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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry unlocked the front door, though his mother was now home she always kept the door locked when she was on her own. Closing it behind him he kicked his trainers off, laughing as Robbie ran off. He went into the kitchen and gave his mother a kiss in the cheek. "Charlotte and Robbie are staying over tonight if that's okay. I told him you're making your famous lasagne and I couldn't keep them away," he laughed and grabbed a bag of crisps out the drawer before heading up to his room, just catching a glimpse of Charlotte as she pulled her jumper down.

Mila glanced down at his phone as it pinged, and she sighed. "She text you.. she said have a good time and she can't wait to see you tomorrow." it felt like something punched her in the stomach and all the guilt came flooding into her head. This man was married, he had his own life and she was interfering in it. She had to chair it to the back of her mind as she looked up at him, grinning. "Exactly, and ingrt to see you in them every day. How lucky I am." She walked in and up to the desk, being greeted by a young receptionist. "Hellooo.. we booked a room earlier, under the name of Valentine?" She took the key and then took a hold of his hand in his.

Charlotte pulled her hair out of the jumper and ran her fingers through it when she heard Henry come back up to his room, "which pack are we having first then?" she said, moving onto his bed and propping the pillows up against the wall so she could rest back up against them and be comfortable. She reached her arm out and pulled him onto the bed, taking the packet of crisps from his hands and smirked cheekily. "now they are all mine." she said, opening the pack and popping some crisps into her mouth, holding the bag away from his reach.

Ryan groaned a little at the mention of his wife, every time she came up in conversation between Mila and himself the air felt uncomfortable and awkward for a moment, "Just ignore it babe," he said. Once they were inside he let Mila take the lead, she seemed confident and knew more about the booking details than himself. As they took the elevator up to their room he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her closer to him, "what movie did you have in mind for tonight?" he said sweetly, it was great not having to whisper to her like they did in the school grounds.
International star

Henry couldn't help but admire her, he'd never really taken much notice of it before, but she definitely had curves in all the right places and he had had the luxury of seeing them with his own eyes. He gasped and shook his head. "Nope, no way are you robbing my snacks, I will tell Robbie and he will come and beat you up for me." He threatened, kneeling up so he slightly shadowed over her and grabbed her wrists delicately, so that she was no longer able to grasp the crisps. "Two can play this game." He teased.

Mila slid closer to him as he pulled her in by her waist, God damn it it felt so good to have him so close to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes for just a moment and inhaled deeply, letting the musk of his aftershave surround her. Hmm, I hadn't thought that far ahead yet. To be honest I'm still surprised you've agreed to this, on a weekday especially." She pulled away once they reached their floor and led him out of the lift and to their room, where she unlocked the door and slid inside, gasping, the bed was huge and the tv was on the wall.

" I WILL NEVER RELEASE THEM!" Charlotte squealed playfully, trying to wriggle away with the crisps tightly in her grasp but the way he grabbed her wrists meant that she could no longer eat them, which defeated the point of having them in her possession anyway. " FINE. you win this time... and only this time" she moved the crisps towards him as a peace offering and he let his grasp go. She sat back upright properly and resumed munching on some of the crisps. " so what shall we do this until the world famous lasagne is readY?

Ryan held her close to him as the elevator ascended to the highest floor of the hotel and the doors slowly crept open, "I'm sure we can find something, " he said before heading out into the corridor, holding onto her hand. "Well after such a shit weekend I think we both needed some time away together, plus how could I really say no to spending time with you?" As they reached their room he watched as Mila fiddled around with the key and opened up the hotel room, he strolled in behind her, shutting the door once he was inside. "this is rather fancy isn't it?"
International star

Henry grabbed the crisp packet from her hands with his teeth and then rolled back over, laughing to himself, he rested the bag on his chest and dipped his hand in, shoving crisps in his mouth aimlessly. Crumbs going all over the place. "Hmm, well we could catch up on some tv. Or we could plot exactly how I'm supposed to break up with Heidi when it's her birthday party tomorrow." He laughed, pulling the throw that was at the end of the bed over them both. This was so nice, his shoulders finally felt free, the tension out of his system.

 Mila nodded her head. "I think a film is the last thing on my mind right now.." biting down on her bottom lip, she made sure the door was closed behind him before letting out a squeal, kicking her shoes off and jumping up into the bed. "This room is a complete steal! I bet someone was murdered here or something. I don't even care, I love this place!" She jumped up once more but then landed so that she was sat on her butt, her legs hanging off the bed, she put her arms out towards him, wiggling her fingers for him to come closer.

