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a work in progress {rp}

Mr Spoons had rarely had to meet with Mr and Mrs Morgans as Mila was generally a brilliant student, but today was the day for extra stress and work. "Come in," he called as he heard the knock on the door and let Mila settle into a seat beside her parents. "Well her teacher reported that a boy in her class was making sexual references about Mila, however he did not quite hear what. Mr Bryans asked for silence in his class and the next thing he see's Mila punching the student in the face." he turned to Mila, "Can you please elaborate as to what provoked this behaviour?"

Charlotte was thankful when the bell finally rang, hurrying out of the class. As she walked down the corridor so many people were whispering and looking at her. Some congratulated her on doing what they all wanted to, others said she was amazing for standing up to a bully. She looked down at her phone and replied instantly yes we do, everyones staring at me.. are you sure theres no dick pics of mine going about?! meet you outside x she sent before buying her own lunch which was a simple cold pasta and an irn bru. Spotting Henry on the bench she smiled for the first time in a few hours "hey you"
International star

Mila settled down next to her parents and then listened as the principle spoke, hearing it from someone else made it a little bit more real. "I.. yeah." She sighed as she took a deep breath. Her parents were going to be so ashamed of her but she had to be brave, like Ryan had told her. "Last night I went to a party and me and Zack.. well.. we almost had sex. But we didn't. I pushed him off me and I told him I'd changed my mind and he respected it." She couldn't look at anyone, instead she stared at the window as she continued. "But in class he was talking to his friends, saying things about me, about my body, as if he'd touched me. And I snapped. No one gets to disrespect my body like that."

Trevor was fuming. His little girl, his baby girl had snuck out of the house, and not only had she gone to a party, which was forbidden, but she had also drank alcohol, and got naked with a boy? So many rules broken and now she was in trouble, this was the exact reason he was strict with her. "Mila you are a disgrace to this family, I cannot believe you have treated us like this. This is the final straw, I am not having you leave the house again. You can wave your tennis club goodbye, as well as your damn job, too." He was red in the face with anger.

henry looked at his phone and laughed, wiping his hand on his trousers he typed back you've got a dick? Now I'm intrigued and I must see.. for science of course! ;-) x  he sent it but then she was outside with him and his smile grew, her little face was something that always made his day better, whether it was a relationship or just a friendship, he could rely on her to make everything just a little bit easier. "Well hello there gorgeous." He kissed her cheek and then carried on with his sandwich, God school food was horrible. "So what was the outcome with mr spoonhead?" 

Mr Spoons felt possibly just as uncomfortable as Mila did, the shock seeping into his face as she described the situation that had occurred the previous night. Then he looked over to her parents, the pair of them looked like they were about to explode. Before he could even open his mouth to continue her father was going in, taking away this poor girls world. "Thank you Mila for being so .. open with us all about what happened, " he turned to look at Mr Morgans, "Teens will be teens but there is definitely no excusing the way that Zack has clearly disrespected your daughter which is definitely unacceptable. However, this of course does not justify your way of retaliation." he turned his head to her parents, "I would advise seeking some anger management classes for Mila but in terms of her school punishment there will be detentions for at least the next month."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, laughing at his response but she put her phone away and continued to their spot. "well it looks like both of us will be getting punished in some way, he wasn't clear about what I'll be doing but he said that for the meantime Ryan will be my acting guardian during this whole.. mess." she sighed, opening up her pasta and taking a few bites, "I feel like it's just not going to be this simple though, I slapped her for god sake?! what was I thinking." she sighed.
International star

Trevor shook his head. "No, this is unexcuseable, you've really showed the family up this time, Mila, you are a disappointment to me and your mother. From now on we will be dropping you to school and picking you up until further notice, and you are to not partake in any fun activity either. I know there was a play, well you can forget about that." He looked at the principle, shaking his head. "Back in my day you'd have forty lashings with a cane to teach you some damn respect." He spat. He was furious. And not just at Mila, if he ever found the boy that had tried to lay a finger on his daughter, he'd kill him in an instant.

mila practically cringed with embarrassment. There was more, but there was no way she could repeat the words that Zack had stuttered, it made her feel dirty just thinking about it. She looked up at the principle and gave him a small smile. "I understand.. I know what I did was wrong, I'm not excusing that. But please don't let Zack get away with this, don't let him think it's okay to talk about girls like that." She looked at her father and frowned. He was banning her from everything, her whole life ripped away, how was she ever supposed to see Ryan?

