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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte skipped through the front door, kicking her converse off beside the door and heading into the kitchen to drop off their snacks. "A top secret hiding place from She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" she said with a giggle before heading towards his mums room, rummaging around to find her pjs. She took them through to Henry's room and dropped them onto the pillow, planning to change after they had collected Robbie from school. 

Henry took his seat behind his desk and turned his laptop on, reading through and replying to multiple emails as the class worked away on their projects, he gave them around twenty minutes before standing back up and wondering around the rows. He stopped to talk to several students, Mila being one of them, "the use of colour works really well here Mila," he said with a smile.
International star

Henry opened up a kitchen drawer and placed their snacks to one side and then headed upstairs to his room after her, flopping down on his plush king sized bed. He'd somehow managed to bag the best room, and so had enough space for a king sized bed, as well as a desk with is computer set up, and a hell of a sound system. He turned his tv on and lowered the volume, just for some background noise, stretching his arms above his head. "Okay, would you like to top and tale with me or would you like the guest room?" He lifted his head to look at her.

Mila had drawn a storm, dark clouds and thrashing waves along the page. It was something she tried not to be, she tried to be calm as much as she could and see the positives in life, she had to otherwise her world would be full of rage. She rested her pens down once she was near enough done and sat back up straight in her seat, smiling when he came over to her. "Thank you.. it's everything intrynnot to be.. I thought that was pretty opposite." She smiled up at him. She tried her very best in his class, always putting in a bit of extra effort.

Charlotte lay herself down beside Henry, gazing up to the ceiling where there was still a few glow in the dark stars remaining. She remembered when they had put them up together because Henry had been having nightmares, but that was many years ago. "I'm happy to top and tail as long as you are?" She said looking over at him, "not like your bed isnt big enough for the two of us" she chuckled.

Ryan let his eyes gaze along the page, she was talented that was for sure but she doubted herself too much. But he had to pull himself away back to the front of the class. "Alright class, now that you have created your alter ego can you raise your hand if you have ever felt like you arent yourself?" He watched as many hands in the classed were raised, "now think, when you didnt feel yourself, were you like your alter ego?" Many hands remained up, and he nodded his head, "but let's consider that many of the attributes you have given to your alter ego are emotions everyone may feel, even just once in their life time. We are all capable of feeling or acting in ways that arent usually us. That's something you can pull into the world or acting, singing, painting, dancing or even political and law. "
International star

Henry nodded his head. "That's fine with me. And you say that but you still hog up all the room and I end up on the edge." He teased, kicking her gently in the leg he turned onto his side so that he was faving her, and smiled. "Its mad to think that we've been friends for so long, isn't it? No matter what we've both been going through, we've always been there for each other. I love that. I couldn't imagine having anyone else as my best friend." He whispered the last bit, gazing into her eyes for a moment.

Mila couldn't believe what he was saying, it's as though he'd wormed himself into her brain and was swirling them around, and spitting them back out from his own lips. How he was describing, it was exactly what she and been feeling earlier, when she had seen red, how the angry monster inside of her had taken over her body and she had become someone else for just a second. And it felt amazing to know that her emotions and feelings were valid, too. "Mr Valentine, have you ever felt like your alter ego.. not you, someone else?" She asked, smiling over at him.

Charlotte couldnt seen to take her eyes off of Henry, he just made her feel incredibly safe and warm inside  "I do not hog the bed! Just keeping my distance from you," she chuckled, "I'm lucky to have a best friend like you, couldn't imagine going through life without you by my side yaknow." She said with a smile across her lips, her eyes locked with his. She could feel butterflies forming but she tried suppressing them, not wanting anything to ruin their friendship.

Henry turned his head towards Mila when she spoke and he smiled, nodding his head, "oh most definitely, at different points throughout my life. Even in adulthood, there are times where I feel like I slip into this other version of myself, which can be great at times. Especially when needing a confidence boost, however sometimes it of course can be of disadvantage. But we should never be ashamed of ourselves for acting out of our norm, because we are all humans and we can feel so many different ways." 
International star

Henry titled his head to the side, smiling so sincerely, he reached his hand out to her side, before grabbing a hold of her hips and pinning her down, tickling her like crazy. He knew just how ticklish she was and now he had her trapped just beneath him and he found it hilarious. "You snooze you lose, haha!" He teased, tickling up and down her sides. Heidi never let him do anything like this, she always said he was too rough and that it hurt. 

