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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte thought about this for a moment, she wasn't exactly the type of person to cry in public let alone to get something she wanted, "I don't even know if I could cry on demand if I needed too.. you would have to stand nearby showing me photos of sad cats or something." she laughed playfully, her hand holding onto his tightly as they approached his house, "She must be wondering why she hasn't seen Heidi at all in the past few days, especially since it was her birthday recently" laughing a little she paused, stopping in the street, "what if she stops letting me stay round now that we are dating?"

Ryan chuckled, thinking about their get away made him want to leave right now, but surely that wouldn't be appropriate.. right? he had just recently been made Charlie and Robbie's guardian, but she was practically an adult now anyway. "gosh that's the last thing we need! your face on massive posters and the news and the world trying to track you down." he laughed, shaking his head, "that would land us both in deep trouble." when she mentioned his wife he just shook his head again, "Radio silence, which isn't much of a surprise. She was trying to force a fantasy world on to me while doing the tango with the devil."
International star

Henry smirked at the thought of it. "Okay I'll be behind the teacher holding up pictures of sad cats and things and you can cry your eyes out, we have a deal." He unlocked the front door and slid in, taking his shoes off and throwing his jacket onto the coat hooks by the front door. "Just leave your bags down here and we can take them round to Ryan's later. Or you can stay here for tonight if you don't feel like facing it, but it might be worth going there just to settle it all out with him." He went into the kitchen and poured them both a glass of Pepsi max. "Grab the sweeties baby, it's cuddle time." He went into the living room, grabbing the biggest cosiest blanket they owned.

Mila laughed at the thought. But then again, she had got away with sneaking out without them even realising, she could always do it again. This sneaking around was a little fun for her and she enjoyed it more than she wanted to admit. "Exactly, I bet they'd use the worst photo of me possible as well, not a cute one with my best make up." She stuck her tongue out, heading to the stage where she pushed herself up so she was sat on the edge, letting her legs swing. "I suppose it's not a bad thing though she sounds so toxic and horrible. I thought I was a bad person but she is definitely pure evil, the way she has treated you." Her hands rested on the tops of his arms.

Charlotte followed him inside, shoving the suitcase against the wall so it was out of everyones way and then kicked her shoes off, "I can't wait for you to have to actually go through with this," she laughed, grabbing the bundle of sweeties that they bought and following him into the living room, laying the sweets out across the table. "I should probably stay at his again tonight, maybe he will have some sort of info on what's even going on." she laughed, grabbing hold of the blanket when he came through with it. 

Ryan let his mind think back to some of the photos she had sent him and he found himself smiling without even realising it, "maybe they would use one of your school photos where you have had to look all prim and proper." he chuckled, "I know my school photos were horrendous yet for some reason my parents always bought them." he shook his head, "you are not a bad person at all, she however.. she is truly something else." he as stood in front of her, smiling as he gazed into her eyes, "I'm glad you never had to meet her, because she is not the nicest woman."
International star

Henry shook his head. "Whatever it takes to make you cry i'll do it, I'm just such a romantic." He teased waiting for her to come in he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and then sat down on the sofs, reclining his legs and then pulling her down on his lap, his arms around her waist placing just a few gentle kisses to just behind her ear. "That sounds wise. You two can come up with some sort of plan, and he can make sure you're happy and got everything you need. Maybe you'll start getting pocket money again." He grinned, turning the to on,

Mila gasped. "There is no way they're allowed to show my school photos to anyone, I don't even have a fringe in those pictures, it's sooo cringe." She would basically die if those pictures were shown, she took pride in how she had given herself a glow up, and to be reminded of those photos was not something she wanted to haunt her. She slipped her bag from her shoulders and took her little leather jacket off too, getting a bit more comfy, even though it was nearing to the end of the day. "Would I be able to take her in a fight?" She joked, just a small smirk playing on her lips.

As Charlotte felt the blanket get wrapped around her shoulders she pulled it round over her front as well so she was completely wrapped up before moving so she was resting on Henry's lap. He was incredibly comfortable and his touch made her finally relax for what had to be the first time today, "Pocket money?! oh how lucky am I." she giggled, looking up at him and touching his nose gently. "how was the rest of school after you abandoned me to suffer my cruel fate with the head of the spoon committee." 

