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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry just held onto her, for as long as she was letting him, he was gonna sit there and hold his besutiful girlfriend and show her just how much he loved her, his lips gently kissing up and down her skin, up ontonher shoulder and then a single kiss behind her ear. "Of course. I cooked your favourite." He got up, resting her back down in her seat and he went back into the kitchen, turning the hob back on and heating everything back up, he got them out two plates and also popped open a bottle of wine, he'd even remembered her favourite. He plates it all up and took it to the table, along with a glass of wine, and sat down with her. "To a fresh start?" He asked hopefully. "And the start of you forgiving me?"

Mila grinned bald uo stnhim, reaching up with her finger to gently boop him on the nose. "Well I like it, a lot." She realised they were waiting in the queue and she shook her headmaster, taking his hand and walking straight to the bouncer, giving her name and the plus one and they were let in straight away, and then she slipped to the right, where the bar was. The floor was filling up slowly but she was sure they'd still get a pretty good look at the stage. "See, I guess it's not all bad being a tattoo apprentice." She grinned, ordering him a beer and herself a rum and Coke.

Charlotte giggled a little as he picked her up and put her down on her seat and she watched him busy himself in the kitchen. Neither of them had really cooked anything for a while it had been quick oven jobs or microwave meals "Thank you for doing all of this," and she lifted the glass as they did a little toast, "to a fresh start, it might take a while for me to completely forgive you but just know that I do love you." and with that she took a small sip of the wine. 

Ryan loved whenever she touched his nose, it was such a silly little thing but it made him have this goofy smile. He followed her up to the bouncer and grinned as they got let straight in, that was more like it. They headed up to the bar and she ordered him exactly what he was fancying, "and if this is what the benefits of an apprentice get who knows how good it will be once you are a fully fledged artist," he said with a cheeky grin and when he went to pay the bartender said their drinks were covered already. 

Zane had asked to be told when Mila showed up so when the bouncer let them in he was radioed and he took his phone out to see if she had responded to his last message, sadly not but she was with her boyfriend. Popping out from backstage he made his way up to the bar, "well if it isn't my best apprentice and the old fart." he teased as he nudged Ryan, there was only a few months between them in age but it was a running joke. 
International star

Henry loved to hear that giggle from her lips, it made him feel like he was actually doing something right, which didn't seem to be very often nowadays. He relit the candles that had gone out and then took a sip of his wine after their little speech. "Of course, I know that. I just feel like the luckiest man alive for you even considering giving me another chance, I don't think I deserve it." He shrugged, tucking into the food he'd made, crossing his legs at his ankles. "And I love you too, charlotte. More than you will ever able to understand."

Mila grinned, remembering Zane had said the first couple of drinks were in him and she took her glass that had a silly straw in it too, cos she might have been an adult but she didn't like to act like one all of the time. "I know, maybe I'll become a VIP." She wrapped her arm around the back of his waist and leaned into him, lifting her head when she heard Zanes voice and dear god she just wanted to melt there and then. He was like the opposite of Ryan, in every single way. And she wasnsure she was getting over her crush every time, until he appeared all over again. "Hey only I get to make the old jokes." She teased.

Charlotte saw a smile on his lips and it felt like things were back to normal even though they definitely weren't and it would take a lot of work between them for things to feel right again. She took a sip of the wine, "you got my favourite," she commented before tucking into her food and enjoying every single mouthful of it. Henry was a good cook, when he wanted to be. As she ate she thought more about his gesture, proposing was a serious act of commitment and she wondered if he would ever do it again if they could get their relationship back not track.

Ryan pulled her close and gave her a small kiss on the forehead, "you are already my VIP," he said it with a playful little smile on his face before he took a sip from his bottle of beer and turned around when he heard Zanes voice letting out a low laugh, "If it isn't the comedian himself, glad we could make it to your stand up show" he teased as he did that like hand grab and half hug thing guys sometimes do. Glancing at Mila he shook his head, "your meant to be on my side."

Zane did the handshake hug with Ryan and chuckled, shaking his head "nice one mate I hope you enjoy all of the old man jokes I'll make for the remainder of the evening, might even pull you up on stage," he laughed, turning to look at Mila and he had to hold himself back from pulling her to him. "ah I see you are making use of the free drinks! I'm glad to see it," raising his head to the bartender, "three tequila shots my man!" 
International star

Henry was just relieved she wasn't crying any more, that was his one weakness and he couldn't stand it when Charlotte cried it just hurt him. "Of course I did, I was making this evening special for you." He said, waiting until she was finished before getting up and clearing the plates away, shoving everything into the dishwasher so he didn't have to deal with it, and then went and sat back down with her, opening the box and taking the ring out. "I want you to keep a hold of this. And when you feel like you're ready, I want you to let me know. Because I'm ready when you are, I was serious." He rested it in the palm of her hand.

