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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte heard the door open and she curled up into a ball in bed holding the duvet tight against her chest, surely it was Henry she had locked the door before going to bed and he had taken his keys with him. She waited silently in the bedroom as she strained her ears to listen to what was happening but eventually the bedroom door opened and in came Henry. When he got in and wrapped his arms around her she felt tears leave her own eyes, "oh baby it's me that should be sorry I handled the situation so badly. and you are right he should never have been in here but I promise nothing is going on." she rolled over and pulled him in for a hug realising that he was crying which confused her a little but she assumed it was because he still thought she was a cheater.

Ryan slid his arms around Mila's waist and it was in that moment that he realised how drunk she actually was. Her lips smacked against his and he could taste a concoction of spirits on her mouth so he pulled away and looked at her properly, "I love you too princess but I think someone had more than one drink tonight," he teased. He wasn't angry by any means he just wished that she had kept him in the loop a bit more. "come on I'll heat dinner up for you," he said as he took her hand and headed into the kitchen, letting her sit down at the dining table before popping the leftovers into the microwave for her. "did you have a good time then?"
International star

Henry felt like he might be sick all over again from the guilt, it was obvious that Charlotte was telling the truth, he could see it in her eyes, and now here he was, being the biggest idiot of all time. If only there was an award for item he'd win first place. He ran his fingers through her hair and scraped it back, cupping her head and folding her close to him as he bit down hard on his lip, trying to stop the tears. "I'm just so sorry baby..mi promise, I'm gonna be a better man from now on.." he whispered.

Mila pouted him at him. "Okay okay so maybe I had like, three." She looked at her hand, as if she really had to work out how to hold three fingers up at him before doing it. Dinner was probably the last thing on her mind but he'd worked so hard so she would try her best to eat it up. She sat herself at the dining table, resting her elbows on it and dr chin was resting on her palms as she beamed over at him. "It was amazing, Zane said if I want to he'll let me have a go with one of the tattoo guns soon." She grinned, but her eyes were closing.

Charlotte was just relieved he had come home that she hadn't even considered what he had been doing for the last few hours. But the more he spoke she felt like something wasn't quite adding up, "what do you mean be a better man..? I don't blame you for leaving for a bit you needed to cool off." she said but she was sitting up slightly so that she could see his face properly. "is everything okay?" she asked as she reached out her hand to his face to wipe away some of his tears.

Ryan just laughed at her bad attempt at showing him three fingers and while shaking his head he took the heated up food out and placed it in front of her. "eat up missy otherwise you might wake up with a sore head, we both know you are prone to hangovers." he teased before sitting opposite her at the table and listening to what she had to say. "oh really? that's amazing babe! You will have to take pictures of your work so I can see. I'm just so proud of you, sounds like you are fitting in well at the shop."
International star

Henry was slowly pulling himself together but he couldn't meet her eyes. She was staring at him and he had it written all over his face and he had to tell her now, the sooner the better, saving this up would just strain their relationship even more. He ran his hand along his face, taking a deep breath, his voice shakey. "I was just so mad.. I saw his jacket and in my head I just knew you two had.. so.. I played you at your own game, at least, that's what I thought I was doing.." he was a little drunk and his words were slightly slurred.

Mila pouted down at the food. But it was her favourite dish in the whole world and now she felt bad for blowing off their dinner date. She would seriously have to make this up to him. Not with dinner, she was still rubbish at cooking, but she'd take him out for a nice meal once she'd saved some of her money up. She dug her fork in and fekled the pasta around before shoving it in her mouth, making a mess down her chin. "It helps when my boss is soooo amazing, honestly he's helped me so much since I've been there."

In those few seconds Charlotte felt her whole world collapse around her, everything they had built together and the years of trust had just broken around her. She could hardly figure out what to say, surely he wasn't serious? But she knew he was. His eyes told the whole story. "you cheated on me.." she finally managed to say and as she saw him nod his head her hands turned into fists as she squeezed on the duvet but she refused to cry. After a period of silence she spoke again, "who with?" it was clear from her voice that she was broken. 

Ryan was finishing off the last of his wine that he had poured himself for their nice meal which turned into a nice solo meal. It seemed that every time Mila tried to have pasta or really any food that had the potential of spilling.. she managed to spill it. He always found it unbelievably cute and he chuckled as some of the pasta sauce lined her chin. "Zane is a solid guy," he agreed, though was a little jealous of the praise Mila was showing him, this was meant to be their night after all but he wasn't about to go into crazy boyfriend mode. "still can't believe he has his own shop and here I am teaching kids drama." he sighed. It was no mystery to Mila that he wasn't happy with his current job.
International star

Henry felt his whole world crash and he sobered up real fast as the words fell from her mouth, as if I thought confirmed it, like he didn't know what he had already done. He ran his fingers through his hair and frowned. "I only did it because it's what I thought you had been doing.." but that wasn't making it any better and she was furious now as he stared at her. "It doesn't matter who with, Charlie. That's insignifant right now. But I just want you to know how sorry I am.." he hesitated before reaching over to try and hold her hand.

