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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry grinned. "Glad to hear you've grown manners since living here, maybe when we have our own place we can have fancy cutlery and you won't used your fingers all the time." He teased her, getting comfy in the couch he pulled a corner of the blanket over him and tucked into the foods several moans falling from his mouth, if anyone was listening through the walls it would have sounded rather inappropriate but damn they were two hungry teenagers getting over a binge drink. "So how about we have a little search for some places later, book some viewings?" He suggested. "We could go up there in the weekend."

Mila laughed quietly as he listed off all the things they had to celebrate, he was right, there was a lot of change going on in their life and normally Mila would have been struck with fear but somehow, going through it with Ryan, she felt rather okay about it. "I can't eait to see my dads face when I move out, oh hi Trevor yes just to let you know I'm gonna go and shack up with my drama teacher while I donthe apprenticeship you say is a waste of my time." She slapped her hands together when the food arrived turning onto her back and then sitting up, pulling a pillow onto her lap to use as a mini table.

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully, "oh shut up you! I'm not a complete savage, we can at least get soup spoons AND desert spoons." she laughed, continuing to munch away on the food to dampen the hangover. She nodded her head, swallowing the contents that was in her mouth before speaking "that sounds like a really good idea! maybe if we could get a few booked in we can really maximise out time there." she said with a smile before adding another few chips to her mouth.

Ryan couldn't help but laugh, when she put their relationship like that it really did not sound good. "it's a real shame, I always got the impression your father liked me as a teacher even though he had next to no interest in my subject." he teased. Bringing the food over to the bed, setting the tray down on the end before taking a seat beside her. "we have a feast !" he grinned, copying her with the pillow as he thought it was pretty ingenious before grabbing the plate with his burger and deciding to start with it before the chips.
International star

Henry was glad she agreed, he always had a little doubt that she wanted to pull out from the deal and wouldn't ever actually move in with him. After all, she had such good offers going for her here, why would she risk all that for some flat somewhere she didn't even know? But he had high hopes and once they were settled, he really did want to pop the question to her. "Exactly, we could even take Robbie with us to get his opinion, make sure there's enough room in his next bedroom for all his toys." He chuckled. grabbing a load of chips on a fork and shoving them in his mouth, he was feeling better already.

Mila nodded her head again. "You're right, he thought you were quite smart but as he put it your subject was a waste of my precious time when I could have been doing something intelligent. As if being a tree in a play wasn't intelligent!" She picked up her meatballs which were drowning in a thick to story sauce and her mouth was watering, but she had to be careful, the bed linen was white and so was the shirt of Ryan's that she was wearing. She stuck her fork in and held her hand under her chin, zooming the meatball in her mouth and consuming it whole.

Charlotte had been doing a spot of apartment browsing during her free time, imagining the life that she could have with Henry and it made her excited for the future. Sometimes she would look at ones that were way out of their price range just for a bit of fun and to see what they could potentially own in the future. "he would love that! I still can't quite believe you are willing to move in with me and Robbie, I know that is a huge commitment for you and I don't want him to be a burden or anything." she nibbled on a few more chips but flopped back as she was now stuffed to the brim.

Ryan shook his head as he laughed, "sounds about right, I think most parents tend to think that about my subject. But the reality is that I am giving kids the confidence to step out of their comfort zones and express who they are." he was use to parents not really appreciating his work, heck his own parents didn't exactly appreciate his work. He took a big bite out of the burger, the juices filling his mouth and he groaned ever so slightly. "thats one good burger." he mumbled in between bites before setting it down to dig in to his loaded fries.
International star

Henry scrambled his fingers in the paper for the last few chips, licking his fingers clean and then scrunching the greasy paper into a ball, his tummy was fall and he no longer felt like a weak string bean. He felt like a big strong boy again. "Charlie I want nothing more than to make sure that little boy has a loving home, and that means becoming his guardian. I've felt like I've grown up helping him grow and if just feels right. He is nothing like a burden. I'm just glad you're in this with me." He sat up and took their dirty plates and rubbish into the kitchen and cleaning up after them.

Mila agreed with him completely. His subject had made her come out of his shell and it was what and got her falling in love with him in the first place, he made her who she was today and she had been in awe of him ever since he had become her teacher. She'd never admitted that though, it was a little secret she liked to keep to herself. "I'm beginning to think you love that burger more this me, maybe I'll give you two some alone time." She teased, but she was taking her time with her food, her tummy still feeling a bit sensitive.

Charlotte had let her body sink back into the corner of the sofa, tugging at the blanket so she was wrapped up. Somehow eating all the food had made her want to go back to sleep for an hour or two but that wasn't the best way to spend their day. As Henry spoke she felt her cheeks go warm as she smiled, "you are the best person I have ever met, you know that right?" she said as she watched him get up and take away all of their dirty plates, shouting through to him "can you bring through a glass of water pleaseeee." 