Charlotte curled up under the blanket, getting all sorts of comfy next to him. "its a real shame we don't have some sort of time travelling device, that would make fixing this situation a whole lot easier," she sighed a little, dipping her hand back into the bag of crisps and thinking for a few minutes, "I mean you could do it tonight..? Which would inevitably lead to her making up some horrible rumour about you and spreading it like wild fire around the school." she sighed again, munching on another handful, "but you can't really do it tomorrow or the same will happen.. to be honest I think she will take it badly regardless of the day."

Ryan kicked off his shoes, and shook off his suit jacket, draping it over the single seat in the room. "perhaps, or it's haunted.. or if we are lucky, both!" he smirked, coming up to her at the end of the bed and kissing her on the lips, just for a moment before moving some of her hair behind her ear. "being able to get away from the world with you is the best feeling in the world. If only I was Aladdin and I had a magic flying carpet, then we could escape from everything thats holding us back." he said as he moved to the side of the bed and flopped down onto it.
International star

Henry thought about it as he munched in the crisps, coming out for a second. Whatever the decision was that he made, it was never going to be the right one. Heidi's feelings would be getting hurt and the rumours were gonna spread about him. "What do you think, Charlie. Do you think I should break up with her? Maybe I'm just being harsh.. and.. maybe.. she's just going through a tough time." He was starting to doubt himself. He turned his head to look at hipper, lifting his hand he wiped a crumb from her lip.

Mila watched as he took his jacket off and jesus, she never knew she could find such a small mannerism so attractive. Whether it was the power the suit held, she didn't care at that point. She leaned in and kissed him back, savouring the moment, something she had been yearning for since the second she'd seen him that day. "That would be nice.. away from everyone and everything. Maybe one day.." she said the last bit a little quieter, she crawled up the bed so that she was knelt facing him, resting a hand on his chest. 

Charlotte rested her head against his shoulder, thinking about what would be the best thing for him to do, "Is she going through a tough time? Does a 'tough time' mean it's okay to cheat on the person you are meant to love?" she sighed a little, letting her hand touch his for a moment, "You need to think about yourself Henry, does she make you happy? does she make you laugh until your belly aches? do you miss her when she's not around? I can't tell you what to do, but I just want you to do what's best for you."

Ryan wrapped an arm around her as she rested her head against him, letting his own head lean back against the headboard. "sometimes I wish I was younger, so that we were both students together. so that we could be ourselves freely to the world, not have to hide away." as he spoke he stroked her hair softly, "its unfair of me to expect you to wait for me when there is a sea of men that would love to be with you, properly be with you. It makes me feel selfish." 
International star

Henry put the bag of crisps down and out his arms above his head, closing his eyes to just try and gain some clarity. "I cant rember the last time she kissed me." He admitted, opening his eyes again. "She doesn't love me any more, I don't think, I'm just an easy cop out, a play thing for when she gets bored. But my feelings are getting hurt in the process, and I can't stand it any more." He looked over at her and took her hand in his. "You mean like I miss you when you're not around? The way you make me laugh?" He spoke quietly.

Mila let her head nuzzle into his torso as she listened to him, wiggling her toes about, she looked up at him. "But you have to has been kind of fun sneaking around. Keeping us a secret, it's made it a bit more special." She smiled and closed her eyes, just savouring the moment of the two of them together. She could feel his heartbeat through his chest. "All them boys don't even matter, because you're the one I have my eyes on, just remember that. And selfish isn't always a bad thing." She sat back up, leaning on her arm.

Charlotte wanted more than anything than to just give him a big shake and tell him to get her out of his life asap, but the reality was he did form feelings for her, they had been together for nearly a year or maybe longer, she couldn't remember. "you don't deserve to be getting hurt by being in a relationship," she said softly, but as he continued she felt a small smile form on her lips, "lets be honest Henry, I doubt any girl you date will ever make you laugh as much as I can, so maybe that's not a fair comparison." she nudged him softly, giggling a little.

"It's been hard, trying to hold myself back from talking to you the way I want too. Perhaps part of my alter ego comes out when I need to be strictly professional around you, it's a block between who I really am." Ryan looked down at her, kissing her head before leaning back once again. "That means a lot Mila, and you are the only one my heart belongs to." he said quietly, kissing her lips once again. After a few minutes he pulled away, "perhaps we should order some food? you didn't eat any lunch today and I can't have you going hungry at my expense."
International star

Henry nodded in agreement and sat up, resting his hands in his lap. "I'm gonna do it.. I'm just gonna ring her and I'm gonna tell her how I feel and then.. I'm gonna hang up. And you're here, so I'm not on my own. Okay okay okay let's do this." He wasn't entirely sure where this spurt of energy has come from but he was just so over this petty relationship. He picked his phone up and pressed on Heidi's number, putting it on loudspeaker so that Charlotte could witness everything that was about to be said to him. He was dreading it.