Ryan smirked, "so you wouldn't even show me those pictures huh?" he asked, before chuckling at the look on her face at this wild suggestion. "Hmm.. let me think." he said, running his hands gently along her legs until placed on her knees which he playfully tickled, "considering you have proven yourself a fighter today I think you would be able to knock her out in one." he laughed, letting his hands fall away from her knees so that he wasn't tickling her anymore.
International star

Henry kept his arms loosely around her, it felt nice to be able to cuddle someone he loved without them fidgeting or him doing something wrong. Heidi always told him off for not holding her properly but Charlotte didn't seem too bothered, which was a relief. "I Know right, if you're lucky maybe it'll be £5 a week, imagine all the fizzy laces you could buy." He opened the packet that was in her hand and slid one out, taking a big chomp out of it. "You wanna know what I really did? He went and had a nap on the bench. I thought we'll if Charlotte gets to drop out of lessons then so can I." He laughed quietly.

Mila shook her head even more, making it look like it would fly off her shoulders in seconds if she did it for any longer. "No way, you are the last person that is seeing those photos believe me." She watched his hands and at first it felt really ncke, being caressed, until the tickling happened and she squealed, attempting to slap his hands away. "Okay do that again and I will actually have no choice but to cry." She smirked just a little, she wasn't proud of her fighting but she was pretty impressed by the punch she had landed. "That's good then, just so I know." she ran her hands down his chest slowly, adjusting his tie for him.

Charlotte watched as he dangled the fizzy lace near his mouth before taking a chomp out of it, "realistically I should get myself a job, now that there is someone to take care of Robbie I don't need to be home all the time so I should get applying so I can start saving for my own place." she said before getting her own lazy and nibbling into it. "did you really?" she couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head, "you are going to get yourself into a lot of trouble missing class y'know. I can get away with it because I'm troubled"

Ryan did a playful pout in her direction, "but Mila pleaseeee I would love to see your cute lil face before your glow up." he teased, bopping her nose with his finger. "ah so I have found your tickle spot have I? those precious knees of yours." he did an evil grin and let his hands hover of her knees again, pretending he was about to tickle her once more but not actually doing anything. "I doubt you will ever need to actually fight her though, to be honest with you I'll be surprised if I see much of her again. I have no belief that that kid is going to be mine.. as much as I would love to be a father. " he shrugged a little, "but it may just not be my time which honestly, I would be happy about."
International star

Henry shoved the rest of the fizzy sweet in his mouth, pulling a bit of a funny face at it. "Bloody hell they're  tangy aren't they, really hits the spot." He kicked his fingers clean of the sugar, they really weren't his cup of tea, he'd much rather his crisps. "A job would be cool, getting your own independence back is a really good idea. Now you know Robbie is being looked after you have one less thing to worry about, and you can concentrate on you." He leaned back on the sofa, his arms behind his head. "I'll just have to let them know that my trouble friend was a big distraction and led me astray."

Mila poked his bottom lip gently with her finger. "No way. You definitely don't need to see mini Mila, there is nkthing cute about that, plus you taught me back then you should know what I looked like." She teased, pulling her legs up and swinging her legs playfully so he couldn't get to her knees. "You're a bigger meanie than I first thought." She narrowed her eyes, resting her hands on her knees self consciously. "That makes me sad for you.. I could see how much younkind of wanted to be a dad, even if it was under the wrong circumstances. But you'll get there one day. You're still young." She didn't want to add herself to the equation just yet.

Charlotte giggled at his reaction to the sweetie, "just the way AHUHAHUH I  LIKE THEM" she sang playfully before dropping another sweetie into her own mouth. She loved tangy sweets, anything that made her scrunch her face up a little with enjoyment was her kind of treat, "it would be good to have some freedom of my own, because as nice as it would be living with Ryan.. it'll start getting weird. What if he doesn't let me have a boyyyy round." she said wiggling her finger at him, "a boy like youuu." she teased.

Ryan shrugged a little, "but my old memory needs jogged, I'm sure you can appreciate just how old and slow I am." he said, pretending to be an ancient old man for a moment. "ME?! A meanie, you are terribly misinformed my kind lady, I am but a saint of a gentleman." He looked down at the ground again, the topic of being a father making him a little awkward for some reason, "when the time is right it will happen, I'm sure of it. But with her.. it definitely wasn't right." 
International star

Henry watched as she ate the sweet she shaking his head, "Charlotte you are some sort of masochist I'm telling you, straight from hell is where you've come from. Torturing your own belly with nasty sour stuff." She watched as her finger went round and round, waffling st him, before reaching up and very gently biting it, swirling his tongue around it. Making it an extra soggy finger. "If he doesn't let you have boys around which I'm guessing he definitely won't want another student round his house, you'll just have to come and chill here." He smiled.

Mila shook her head st him. "Find, but this is only because I love you okay, even if you did tickle my knees to death." She loaded he phone up and went onto her snapchat, going onto her memories she scrolled back to way before they had ever even started speaking, and found a picture of herself with barely any make up on and she had no full fringe or anything. She turned her phone so that he could see the screen. "Look, foetus Mila. Now it's your turn, you'd gotta show me some of you when you were in school." She nudged him gently with her foot. "Hey.. no time to be sad.. " she smiled a little.