Henry listened to her speak, wiping his hands clean in the side of his trousers he screwed his rubbish up and stuck it in a little gal in the bench, he'd put it in the bin once they got back up. "I mean at least they aren't kicking you out of school, and I guess staying with Ryan won't be as, hopefully he won't be too strict with you and we can still have our little sleepovers." He took a swig from his drink, leaning back he watched everyone in the field, how everyone seemed to be acting different. It was weird how one thing could change everyone. "I think a lot of people people will agree with this, but she had it coming to her."

Mr Spoons had never seen a parent so frustrated and worked up over the fact their daughter had snuck out rather than because she had hit someone, "Well at this school we do not condone violence as a method of punishment." his attention turned back to Mila, "Oh no no he won't be getting away with the way he spoke to you. I'm glad that you were honest with us about what happened, without this honesty the student in question may have believed he could get away with doing something like this again. While I don't agree with your solution Mila I do applaud your bravery for telling us the full story." 

Charlotte nodded her head a little, "I'm probably not expelled because I bring high grades to this school stupid reputation." she laughed weakly before continuing to eat. "yeah hopefully he doesn't mind me hanging out with you, I mean he better not considering we know his little secret." she sighed. Henry was right, Heidi definitely had it coming to her. "well that's hard to argue with, she has been picking on people for years and no one has ever had the confidence to stand up to her."
International star

Trevor shook his head. "We will talk about this later Mila, and we will be booking you in for those anger management classes too, pronto." He stood up from his seat, adjusting his tie. "Thank you for your patience, principle. We promise Mila won't be causing any more trouble in the school, believe me." He cleared his thirst and took his wife's hand, and walked out, and out of the building to head home.

mila nodded her head, just glad that Zack wasn't going to get away with it. Too many times he had seen him get whatever he wanted from her a girl, she hate the thought of what he must be saying to all of those to persuade them intonbed with him. She still had a little bit of her lunch break and so she got up from her seat and slid out of the room, practically running into the canteen she got herself some pizza and a soda, and sat down at a table, pulling her phone out to text Ryan. Well I'm not expelled. But my life is just about over :-( I wish we could run

Henry rested his elbow on the back of the bench and then leaned the side of his head in his palm as he looked at her. He was just glad she wasn't crying any more, he wasn't so good at dealing with tears, he never had been, it just wasn't how he wanted to see her. "Well if it gets you staying here and out of the streets I don't care." He crossed his legs at his ankeles, letting out a big yawn. "I think if anything comes of it, people aren't gonna be so easily persuaded by her any more.." he ran his fingers through his hair. "But, Charlie.. what if there's some truth behind what Heidi was saying? Her dad is an officer, he might have told her something.."

Mr Spoons shook both Mr and Mrs Morgans hands, glad that they were leaving and that he could get back to having a nice quiet office. "Thank you for your time," once they had all left his office he put out an email to Zack's next teacher to advise them to send him to his office so that he could punish him next. Then it would all be over.

Ryan was sat at his desk eating his lunch, his eyes checking back and forth to his phone waiting to hear something. So the moment it buzzed he jumped, grabbing it in his hand and reading the message quickly, well I'm glad you aren't expelled beautiful, did your parents react badly? so I do. wish I could take you away from all this pain you are suffering xx He hit send, leaning back in his chair, this was going to rest their relationship. Their inability to be close or even share any source of intimacy was going to be difficult. 