Ryan almost choked on his burger as Mila spoke, he swallowed the bite he had in his mouth before resting it down on the plate, "I mean if you wouldn't mind, this burger and I have something special going and if you are going to ruin the vibe.." he teased, shaking his head a little before picking up some more chips and munching on them. "in return I can give you some time alone with those rather juicy looking balls... meatballs." he said with a chuckle, his childish side coming out once again.
International star

Henry washed up their plates and cutlery and then disposed of everything else and wiped the kitchen down, making sure there wasn't a trace of the greasy food. He was used to being at Ryan's house now but he still liked to tidy up after himself so he had no reason to complain about him. "Just water? You boring fart." He shouted back, using the little water filter on the fridge to first add ice cubes and then top it up with water, he got himself a can of Pepsi max and headed back in, flopping down next to her. "My boss said there should be a job waiting for me whenever we're ready to transfer."

Mila giggled even more at his reaction and she carried on eating, slowing down a little bit to swig some water down, not wanting to be too greedy in front of him. It was going to be weird living together, he'd know all her filthy habits and it would be weird getting used to each other. Of course she'd stayed over couldn't toes times but this was completely different. "Well what cos I say, I do like these juicy balls!" She put down the empty dish and dug into her loaded fries, picking st them with her hands.

Charlotte laughed and called back through, "I'm a hungover fart okay!" Once he was back through she thanked him for the glass of water, taking it in one hand and having a big sip. How was she now feeling more hungover than before? this definitely did not seem fair. "that's amazing, makes committing to the move just a little bit easier." she sat forward and placed her glass down on the table before flopping against his body and wrapping her arms around him in a side hug. "there's a few really good public primary schools as well so hopefully one will work out."

Ryan shook his head and laughed as she announced how much she liked juicy balls, the grin on her face making the scene even better. "you are too cute Mila," he said softly, more to himself than to her as he finished off the last few bites of food and used the napkin that came on the tray to clean up his hands and mouth before lying himself back and letting out a groan. "now I feel stuffed like a teddy bear and I don't want to move." he made a little pout as he turned his face to look at her. "I just can't get over the fact that our life together can finally begin."
International star

Henry smirked just a tad,  passing her glass to her carefully before cracking his can open and taking a nice long swig. He was already feeling so much better than he had in the early hours of the morning, the food really had done some wonderous work. He rested his cans down and then lay back, his arm wrapping around her to hold his close to his body, his other hand playing with her hair, twirling it around in his fingers. It was one of his favourite things. "Okay so that's something need to keep in mind for sure. Plus it needs to be easy for you to commute to uni if I'm not around to drive you." He added.

Mila lay back slightly, resting the plate of fries in her tummy and making it wobble as she finishes off the last few, scooping up the gooey cheese with her finger and finishing it all off and resting it down on the tray. She was full to the brim now and she didn't know if it had made her feel worse or better, but she wasn't hungry any more, that was for sure. "Well we still have another.." she looked up st the clock, shrugging. "Hour, before they come demanding that we move." They really had had a big lie in, she hadn't realised how late it was already. She held her hand out and scrambled it across the bed until she found his, and gave it a squeeze. "I just can't wait until we can be open with everyone."

Charlotte had gotten herself all comfy that she didn't want to move but eventually she found some will power and reached for underneath the coffee table where there was a laptop stored. Bringing it up she propped it on her lap and opened it up. While she hadn't been able to replace her own one Ryan had given her his old one to use in the meantime. "That is also true, though I could maybe get a bike and be healthy and cycle to class." she said with a giggle as she loaded up apartments to view.

Ryan watched as she ran her finger along the plate to collect all the remaining cheese, it was moments like this that reminded him just how similar they were. There were times that he worried and second guessed if they were truly compatible, not that he would ever admit that to Mila. "another hour?! that's not long enough," he groaned a little but smiled as he felt her hand wriggle into his and he returned the gentle squeeze. "maybe in a few weeks time for the dust to settle and so I don't put my job at risk. "
International star

Henry was absolutely exhausted. Being an adult was hard work and he was beginning to regret growing up so fast. But there was no going back now, him and Charlotte had a sweet little two bedroomed flat and Robbie was in their care full, time now. Things had been tough, he'd had to pick up some more hours, leaving early in the morning and finishing late at night, it was as if he hardly saw his girlfriend now, and as for romance, well that was out of the window. He sighed as he unlocked the front door and went in, kicking off his converse, he ran his hands through his messy hair and groaned slightly. Would it be another evening of arguments?