Mila watched as the two of them had some banter between them, they were like brothers, it was funny. Really sexy, completely the opposite of each other brothers, but still. "I meant that to the both of you, I can keep the old jokes coming all night." She raised an eyebrow, glancing up at Zane with just a slight twinkle in her eye, but she looked away again, groaning when he ordered tequila shots. "Honestly I think I might die, Zane you are such a bad influence." She shook her head, looking up at Ryan and grinning.

Charlotte thanked him again for such a wonderful dinner and she watched as he put the dishes away into the dishwasher so that they didn't have to deal with washing them up. As he took out the box again she felt her insides flipped and hoped he wasn't going to go for round two of proposing already. "Henry.. " she said softly as he placed the ring in her hand and she got to properly look at it. It was a gorgeous ring and she nodded her head gently, "then it's a deal. when I'm ready I'll let you know." she pressed a kiss to his cheek as she held onto the ring tightly.

Ryan turned back over to the bar as he downed the remainder of his beer and placed it against the counter top, "If those jokes are going to continue all night I might just have to have a few more of these shots," he said with a chuckle as he picked up his shot glass and downed it swiftly. 

Zane made a playful gasp and clutched at his heart, "Mila! You meant me as well, I'm ashamed," he said with a little shake of the head before moving closer to the bar and as Ryan turned around he ran his hand gently against Milas before picking up his glass, "here's to a good night guys!" he said before downing his drink.
International star

Henry saw the fear in her face and couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry, I'm not proposing again, that was fucking scary, I think these pants might need an extra wash tonight." He joked, standing up and taking her hands, tugging on them gently so she stood up to. "And I mean it, even if it's days, weeks, months, years, I'll be waiting for you, okay." He ketbhisnhands rest in each side of her face, hesitating before finally kissing her, a soft sweet single kiss to her lips.

Mila grinned uonstnhim. "Find, no old man jokes for either of you, I promise!" She stuck her tongue out and then leaned against the bar in between both of them, Ryan to the right of her, Zane to the left. How could Zane keep such a straight face and act as if he was Ryan's best friend when earlier that morning he'd been kissing her. He was really good at faking it. She glanced at his hand and bit her lip, having to close her eye to gain some composure, before grabbing the shot glass and downing it.

Charlotte was glad that he cracked a laugh and she joined him, the laughter making her feel a little lighter than she had done before. "thank god, it was hard enough the first time round." she said with a little laugh, relieved. "You mean the world to me Henry," she whispered softly to him before kissing him properly but only for a moment. It didn't quite feel right yet but she knew it would eventually. "can we wrap up like a burrito in the blanket and finish this wine?" 

Ryan hadn't had a night out with Mila yet where they could actually spend time with each other and it was such a relief. For once he could drink along side her and not have to sneak kisses with her. "don't you have a gig to prepare for Zane? Or are you just lip syncing tonight." he chuckled before ordering himself another beer and Mila another drink. 

Zane rolled his eyes cheekily after his shot, "oh Ryan you always were a spoil sport, I'll see you two after the show - try and have fun." he said as he tipped his head slightly and vanished away from the bar and back behind stage. 
International star

Henry gasped. "Does that mean you'd reject me a second time? I don't think I have, in the words of Ariana grande, any tears left to cry, it might just be noodles that fall out of my eyes now." He teased her gently, he wasn't pushing for kisses though, he'd just about managed to win her over and he wasn't a mad man, he knew how her brain worked. "Of course, would you like to be the guacamole to my salsa?" He rested his hands underneath her bottom and picked her up so that she was around his waist and walked over to their sofa, sitting her down, he nipped back to the dining table and picked up the wine and their glasses, and then went and sat down with her.

Mila still found it weird that she could be like this with Ryan in public now. The reactions they had got were weird, her parents had freaked the hell out, but almost everyone else was somewhat accepting of their relationship. And now they could be open about it with anyone who came into their life. "Break a leg!" She called to Zane before he walked off, and then her attention was back on Ryan. "Hmm we should go and find ourselves a slice before we're pushed to the back." She smiled, taking her new drink from him and then holding his hand.

Charlotte let out a little snort, something that Henry only had the privilege of hearing because she was very insecure about it, "you are ridiculous you know that! but I should take notes because this is great material for a new book," she teased and let out a small squeal as he picked her up and she held on to him tightly as he carried her through. As he went back into the kitchen she looked at the ring a little closer and noticed the engraving on the band and her eyes welled up with tears again. 

