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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry laughed. "We really were just stubborn weren't we. Aaah well, maybe us having those hidden feelings is just gonna make me love you even more than I already do." He kissed her on the top of the head but gasped when he heard the front door and jumped up, racing to open it he took the bags off the man and nodded thankyou. "Food is here gang!" He called, walking into the kitchen he began to pull everything out of the bag.

Mila grinned even more. "Okay I guess I can love you and your steak filled belly too, if it's part of the package." She turned her head so that it was facing him while she was lying there but she didn't have too good a view of him, butnshe could see his sneaky little eyes closing. "Woah, if I can't go to sleep neither can you." She ran her hands up his skdes to gently tickle him.

Charlotte nodded her head, they had definitely been stubborn idiots. "are you saying you love me already Henry?" she said, biting her lip but just like that the doorbell went. "FOOOOOD." she squealed and jumped up and ran into the kitchen to look out plates and cutlery for them. 

Robbie heard the bell and then the call for food and practically flew down the stairs, the sweet smell of Chinese wafting through the house, "I'm starrrrvviiiinnnnggggg" he said, desperately waiting for his sister to dish everything up.

Ryan chuckled softly, "This is a package deal, buy one get the other regardless but I come with free shipping so I must be a bargain." He was glad she got his humour, with his wife she just would never laugh or even find what he said remotely funny. He started to squirm as her fingers found their way against his ticklish sides, "don't you dare tickle me Mila otherwise I will declare a tickle war on you." he said as he opened his eyes to look at her, his hands tickling the air threateningly. 
International star

Henry turned his head to her when she come into the kitchen. "I think it's pretty obvious that I love you, you little squirrel." He got the plate she out and started to dish up his own. "We still sit st the table Robbie, even though we are Ina different house. We can't make a mess on the carpet okay." He went and load the table, putting the placemats out and then went and poured Robbie a glass of diluted juice. He got him and Charlotte a can of Pepsi and then went and sat down, ready to dig in.

Mila laughed quietly. "Well when you put it like that how am I meant to say no, huh? You're just too good an offer to refuse." She laughed as she sat up from her lying down position, her menacing grin on her face as she put her hands in the air. Was it really worth the ticke war? Definitely, and I'd she keofnher butt heavy on him he wouldn't be able to escape hopefully. She tickled his sides like mad, trying her best to avoid being tickled.

Charlotte couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of her face, this was what love was and she couldn't get enough of it. She emptied Robbie's chicken balls into a bowl, and his chips in a separate one before placing them both on the table, his tub of sauce to the side, before returning to the kitchen to dish up her own. "we got free prawn crackers!" she said merrily before taking her own things to the table and sitting down. "the last thing we need to be doing is making a mess on the carpet." she said with a laugh.

Ryan could see the look in her eyes, it was devilish and she was surely about to strike. "the war has begun!" he said and he reached his arms up to her and started tickling her sides, "I know your knees are your kryptonite Mila and you can't hide them from me forever!" he said, the devilish grin now on his own face as he wriggled around to try and reach her knees.
International star

Henry sat downbeat at the table and dug into the food. He didn't realise how hungry he was until the food was in his mouth and then his stomach was rumbling and he couldn't eat fast enough, he was practically inhaling the food. "i know, could you imagine the bill he'd charge us with? How is he gonna cope having a little riot in his house, it won't this tidy any longer." He reached for a prawn cracker and scooped up his curry with it, shoving it in his gob.

Mila was trying her best to hold his hands away from her while she tried to tickle him but he was too strong  had flipped so that she was under him now and she put her hands in the air, squealing and laughing with her eyes closed as he tickled her all over, tears rolling down her eyes. God damn him and his mighty muscles, she had been defeated.

Charlotte dug into her food and, rather cheekily, stole a few chips from her brothers bowl and dipped them in her own sauce. "He would probably ground me," she said before laughing, she couldn't imagine it happening, "or maybe detention." she said with a little snort, cringing at her own joke before continuing to eat.

