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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte raised a brow slightly, "you aren't getting to keep me in a sex dungeon!!" she said but the moment he pushed opened the door she made a run for it, knowing the gig was up but he grabbed her before she could go far. Laughing hard she looked at him, "YOU WERE SO SCARED TO OPEN THE HANDLE" she could feel tears coming from her eyes because she was laughing so hard, "fifty shades of grey room, how you believed that I'll never know."

Ryan gave her the look, a little pout on his lips as well for good measure, "I'm nowhere near the age of the queen thank you very much! I'm not even in my thirties yet." he said, ruffling his hair to try and show that he was young. "That's the spirit, enjoy yourself before you've got to do adult things and have stinky responsibilities." He watched as she filled her glass up but didn't comment, "I would like to maybe go to Peru, I use to play a game called Tomb Raider and a lot of it was based in Peru.. looked beautiful in video game form so maybe it would in real life as well."
International star

Henry couldn't believe he had fallen for such a prank, he felt like a fool but this just meant he had to get her back at some point, and he would. He tickled her sides softly, keeping her in his arms, grinning at her. "Well you looked really scared! And I was being a big grave boy protecting you from the weirdo cousin that you have, how was I supposed to know it was fake." He laughed, looking down at her. He looked down at his watch and raised his eyebrows. "It's more than past robbies bed time."

Mila narrowed her eyes when he gave her the look, and when that didn't work she opted for the big sad puppy dog eye look as she gazed up at him, moving so that she was in front of him and hesitated before sitting on his lap, the bubbles covering her shoulders. "That sounds nice. I never really play video games, my dad says they get in the way of education." She shrugged, looking up at him, the bubbles slowly going to her head.

Charlotte took a few minutes to try and calm herself down, but all she could remember was the look on his face when he realised he had been tricked. "You were super brave Henry, thank you for being so protective." she giggled, looking down at his watch and gasping, "how is it that time already?!" she turned away from him and headed into Robbie's room, gently knocking on the door before entering but there was Robbie asleep with his head on his new sticker book.

Ryan shook his head, taking a sip of his own glass before setting it back down, "your parents are a lot stricter than mine were. I'd say video games let you escape from reality for a little, which can be very healthy for your education." he ran his hand along her cheek, moving some of her hair behind her ear as he admired how beautiful. He was incredibly lucky to have someone this gorgeous even remotely interested in him. "I'm sure your parents have some big extravagant future plans all mapped out for you as well."
International star

Henry let go of her and watched her go into robbies room, sticking his head over hers, he smiled. "Yeah, that homework must have been real hard." He tiptoed in and picked him up very carefully and laid him in the bed, pulling his duvet over him and kissing him on the head, turning his main light off and putting his night light on. He closed the door but not completely before tiptoeing back down the hallway. "And now it's time for the audkts to partay." He waggled his eyebrows. Going into her bedroom and taking off his trousers. "FINALLY I can breathe."

Mila reached for her glass and finished off her third of the night, which wouldn't be a lot for most but this was the girl who had got drunk off one shot and a glass of rum and Coke. So now she was feeling rather tipsy and it was showing in her eyes that were just a little bit bloodshot. "They're strict with everything, I can't do anything I want to without them consenting." She rolled her eyes, bringing her hands up to rest on his bare chest, her heart beating. This was the closest they'd ever got. "I need to tell you something." She whispered.

Charlotte was about to say something but she decided against it, she wanted to stay quiet and she watched as Henry got him tucked into bed. She tip toed over to the curtains and pulled them closed so that darkness filled the room until the night light was turned on. She planted a small kiss on his forehead before leaving the room and following Henry. "You realise you could have taken those off hours ago right? I doubt Robbie would have minded. " she said with a little laugh.

