappointment, even he was let down by her. "I don't want to tell you, I'm embarrassed." She mumbled, reaching over she took his hand and rested it in her lap, running her index finger up and down each one of his fingers.

Once Charlotte had finished her long winded story she could feel her body shaking, but hearing him say that Heidi wouldn't get away with her behaviour either she felt a little calmer. For once she wasn't going to get away with ruining peoples lives. "I take full responsibility for my actions Mr Spoons, and I will accept any punishment. Ryan, I mean uh Mr Valentine let my cousin move in with him yesterday and he said I was welcome to stay if I needed to so that shouldn't be a problem." 

Ryan could see the hurt that she was going through and he didn't want to press too much for answers, especially if she wasn't feeling ready to give them. He noticed her hand was looking red and swollen and he lifted it up in his, "we should get you an ice pack for this it's looking painful," he said in a gentle voice. "Mila I'm worried about you.. " he finally admitted, sitting himself down on a chair beside her. "seeing you getting into trouble like this it's not good."
International star

Mr Spoons nodded to her. "I understand, Charlotte. I'm glad you agree that what you did was wrong but we will get to the bottom of this. For now I'd like you to carry on with the rest of your day, but please try and keep out of Ms Lawson day, I think I've had about as much as I can cope with." He sighed and shook his head his hand gesturing to the door. "You are dismissed. Please keep your hands to yourself." He smiled at her and nodded his head once, beginning to update the system.

Mila tried to pull her hand away when he noticed it but it was too late, he already had a good hold of it. She was even more embarrassed now, how could he ever really love her if she was so childish? "Yeah it's kind of stinging now.." she said quietly, wiggling her fingers around a little bit. "If you think this is bad you should see the other guys face." She laughed quietly, but it faded rather quickly. "You don't need to be worried, I can handle myself.." frowning, she looked up at him. "Mr Spoons has called my parents in to talk about it."

Charlotte thanked him again before getting up from the chair and hurrying out of his office. The corridors were empty due to everyone being in class so she slowly walked towards her next lesson, pulling her phone out to text Henry, I'm free and not expelled! somehow I'm meant to continue the rest of the day by staying out of Heidis way, more like she should stay out of mine. I'll see you in class soon x She hit send as she continued along the corridor towards class, stopping at a nearby toilet to clean her face up.

Ryan laughed a little, knowing that she wasn't kidding but the situation definitely called for some humour. "I should have one backstage, give me a moment." he said, moving away from her and up onto the stage at the front of the hall before vanishing behind some curtains. A few minutes later he came back with an ice pack that he had activated and handed it over to her. "I'm not surprised," he let out a small sigh, looking into her eyes, "they aren't going to be happy with you are they?"
International star

Henry had fallen asleep on the bench. Catching up on some much needed sleep he felt a lot better, maybe his brain would function with some proper rest. He slipped his phone out to catch up on any notifications he had got and smiled when he saw her name, sliding it open. Well that's good to here. Told you everyone is on your side. Just try not to retaliate. X he sent, getting up from the bench he took himself inside, wandering very slowly to his next lesson, not in any particular hurry to be going and learning.

Heidi loved the feeling of the power she had had over Charlotte, winding her up until she snapped and getting her in trouble, it was what Heidi was best at. Though when he name was called by the teacher and she was informed she had to go and see the principle, her face dropped. What a little snitch Charlotte was, she deserved everything that was coming to her. "Whatever," she picked up her hand bag and strutted out.

Mila waited for him to come back, looking around at the theatre. It looked so big and empty when there was no one else in there, it was kind of scary. "Thank you.." she winced just a little from the shock of the cold against her hands, but it began soothing her and she settled into the feeling. "No.. my father is gonna go ballistic. He'll stop me doing my extra curricular activities, and I can say bye to my job.. and I'll be grounded for the rest of the term." She shook her head, was hitting Zack really worth it? She was doubting it now. "I've really messed up this time." She said with a sigh.

