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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry out his arm around Robbie, his hand on the top of Charlie's head, he gently scratched it in a loving way, twirling some of her hair around his fingers, he watched as Robbie ate the sweet and laughed. "I would say I told you so but you didn't even give me the chance." He kept his voice low, looking a Charlie before back at him. "because there's a rumour going round, little man, that you had her sleeping on your bedroom floor last night, and she just didn't get a very good sleep that's all."

Mila stood back and let him do most of the work, if she had taken charge there was a big chance she'd have burned the butter before even trying to do anything else. She watched him do it and her mouth was in a little 'o' shape. "Wow, you don't even use the ready made boxes either, you make it all for, scratch. Get you, mr chef." She teased, adding the pasta into the sauce he watched as he stirred it all together and she couldn't help dip her finger in and lick it.

Even though Robbie had turned his face up at the sweets he decided to grab another one from the packet, but this time taking his time eating it. He felt his cheeks flush at the mention of his sister sleeping on his bedroom floor, "that wasn't my fault.. she.. she was scared of being alone so I offered her my floor." he said, trying to seem like he was a big brave boy. As his memory jogged a little he looked at his sister and then back to Henry, "she was crying last night, in her sleep." he said even quieter then before, "is it because of mum?"

Ryan had been making this recipe since he was a young boy so he had perfected the art, "what can I say, Gordon Ramsay would be rather proud of me." he laughed as she dipped her finger in, "oh but we aren't quite ready yet!" he said with a grin before taking out a baking dish, emptying the mixed up pasta and sauce into it and then sprinkling more cheese over the top. Afterwards he slid it into the grill, "and now we wait around 7 minutes and it will be ready." 
International star

Henry sighed quietly, he could see the look on robbies face and he knew he had to play along to not disappoint him. "I know, you're such a big strong boy but I think Charlie is just about grown up enough to look after herself now." He smiled, but then frowned when he brought his mom up. "Yeah.. kind of. Do you know much about your mom, Robbie?" he didn't want to go saying too much just in case Charlotte had never really mentioned it to him, he didn't know what his relationship with his mother was like.

Mila watched as he tipped the beautiful creation into another bowl and then it was put away in the demon oven and she wouldn't be able to get her hands on it for another seven minutes. "My mouth is watering already, I don't actually know how I'm going to cope waiting for it to cook." She laughed, taking all the dirty pots and things and washing them up. That as something she did know how to do, she was on washing up durty every day at home.

Robbie was glad that Henry hadn't questioned what he'd said about Charlie sleeping in his room, "I know but I keep her safe," the topic of his mother had always made people go a little awkward, it happened at school as well. "Charlie just says she needs to go away a lot because she isn't well, but all the other kids say their mums are there all the time." he sighed, looking down at his toes. "but Charlie is way better than all of their mums combined,"

Ryan chuckled, "no more sneaking nibbles before it's ready!" he followed her over to the sink, grabbing a towel and drying the dishes after she finished washing them. "we make for a good team, you and I." he said as he dried the inside of one of the pans. He jumped when the timer went, "it's readyyyy," he said, throwing the towel down and putting on his oven mits to remove the food from the oven and place it onto the countertop.
International star

Henry was so proud of this little boy, he understood so much more at such a young age, and nothing seemed to scare him, not really. He smiled as he looked st Charlie, before back at him. "Yeah your sister is definitely amazngm isn't she. Definitely worth having cooties for." He teased and tickled his sides gently, looking at his laptop, the film was already close to ending, and his mother had just come through the door. He sat up slightly and leaked his head out the den. "We're just having some chill time. I'll explain later." His mom simply smiled and nodded, walking into the kitchen without another word.

Milaeiggled her fingers around. "How can I help it when there was such tasty cheesy goodness in front of me huh? I have no self co from when it comes to food, you saw me with the pizza." she laughed, clapping her hands when the food was ready, she dried her hands and waited for him to dish it out, picking the crispy bits off the sides of the dish and burning her fingertips in the process, but it was all worth it. "Mmmm this is the best thing ever."

Robbie giggled when Henry mentioned cooties, it was still possibly the funniest word he had ever heard. He stuck his head out as well, copying Henry like he often did and waved his hand towards his mum with a cheeky grin before vanishing again, but he accidentally nudged Charlotte on his way back to getting comfortable.

