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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte should have predicted that he would come out with some sort of smart ass comment, it had become a trend but there was nothing going on. Yes Ray was six foot odd and very attractive but she wasn't interested in him that way, they just worked well together and well she had needed a partner for the project, "I invited him round actually, we had a lot of work to do and I couldn't leave Robbie here alone while I went to the library." she took a sip from her glass before looking over at Henry, "maybe you should cut back your hours a little or take a few days off." she suggested.

Zane pretended to be sick as she cooed about Ryan, they were mates but not exactly close ones anymore and to think that this stunner of a girl was settling for such a geek confused him. "Keep the love bird stuff on lockdown otherwise I'll regret inviting you," he teased before leaving to clear up the reception area as his own office was already closed for the evening. Once everyone was ready they headed out of the store so he could lock up the door before he slung his arm around Mila, "two drinks or it just ain't worth it darlin' " he smirked and as they walked down the street he took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up.
International star

Henry hated that this guy had been spending so much time at their flat. He worked god knows how many hours to keep the roof over their heads and here she was inviting some guy around to spend all their time together. "Oh I'm sure you did invite him round Charlie, I bet he really loved that, he didn't even have to ask this time he got invited round." He rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers on the beer bottle before taking a long swig not meeting her eyes now. "Oh yeah, and if I do that will you be happy living in a cardboard box next month?" He asked, a little bit snappy.

Mila stuck her tongue out at him. She loved that he was such a relaxed boss, it made the job much easier and he didn't put too much stress on she shoulders, and she was building up her portfolio already. Plus he was hot too, she wasn't gonna deny that. But it was a stupid little crush and she knew she'd be able to get over it faster she had her eyes on Ryan and that was it. She had no choice but to lean into his body a little more when his arm slung round her shoulder and she glanced up at him. "Okay two tiny drinks and then I am definitely going home." She walked along to the pub, which was just down the road.

Charlotte wish she had kept her mouth shut and stayed in the kitchen, all the arguments were draining the life out of her now and she wasn't sure how much more of his attitude she could take. "Henry stop acting like a child we were doing course work," she rolled her eyes and took another sip from her glass of wine. Here it goes, the cardboard box argument that he brought up whenever she tried to suggest him taking just a little bit of time off. "it was just a suggestion Henry, I'm sure one day off wouldn't result in us missing all of our fucking bills." she snapped back, her patience leaving the conversation.

Zane took a few slow drags from his cigarette, the other two tattoo artists were chatting about some sports thing that he frankly did not give a shit about. "Only tiny ones? shame I was thinking about ordering two big ol' jugs." he teased before throwing the cigarette to the ground and stamping it out as they arrived at the pub. He pushed the door open and held it for Mila to come in along side him and they headed up to the bar. "Three rum and cokes, and for you?" he asked looking down at Mila with a cheeky grin across his face. She was definitely going to be having more than just two drinks that was for sure.
International star

Something in Henry snapped and he'd had enough. He didn't know if it was the tiredness or the jealousy but either way, he was mad and there was no going back. He never used to be like this but these days, it was very easy for him to become mad. "Course work eh? Is that what they call having sex on your dining room table these days?" He commented back, it was a low blow but how could he not when she seemed to be spending every second of her time with him. He finished off the beer and got up, using this time to work out exactly how much one day off work would cost them. "If I didn't go to work for a day that would cost us over £100."

Mila nodded her head up synhim. "I'm afraid so, zane. I think a jug counts as more than just one drink, too." The smell of the smoke from the cigarette had stuck around her but funnily enough she quite enjoyed it and it was mixing with his aftershave and it was rather enjoyable. What the hell was she doing. She walked up to the bar with him, she was like his little side kick, following him around everywhere she went. "Yeah I'll have a rum and Coke too, thanks." She'd figured it was the safest drink for her, it went down smooth and if she stuck tomit she didn't get too rowdy. She looked up to see his grin and she gave him one of her beaming smiles.

Charlotte groaned under her breath, why couldn't they just have one nice evening together without Henry flying off the handles. "Is that what you think I do all day? sleep around with other guys in our home?! you have some nerve Henry." she didn't look at him as he got up and instead focused on sipping her wine to try and keep herself calm and collected otherwise it would turn into another shouting match. "well maybe you should find a better paying job rather than just waiting tables for the rest of your life" and just like that she wished she had a better handle on her mouth.

Zane chuckled, it was a deep sound that made the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile. "not if you only put one straw in it," he joked. As the bartender made up the drinks he got out his wallet and tapped his card onto the machine before tucking it away again and looking down at her, her smile was stunning but all he could think about was how good her lips would taste against his own. "Thank you," he said with a grin as the bartender passed the glasses over and he managed to carry all four over to the booth the other two had managed to secure. He slid into the free side, Mila joining him and he lifted his own glass, "to Mila, for her hard work during her apprenticeship"
International star

Henry hated this, what their relationship had turned to. He felt like some sort of android now, not even functioning but just getting by day to day. Their relationship wasn't even there any more, most of the time. He couldn't remember the last time he had held her in his arms and told her he loved her. But he was too angry now and he grabbed himself another beer, flicking the lid off before walking back into the living room but he chose to sit in the arm chair instead. And then her words hit him and he looked down at the ground. "I guess I'm just not good enough for you any more am I?"