Charlotte left the bathroom and was nearing her next class, hoping that Heidi wouldn't be there but just as she rounded the corner she saw Heidi leave the room, thankfully she walked in the opposite direction so neither of them made contact. She hurried back into the class, apologising for her lateness and took her seat. The rest of the class were staring at her and a student leaned over and whispered, "you really slapped her? nice one"

Ryan knew that this also meant the chances of them getting to see each other was slim to none now. "Well.. hopefully it isn't too bad.." he said awkwardly, knowing there was no way to really comfort her. "who did you sucker punch anyway? they must have really pissed you off for you to do risk everything." he sat back down on the desk, watching as she lay the icepack onto her hand. There was very little he could even think to say, but he hoped that this could maybe help her control some of the anger she had inside.
International star

Heidi stalked off to the principles room, where she went in without even knocking, chewing obnoxiously on the gum that she had in her mouth, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk, she rolled her eyes as Mr Spoons began to talk about the situation, and wanted her to explain her side of the story. "That bitch slapped me, sir, she assaulted me and she should be thrown out! She's just as bad as her deadbeat mother." Mr Spoons had to hold himself back from arguing sigh a pupil, he knew Charlotte was doing the best in a bad situation. "Ms Lawson you cannot go round spreading lies and disgusting remarks about other students. Take this as your final warning, and you will have detention after school for the next three weeks."

Mila didn't even want to tell him, but he deserved some sort of honesty from her, after all she had promised to be more open with him. "It was Zack.." she said quietly, looking up at him, this was it, the dan of worms was open and she needed to tell Ryan everything. "He.. he was the guy last night, and he started telling everyone that I had slept with him and making up all this stuff. It was so degrading and I just snapped. I should have ignored it but I couldn't, all his friends were joining in." she bit down on her thumb nail.

As if summoned from above, Mr Lawson arrived at the office after having received messages from his daughter about another girl assaulting her. He knocked and then entered the room, "Good afternoon Principle Spoons, I've been made aware that another student has assaulted my daughter and I have yet to be called about it by yourself? This just shows the shocking example you continue to show at this school. Now has this student been expelled? Where are they?"

Ryan felt his jaw drop slightly and anger burn inside of him, "that fucking snake," he said under his breath, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. "seriously what a twat for thinking he could come up with lies like that and get away with it. I hope you told the principle what he was saying because he should not be getting away with that. Not at all.""
International star

Mr Spoons just about did everything apart from shit his pants when Heidi's dad walked through the door and he sat up a little more in his seat, clearing his throat. "Hello mr Lawson, yes of course, I just wanted to hear both sides of the story first, equal rights and all that." He felt so flustered now, this man was serious business. "I have chosen not to expel either of the girls. Your daughter is also in the wrong, mr Lawson, she assaulted the aforementioned girl in the changing rooms yesterday." He pointed out.

Mila reached over and took his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "Please don't be angry.. I just want to forget about it now." She shook her head, standing up from her chair she went and stood in front of him. Being this close to him, it was so risky when anyone could have walked through that door, but she just didn't care. Ryan was the one person that seemed to try and understand her. "I was too embarrassed. Some of the stuff he was saying, god it was awful.. saying I was gagging for it and stuff.." she trusted Ryan more than she trusted anyone else.

Mr Lawson glanced down at his daughter when this was mentioned and then back up to the principle, "And was that reported yesterday when this alleged assault occurred? Or has this just come to light today? Because that seems like impeccable timing and a great way for the other student to dodge being expelled." Heidi looked up at her dad and said that she didn't lay a finger on the other girl yesterday and that she was making up lies to defend herself.

Ryan shook his head, taking Mila's uninjured hand in his, "Mila listen to me, you need to tell the principle what was being said to you otherwise he is going to get away with this and the punishment is going to land heavily on you. Plus, what if he does this to another girl? or several." he let out a small sigh, " I know it's hard and by the sounds of it he said some revolting things but you need to stand up for yourself here because it isn't going to go away on its own."
International star

Mr Spoons had really dropped himself in it now, was there any way to make this better without getting his ass sued for every penny he had. "I'm sure we can come to some reasonable agreement, both girls have obviously got off on the wrong foot but I think we can all let this blow over.. no consequences, yes?" He smiled, pressing his fingertips together. "After all your daughter did bring very personal issues into a matter that wasn't hers." He looked over at Heidi. He really didn't want to anger mr Lawson.