Mila tilted her head to the side and smiled as she listened to him. Wondering exactly what his alter ego would be like. She couldn't imagine him any other way. He was such a strong and brave man, the nightmares that he had told her about his wife, the names that she called him, she couldn't enever believe that Ryan would be like that. "Wow.. that's hard to believe. You're so calm with us all, I couldn't even think of you being anything else but that." Shrugging, she looked back down at her work.

Charlotte, for a foolish moment, thought he was flirting with her but then the dreaded tickles began and she let out a squeal. "HENRYYYY STOOOPPPPP" she said through laughter. She tried to wriggle out of his trap but there was truly no escaping the tickle trap, "STOOPPPP" she squealed again, tears of laughter forming in her eyes as she tried to fight off his devilishly quickly tickle fingers. "I WILL GET MY REVENGE I SWEAR !!"

Henry felt his heart grow warm at Mila's words, to hear her say that was touching and several of the other students agreed with her, "thank you," he said with a smile, lowering himself back into his seat and glancing at the clock, "Ah, not long left. I suppose I should draw your attention to a few key things. Firstly, and most excitingly, we have auditions for the school play on Wednesday, I expect to see most of you there." his eyes met with Mila's and then continued around the room, "Secondly, homework! Your assignment is to pick out positive traits that your alter ego may have and that you would like to possess. Then say how you could achieve them." the bell rang just as he finished and he grinned, "you may go class."
International star

Henry let out a belly laugh as he eased his hands off her, but let them stay resting on her hip bones and his laughter slowed to a simple soppy smile on his lips. "Hmm, I'm not so sure about that, I am the tickle champion, after all." He finally let go of her and stood up straight from his bed, glancing down at his Apple Watch. "I supposed we should go and pick up Robbie in a second, can't leave him standing outside for too long." He reached over to his desk chair and grabbed his hoody.

Mila looked back down at her desk, trying her best not to stare at him for too long, but it was just so hard when all she yearned for was to feel his lips on hers again. She simply couldn't wait until later on, just the two of them together. Gathering up her things once the bell rang, she slid them into her folder and then slipped her folder back into her bag after noting down the homework, making sure to take her time so that she was the last one and she lingered for just a little bit longer. "I booked the hotel.. and sent you the details.." she said quietly.

Charlotte wiped the tears from her eyes once he had finally stopped tickling her, "you are gonna be in trouble later on Mr" she said with a pretend little pout on her lips, but it didn't last long. For the few moments they stayed like that she couldn't help but gaze into his eyes, wondering what was going on inside his head. "yeah otherwise I'll be in trouble," she laughed, getting up to her feet and heading out of his room. She grabbed her phone that was thrown down beside her backpack hey little man, wait outside the school gate, Henry and I will come get you x She hit send before slipping her shoes on once again, "I'm glad your mum doesn't mind Robbie being here, it's refreshing seeing him have a positive adult influence in his life every now and then."

Ryan watched as all his students filed out of his class, packing up his own paperwork and turning off his laptop as well, he lifted his head when he heard Mila whisper to him, "walk to the usual street and I'll pick you up, " he said in equally hushed tones before turning to pull on his suit jacket and ruffle his hair. He chanced a glance to watch her leave the room and a grin crossed his lips once more. Pulling out his phone he texted his wife, hey sweetie won't be home tonight, got a conference across town to do x He hit send after hovering over the button for a minute and then headed out of his classroom.
International star

Henry shook his head as he walktzed out of his room with her and back down the stairs, shoving his feet back into his trainers that he had kicked out earlier. "It's no big deal, I think she secretly likes it. She always says she regrets not having any more kids so I think it's nice for her to have something to concentrate on, give her motherly love to." He picked up his keys and grabbed a little carton of juice out the fridge, puncturing it with the straw he took a big slurp, walking out to his car. "I feel like it should be Friday already, I can't wait til this year is over with."

Mila nodded her head, butterflies began fluttering in her belly and her eyes sparkled under the fluorescent lighting of the school. "See you later, sir." She called, walking out and round the back of the building, using the entrance that wasn't as popular, she slipped out the gate, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Won't be home tonight Mom, going round to Stacey's to study for a test. Love u x sending it, she carried on walking and headed out to the mother side of the little town, waiting next to what used to be a bus stop, their regular meeting place. She couldn't wait to have him all to herself.

Charlotte wished her own mum was as caring as Henry's, whenever she came round here there was always so much love it made her feel welcome. "well both Robbie and I appreciate it." she said with a smile, heading out and back into the car. It had been a while since they could properly come round because of Heidi wanting to mark her territory, she didn't really understand or care to understand Charlottes situation. "I wish it was the weekend all over again, I feel absolutely drained." she laughed, looking over at him, "what are you going to do at the end of the year? we haven't really talked about all that ya'know."

