Cry wrote:
I reached forth to my body, and touched my own hand. A chill ran down my spine as Violet ceased to sing. I knew that I could come back. I closed my eyes and let the warmth that I had been pushing down for so long flow through me. My hair slowly lifted in different directions as the warmth proceeded into the tips of my fingers. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself glowing. Although, I was not floating, as Violet was, I felt a strange power, "Scarlet." I heard a small sprite whisper, "You've activated your true form, as Violet did long ago." I smiled. I knew what I had to do. I let the sprites touch my eyes, and then the world was black. I heard Violet crying in agony, and I walked to where the feeling of grief was strongest. I set my hand on her cold shoulder, and set her to the ground. I set my blind eyes onto hers, and then I felt a wave of joy, regret, relief, and love. Violet pulled me into a warm hug, and then the sadness hit me. No longer would I see her smile, let alone her face. I stifled a cry, and I felt Violet's concerned eyes on me. I looked down, "I can't see you, Violet. I can sense you, hear you, and smell you, but I can no longer see you." I felt grief, and then anger coming from Violet. Even as twins we were worlds apart. She was the destruction of all life, and I, the creation of it. I felt her hand in mine, and we walked out. Even though I was blinded, I could still sense the beings. I was now more fearful of them than before. They were in me now, taking over every cell in me. I knew now that I could never leave Violet's side, no matter what happened. I was bound to her.