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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte giggled a little at look of surprise on Rays face, "yeah, I'm starting to think it might be more of an excuse he's made up so he could do it.. like I'm just not good enough anymore." she shook her head a little, trying not to get herself all emotional. "not many people would put up living with their girlfriend and their little brother." she said simply but as he moved some hair out of her face she could little butterflies. "I'm glad you agree, it brings the story into a modern possibly even futuristic light which would be revolutionary for our current times."

Zane had yearned for her touch again after feeling her hands against his chest yesterday he was eager for more. Turning around to look at her he had a smile on his face, "wings would be perfect," he whispered and he pulled her close to him. "Mila .. I want you," he said softly, his voice gentle and sincere, "and I know I shouldn't but I do, and after last night I got the impression that maybe you felt the same way about me. If I'm wrong that I apologise and I will behave myself but I just had to say something." 
International star

Ray was beginning to hate Henry more and mor,e how had the bastard sin himself such a girl. He would have been able to show her a real good time. But she mentioned her brother and he held the gag back. Yeah, kids certainly weren't in his eyeline for a very long time. "Sorry but he just sounds more and more stupid the way you talk about him. Do you reckon you'll ever forgive him?" He finished the last bite of his toastie and moved into his gingerbread man. "Oh that's even better, there's so many possibilities. Especially with the whole mirror thing, too."

Mila dropped her hands when she thought she'd overstepped but he didn't seem too annoyed by it, in fact the look on his face was the lustful look that Ryan used to give to her. She stumbled into his chest and her eyes locked with his. This would have been so much easier to not be tempted by if he wasn't shirtless but damn, he looked good under his clothes. "Zane it's wrong.." she whispered quietly, but the temptation was too good and she reached up to press her lios very lightly to his.

Charlotte let the question linger around her head for a moment or two, "I .. don't know." she admitted, it was the truth. She had never expected to end up in this situation where the love of her life turned his back on her. Finishing off her food she started typing up what they had talked about and as time passed she found herself getting probably a bit too comfortable with him. She was resting her head against his shoulder and her eyes were closed as they talked about their project. This was what she needed, someone to hold her, it had been weeks since Henry had so much as held her hand. 

Zane could tell from the way she was looking at him that she had fallen into his trap and the next thing he knew her lips were against his and he let his hand run through her hair pulling her closer to him. The kiss lasted for a minute or so before they both pulled away. "I'm glad we both feel the same way," he said a small smile on his lips as he pulled his shirt back on. "but we really must try and focus on work.." he let his eyes fall on her, he wanted her badly but he needed to take things slow. "don't look so worried," he whispered reaching for her hand. "this is our secret"
International star

Ray was a little surprised as her head landed on his shoulder but he wouldn't grumble, and he used his one hand to hold onto his laptop, his other arm slinging around her shoulders and holding her close. "You know I'm always here whenever you need me, Charlie. Even if you think it's something I don't care about, I'll always care about. You're special, Yano." he kissed the top of her head gently, adding to his notes. They were shooting through ideas no thisnwss why he loved her as a partner on the course, she was just so intelligent. "How's your ghost writing coming along by the way?"

Mila was hook, line and sinkered by Zane and it was a dangerous world for her to be in, but she didn't care. Even her own boyfriend didn't want to kiss her but this handsome man was more than willing. She was left a little breathless as she gazed up st him, chewing on her bottom lip. "Of course, our little secret.." here she went again, it was as if it was a profession for her now, hiding things. She tucked her hair behind her ears and then finally let go of his hand, but kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She shrugged and then took the stood next to his little desk, picking up some paper to begin drawing.

Charlotte was incredibly comfy and if they didn't have so much work to do she probably would have fallen asleep right here. Lifting her head up a little to look at him she smiled, "thank you Ray, you have been so incredible today." Letting her head slip back into place on his shoulder she smiled when he kissed her but took it as just being friendly. She was surprised when he mentioned the project she had been working on, Henry had never shown an ounce of interest, "Well the plot they gave me was garbage but I'd say I've done the best I could with it. I actually sent it off to them last night so I should hear back soon about the pay."

Zane knew the look in her eye, that meant he had won her over and this little office romance was going to be fun for them. When she agreed that it could be their little secret he smiled even more. Moving away from her he looked in the mirror to check his hair was in place and looking smart. "ah and just on time our client will be here!" he said slipping out of his office to return moments later with a gentleman in his late thirties. "Jordan this is my apprentice Mila, she will be working on creating the artwork for your piece and I will be tattooing it. This is a learning experience for her so just treat this the same way you would if it was me drafting up your design. Unhappy? Just say, change of heart? let her know."
International star

Ray was stroking her shoulder gently with his hand that was around her shoulders and they'd finished their work for a little bit now, they'd been working on it for a couple of hours so they definitely deserved a break and he closed his laptop, resting it down on the coffee table in front of them and leaned back, resting his other arm behind his head. "Oh that's so cool, I'd love to read it some time, if you get the published version back, I bet it's just as brilliant as that competition book you wrote."