Ryan stopped off in the staff room to say goodbye to a few of the teachers before clocking out himself and heading out to his car. He tossed his briefcase into the back and loosened his tie a little before driving in the direction of their meet up spot. IT was far too risky meeting her close to the school, the last thing they needed was people seeing. He pulled up beside her and pushed open the door for her, "get in," he said with a warm smile, turning the radio down as she entered the car so that he could hear her properly.
International star

Henry shrugged. "Well wee appreciate your company. I dunno what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life sometimes, Charlie. You're like my little guardian angel." He grinned at her as he drove along and slurped on his juice box, pulling up outside of robbers school, he waved to him and smiled once he'd climbed into the back of the car. "Did you have a good day at school mate? Hey, listen, how about we have a sleepover tonight? We can have lasagne and I got some sweets for you too." He smiled at him through the mirror, driving back to his house.

Mila always hated this bit, she felt like she was being spied on, and if anyone had bothered following her for some reason, the both of them would be getting into so much trouble. He'd lose his job and maybe get arrested, and she'd definitely be in a hell of a lot of trouble with her parents. Climbing in she closed the door gently and pulled her seat belt on. "Well what a surprise to see you here." She teased, resting her bag between her feet she leaned back in her seat, staring out the window. "Did you get my message with the details?"

Charlotte blushed a little but turned her head to look out the window so he couldn't see, "oh shush you" she said with a laugh. smiling as they pulled up outside the school and waving to Robbie as he bolted for the car with possibly the largest grin on his face.

Robbie could not believe his luck, first he gets to see his bestest mate in the world in the morning and now he's getting a sleepover with lasagne! "YES We were making cards today for people that we were thankful to and and I made one for you" he said racking through his bag to take out a poorly handmade card that said tank you on the front. He thrusted the card forward onto Henry's lap before sitting back. "SLEEPOVER!" he squealed with excitement.

Ryan chuckled, " I know, who'd of thought I would find you here?" he said as he brought up google maps with directions to the hotel, "indeed I did, now you hold this and tell me when I need to turn off because I never trust the lady that represents google maps." he said with a laugh, pulling away and zooming in the direction of the hotel. "you look gorgeous today by the way, I never got a chance to say earlier." he tried to keep his eyes on the road, but kept sneaking glances at both her and his phone to make sure he was going in the right direction.
International star

Henry sat there for a second as he listened to Robbie, God, why was this kid so fantastic? He couldn't wait to have his own one day, hanging out with Robbie made him really believe he good be a good father one day, and have his own little family he could love. He couldn't wait for it. "Well this is just awesome! I can't believe you did all that for me, I am such a lucky dude." He kept the card on his lap as he drove back to his house, chuckling at the excitement. "Wow, maybe not too many sweets for Robbie."

Mila grinned over at him as she took a hold of his phone and zoomed in a little so she could see it a little better. She definitely should have worn her glasses more often but she just felt like such a nerd in them, she tried to cope without. "Okay.. it's not too far I don't think, just on the other side of town. But I thought it would just be nice for both of us to be away.." she tucked some of her hair behind her ear, glancing out the window now and again to make sure they were on track. "I could say the same to you.. I love when you wear white shirts." 

Robbie had a grin on his face spreading from cheek to cheek and as soon as they pulled up to the house he bolted inside the moment the door was open and heading straight to the spare room, where he knew some of his clothes and toys would be.

Charlotte picked up the card from Henrys lap and smiled as she read the messy text within, "he loves you like a brother, its adorable." she said with a sigh, handing the card back to him and heading back inside the house, kicking her shoes off once again and letting out a little yawn before looking back at Henry, "I'm gonna get changed out of these jeans." and with that she headed back up to his room, changing into the PJ's she left at his which consisted of dark purple shorts and an oversized matching jumper with an angel on the front. 

Ryan nodded his head, agreeing that it would indeed be nice to get away. Home life was unbelievably stressful, his relationship with his wife was weird, sometimes things were normal and then all of a sudden things would take a turn and they would be shouting until the early hours. "I almost always wear white shirts," he chuckled, but gave her a caring smile, "ah.. here we are!" he said, pointing to the sign for the hotel and pulling into the car park. "your castle awaits, m'lady" he said with a cheeky twinkle in his eye, before getting out of the car and heading in with her by his side.
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