Mila couldn't quite believe how much her life had changed in a matter of months. She had gone from obeying every single rule her parents had for her to moving in with her boyfriend, her drama teacher, and now she was at her apprenticeship, and doing amazing, plus the guy who had taken her under his wing was so sweet and made her feel so comfortable. The first thing she had done was getting her belly button pierced, just like she had said she was going to do. But tonight she wasn't staying behind late. No matter how much Zane was begging her to go out and have a little fun, she knew she had to get back to Ryan.

Charlotte had a fully packed university schedule and as a side hustle she had been offered a position as a ghost writer for a YouTuber so she had been working on a book with possibly the dullest plot but it helped pay the bills. She was sat at the dinning room table with her laptop and books spread out in front of her, her hair tied up in a messy bun and a now cold cup of coffee by her side. Her head had been rested on one of the open books and she had been catching up on some much needed sleep when she heard the door unlock and she sat up a little, "hey you," she smiled in a sleepy voice as she stretched her arms a little, "how was work?"

Zane was the owner of the tattoo parlour and had taken on Mila as one of his two student apprentices of the year. At first he was skeptical as his friend Ryan had recommended her and he thought it was just some student deal but it turned out she was incredibly talented and ridiculously attractive. As he watched Mila's last client walk out of the doors he poked his head round her small office, "hey you, good job on that piercing client was chuffed with your work." he leaned against the door frame and folded his arms across his chest, "fancy coming out for a few drinks? some of the others are coming and we think it would be good for you to let your hair down."
International star

Henry threw his keys into the little dish in the hallway, and just stood there for a second. Who knew being a waiter would be so stressful, but his boss was making him take on more responsibilities and he was slowly working his way up the chain. He stood there. Just enjoying the silence, before charlottes words broke it and he opened his eyes, walking in, he went over to her and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Shut, as usual. How about you, how was your day?" he was just glad that ray from her course wasn't hanging around again. He went into the kitchen and looked st his dinner, it was stone cold and he had lost most of his appetite by now, so he simply grabbed a beer instead and went and flopped in the sofa.

Mila snapped off her rubber gloves and threw them in the bin, she felt like she was becoming a master if this and zane had nothing but praise for her, which made her feel even more special. She lifted her head when she heard his voice and grinned over at him, standing up from her stool she tightened the pony her hair was in and brushed her full, fringe from her eyes. "I really shouldn't, Ryan is cooking us dinner tonight and I promised I wouldn't be late home again." But if the others were going, she wanted to fit in. Pulling out her phone she sent Ryan a message. Just having a little work drinky, I'll be home straight after! xxxxxxxx she hoped the kisses would make up for it. "Okay just one drink. But you're buying it!" She pointed at him.

Charlotte and Henry had been arguing a lot more recently, things seemed to be pretty strained ever since she started doing partner work and Henry picked up more hours. Lifting her arms up she held him close to her after he kissed her head but let go so he could go over to the fridge, "exhausting, Ray left about half an hour ago and I just completely crashed but we got a decent amount of work done." she didn't see Henry's reaction as she was busy saving her files and shutting down her laptop. Getting up she grabbed herself a wine glass and poured herself some from the open bottle before going into the living room to sit with him, "you look like shit by the way," she said with a small smile. 

Zane was resilient and when he wanted something he worked until he got it, which was how he was able to afford to start up his own shop with no help from anyone else. "Oh come on Mila, I'm sure Ryan won't miss you for one night. " she watched as she pulled her phone out and he knew he had gotten his way, a smirk on his lips as he ran his hand through his hair. "How about two drinks and I get both," he said as he moved towards her, holding onto her pointed hand and planting a kiss to the back of it, "now come on finish up in here and I'll get things ready for lock up."

Ryan had been slaving over a nice dinner for them for the last twenty minutes and he was excited to share a nice quiet evening with her. He had been working hard lately and was possibly going forward with a career change but that was all in the works. Grabbing for his phone when he heard it buzz his heart sank a little, alright baby you have fun xxxxx
International star

Henry paused at the mention of ray. Of course he'd been found, it wouldn't be right if Charlotte hadn't seen him at least three times a day. "That prick really does like inviting himself around here doesn't he." He comment, his jaw clenched slightly. It wasn't that he was jealous.. who was he kidding, of course he was. Henry wasn't home until the late hours of the evening and ray had all the time in the world for her. He wouldn't have been surprised if they were up to no good behind his back. He ran his hands over his face and nodded. "That's what happens when you work a fourteen hour shift." He glanced over at her, giving her a small smile.

Mila just knew that this man was trouble, but Mila seemed to draw herself to trouble, and older men, it seemed to be a running theme in her life, but ever since her new found freedom it was like she'd had some sort of personality transplant and was feeling more brsve than ever before. "Yeah he might not miss me but I miss hiiiim." She cooed. She stepped out of her little studio set up after grabbing her bag and cardigan and walked out into the little reception area, there was only two other people that worked there and they weren't so keen on having her as an apprentice. "No no no, one drink and that is it." She smirked, looking up at him.
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