Mila grinned up at him. "Well I could say the same to you.. you bring out the kinder side of me and I don't know what it is, but it's like your a voice of reason in my brain and you turn the anger into sensible thoughts." Kneeling up a little higher and leaning slightly to reach his lips, she simply indulged in the moment, letting their lips linger together. Pulling away eventually, she used her thumb to wipe some lipstick from the corners of his mouth. "Mhm, and you agreed on pizza." She slid his phone from the pocket of his trousers and loaded up the papa johns website, adding herself a large pizza and cinnamon buns too.

Charlotte sat herself up properly, taking his free hand in hers, "you can do this." she whispered as he hit the dial button. She could feel Henry's body tense up the moment Heidi's voice came through the speaker.

Heidi picked up the call almost immediately, "you better be calling for something good Hennie because I'm still really really hurt by you ditching school with that slag, what were you doing huh? cheating on me ?" her tone was sharp and clearly looking to upset him. 

Ryan had a smile permanently stuck on his face now, she just made him feel so at peace, something he hadn't felt for so long. "I'm glad I can bring out that side of you, because you don't need to let your anger control you. Although perhaps that would make an interesting art piece.." his voice trailed off as he watched her loading up the Papa Johns website, "hmm what should I get... throw in a large pizza for me and some of those dough balls with the chocolate in the middle... and a bottle of Pepsi max as well, that would be good." he paused, considering whether to get garlic bread but decided it wasn't worth the bad breath. "select cash for payment, I've got some on me to cover it."
International star

Henry was extremely glad for the support of his best friend in that moment, and he held onto her hand a little tighter than he meant to. "Hey Heidi.." but he was already cut off by her and honestly, it was like there was a mosquito buzzing in his ear, that's how her voice felt to him. His jaw clenched and he simply stated. "Do not talk about my best friend like that." He cleared his throat, and composed himself, before proceeding. "Who gives a donkeys dick if I'm cheating on you? You certainly shouldn't, after all I, supposed to forgive you for all those times you've slept with brad behind my back." He spat.

Mila untucked her hair from her ears and wrapped a small strand of it around her pointer finger, tilting her head to the side as she added to the order, adding the hotels address and then accepting the confirmation. "Aaaall done. It should be here in like, half an hour." She slid his phone back into the pocket of his trousers for him and then lay back into his side, pushing her curls from her face, she stretched her arm across his torso and gave him a little squeeze, nuzzling her face into his side. It was just so magnificent to have someone laying her some affection. "This is awesome."

Charlotte flinched at the way Heidi described her, but of course she knew this wasn't the first or only time she was talked about in this manner. Henry didn't keep his girlfriends hatred of her secret, which was evident by the amount of times he left her read the messaged he got sent.

Heidi fell silent when Henry snapped, this was now the second time he had stood up to her in one day, which is twice more than he ever had throughout their relationship, "So you aren't denying it then?!" she shouted, becoming frustrating at not being in control of this argument, "yeah well at least Brad gave a shit about me, you are just a pathetic little worm trying to latch on to someone who is superior to you. It's sad really." her tone was wicked. 

Ryan let out a playful groan, "but I'm hungry nowww, I'll be starving half to death in half an hours time Milaa," he watched as she stretched across him and he closed his eyes as he rested his head back, "it really is," his words drifted off slightly, as he relaxed into the grove of the bed, having her against him. If only things could always be this easy, "have you got any other plans for the rest of the week beautiful?" He was curious what she was going to get up to, and if there would be much time for them to sneak off somewhere new together in-between those plans.
International star

Henry was so done. With all of this. The name calling, the belittling, making him feel as if he was ten inches tall. "Heidi, I'm almost a grown ass adult and there is no way in this earth that I'm putting up with your shit any longer." He announced, looking at Charlotte before back down at his phone. "Oh yeah, does bead give a shit when he's slinging one to your best friend too, Heidi? Didn't think so. I've never once cheated on you and you know it." The pure anger in his voice was extremely prominent but he could feel the full in his threat baiut to break him.

Mila let out a soft laugh, prodding him in his belly gently with her perfectly manicured finger, she shook her head, "well that's the biggest lie I've heard all day. At least you got to have some lunch, this is my breakfast lunch and dinner all in one!" She sat back up slightly, she could feel her eyes closing and this certainly was not the time nor place to be taking a nap. Sitting her butt on the cushions and her back against the headboard, she was now a little bit taller than him. "Well my drama teacher is making me audition for some play on Wednesday, he's very mean you know." She teased, but then shrugged. "And then I have a load of coursework. But that's about it really."
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