Ryan watched as she downed her drink a bit too fast, and he noted that she should probably not have anymore. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him, partially so she didn't reach for the bottle. "Hopefully once you can afford your own place and you are out of their control you'll get to live your life properly." He looked deep into her eyes, "go ahead, the floor is yours." he said in a much softer voice, a little concerned about what she was about to say.
International star

Henry stretched his knees and rubbed his thighs, he'd never felt so fidgety in all his life. "I know but I just don't feel comfortable lazing around in my boxers in someone else's house that I don't really know. Only you get the luxury of my thick thighs." He waggled his eyebrows and then lay his torso back, stretching his arms above his head. "One more day as then we've got the weekend ahead of us, thank fuck. This has been the longest week of my life, I think."

Mila had just the smallest of smiles on her face when he held her close, their chests together, her arms slipped around his neck and she shuffled her butt a bit closer to him, leaning in to kiss him with quite a bit of passion, a drunken giggle falling from her lips, but t soon stopped and she cleared her throat, trying to think about how to tell him. "I'm going to oxford university, in September. As long as I get my grades.." she whispered.

Charlotte shut her bedroom door and laughed at his little eyebrow wiggle, "you could have borrowed a pair of my joggers.. which come to think of it I'm pretty sure are actually yours that I borrowed a while back." she said as she flopped down on her bed, groaning as he mentioned school. "maybe if we are really lucky it will snow really heavy over night so that we don't have to go in and then we could go outside and build snowmen." she turned her head to look at him, "I missed you at Christmas this year, how was spending it with Heidis family? You never really said much about it"

Ryan kissed her back passionately, holding her close as he did so but he pulled away to let her talk. "Oxford..?" he said quietly, "why didn't you say anything earlier Mila? I mean this is amazing." he said looking into her eyes, trying to figure out if this was her dream or her parents, "What course did you apply for?" he asked, knowing that this answer would give him some sort of direction but he couldn't deny the heartache he was feeling. Earlier on she was talking about them having their lives together and now it turned out she was moving away. 
International star

Henry laughed. "Are you serious, have you been hogging my favourite tracksuit bottoms all this time Charlie." He turned his head to her when she was lying, his hands resting on his chest. "What I'm gonna tell you really digged at my ego and I know you won't tell anyone but.." he frowned. "That was the first time Heidi properly hit me, at Christmas. She hasn't done it many times but apparently I was an embarrassment in front of her family. Which is a shame because her mother is lovely but she's just like her father." His jaw clenched at the thought of her.

Mila looked down at her hands. She'd been holding this in for so long but it wasn't fair to keep it from him, she wanted him in her future but that was looking almost impossible now. "Because I don't want to go." She admitted, finally lifting her head to look at him, to see the heart break that was lying on his face, she had caused that. "I'm doing a fine arts course. I just need to make sure I ace the final exam piece and I'm in." She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

Charlotte nodded her head proudly, "of course, they are really comfy and have such a cosy lining to them.. plus you technically never asked for them back so." she said with a giggle before she sat up a little to listen to what he had to say. She knew about Heidi hitting him, but he rarely wanted to talk about it before and it took a lot of self restraint not to step in. "I still can't believe that she did that to you, and I bet you hadn't been an embarrassment either.. you are far too lovely."

Ryan looked at her and let out a small sigh, "oh Mila," he said softly, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. "Why did you apply if it's not somewhere you want to go? " he listened to her, of course it would be in fine arts. She was an incredibly talented artist but she didn't even seem happy. "That sounds like an incredible opportunity but you don't look happy about it at all, princess." 
International star

Henry never really opened up about the extent to which Heidi treated him so badly, he liked to block it out and as stupid as it sounded, he felt like less of a man for it. "I felt like I deserved it. I didn't get her the right Gucci handbag or whatever, I don't even know.. I tend to block out after a while." He admitted, his hands over his face. His heart beating slightly faster than he should have, he gulped, taking some deep breaths. "And I, just scared she's gonna turn it around on me somehow." He finally admitted. The nudes, he could deal with. But he had never laid a finger on her and he didn't want that rumour to start spreading.

Mila nudged her forehead against his chest, because looking at him and the sad look in his eyes was making it even more difficult for her. No matter how much she didn't want to go, while she was living with her parents, she had no choice. "My dad said it was either that or send me off on some year long experience in Asia.. character building of some shit like that." She mumbled, lifting her head, wiping some tears away with her hands quickly. "Because I don't want to go.. I don't want to leave you.  her bottom lip wobbled.