Charlotte knew this topic was coming, the truth behind everything and it made he fall quiet again, looking down at her lunch and deciding she was no longer hungry, "it's probably true Henry, I think we both know that... she's not been home for nearly a week." she rubbed her head a little, feeling a pulsing headache begin, "would be lovely if the police had bothered to tell her daughter but I guess that would be asking for far too much." she laughed faintly, looking back at him, "but they can't take Robbie away, he is living with an adult guardian.. hes safe. " 
International star

Mila chewed in her pizza but she wasn't even feeling that hungry any more, she just wanted to keep her head down but all eyes were on her, the muttering of her name was making her angry but she was using all her strength to just ignore it and instead she concentrated on her phone, picking off the pepperoni from her pizza she ate it separately. Dad kicked off he's banned me from everything. And principle Spoons said I've got detention for the next month. This isn't fair :-( xx she was ready to cry, how were they supposed to see each other any more if she was under strict instruction? She wouldn't be surprised if Ryan went back to his wife to try and make it work. The thought hurt her heart.

Henry didnt want to upset her but they needed to face the reality, their home might have been taken from them completely and even if Ryan could look after them for now, he would want his own family and life eventually. "I know..more shit of them to not even tell you if they have found her, it's not fair on you, they have a dirty to look after you and Robbie, you're both minors." He reached over for her hsndm moving so he was sat a bit closer to her. "Robbie is safe, we will fight tooth and nail to keep him safe no matter what happens alright? Don't ever worry about that."

Ryan held his phone firmly in his hand, reading her messages as they came through, Jesus thats crazy! he shouldn't be doing that, that prick that made up those disgusting rumours should be the one suffering not you. I'm so sorry princess I wish there was something I could do to help but I don't know how? x He hit send, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a sip from the mug, trying to figure out what if anything they could do to solve this issue. Now they were going to be ripped even further apart from each other.

Charlotte held onto his hand tightly, moving herself into his arms for another big cuddle. She needed it, the stress she was going through right now was unbelievable. "would it be wrong of me to bail out of the rest of todays classes? I just .. don't think I can be here right now." she let out a deep sigh, tears forming in her eyes, "I need to go home and pack my stuff before anyone else gooes in and takes it." she pulled away from Henry, looking in his eyes, "I'm sorry, my shitty life always seems to ruin everything nice for us."
International star

Mila couldn't stand the taunting any longer and she got up from her seat, pushing her tray off the table and storming out, walking outninto the field area, letting the fresh air envelope her and wrap her up and pull her in. It was what she definitely need. She went and sat herself on the grass, putting her head in her hands and taking a few deep breaths. She looked back down on her phone eventually. Just wanna fuck everything off and leave, might just run away and join a nunnery :-( xx she crossed her legs over, the bell had already gone for lesson but she wasn't in the mood.

Henry pulled her into his ches,t his arms wrapping around her like a cocoon, , his hand stroking through her curls, he kissed her head softly. "I think that sounds like a really good idea, I think it's wise, you'll have all your stuff then, and you can be settled, and hopefully you being there will make Robbie feel more comfortable too, cos you can see how much he adores you." He pulled away, gazing down at her. "Don't be stupid baby girl, you're not ruining anything. First and foremost I'm your best friend and whatever you need, is what I want for you, I just want you to be okay." He smiled, pulling her jacket up around her face and pulling her in, nuzzling their noses together. "I like all this bunking off school malarkey."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh when he read her message, the thought of Mila in a nunnery would be rather sweet but definitely not the right place for her, maybe we should both just jump in my car and drive far far away. that would solve things in the short term x he hit send, his hands lingered over his phone until the bell went and he had to move himself back through to the theatre to listen to more people single badly and act very poorly.