Charlotte felt a small foot kick into her side and her eyes fluttered open to see both Robbie and Henry in their fort, "how long was I asleep for?" she said, rubbing her eyes and glancing at the laptop to see the credits rolling, "more than ten minutes I'm guessing." she laughed.

Ryan had almost forgotten about the pizza from a few nights ago, time had made a fool out of him with how fast it was travelling, "I almost forgot about that, key word being almost." he dished up two portions for them, putting the leftovers back in the cooling down oven incase his two house guests came home and hadn't eaten yet. "I'm glad you approved," he chuckled as he went and sat at the dinning room table with her. 
International star

Henry shook his head at Robbie, "you little copy cat, what would you do if I jumped off a cliff huh? Oh yeah of course I'd be at the bottom to catch you after you followed me." He stuck his tongue out at him and then looked over at Charlotte. "Hello sleepy head." He reached over and gave her head a little scratch. "Yeah but Robbie explained you got scared in the night and cried so even though he was really brave and let you sleep on his floor, you probably really needed it." He closed his laptop but stayed lying down, he wanted to stay like this forever, it felt perfect.

Mila smiled and sat opposite him at the table, pulling her legs up and crossing them over, she was glad he wasn't a sit in front of the tv and drop it all down you kind of guy. She used her knife and fork neatly and ate her dinner, nodding her head. "Compliments to the chef, this is divine. Don't think I'm ever gonna be ale t eat boxed mac and cheese ever again after this. You're gonna have to make it in big batches so I can sneak it home and eat it." She licked her lips clean.

Charlotte looked over at Robbie, shaking her head a little bit. She hadn't realised her brother had heard her crying and was hoping that Henry thought it was something he had made up. "Robbie I can't believe you told Hen about that! I thought that was our little secret," she said as she pulled him onto her lap, giving Robbie a little kiss on the head before turning to look at Henry, "don't believe a word he says! " she laughed.

Ryan ate quietly away at his dinner, his mind elsewhere in the world. "Well I am glad you enjoyed your meal," he said with a smile forming on his lips as he finished off his own bowl. "it's fairly easy to make as you saw, I'm sure you'd be able to master it in no time." once they had both cleaned their plates he stood up and took the bowls back towards the kitchen, popping them into the sink for washing up later. He let out a small yawn, feeling the day catch up with him but he wasn't about to lose out on precious time with his girl, "what would you like to do for the rest of the evening beautiful?"
International star

Henry wanted to know exactly why she was crying, was it his fault? Had he made her cry? It hurt his chest to think he'd maybe caused that but he brushed it off for now. "Little robmeister are you making things up now? You know what happens when you tell fibs, your nose will be as big as mine and you won't be able to see where you're going." He smirked, picking up the empty wrappers and stuff. "My mom is back by the way, she wanted to know if you're staying for dinner."

Mila was so satisfied after the mac and cheese, wow this man was handsome and he knew how to cook, there was no way she was letting him slip from her fingers. "Yeah I definitely wouldn't be able to do that, I'd burn my house down or something." She got up from the table, tucking her hair behind her ears and pulling her jeans back up from where they rolled down, she went over to him, resting her hands on his hips gently. "I would like a million smooches and then i should probably think about heading home." She said quietly.

Robbie gasped, covering his nose up quickly, "I wasn't telling fibs honest ! Please don't give me a big nose I don't want to look like Freddie from my class" he shuffled his way out of the blanket fort now terrified he was going to end up with a big pointy nose.

Charlotte rubbed her eyes a little, trying to wake herself up properly. She laughed as Robbie panicked about his nose and left their fort, "He's not kidding that other kid has a big ol' nose." she said before stretching her arms and yawning, "if she is offering up her cooking I would definitely like to enjoy it." she said with a small smile. 

