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The Woods Creek Mystery
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Rouya wrote:
(wait so how long ago was it the murder happened and when was the body then found?)
(a week ago? idk about the timeline but about a week I'd say)

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(wait so how long ago was it the murder happened and when was the body then found?)
(a week ago? idk about the timeline but about a week I'd say)
(alright cool)

Miles paused, considering the question. He hadn't really thought about it until just now, actually. "Maybe two weeks ago? He's been coming here every Friday for ages, but I don't work shifts every Friday, so I don't know about last week." As Miles was talking, he considered what he was saying and added the timeline up with the discovery of Richmond's body. The body had been found just a few days ago, and he knew from the gossip around town that Richmond hadn't been gone for longer than a week, so...

He looked at Riley as he realised the reason she was questioning him. Had he worked that shift last Friday, he might have had more information to spill. "Sorry, I can't be of more help." He felt a little guilty now, about the way he had just snapped at her a moment ago.

Lou held out her martini glass at Holden as he got up, with the gesture asking if he would give her a refill as well. "I bet," she replied, twirling her pen around in the other hand, nonchalantly. "Character," she then repeated, mulling over the quote in her head. It couldn't have been easy growing up, if those were the expectations he had to live up to.

"You have quite some character, yourself." She wasn't exactly sure what she was insinuating, as the words escaped her mouth. That Holden had enemies? Or was it an attempt at flirting? Probably the first. Not that Holden's enemies would likely be of any relevance in this case.
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Riley felt like she was heading down the right path. His oblivion could be justified, but the thought that it might all just an act still haunted her. It was hard to tell with Miles, she hadn't known him in a long time and last time they talked well, he didn't seem like he was doing too great. 

"Do you know who he usually comes with? Or does he sit alone? Anything could help.", She fidgeted with the edge of her notebook. "How's he doing with his son, his wife? Any recent conflicts you would know something about?"


"I suppose." Holden smirked. He had taken after his father, but who could blame him? His mother was too submissive to form an impression on anyone. Of course, whatever impression his father had made had in return gotten him killed. It was unsettling to Holden of course, was he next? 

He made Lou another martini, and poured himself a glass of his fathers scotch. 

As Riley's questions came down on him more rapidly, Miles subconsciously began picking at the skin around his nails, while trying to remember anything relevant.

"Sometimes he drinks with my dad, sometimes business partners or random women, I don't know..." He felt bad having to mention his dad in a scenario like this. "I don't know about Holden or his mom though. If there have been any conflicts, I haven't heard of them at least."

Miles fished out another cigarette from the pack and lit it between his teeth, taking a big draw from it. He knew Mr. Richmond tended to have a new conflict each week, usually due to business stuff, from what Miles could make out the few times he overheard Mr. Richmond. But nothing, surely, that would get him killed, he thought.

"Honestly, I haven't spoken with Holden much the past few months, so I'm not really in the loop anymore."

Lou thanked Holden for the martini and sat in silence for a moment, as she took a few sips. "I'm sorry for your loss," she then said, breaking the silence. She felt as if she had gotten what she came for, knowing that it would be difficult to get much more information out of Holden, or anyone for that matter, for the time being. She put her pen and paper away and decided to enjoy the martini before she would head out to her motel for a change of clothes and a shower. People had begun leaving the wake, she noticed, and it felt appropriate she did the same.

Finishing up her drink, she placed it on the counter of the bar, grabbed her belongings and stood  in front of Holden. "Let's talk again soon," she said with a sly smile, before she headed out the door towards her car.

(figured the wake should end now, and lou would go and get dinner at the diner - maybe she could meet riley then, somehow?)
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Riley scribbled in her notebook. It was good stuff, but not nearly good enough. She had a feeling Miles would be important to the case, but then again maybe she just thought that because he was important to her. He seemed uncomfortable with her questioning, and maybe she needed to go easy on him. She grabbed a card out of her pocket and slid it over to him.

"That's all really good. If you do talk to Holden, and you hear something I might need to know, don't hesitate to call me.", She stood up and gestured to Kevin to pour her a whiskey. She walked up to the bar and downed the entire glass in one big gulp. 

"Take care.", She said before exiting the bar and going back to the car. 


Holden fidgeted with his tie after setting the glass down. People were finally leaving and so did Lou. He thought about asking her to stick around for a bit, but he figured it might cause tension between Rachel and him. He didn't need the drama. Being accompanied by anyone but Rachel would have been a dream come through thought. 