Mila hated this, she was full of regret already but god damn it, was it so bad when her own boyfriend didn't even really care any more? He was far too occupied with his own issues to even give her the time of day half the time. She hitched her jeans up and pulled her top down, sorting her fringe out and rubbing her lips together, making sure no lipstick had spread any where. She grinned over st the guy who came in, he was heavily tattooed already so whatever he wanted to add wouldn't look out of place. "Yeah I'm on board for whatever you want from me, and don't think you'll thug my feelings by hating it." She picked up Her pencil, chewing on the end of it. 

Charlotte felt like her mind was turning to mush as they had been discussing course work for what felt like eternity and when he put his laptop away she was rather relieved. Ray was an incredible partner to have for this course and she couldn't really imagine being stuck with anyone else. When he mentioned how good her other book was she blushed a little, "I can send you over the digital copy if you'd like? though I do warn you the target audience is young teen girls." she laughed as she sat up a little to look at him properly. "my work has nothing on yours, the poems you've written are incredible."

Jordan had been coming to the studio for a number of years now and had a lot of Zanes work on his body but he was excited to see what Mila would create. "it's a pleasure to meet you Mila," he said giving her a grin as he sat himself down. "I was wanting to get some sort of kraken inspired piece with hints towards the steampunk style."

Zane sat himself up on the tattooing bed so he was giving the pair space but could still listen and observe what was happening. He had known what Jordan wanted before hand and knew it was slightly out of Mila's normal type of tattoo but thats why he wanted to challenge her. 
International star

Ray just sat there with her for a little while. It was just like Charlie understood him, not that there was a lot to get but charlotte wasn't complicated and didn't play any kind games, which he like does a lot."well inread the other one, plus I just like reading your stuff, you have such a way with words, it's hard not to fall in love with your stories." He yawned, stretching his arms above his head, his muscles flexing slightly as he did so. Swimming really did work wonders on his body. "Fancy another drink? Or do you have places to be?" It was long past their lecture time but he'd been having such a laugh with her.

Mila listened to what he wanted, nodding slowly. Yeah Zane had really thrown her in at the deep end, this was the opposite to what she ever thought she'd be designing but she wasn't about to get out just because it was a little bit tough. "Okay, that sounds really cool, lemme see what I can do for you Jordan!" She kept her confident pants on while she sketched something out (here), taking a little bit of time so she could make it perfect before sliding it over to him. "Just tell me if you want something changed, I can do whatever. Plus we could add some other bits to it, maybe some little cogs or something around the outside?"

Charlotte was still rubbish at taking compliments from people so she just gave a little nervous laugh, "you are way too kind." she said before picking up her phone to check the time. Part of her was sad to see that Henry hadn't messaged but then she remembered how much of a dick he had been and the sadness washed away. "I'll get us another one," and with that she got up to her feet and did a little stretch, "same again?" and when he said yes she made her way over to the little till area to order their drinks and returned shortly after with them. 

While Mila was busy drawing up a design Jordan and Zane were chatting away about some band they both liked, Zane then went on to talk about his own band, "yeah actually me and the lads are doing a gig tonight you should come J, and Mila you are always welcome to come along as well." he said with a grin. Once she had finished the drawing off he took a nosey at it as she showed Jordan.

Jordan grinned, "of course I'll be there, you guys are pretty sick." his head turned when Mila pushed some paper over to him. "this is dope!" he said with a grin, picking the paper up and inspecting it closely. "yeah a couple of cogs coming away from it to make it blend in with some of my other pieces would be perfect." looking over at Zane, "she's giving you a run for your money Zane" 
International star

Ray smiled, he was relieved that she was sticking around a bit longer. She seemed to be relaxed around him and maybe she would be hating on her boyfriend so much more he could sneak a little kiss in here and there. "Ooooh yes please it was gonna be my treat though!" He chuckled watching her walk off he leaned back, pulling his phone out to flick through his social medias and whatnot. There was a little group for their lecture but it didn't look like they'd missed out on too much by missing class, in fact they probably got more done.

Mila was listening in on their conversation and she shook her head at Zane. "You were a bad enough influence last night, I don't think I'll have a home to go to if I don't go home tonight." She teased, but it was probably half true. She had to go home straight away, her and Ryan had some serious crap to sort out between them. She was so glad when Jordan liked the design and she quickly added a couple of 3D clogs coming off of it and then it was perfected. "Well I did learn from the best." She teased, handing it to Zane so he could to the actual work.

