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a work in progress {rp}

Robbie grinned cheekily, "your the best." he said before delving right into his sticker book, flicking through the pages and getting excited.

Charlotte lifted her head as Henry came back downstairs, "thought you were never coming back," she laughed, "well he doesn't exactly have a lot of games to chose from but he does have Netflix on here so I suppose that's an option." she said as she cuddled into him, getting herself comfortable.

Ryan raised his brow a little, that was a pretty vague plan but he didn't want to say too much. Maybe if he pushed her too much it would come off as too teacher like rather than just a boyfriend wanting to be supportive. "that's fair, you still have time to look at things and consider your options." he made his way out of the snack isle and spotted a disposable camera, picking up two he put them in the basket, "one each, means we can capture double the memories!" he said cheerfully.
International star

Henry laughed quietly. "I wasn't just helping him with a little bit of homework that's all. He's really good with his numbers though, I'm very impressed." He yawned as he leaned back, letting her body fall into his. "We could watch bates motel or something, that's a pretty cool series. Or some girly film that you might want to watch." He grinned down at Herman, pressing his lips to the top of her head. He felt like he had done a lot of growing up the past week and felt a lot more like himself.

Mila didn't want to cause much of a scene in public sonshe kept her reasonings to herself for now. That's right, she was finally being rational and calm. "Yeah I mean there's a few things out there but nothing really interests me. I might just slip straight into a job so I can afford my own flat or something." She gasped when she saw the cameras. "How amazing, I know they would have them here. This is going to be so exciting." She went down the drinks aisle and got herself some Pepsi cans and then looked at the Booze, not really knowing what was what.

Charlotte made a little aww sound as Henry said he had been helping her little brother with his homework, "you are so good to him honestly, I bet most lame boyfriends would just want to get rid of him but you always look out for him." she made a little pout, "you know I'm not some girly girl Hen! we've been close for how long and you've seen be doing girly things how many times." she laughed, before selecting bates motel to put on and cuddling up nice and close.

Ryan nodded his head a little, surprised that she wasn't interested in pursuing her art at all, "I'll support you with whatever you end up doing." he chuckled, at her reaction to the cameras, "and they aren't even that expensive either," as they entered the booze isle he saw how confused she looked, "not much of a drinker huh? we can just get some tins then." he said before picking up a selection of fruity ciders and putting them in the basket. "anything else you like the look of?" he asked.
International star

Henry grinned. "I've known him since he was born and grown up with him as like a little cousin or something, he's just a cool little guy, he's not like other annoying kids." He reached his hand up the wall and turned the main light off so they were more in the dark for the slightly creepy show and maybe she'd just have to cuddle into his chest if it got too gruesome. "Well I just wanted to give you the option that's all, it's a,ways nice to consider things." He laughed, settling down with his arms draped around her.

Mila smiled st him, and it was a proper genuine smile. It sometimes felt like he was the only one who supported her with what she wanted to do in life and didn't just stick her down the road which made sense. "That party was the first time I've ever really drank. But I had some rum with Coke and I think I liked that. And I had a shot of tequila.. that was gross." She shook her head at the memory of it, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"that's fair, you were around when he was just a small ball of crying and pooping," Charlotte laughed, remembering how her dad had tried to stick around to help raise Robbie but it only lasted until he was one and then he just left. As he turned the light off she cuddled a little closer, just to be comfortable. "you are such a know it all sometimes," she said with a laugh, moving herself up to kiss him on the cheek before getting comfy as the show started.

Ryan could just imagine what Mila would have looked like trying to do shots, "tequila really isn't the best first timer shot I'll be honest with you but at least it wasn't a jaegerbomb." deciding not to get any other alcohol he headed towards the till. With a smile to the assistant they didn't even get ID'ed and he bundled everything into two carrier bags before leaving the shop. "I can't even imagine you trying to do a tequila shot Mila," he said laughing once more. "I remember the first time I tried one, had to sit down for a good ten minutes before it hit me hard."
International star

Henry nodded. "Uh huh, but even then when I used to hold him now and again I knew how to make him drop crying. Me and him just have this bond, we are two cool dudes and that is unbreakable. But if anyone asks I'm batman and he's robin, no matter what he says." He laughed and settled down into the sofa, one hand leaning on the arm of it with his head on his hand, the other around Charlotte and stroking her arm gently. "Yeah but you wouldn't have me any other way."

Mila shrugged. "I don't know why I even agreed to it I think I just felt a little bit pressured like it was the right thing to do." She followed him and was thankful for not gettkng I'd'D by the lady, did that mean she looked older than her age? "I felt like my brain was broken after it and I don't really remember a lot else after doing it, it must have been a really strong tequila or something." She laughed, walking back to their villa slowly.

Charlotte chuckled, "now I think you've gotten that mixed up because Robbie tells me all the time that he's batman, so you will just be forever known as his side kick." she paused, a smirk forming, "OR you could be cat woman, maybe I'll suggest that to him tomorrow." she giggled before shaking her head, "no I wouldn't. I never want you to change because I love you just the way you are."

"There is rarely a time you take tequila without being pressured by at least one other person in the room, at least that's how it use to be. It's been a while since I've properly been out." Ryan said with a little sigh, his friends had invited him out a few times but he kept turning them down because his wife never approved. "A life lesson for you here Mila, all tequila is strong, it's the devils juice I swear." he laughed as they walked back to their home away from home, "can you get the key out my pocket please?" he said as both his hands were full with the bags.
International star

Henry stuck his bottom lip out at her. "Robbie is definitely lying plus it's in his name, I am the biggest boy I should get to be batman it's only fair." He laughed while he thought about her second option but shook his head again. "No I can't settle for that either, that's not good enough. I am batman or nothing, I think you'd look in car woman's outfit thought i think I'd pay to see that." He prodded her nose gently with his finger. "Oh you love me do you Charlotte?" He teased.