"See you around", he said, and studied her carefully as she left. She was a breath of fresh air, and despite his urge to leave the shithole that was Woods Creek, the thought that things might turn around struck him then. On top of that, he needed to be there for his mother. 
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(figured the wake should end now, and lou would go and get dinner at the diner - maybe she could meet riley then, somehow?)
(sorry I haven't been able to reply, life got in the way. riley and lou should def meet up. i was thinking we could make up some event so all the characters can get together. like a wedding a few weeks later, or maybe the governor holds some annual event? idk might be fun. holden could invite lou and rachel could get mad, riley and miles reconcile-ish) 

hurtful wrote:
(figured the wake should end now, and lou would go and get dinner at the diner - maybe she could meet riley then, somehow?)
(sorry I haven't been able to reply, life got in the way. riley and lou should def meet up. i was thinking we could make up some event so all the characters can get together. like a wedding a few weeks later, or maybe the governor holds some annual event? idk might be fun. holden could invite lou and rachel could get mad, riley and miles reconcile-ish) 
(totally fine, thank you for letting me know tho! and yes i was thinking they should meet up somehow as well. i dont think we should timeskip too much though, as every day would be crucial to the investigation for riley, i think. but there could maybe be some type of town party coming up? maybe it's in the late summer and they have an annual harvest festival everyone shows up for in a week or so)

"Okay, sure," Miles replied a little feebly. He wasn't so sure if he would want to rat out Holden if anything did actually turn up, but he took her card regardless. She wouldn't have to know, he thought. As she had left the bar, he exhaled, feeling a little lighter. It had been strange seeing her again like this. Probably the first time they had had such a long conversation since... High school? God, had it really been that long. Oh well.

Miles put out his cigarette in the ashtray and went over to the bar to join Kevin and to get back to the now room temperature beer he had poured for himself before Riley had barged in. He had only gotten through half of it before the questioning started. It was a little gross now, but he downed it all anyway, feeling like he needed to get out of his head after all that.

(should we timeskip now to a week later or?)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
"Okay, sure," Miles replied a little feebly. He wasn't so sure if he would want to rat out Holden if anything did actually turn up, but he took her card regardless. She wouldn't have to know, he thought. As she had left the bar, he exhaled, feeling a little lighter. It had been strange seeing her again like this. Probably the first time they had had such a long conversation since... High school? God, had it really been that long. Oh well.

Miles put out his cigarette in the ashtray and went over to the bar to join Kevin and to get back to the now room temperature beer he had poured for himself before Riley had barged in. He had only gotten through half of it before the questioning started. It was a little gross now, but he downed it all anyway, feeling like he needed to get out of his head after all that.

(should we timeskip now to a week later or?)
(i mean it might be interesting to have lou and riley meet first?)

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
"Okay, sure," Miles replied a little feebly. He wasn't so sure if he would want to rat out Holden if anything did actually turn up, but he took her card regardless. She wouldn't have to know, he thought. As she had left the bar, he exhaled, feeling a little lighter. It had been strange seeing her again like this. Probably the first time they had had such a long conversation since... High school? God, had it really been that long. Oh well.

Miles put out his cigarette in the ashtray and went over to the bar to join Kevin and to get back to the now room temperature beer he had poured for himself before Riley had barged in. He had only gotten through half of it before the questioning started. It was a little gross now, but he downed it all anyway, feeling like he needed to get out of his head after all that.

(should we timeskip now to a week later or?)
(i mean it might be interesting to have lou and riley meet first?)
(alright i'll write a reply for lou then!)

As Lou left the wake, she got in her car and sat for a while, just processing. It had been a strange day. This town intrigued her, the citizens especially.

She turned on her car, drove to the motel she was staying at and had a long shower before heading to find some dinner somewhere. It had begun to get dark out by the time she was ready and her stomach was loudly growling, meaning she entered the first diner she spotted. It was a little bit sleazy, but there were enough people in there, eating, that she figured it must be good enough for her too, then.

She grabbed a booth a little further away from everyone, to enjoy some quiet time on her own and ordered the greasiest sounding burger on the menu along with an ice tea. While in Rome, she thought.
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Riley had been working late at the station. Mostly paperwork she had been putting off. It still bugged her, all the evidence pointed to a crime of passion but there was no evidence of Holden Richmond falling out with anyone. Sure, he had enemies, but no major conflicts that would result in murder. There was something big missing. 

Her stomach let her know she had forgotten about dinner and lunch for that matter. The growl echoed through the empty halls of the police station as she made her way to the diner. It wasn't too long of a drive and when she entered it was nearly emptied. 

"The usual?", The owner asked. She nodded and leaned her back towards the counter as they made her signature sandwich with a side of fries. She let her eyes wandered as they stopped at the sight of a redhead. She hadn't seen the woman before, which was strange. Not a lot of tourists in Woods Creek. 

(oh btw i was thinking that maybe riley should find out about celia and holden sr.'s relationship first? like everything that led up to his murder before discovering who did it. edit: prob a little obvi, i just couldnt remember if we discussed it :b )
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(oh btw i was thinking that maybe riley should find out about celia and holden sr.'s relationship first? like everything that led up to his murder before discovering who did it. edit: prob a little obvi, i just couldnt remember if we discussed it :b )
(yea! how about miles accidentally tells riley at the harvesting festivity-thingy? he admits he's glad the bastard died and riley's slightly confused and he tells her cause he's drunk??) 
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