Mila tilted her head to the side. "You're not wrong there." She agreed. But she was going to behave herself and she really was looking forward to seeing Ryan, to tell him all the exciting things and to gush about her job. She went to take her own glass but his hands had already grasped them all so she followed him over to the booth and slid in next to him, not that she had much of a choice anyway, the other side was occupied by the other two workers. She took a glass and held it up, blushing just a tad. "Well, I wouldn't have been able to do it without all you guys. So thank you!" She clinked her glass to them all and then took a nice long sip.

Charlotte had known instantly that she had overstepped the mark but there was no going back now and he was clearly hurt by her words, "no that's not what I meant Henry and you know it." she sighed, finishing the remainder of her glass before setting it down on the table trying to think of the best way to proceed. "its just this job doesn't pay all that well and I miss seeing you." she sighed, rubbing her head a little as she could feel a headache coming on. "anyway I'm almost done with this stupid novel I'm ghost writing so we will get some extra money once that's handed over."

Zane let their glasses clink together and he took a rather large sip from his own glass before resting it down on the table. The booth was rather small so they were sat close together and he was hoping that his charm was rubbing off on her even more outside of the work place setting. "Are you saying you owe us one?" he said with a chuckle before looking over at the other two and grinning, "since this is your first time coming out for drinks with us Mila it is also time for the first part of your ... shall we say initiation training for joining us." and with that he nodded at Steven who removed a hip flask from his pocket and rested it on the table. "now all you need to do is down the contents, no questions asked."
International star

Henry was far too hurt by her words to even take into consideration her apology. "That's exactly what you meant, Charlotte. I work so hard and I'm trying my best to get a promotion, you know thst, but it's still just not enough and I'm sick and tired of you criticising me." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Why couldn't they go back to being at school and being so happily in love, everything was so complicated now and he was sure he had some grey hairs appearing. He sat back up and looked over at her. "Are you even getting laid for this shit you're doing? Or is it just another opportunity to add to your list."

Mila was determined to take it slow, she had agreed to a drink but that didn't mean getting out of her head wasted, that wouldn't be fun to turn up to work the next day and she was sure zane would take the piss out of her for having a hangover, she could tell he was that type of guy. She was sat rather close to him and her hand kept brushing on his leg every time she lifted her hand up to pick up her glass. "Hey, I never agreed to that, I just agreed to a little drink!" She pouted a little bit but took the hip flask on her. Something about being around these guys made her feel like a daredevil and without a doubt she brought it to her lips and downed the contents of if, gagging slightly at the taste.

Charlotte was trying so hard to remain calm and not shout but the anger was stirring inside of her, "Well you are the one coming home from work in an awful mood almost every night, you complain about how shit it is yet you haven't even tried applying anywhere else. So I'm sick of you and your attitude." She looked over at him properly this time, noting that he had a second beer already and she just sighed, "Yes I'm getting paid but only if I get it finished by the deadline. I'll also make a very small percentage off of the sales so it's something." she felt her phone buzz and she picked it up, seeing a text from Ray and she just locked the phone - now wasn't the time.

Zane could feel her hand brushing against his leg and he couldn't help but get the impression that she was doing it on purpose every single time and he was close to resting his own hand on her leg but he didn't want to tempt fate. "But this isn't just any old drink, it's part of the ritual for becoming a tattoo artist." as she picked up the flask he smirked, letting his hand rest on her leg as she downed it but moved once she was finished and he and the others applauded. "done like an absolute champ!" he grinned, looking at her. The flask had been filled with a mixture of some of the strongest spirits out there and together made them a deadly mix.
International star

Henrys voice raised a little louder than he wanted it to but he'd got to the end of his tether and he was finding it hard to contain himself now. He had thrown himself so hard into the job that he hadn't even ck sjdered alplying anywhere else. Plus he was hoping with the promotion, things would ease and he'd be able to spend more time at home. "Well excuse me for being pissed off that my girlfriend is head over heels for another guy in our flat but it's kind of hard to wrap my head around it." He rolled his eyes and silence fell between them, and thats when her phone buzzed. "Is that him?"

Mila was a little shocked when his hand appeared on her thigh but she tried to ignore it, he was probably being friendly and after all, he was her boss, he was probably just making her feel welcome. She was still feeling a little sick after downing the mixture, that was more than milas fair share of spirits and she was definitely going to regret that. She chased it down with the rest of her rum and Coke before letting out a little laugh, shaking her head. "Okay that is definitely more than two drinks.. I don't know what that was but I think I might be done already." She could feel it going to her head already.