Charlotte pouted as he made her finger all sloppy, but she wasn't going to let him away with this sort of torture, "maybe I am the master torturer!" she said, a devilish look forming on her lips as she stuck her now soggy finger deep into his ear, "WET WILLY!" she squealed playfully before pulling her finger out and drying it on the blanket. The look of horror on Henry's face making her laugh even more so that she rolled back on the seat so that she was lying down with her feet on his lap. "you are probably right."

Ryan eagerly awaited this flash from the past from Mila, watching as she scrolled back on her snapchat but tried not to take a peak at any of the pictures she had. "ohhh look at you Mila you are adorable!!" he grinned, admiring her smile, "it's weird seeing you without a fringe y'know, you suit one so well it just changes your face shape entirely." he frowned at the mention of his school photos, "FINE. but only because you showed me one of yours. I was far more dorky at school that I am now.." he said taking his phone out of his pocket and going through old memories on Facebook before finding one of him with some glasses on and a bit of a wild haircut. "here.." he said, showing her the picture.
International star

Henry thought he had got away with being the ultimate con artist and slobbering on her finger, he didn't expect her to use it to get back st him and all of a sudden the inside of his ear was soggy and he squeaked. "Okay now it's time for pay back, you are not getting away with that." He waited until she was lying down and her feet were in his lap before grabbing a hold of one of them and running his finger up and down the middle of it, tickling her. Holding onto her foot tightly so she couldn't escape.

Mila quickly out her phone away, a little embarrassed by her old photo. "You mean itnhides my big forehead? I know what you mean you don't need to me." She teased him, waiting until he brought up a picture of him when he was younger. He was definitely skinnier and his fashion sense had changed, but other than that, he was still so handsome. "Damn you suit glasses so much. How come you never wear them any more?" She looked down at the picture again. "I would definitely fancy teenage Ryan if he was at this school."

Charlotte felt smug, she had gotten her revenge and now she had won the game. "Wait... no DONT YOU DARE." oh but Henry dared, he started tickling her foot and he knew how ticklish they were. The giggles flooded after her but so did the desperate squirming in order to escape. "Henry... St..o .. P" she said through gasps for area in between the hilarity of it all, using her other leg to push at his leg to try and wriggle her way to freedom.

"That is not what I meant in the slightest, I just think you suit it. Makes your eyes pop even more which I personally love." Ryan said with a smile, waiting for the laughter to commence when she saw his picture yet she was smiling. "ah that would be thanks to the wonderful world of contact lenses. makes life about a billion times easier than messing around with glasses, and keeping them clean all the time." he chuckled, a grin on his face, "Now now, no need to boost my ego that much. I did have an interesting fashion sense but so did everyone at the time so it wasn't just me I swear."
International star

Henry had a devilish grin on his lips as he continued to tickle her, he was relentless and wouldn't give up until she was all tickled out and almost peeing her pants. Until her other foot came flying st him and kicked him square in the jaw and he quickly let go of her, letting out even more laughter as he held into his aching chin. "No need to attack me, Charlie, god you're out for everyone today aren't you." He teased, patting her foot, he wiggled his jaw about a little. The grin on his face still strong.

Mila handed his phone back to him, after opening up the camera and taking a sneaky little selfie of course, sliding his phone into his pocket for him. "Hmm that's a shame, I kind of dig the nerdy glasses look you were rocking." She poked his nose softly with her nail, before pressing a very gentle kiss to his lips, the bell going indicating the end of the day. "You were a skinny little green bean too back then huh? Now you've grown into your big man muscles, I guess that's what happens when you're old." Her smirk grew.

Charlotte hadn't meant to kick him in the face and she quickly withdrew her legs and sat bolt up right, "oh my god are you okay?" she said rushing over to him and prodding lightly at his jaw with her finger. "you know you are playing a dangerous game when you go for my feet, I just go into full defence mode and feet go flying." she pouted a little, looking at him, "I'm sowwyyy" she said childishly, before giving him a small on the lips as an apology.

Ryan hadn't noticed her take the selfie but smiled as she slid his phone back into place, "well I never knew you were into nerdy boys, maybe I'll have to start wearing my glasses around you more often." he said with a grin on his lips, but that changed as the bell went. He slid his arms around her and lifted her up off of the stage. "now I'm a big strong man that can carry his very beautiful girlfriend around." he said as he placed her down on his desk, his eyes trailing across her. "are your parents picking you up today?"
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