 Mila was in her own little world as she down the pasta round her fork and chomped down on it, slurping it up in a little bit of an obnoxious way but it was so hard to eat when you were drunk. "He really is, he even said his good I'm doing with piercings. It's so good Ryan, I just can't believe it." She finished off her food and let out a big burp, yawning also and stretching her arms above her head, but frowned when Ryan brought up his job. There always seemed to be a sense of jealousy there. "Ryan I've to,d you before, if you don't like your job you should try something new."

Charlotte couldn't believe his logic behind any of this, he hadn't even given her the chance to prove to him that nothing had happened before he was off sleeping with other girls. "that's bullshit Henry but I'm glad to know you need little encouragement to go off and fuck someone else." she pulled her hand away from him lightening fast. "don't fucking touch me" she snapped before moving completely out of the bed and she realised she was shaking now. "I thought you were better than this Henry I honestly did but evidently you think with your dick rather than your brain"

Ryan finished the last sip of his glass before standing up and taking her plate over to the sink as he began rinsing it off still listening to her talk about her work. "that's amazing babe I'm really proud of you." he said without turning around. He was starting to get tired and he had work tomorrow so it was way past his own bed time. Once he finished up he dried his hands and turned to look at her, "unfortunately it's not that easy to just jump around jobs but hopefully something works out in the future." he threw the towel onto the counter, "now I need to head to bed are you coming?"
International star

Yeah, Henry had awoken the beast inside her and there was no way for him to recover from this at all. He wouldn't be surprised if this was the end of them, he had fucked up big time and she didn't have to forgive him for this mess. "Charlie I swear to fucking god it wasn't like that. But I was so pissed off, having him round here every night, you doending countless hours with him while your criticised me.." but none of it was a good enough excuse and he knew that. "I don't think I think anything any more." He frowned. She was so hurt and he got out of bed, taking a step towards her.

Mila could feel his change in attitude but she didn't like it, was he annoyed at her? She hadn't even done anything wrong this time. She closed her eyes and counted to ten slowly, just like she'd learnt in her anger management classes, her fingers relaxing from the fists they were in in her lap. She didn't say any more and just nodded her head at him, getting up and heading straight up the stairs, she pushed her hair up into a pony tail and then took her clothes off, struggling slightly but just about managing in her drunk state.

Charlotte couldn't wrap her head around his shitty reasoning, "because I'm doing COURSE WORK with him Henry! You haven't asked once about what I've been working on for class, you don't show interest in anything that I've been doing for the last few months. So what if I criticise your work? You get a shit pay yet you are working your life away and I think you deserve better." she was getting herself worked up now and it was the last thing she needed. Putting her hand up to stop him coming any closer, "I need to sleep I've got a long day tomorrow, I'll take the sofa." she grabbed one of the pillows from their bed and left the room the tears finally falling down her cheeks.

Ryan could tell she was getting worked up but there was no point in saying anything more. He was tired and felt let down but the last thing he wanted was for them to argue. So he headed up the stairs with her and changed so he was just in his boxers. Climbing into bed he glanced over as she struggled to get her hair up but he didn't offer to help she was too stubborn to accept it anyway. Once she was in bed he turned the bedside light off and whispered, "night beautiful, I love you." and within minutes of his head being against the fluffy pillow he was asleep.
International star

Henry knew it wasn't right and what she was doing was nothing,  it it had still made him angry. Because he felt so belittled and it hurt his ego a lot to know that even his girlfriend didn't think much of him any more. "Charlie please we can work this out.." he begged her, but she already walked out the room and he wanted to grab her and hold her. But he couldn't. So instead he sat on the end of the bed, his head in his hands and he let out a frustrated yell, tears springing to his eyes again.

Mila grabbed one of his jumpers that she absolutely adored and threw it on, throwing her clothes in the dirty laundryman baskets they smelt like smoke and a little bit of Zane after being in the pub and though nothing had happened, she felt guilty for even being close to him. She got herself into bed and turned to face him, ready to give him a good night kiss. But he had already rolled away and she felt her bottom lip stick out and she closed her eyes tight before she cried. That was the first time he hadn't given her a good night kiss.


Charlotte had barely gotten any sleep as she had spent most of the night crying but her alarm buzzed to indicate time to wake up. She sat up on the sofa and rubbed at her already red eyes before getting up. Pushing the bedroom door open she barely glanced over at the bed where Henry was before she fished out some fresh clothes and changed into them, pulling her hair up into a high ponytail and grabbing her backpack before leaving again to get Robbie ready for school. "mornin' little man" she said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster which turned out to be very little. 