Charlotte was tired of the accusations that she fancied Ray or was doing things with him, it was like Henry didn't know her at all or understand how much she loved him. "I'm not head over heels for him Henry! So stop trying to accuse me of that." she looked away from Henry, not able to meet his gaze anymore, "yes but that doesn't matter." though she spoke in a quieter voice now before meeting his eyes again, "do you want to read it? heck why don't you have a conversation with him and you'll realise nothing is going on. "

Zane chuckled as she downed the remainder of her other drink, he knew that flask must have tasted vile but it was always entertaining watching people down it. "Trying to get away from us already?" he said, his eyes running over her face. "we only just got here, don't want to miss out on a good time do you" he turned his head to the other guys and smirked, "remember when you had to do the flask Steven? Not sure you would have found your way home without our help" he chuckled, turning back to Mila. "you might make it as an artist yet Mila."
International star

Henry had had enough now and he was more than ready to go to bed. The day had been long and the last thing he wanted was this argument to escalate even further until he regretted what he was saying. "Well it just seems that way to me is all, he spends more time in this flat than I do." He finished off his second beer and was already craving another but that would have just been stupid. "No I'm not going to read through your texts to see what kind of love notes he's been sending you." He stood up and went into the kitchen, throwing his empty bottles away. "I'm going to bed." He said quietly, going into the bedroom he pulled his shirt off and threw it into the dirty hamper, his eyes narrowing, picking up the hoody that was on the bed. "What the fuck is this, Charlotte!" He yelled, loud enough for her to hear from the living room.

Mila really was feeling tipsy now and a tipsy Mila was dangerous the fairy nature of her personality came across without her even trying and she shook her head. "Noooo but like I said I was only gonna have a couple of quick rounds, what would Ryan say if he knew my boss was holding me hostage like this huh?" She tapped her fingers on his arm gently but stayed sat still, she was having far too much fun now. "Hmm I hope so, I love doing the piercings but I can't wait to get my hands on a needle." She grinned, looking over at Steven. "I wasn't hungover for days when they made me do this." He laughed.

Charlotte let out an exaggerated sigh and slunk further into the sofa so that her head was now resting on the arm. "well maybe if you had some level of trust with me you would actually believe what I'm telling you!" she shouted, glad that he was heading off to bed. She needed some time to actually breath and calm herself down before she turned in for the night. Once he was gone she slid open her phone and started to read Rays text but was interrupted by Henry yelling. She got up quickly and hurried through, "Henry what the hell your shouting is going to wake Robbie up!" she started but once she noticed the hoody in his hand she stopped her rant, "he must have left it here from earlier, what's the big deal?"

Zane let his arm stretched out over her shoulders and pulled her in closer, "well then you tell him that he needs to pay the ransom otherwise you will be my little prisoner all night," he chuckled, his eyes focused on her when she turned her gaze away. "maybe if you survive the night I could let you do some practice with the gun but only if you are a good girl." he teased her, letting his arm fall back from around her shoulder. "Get us another round of drinks Stevie boyyy" he called, watching him head off to the bar to get more for them. "I'm glad you are excited about using the gun, it'll be good to have a female artist in the shop. You've got a keen eye for detail as well which is going to be useful."
International star

Henry couldn't believe she was acting dumb. "Oh yeah he just managed to accidently on purpose leave it in our bedroom did he? I thought you were fucking studying so why the hell is his shit in our bed, Charlotte?" But his voice was more of a whisper yell, not wanting to disturb Robbie and bring him into this. He was just a sweet innocent little boy and he deserved the world, not what they were offering him right now. "I'm so sick of this shit, you really think I believe you right now?" He had started to think he was going crazy but this goody was the final nail in the coffin. "I'm going out, don't wait up for me." He pulled a tshirt back on and grabbed his keys, before storming out.

Mila was fully leaning into his side now and she didn't even know why but she was just enjoying it. Of course she loved Ryan, he was the light of her life but something about Zane turned her back into a giggly school girl and it was like she had no sense of well.. being sensible. "Oh I'm always a good girl, Zane, I don't know what stories Ryan has been telling you but you definitely shouldn't believe them." She waved Steven off before looking back up at Zane, who just had this smug smile on his face and she felt like such an idiot staring up at him. "Well I'm hoping it all pays off and shoes my father I can make something of it." She admitted.

Charlotte was trying to remain calm and level headed but she knew how bad this would look especially since Henry was already suspicious. "We were studying I swear Henry nothing happened," her voice was cracking ever so slightly as she pleaded with him. "You have to believe me, please." she watched as he grabbed his keys and grabbed his arm but he shook her off. "Henry don't go please!" but there she was stood in front of the door as he slammed it shut in her face and the tears poured down her face. 

Zane loved the way she was falling into his arms, literally and figuratively, but he knew he shouldn't push his luck too far not all at once. This would be a process because he couldn't risk making her scared to work with him. "Are you now?" he smirked at her, "Well you see Ryan tells me that you can be a little tease." he said as he gently let his fingers tickle against her side which made her fall even more into him. "Oh I think it will, perhaps you should drag him into the studio one day and give him a special piece." he laughed, he had been told about how strict her father was and it just made him laugh every time.
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