Ryan had turned around to see her walking over to him, a small pout on his lips, "I suppose that's fair, don't want them panicking about where you've gone off too." he said, his hand running through her hair but then he snuck it underneath her full fringe and lifted it up like a flap. Quickly he planted several kisses on her forehead before letting the hair fall back down. "they do say that a fringe is a window to the forehead," he said with a cheeky laugh.
International star

Henry burst into laughter, tilting his head back as Robbie ran off from the fort. "I wanna see this kids nose now, is he really that Ugly?" He smiled, the way she stretched, she looked so damn cute. He was so lucky to call her his best friend. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips, his finger under her chin to tilt her head up. "It's spaghetti bolognaise just the way you like it." He pressed another kiss to her lips and then pulled away, keeping their faces close. "Was it me that made you cry last night?"

Mila shrugged. She didn't care any more, she was fed up of being the perfect little child for her parents, she wanted to live her life and have some fun. "Maybe I'll just become a ninja and disappear all over the place." She waggled her eyebrows at him, but gasped when he lifted her fringe up and attacked her head with kisses. "I can tell believe you have just exposed my big head, how very mean of you." She patted her hair down self consciously.

Charlotte nodded her head, trying to hold back the laughter, "it's really wonky, kind of like an old mans nose on little boy," she kissed him back, cuddling up closer to him now that she was feeling more awake, "oo you do know that's one of my favourites Henry, now I will just positively have to stay." when he brought up last night she sighed a little before nodding her head, "Partially, then also just worried about being alone.. and then partially alcohol making me a bit more emotionally unstable."

Ryan could imagine Mila dressed up in the stereotypical ninja costume, jumping around elegantly and being silent but deadly. "If you are going to be a ninja you'll need to remember to eat your snickers! We've seen the advert so we know what happens if you don't," he chuckled, a grin across as face at the panic in her eyes after his forehead attack was launched. "I didn't see a big head anywhere, just a very gorgeous girl who doesn't like when I lift up some of her hair."
International star

Henry liked her nose gently. "Not a cute little button nose like yours then, I could just munch you up." He made a snort noise and then began to munch on her face tickling her sides gently while he did it. He then sat up while he listened to her. Damn he had made her feel so bad, he really was a prick. "Well I apologise with all of my heart Charlie, I promise if I ever make you cry again I want you to tell me so I can kick myself in the ass." He crawled out of the fort on his hands and knees and then stood up.

Mila narrowed her eyes slightly, "I know, I'm not me when I'm hungry. I have to eat chocolate just to let me survive through the day." She nodded as if it was a matter of fact, she looked up as if she could see her fringe, before looking back at him, now that she fringe was back in its place. "I have a big forehead okay you can tell just go showing it off to everyone, I'll have you done for being a bully." She stuck her tongue out st him and slowly pushed him backwards so that he was back in the living room.

Charlotte squealed, moving away from him so he couldn't eat her nose, "no this is my nose!!" she squealed playfully, glad when he stopped trying to chase her precious little nose. "you don't need to apologise anymore Henry, we talked about it this morning, I just didn't want to sound pathetic by telling you what I ended up doing last night." she followed him out of the fort, looking over at Robbie, "now mr you better get some of your homework done tonight okay? just because you got to use the big tv doesn't mean you don't have to do work later."

Ryan was thankful that she got the reference, putting on the advert voice he said, "your not you when your hungry!" he chuckled before pulling her in for another kiss, a proper one this time rather than attacking her precious forehead. "You don't Mila where on earth have you gotten this notion from!" he said, watching as she sorted her hair back into place before following her back into the living room and flopping back onto the sofa. "we need to come up with a plan for tomorrow, and how you are going to get your clothes into my car for going away"
International star

Henry shrugged, "I know I've already apologised but I just feel so bad, especially now I know I've made you cry it just makes me an even worse person." He ruffled his hair around as he looked at Robbie, grinning. "Oooo you're in trouble now boy, you gotta do your homework, loser." He stuck his tongue out st him and then picked him up so that he was sat on his left shoulder. "But for now, we shall let you eat dinner so that your brain can think." He carried him into the kitchen where his mother was just serving up dinner and sat him on one of the chairs.

Mila flopped on to of him on the sofa, resting a knee either side of him and straddling him, her hands on his chest to keep her secure. "You know you're really making some top class points this evening." He was right, how was she supposed to pack a bag and sneak it out of the house and into his car without anyone seeing anything? "I mean I literally have no idea, unless I can just fit it all into my backpack and I can just say it's gym day or something."
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