Charlotte placed the two cups down on the table before taking her seat on the sofa once again but as she did so her phone rang. "one second," she said to Ray before pulling it out and answering. It was the publisher for the book she had ghost write, "Hi it's so good to hear from you! ... Really? ... That's amazing! I'm so glad you like it.. Zoella does as well? This weekend?! Thank you." she stammered before tucking the phone away and turning to Ray, "they love it! the book I mean, and they are going to start printing this weekend." And with that she threw her arms around him and hugged him.

Zane gave her a little pout, "why don't you take the boring boy along with you, it'll be entertaining thats for sure." he joked but let the conversation rest while the pair discussed the design in a bit more detail. Once Mila had made the stencil he positioned it on Jordans skin before getting him lying down for the work to begin. "We can get the outline done today for you Jordan and once that has healed you can come back and perhaps Mila can do some of the shading, depending on how her skills are evolving by then." he said with a cheeky look over at her.
International star

Ray picked up his cup, his fingertips tingling slightly from the hot ceramic but he took a long silk licking the foam from his top lip. This was his third cup and he was probably going to have to stick to water after this one otherwise he'd be buzzing all over the place. He watched her and when she had the biggest smile, he grabbed her in his arms and he,d her so tight. "I knew you could do it! They're lucky to have you! You're gonna be a millionaire before you know it and you'll forget about little old me." He teased, kissing her forehead. "You're so clever." He whispered.

Mila shook her head. "Me and you both know it wouldn't be Ryan's scene." But she stopped talking about him then, the workplace was not the time for personal drama and now she had the little office secret with Zane it was hard to keep up with. She watched as Ryan laid it out and it worked perfectly with whatever else Jordan had and she felt so proud, finally a piece of her artwork would be on someone's skin. "Do you mind if I take a pic? Just for like, my journey and stuff." She smiled, taking a seat next to Zane.

Charlotte couldn't believe that this was happening to her, she had always dreamed of making it as a writer and if this book sold well she could really be elevated to writing a book that gets her name properly on the front page, rather than hidden on the inside. Having Ray there to be just as happy for her made her forget all about Henry and those worries, "I would never forget about you Ray," she said softly, her eyes locking with his as he kissed her forehead and she could feel her cheeks going a little pink. 

Jordan grinned over at Mila, "of course! Take as many photos as you want" he slipped his headphones in and lay still on his front for Zane to tattoo while he drifted off to sleep. This was his regular tattooing ritual and Zane was use to it by now.

Zane chuckled as Jordan rested his head down and closed his eye, "this dude barely feels the needle anymore it's ridiculous." he said as he worked away on the outline, "you did an incredible job in this piece Mila. I know I threw you in at the deep mind, pardon the pun, but a lot of the times clients will come in commissioning something outwit your comfort zone and if you can pull it out of the bag it really will make you a better artist"
International star

Ray felt their eyes lock a smile he pulled his lips from her head and instead his eyes fell to her lips, those soft warm lips, he bet they tasted lip chap stick and coffee and it was just getting too tempting now. His hand came up and brushed against her cheek, leaning in to kiss her a couple of times very gently on the lips, testing the waters and seeing how she felt, if this wasn't what she wanted he'd back off but maybe it was exactly what she needed to get over that dumbass boyfriend of hers.

Mila was far too excited as Zane began to fire up the needle and work his magic on the outline and she tried not to lean over him too much but she was so amazed his easily his hand worked. She crossed her legs over, tucking some stray strands of hair behind her ear as she leaned back in the seat. "Well I'm glad you trust me to do things like this, I didn't even think I'd have it in me but I'm so glad he wants to add it to the rest of him. Maybe I can draw your wings next." She teased. 

There was a moment between Charlotte and Ray and she was just lost in his eyes and his ridiculous smile, then their lips were against each other just for a moment and it felt so good but it was so wrong. She pulled away a little, staring at him for a moment not entirely sure what to do or say, part of her wanted to kiss him again but then again she loved Henry. Her mind was doing circles and she nibbled on her lip, "sorry.. I .." was about all she could manage but she wasn't pushing him away at all. 

Zane could smell her perfume as she sat near him and it was driving him insane but he had to focus for his client, or at least until he fell asleep completely. After a few hours of working he felt his hand begin to cramp slightly so he took a small break to admire his work, "you clearly have the talent and I don't think it will take long until you are the one holding the gun," he said with a grin. "but about earlier I would love if you could see my band play.. plus it could be good marketing." he teased.
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