Robbie gasped playfully when Charlotte took some of his chips, "charlieee these are mineeee" he squealed but continued to eat his chicken balls with not much of a fuss.

Ryan had a huge grin on his face as he was now on top of her and tickling her to possibly death. his hands going crazy on her knees as she kicked around but he finally raised his hands up int he air. "I AM VICTORIOUS!" he said with a grin as he wiped the tears from her face, still laughing himself. "You put up a good fight and there was a moment I thought you were going to win, but you just weren't quite strong enough."
International star

Henry also cringed at her joke. "God you won't be able to step a foot out of line now, you'll be in trouble all the time. What if he's really strict?" He laughed, digging his fork into the rice and shovelling it in his mouth, and when Robbie wasn't looking he robbed a couple of chips as well. Shoving them in his mouth before he could say anything. "Remember Robbie, you gotta finish all your dinner to get your treat, be a good boy." He smiled as he watched him eating his dinner. 

Mila put her hands up in a surrender and shook her head. "Okay okay you win but please just leave my poor knees alone because I might not be able to walk again now." She let the laughter die down but a silly grin was still on her lips as she gazed up at him. "Guess I need to work on the gun show a little harder." She flexed her arm muscles at him and then giggled again, sitting up from the bed she kissed him gently. "You look very handsome you know."

Charlotte pouted a little, "well he isn't strict with me at school.. you on the other hand, I seem to remember him giving you a detention recently" she chuckled, eating some more of her food. She grabbed a few prawn crackers and dipped them into her sauce.

Robbie didn't see Henry take any of his chips as he was too busy dipping one of the largest chicken balls into the sauce and trying not to make a mess, "another treat?!" he said with a mouth full of chicken.

Ryan moved off of her so that she could get up, "For now I shall leave them alone... but I'm not promising they won't be tickled again soon." he said before giving her a few kisses as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Just need to give it a few more of the old POWPOWS" he moved away and pulled his shirt off, changing into a more relaxed t shirt. "Don't you flirt with me little missy," he said with a smile on his lips, "come on lets get a move on and get out to the shop, I'm pretty sure I saw one just before we turned down the road to the hotel."
International star

Henry nodded his head. "Uh huh, like I said if you're a big boy batman then I have a surprise for you. And you're doing such a good job with your dinner like a big grown up dude, I'm very proud." He had always craved having a little brother or sister but his mom had said that he was enough of a handful, she couldn't put up with another child. "Well yeah but he has some kind of vendetta against me, can't you talk to him and try and persuade him that I'm a good guy?" He sat back once he was finished, rubbing his belly.

Mila nodded in agreement. "You'll have to show me how to get gigantic muscles like you." She watched him get changed and she had to stop the drool from spilling out of her mouth, she would never get over over how good he looked bare. "How can I not flirt with you when you're looking like that, it's like putting a steak in a dogs mouth and telling him not to bite." She stood up and slipped her feet into her converse, and pulled her jacket on too, retrying her hair back into a messy bun on her head. "Okay lead the way munchkin."

Robbie loved the sound of surprises and treats, he was a boy of simple needs. "I am a batman!" he said proudly, continuing on with his dinner and managing to near almost everything bar a few chips. "my belly is full" he groaned.

Charlotte ended up leaving just under half of her food but she put it all into a container and into the fridge, leftovers were always her favourite part of a takeaway. "nope you will have to impress him all on your own." she said with a laugh, going behind Robbie and ruffling his hair around, "you did well batman." 