Charlotte couldn't be more grateful than to have Henry in her life, she couldn't imagine going through all of this shit alone. "yeah, Robbie needs me and his best friend with the cooties." she said with a chuckle, but her eyes moved from Henry to Mila. She looked like she was going through some shit. "so if I said I need lots of sugary sweets and a big cosy blanket that's what I'd get? " she said with a laugh, getting up from the bench, "I just want to do ne thing first before we head alright?" and as she finished speaking she walked over to Mila, feeling a little awkward she hovered in front of her, "hey.. I saw you had a meeting with the principle as well, is everything alright?"
International star

Mila looked down at the message and her heart began to beat a little faster. I really hope you're not joking about that because that's what I want right now, just me and you and no one else in our business xx maybe he was just trying to make her feel better, and it was working. Being with Ryan was what made her happy, his voice of reason made her feel safe. Looking up when she head Charlotte. "Please don't start any shit.." she said quietly. Taken by surprised when she asked if she was okay. "I punched Zack in the nose and gave him a nose bleed. I've got detention for the rest of the month.. are you okay?"

Henry chucked softy. "technically you've got the coogirs now cos I've kissed you more than once, eeeww cootie Charlie." He teased, tickling her sides gently he got up, putting their rubbish in the bin he put his jacket on and then grabbed his bag, ready to leave. "You want a fuzzy blanket, I'll get you a fuzzy blanket, you want sweeties, I get you sweeties." He was ready to leave but Charlotte had wandered off to go and see the weird girl that was dating her cousin, and so he tagged along, awkwardly hanging around while they spoke. He still thought it was so wrong that this chick was dating a teacher but he had promised Charlotte he wouldn't mention it to anyone.

Ryan thought about it for a moment, he knew that what he said should have just been a joke.. yet there he was wanting to follow through. Mila brought this dangerous side out of him and he loved it, what if I'm not joking.. what if we go away for a little bit? just the two of us. he hit send, his nerves settling in but he tried to push that out of his mind. "Come on Dymitrius don't be nervous, just read from the script and give me your best efforts!" he said with a smile as the young boy came in for his audition.

Charlotte pouted, "I don't want to be cooties Charlie!! that's not fair," Once she was beside Mila she lowered herself down beside her, feeling bad for her when she said what had happened, "Fuck .. was he being an arsehole?" she asked, she knew exactly what kind of dick Zack was like. He had tried to come on to her far too many times to count and every time she rejected him he got worse and worse. "and I won't start anything, don't worry. I also got in a bit of a fight today so I am definitely not in a position to judge you."
International star

Mila smiled at Charlie, they were kind of alike, really, in a shit situation, and they just wanted a little bit of an escape to just live their lives. "He said we had sex and all this stuff.. and I know I kissed him at the party but I didn't do any of that stuff.. and now he's spreading the rumour all over the school, so now I'm a bit screwed up." She nodded slowly, "I hear you hit Heidi.. good on you, I hate her." She laughed quietly. "Can we just forget our weird little fall out? I didn't mean any bad words I said." 

He Henry raised an eyebrow. "You mean you didn't sleep with him? Booooy.. he's spread it everywhere. It's what everyone was speaking about in history class." He ruffled his hair around and sighed a little, he felt a little bad for this weirdo. "If I hear any more I'll make sure to put them right.. I'm not having some boys talk about an innocent girl like that." He took charlottes hand.

Charlotte felt sick to the core when Mila told them what he'd been saying, "he's a waste of space I swear to god." she said, shaking her head, "he really is vile, I'm sorry that happened to you Mila." she looked up at Henry and smiled, it was really sweet of him to say he would stick up for her if he heard anyone trying to spread the lies. She turned back to her, "I'm glad you didn't let him get away with it." she said before laughing a little, "Yeah so do I." she laughed, "I didn't mean them either, I'm sorry." she said, leaning in and giving Mila a small hug before getting up. "we are just away to bunk off, but I'm sure I'll see you around." she said with a smile before heading off hand in hand with Henry. 

Ryan watched as Dymitrius absolutely butchered the role of alpha wolf ... I mean the greatest tree ever to exist. "That was .. something Dymitirus but I think your talents might be better used back stage." he gave him a sympathetic smile before letting him leave the hall and a few other students came in. 
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