Mila tilted her head to look up at him. "Are you Turing to tell me that you're a party animal, Ryan? I definitely didn't expect that from you, I thought you'd rather be tucked up with a hot cup of cocoa." She teased him, and looked up at him as she took the key from his pocket. "Is that just the key or are you happy to see me?" But she unlocked the door and ran inside before he could tell her to stop flirting again, it was just too funny.

Charlotte laughed, he was determined to be batman, "well while it's just you and me you can be batman, how does that sound?" she said before giggled a little more, "how much would you pay exactly..? because I am trying to save up money and every little counts." she laughed before prodding his nose back, "maybe I dooo, maybe I don't." she said as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Before I started my teaching job I was, but now trying to find time to go out with my mates isn't always easy, plus the staff nights out are lame." Ryan said with a chuckle, "I suppose you don't know me quite as well as you thought you did." He laughed at her corny joke, shaking his head as they headed back inside and he placed the bags down onto the table. "you are a little rascal aren't you"
International star

Henry chewed on the inside of his mouth like he was really considering it and let out a sigh. "Find, okay. I will Ben your batman and you will be my cat woman, that's fair." He smirked down at her and pressed his lips to hers, his hand cupping under her chin and pulling her in close. "I'd give you all the money in the world if it meant seeing you in a cat woman costume." He laughed, pulling her into him even more. This was what he loved about the freedom, he could just kiss her whenever he wanted. With her permission of course.

Mila gasped. "You mean there's a whole personality to you that I don't even know about? Shocking, how could you hide such a thing from me, Ryan." She took her shoes off and her jacket and shivered a litt,e, though the weather in the day had been gorgeous it was still a little chilly at night time. She turned her head over her shoulder at him and winked. "Well duh, but you wouldn't have me any other way, so it's fine." She stuck her tongue out. "Now is it hot tub time?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully at him, "If you are going to be paying me all of the money in the world than I suppose we've got our couples costume sorted for halloween don't we," she giggled before pressing some kisses to his lips before pulling away and cuddling her head into his chest and letting herself get comfy in his lap. "having this place to ourselves makes me really desperate to have my own home."

Ryan gave her a cheeky wink, "You wouldn't believe all of my dirty little secrets Mila, for example could you ever believe that I was the proud collector of tiny teaspoons during my teen years?" he took his shoes off and his jacket, shivering a little as well. He went over towards the heating and twiddled the dial about, hoping that would warm the room up for them. "YES!" he said with a cheeky grin, grabbing his bag and raking through it for his little swim shorts so they could get in. 
International star

Henry laughed and ran his fingers through her hair, his thumb stroking her softly as he held her to him. This was such a good feeling, to just have the girl of his dreams in their arms and he didn't have to think about whether or not he was doing or saying the right thing. "I know, it would be amazing to own a house like this. Kind of makes me excited to be an adult, almost." He gazed down at her while she was looking away.

Mila laughed as she took off her jeans, and then went to her little bag that she had packet and pulled out her little red bikini she had packed. All of her swimwear had been for abroad holidays, they weren't really meant for practicality. "I'm just gonna go and get changed." She went into the bathroom and locked the door after her, pulling off her top and h derwesd, she changed into the bikini and stared at herself in the mirror, feeling slightly self conscious, she sighed and stepped back out.

Charlotte could just imagine them as adults, Henry would just be even more attractive than he was now maybe with some facial hair. Pulling herself into reality she looked back up at him, "are you thinking of applying to any universities?" she asked, they had barely spoken about the topic since Heidi had been in the way ninety percent of the time. What if he had decided to apply somewhere miles and miles away? Then what would she do.

Ryan waited until she had vanished into the bathroom before he got changed himself.  Glad that she took the initiative to leave the room, it seemed she was definitely on the same page as him as to how slow they were going to move their relationship. As she came back into the room he had started filling their glasses with champagne and he was surprised he didn't drop the bottle, "wow.. you look stunning." he said, pulling himself together to finish off the last glass. 
International star

Henry was in his own little dream world as he thought about his future. Charlotte was in it for sure, she would always be there. And he just hoped that it would be as his wife, maybe, one day. But he was getting ahead of himself and he looked back down at her. "I think ive had enough education.. I'm considering just getting a job or something, and really sticking my heels into the adult world." He admitted, looking into her eyes. "How about you, Charlie?"

Mila felt her cheeks go rosy and she went over to the bed where there was a folded towel and quickly wrapped it around her body to keep her body warm. "Thank you.." she said quietly. But being this vulnerable in front of someone was only reminding her of the other night when Zack had seen her like this. "Ooo champagne." She went over to him and picked up a glass, kissing him on the cheek before taking a sip and then going to the back door.

Charlotte was a little surprised to hear him say he wasn't planning to continue education but she smiled, it meant that at the very least they wouldn't get separated. "well.. I've actually applied for a scholarship for going to university. I'm still waiting to hear back but my grades were definitely good enough, it's not like they could say no to a straight A student." she laughed nervously.

Ryan pulled his gaze away, seeing that she was a little uncomfortable. Lifting up his own glass, he said "cheers" and gently tapped the two glasses together before grabbing his own towel and following her outside. He dropped his unused towel on the table before moving the lid off of the hot tub and stepping in. "ohhh body it's toasty" he said with an excited grin on his face as he lowered his body into the warmth of the water.
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