Charlotte sat herself up properly so that she was sitting beside him now, "You didn't deserve it Henry, not any of it. She was just an ungrateful person and she wanted to drag you through the mud until you were her perfect little toy." she wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his chest. She could hear how fast his heart was beating, "if she even dares to try and claim that you hit her .." she started, taking a deep breath to calm her voice, "we will report her, because I am not letting her make up shit about you."

Ryan put his hand under her chin, lifting her head so that their eyes met. "That's utter bullshit Mila, you cannot let your parents push you around like this. You need to do what you want to do, regardless of what they want. You are going to be an adult and this is about your future." he planted a kiss to her forehead, holding her close for a moment before moving apart so he could look into her eyes again, "What do you want to do? Not just for us, but for you and your future."
International star

Henry kept his arms around her and shoved his face into her hair, inhaling deeply the smell of her perfume and shampoo enveloping him and he slowly began to calm down, but he kept his eyes shut tight. Heidi had controlled every element of his life and though he was so glad to have ridden her, he was finding it hard to be his own person. "Like I said, I can't wait till school is completely over and I can just restart my life again, and we can just live our life." He kissed the top of her head.

Mila shrugged. "They lay for everything. My phone, the interner, groceries, my school stuff. Anything I need they have to buy me, if I tell them no they cut me off and I have nothing." she admitted. The small job she had had in the side for a couple of weekends, all the money had gone straight back to her father. "I don't know.. I've never really thought about it.. it scares me." she said quietly. A shiver running down her spine.

Charlotte wanted to hold him until she could take away all of his pain, it wasn't fair that he had been in such a toxic and abusive relationship. "Robbie had been asking for you all day, I think he was starting to believe you were actually Santa Claus," she said with a small laugh before nodding her head. "We don't have long left, and now we have each other." she moved some of his hair around in her hand, trying to be relaxing for him. "Maybe we could move to a new city together, really start fresh."

Ryan looked deep into her eyes, becoming deadly serious now, "If there is something you want to do and they won't let you do it Mila I will help you, I promise you that. Your future and your life is so important to me." he let a small smile cross his lips, "the future is scary, it took me al long time to figure out that I wanted to go into teaching and even now I'm not sure it was the right decision. Sometimes I think about quitting and redoing university all over again, get a different degree and start fresh."
International star

Henry couldn't help but laughing, pulling away to look down at her. "I hope he believes that forever, maybe next year I'll save to come dressed as santa to really seal the deal." His hand ran through her hair and just lingered in her curls, pressing his lips to her head. "That would literally be perfect, we could start a new life and we could finally be happy, like what we deserve." It was the dream, he couldn't wait to have his own life and do whatever he wanted.

Mila shrugged her shoulders as she thought about it. "I want to do my art full time, and I want people to want it on their skin. I want to tattoo.." she smiled a little, it had always been a dream of hers, she loved the a,ternstice look and she was dying to get her own tattoo as soon as she hit 18. Never mind all the piercings she was dying to get. "What would you want to do if you started fresh, Ryan? If you could do it all over again, what would you do?" She smiled.

Charlotte could picture him now, with a pillow shoved under his top and a funny with beard attached pretending to be Santa and Robbie's eyes lighting up the whole room, "that would be hilarious," she said with a small laugh. "Well then lets do it, lets pick somewhere to move too and we can plan out our future there. The world is ours for the taking Henry." she said as she planted a kiss onto his nose before lying back down beside him.

Ryan could picture her as a bad ass tattoo artist with clients begging for her art work on their body, "then why don't you try out for a tattoo apprenticeship?" he said, looking deadly serious at her. "one of my mates owns a tattoo parlour, I could ask if he'd have a chat with you?" he didn't want to seem too forward but he also wanted to help her with her future. "I always wanted to go into theatre work, directing or acting, but I ended up choosing the easier path and teaching instead."
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