Ryan flexed his arm muscles a little as she mentioned how gigantic they were before pulling the shirt on. "That is a very good point Mila," he chuckled, pulling his leather jacket on, "I suppose this dog will just have to get use to all of these incredible compliments." As he slid his feet into his own shoes he grabbed his wallet from the table and shoved it into his jeans pocket, "all ready?" he grinned as they headed out of the villa and away from the beach. 
International star

Henry watched as he finished almost all his dinner, it was better than he'd seen him do before and the bribery seemed to have worked. "You did good champ, let dinner go down and I'll wash up and then you can have it okay." He ruffled his hair and picked up the rest of the plates and things and took them to the sink. "I'll do the washing up Charlie, you go sit down." He smiled as he ran the sink and washed everything up, dumping it on the draining board, he went to his bag in the hallway and pulled out a little sticker book he had got for Robbie and took it in to him.

Mila felt like a wet noodle when he flexed his arms and had to take a moment to close her eyes and pull herself together. It just wasn't fair that he gotto look that good and she had to control herself. "Good because the compliments will never ever stop." She patted her pockets to make sure she had her phone and the door key and then headed out hand in hand with him, in public. God it felt magical. This was how it was supposed to be.

Charlotte wondered up behind Henry as he began washing the dishes and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "thanks, for everything." she said before heading into the living room but stopped to talk to her little brother, "did you enjoy all that food you got Mr?" she said as she kissed the top of his head before going to sit on the sofa and he headed off upstairs.

Robbie nodded his head before heading off upstairs to sit and play with his toys but he lifted his head to see Henry come in, "what's the surprise??" he grinned. 

It felt good, being able to to walk hand in hand with Mila was one of the best feelings in the world. Ryan squeezed her hand gently, smiling down at her as they walked. "I wish we could do this all the time, just walking around hand in hand." As they walked along the street he paused waiting for the lights to change so they could cross the road. "This will hopefully be our reality one day," he smiled.
International star

Henry felt this loveliest warm feeling in his chest when Charlotte came up behind him, it made him know he had made the right choice admitting all his feelings to her. He sat in the seat next to Robbie and put the book in front of him. "It's a little stick book, with all your favourite superheroes, and look." He cupped his hands round the sticker to make it dark. "They glow in the dark as well, so you can have them next to you in bed and you won't have to be scared of the dark, or you could give one to Charlotte so she isn't scared of the dark." He added.

Mila looked down at their hands, stroking his hand gently with she thumb though she couldn't quite reach all of his hand, so she gave it a good squeeze instead. "It's only a couple more months until I leave school, and then all of this can be a reality. As soon as I do my exams and I'm out of there, I want this to be real." She hoped it didn't scare him. She walked into the little supermarket that was like a Tesco express, and picked up a basket for their goodies.

Charlotte had put her feet up on the sofa, turning the tv on and trying to pick something to watch but most of what was on was garbage so she decided to turn Ryan's xbox on but logged in to her own account and waited for her data to load properly.

Robbie couldn't believe his eyes, the book was so magical and it had so many stickers of Batman, "Thank you Henry!" he said, holding the book in one hand while he wrapped himself around him, giving him a big old squeeze hug, "you are the bestest best friend a boy could ask for, you are definitely my Robin!"

Ryan nodded his head gently, but he knew deep down there would be rumours but hopefully they could make it look like they only got close after she finished. "Do you know what you are wanting to do? After all your exams and whatnots. It's not really something we've talked about." as they walked into the shop he watched as she picked up a basket and they began wondering down the isles. He picked up a few snacks as they entered the crisp isle, those were his food kryptonite. 
International star

Henry bent over and gave Robbie a little squeeze. "You deserve it, you're such a good brother to Charlotte, and you're such a cool best friend. Now you play up here okay and I'll tell Charlotte you're doing your homework." He winked and waved to him before going back down the stairs and flopping onto the sofa next to her, putting his feet up, he wrapped one arm casually around her shoulders. "What's on the box sweetness?"

Mila knew the possibility of them being together straight away after school was going to be really difficult but she just wanted some normality with her life. Plus she had some really big decision making to do. "I haven't really made any decisions yet.. I'm just sort of floating.." she said quietly, biting on her bottom lip. But it was a lie, and she knew she needed to tell him. She picked up a packet of monster munch and added them to the basket. 
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