Mila shook her head. "But then my father will find out and he will know I've sneaked out the house and I'll be even more trouble! Please don't make me tell him." She begged, but he was right, his voice of reason was always right and it made sense but what had happened to her was something she was never gonna live down. "I'm gonna have to go in a minute, my parents will be here. I wish I could have you in the room when I get my royal telling off." She rolled her eyes.

Mr Lawson knew exactly what he was doing and he wanted to make everything perfect for his little girl. "I'm sure we can come to a reasonable agreement, and I think while my daughter recovers from this horrifying experience that the student involved should be temporarily removed from the premises. I'm sure that is only fair, a violent offender shouldn't be allowed to freely roam these walls while her victim is recovering.

Ryan let out a sigh, "Mila, I think there is a lot more serious issues going on here than just you sneaking out, you punched this guy and if you don't explain why you did it they might chose to take you out of this school entirely. If the other kids family thinks you did this unprovoked the police could get involved." he paused, looking into her eyes, "I'm not trying to scare you I just want to protect you okay." he pulled her in and gave her a kiss on the head, "be brave okay."
International star

Mr Spoons stood up from his desk. "The attack was a provoked one, your daughter is not innocent mr Lawson." He sighed, he wasn't getting through to this man no matter how much persuasion he was going to use. "Charlotte will get punished in due course and I suggest you keep your daughter away from her and teach her some manners. Now I have other parents to speak to, so good day." He went and opened his office door, where Mila's parents were sat outside waiting to talk to him. 

Mila shook her head. Leaning in to him she rested her hands in his hips. She was panicked and freaked out and ready to throw herself into a bin and be taken away as garbage. "I've really fucked up this time haven't I." She closed her eyes right, feeling her bottom lip tremble. She hadn't been so angry in so long and now the fear had taken over to new extremes. "I think I need to go now. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to audition or anything now." She wiped at her eyes quickly,

Mr Lawson was very unhappy with this outcome but had nothing more to say, "Come on Heidi, I'm taking you home. They didn't even send you to the nurses office did they? Shocking." he muttered as they left the office.

Mr Spoons was just done for the day, one angry parent down, one more to go. He took a deep breath and stepped out of his office, "Ah Mr and Mrs Morgans please come in," he said, holding the door open for them and let them take a seat. "I'll just get the teacher Mila is currently with to bring her to the office so that we can begin," he said, picking up the phone and calling Ryan, "Hello Mr Valentine can you please let Mila know that she is needed in my office, yes her family have arrived. Thank you." he put the phone down and turned to her parents, "As I said on the phone Mila got into a fight today." 

Ryan nodded his head, he had to be honest with her, "you just need to try and be brave okay." he said, jumping a little when the phone rang. He answered and talked with Mr Spoons shortly before placing the phone down and turning back to her. "They are ready for you Mila, your parents are there and Mr Spoons want you to head to his office. Give me a text when you can alright?"
International star

Trevor and Maggie had arrived with apt timing and were finally called into the office. They weren't bad parents, no, they were just very strict with their only child, making sure she took the right paths in life and did her best with everything. "Well thank you for letting us know, we have never seen this behaviour from Mila before and we don't quite know what would have caused it." Her father began, watching as Mila walked into the room, she was a shell of herself. Trevor scowled at her before looking at mr Spoons. "So what exactly is it that caused my daughter to act so irrationally?"

Henry was relieved when the bell went for lunch time and he could finally escape the hell that was history class, the one class that he didn't have with Heidi but he also didn't share it with Charlotte and so it was the most boring lesson of his life. He got into the corridor and text Charlotte. Where are you with your cute butt I think we need to catch up! X he sent, walking into the canteen to quickly grab a sandwich and a drink which he then took out tonthe field and he sat on the bench, munching on it. Having someone fight back against Heidi had been so good to watch.
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