Robbie had woken up to his own alarm and jumped up with a smile as his sister came in but then he saw her face and his smile faltered, "what's wrong Charlie?" he asked but she just told him to get ready for school before leaving the room. Frowning he slid out of bed and went straight into Henry's bedroom and prodded him away, "get Charlie out of her bad mood" he demanded childishly.

Ryan hadn't even realised that he hadn't given her a goodnight kiss, he was so in his head about things that it had just completely slipped his mind. By the time morning rolled around his alarm went off and he let out a low groan, hitting the snooze button once but it went off again only five minutes later. Sitting up he let out a small yawn and looked down at Mila. He tended to let her sleep a little longer as she got to start later than he did so as normal he got out of bed and had a shower. Once he was done he came back into the bedroom and opened his wardrobe to try and figure out what to wear for the day.
International star

Henry hadn't slept well at all, in fact he wasn't entirely sure if he'd slept at all. The guilt riddled inside if him and he knew he had to take this as an opportunity to make it up to her and show her how he really felt about her. Yeah, he had an idea up his sleeve and he just hoped it would work in theory. He watched her walk in the bedroom and he stayed silent. Nothing he said at that point would have helped but when he saw Robbie run in, he couldn't help but groan. "I don't think that's my job for today little dude." he opened his eyes to look at him.

Mila had woken up in the biggest grump possible. It was possibly one of her worst traits, holding grudges, and it was just one of them things that made them both realise the age gap that they shared. She woke when his alarm went over but lay there for a little longer, her head pounding, plus he always got himself ready first. She waited until he was back into the bedroom before she slipped out of bed, glancing at him before slipping into the bathroom to get herself freshened up, quickly washing her body and brushing her teeth.

Robbie frowned at Henry's response, "but you always make her happy." he stated, clearly showing his age and inability to understand what was really happening. But with that he turned out of the room and went and got himself ready for school. 

Charlotte made up a packed lunch for Robbie and then a slice of toast for him to eat as she walked him to school. Once he emerged from his room she flashed him a smile, "come on you we don't want to be late." And without so much as a goodbye to Henry she grabbed her bag and left with Robbie. The five minute walk flew by and she gave her brother a kiss on the head before he ran inside. Continuing along the street she walked another fifteen minutes until she was on campus and headed to the lecture theatre for her class. She sat near the back where her and Ray tended to go and set up her laptop.

Ryan had expected her to stop by and give him a kiss like she usually did in the morning but they made eye contact briefly and then she went into the bathroom without saying a peep. And it was in that moment that he realised he had done something wrong to upset her but the question was.. what? While he changed into smart trousers and a crisp burgundy shirt his mind was working over time trying to work it out. Once she emerged from the bathroom he looked up and gave her a smile, "morning gorgeous, everything alright?" 
International star

Henry ran his hands over his face, everything was aching and his eyes had that sting you get when you know you've been crying hard and you're going to feel it for the rest of the day. "I think I'm the last thing she needs right now.." he muttered. It was actually his one day off from work and he was planning on enjoying the cosy bed but instead waited until he heard the front door slam, he got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror. "You're a piece of shit.." he muttered, walking to the bathroom to have a quick shower. Washing the scent of Melissa away and then getting dressed. He had plans and he needed to get prepared.

Mila took her time, not really wanting to face him. He was obviously annoyed at her and didn't want to feel the wrath of his words as he spoke down at her, but she couldn't linger much longer, so she wrapped her towel around her body and walked back into the bedroom, biting her bottom lip and nodding at him. "Yeah everything's fine." She said quietly. Going over to her half of the wardrobe she pulled out some black ankle grazer skinny jeans that had more rips than actual material as well as a long sleeved mesh too with a cute bralet underneath. Pulling them in she sat down atbhee vanity to do her make up.

Charlotte tugged on her hoodie drawstrings as she waited for the rest of the class to show up. She was at least ten minutes early but she couldn't stomach being at home for any longer than she needed to be. As she scrolled through Facebook on her laptop she smiled a little as Ray slid into the seat next to her with two coffees in hand. "morning," she said but she knew he was going to ask her what was wrong. After seeing how she had looked in the mirror she couldn't blame anyone for asking. 

Ryan was utterly confused at the weird tension in the room. She seemed to be annoyed about something but he couldn't put his finger on it, "that's good." he said simply as he went over to the mirror to do up his tie. Thinking back to last night he knew he had gotten a little short with her but he was just tired, surely that was understandable? And then it hit him, he never kissed her good night but surely that wouldn't warrant such a reaction. Regardless he had to get to work soon so he would need to try and make amens fast. Going over to the vanity he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he didn't want to ruin any of her makeup, "you are looking lovely today."
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