Ryan was glad that Zane had buggered off, he wanted some alone time with Mila and he was hoping she would maybe be in the mood for some romance once they got home. "sounds like a plan, don't want to get stuck with a bad view." he said as he grabbed his drink and made his way onto the dance floor area in front of the stage. There was a decent amount of people there with some of the bands merch which was impressive considering they weren't all that well known. "you know back when we were at school Zane and I actually had a band going together."
International star

Henry came back to her holding the ring and almost crying again and he frowned, looking down at her. "Is everything okay Charlie? Cos if it's too much.. I can just put it in the box and we can forget about it." He shrugged, pouring them a glass of wine each and then grabbing their favourite blanket, that was big enough for them both to cuddle in but if she sat in his lap, he'd be able to burrito them extra tight. He sat there with his legs crossed, watching her, wondering if she would actually want to be that close to him.

Mila loved this side of Ryan, the side of him where he didn't care and he was his true self, the Ryan that Mila had fallen in love with that seemed to just get lost sometimes. They found themselves a nice little space, not too close to anyone but the spaces were filling up quickly and she had to press herself just a little bit closer to Ryan, one arm around him and she leaned into his side to stay close. "Are you telling me I could have had a rockstar as a boyfriend?" She grinned up at him, taking a sip from her straw.

Charlotte lifted her head up to look at him and quickly rubbed at her eyes, "no .. no I just.. it's perfect Henry." she whispered, setting the ring down on their coffee table for the time being. She tugged on the blanket so that it was wrapped around her before shuffling over by him and leaning her head against his shoulder but not being as cuddly as she usually was. "What time is the child minder coming back with Robbie?" she asked, presuming that was where he was since he hadn't come to give her a cuddle yet.

Ryan had his arm around Mila's shoulders to keep her close to him and just because he liked being able to hold her while in public. For the longest time he had to hold back but now he could do whatever he liked and not worry about consequences. "Almost, instead you got stuck with a lame drama teacher." he teased, shaking his head for a moment and looking back up, "I couldn't do the rockstar life, being on the road all the time and having people follow you around - that is definitely not the life style for me."
International star

Henry ran his thumb over the ring. "You could always wear it as a promise ring, on your other hand, if you don't want to wear it as an engagement ring." He took her right hand and ran his thumb along her ring finger, before bringing her hand upnsnd kissing each finger very gently. He lifted his arm so it was around her shoulders and then tucked the blanket sorundaround both of them, switching the tv in and landing on a random horror movie channel. "She's dropping Robbie back off at 9, she said she will have him ready for bed and everything."

Mila shook her head. "You're not lame Ryan, you're far from and you know I'd never think about you like that." She smiled and reached up to kiss him, but then the lights dimmed and the band came onto stage, and there Zane was, at the front, looking like an irresistible devil and her heart fluttered again. She squeezed Ryan's side gently and soon she was into the music, her hips bopping from side to side. It was just her type of music, nice and heavy, something she could get lost in.

Charlotte thought about the idea for a moment before picking the ring up and sliding it on to her opposite hand, "a perfect fit, did you measure my fingers while I was asleep?" she teased him before cuddling back down into him, this time getting a little closer as she sipped on her wine. "also are you sure you can even afford for me to keep this ring right now?" she asked looking at the ring on her finger, "because I don't want to put you into any financial strain or anything."

Ryan felt blessed that Mila found him interesting, sometimes he felt like his personality had been ripped away from him because of the career he had chosen. It felt like he was isolated from his friends a lot of the time but Mila still saw him for who he was. Giving her a quick kiss before the show started he let his head bob about a little as he enjoyed the music.

Zane stepped out on stage and almost instantly spotted Mila but he was going to make sure he didn't exclusively stare at her the entire night. A few songs in they took a break from playing and he was just chatting with the crowd as he had a drink, "glad you could all make it tonight, I've got a few friends in the audience who I possibly bribed to attend so give it up for them" he said raising his glass and the crowd cheered, "now lets rock."
International star

Henry felt a little better when she actually had the ring on, it was a start and it suited her dainty hands, he ran his thumb across the ring again. "It looks perfect, just like it was made for you." He grinned down at her, kissing her forehead gently. "You have no idea the trouble I went through working out your size, honestly." He laughed quietly, wrapping his arm back around her. "Baby girl don't be silly, I wouldn't have been that stupid, so it took out some of my savings, it's it gonna touch our living."

Mila couldn't quite believe how amazing Zane was, sure the songs on Spotify sounded amazing but lovely, it was even better if that was possible. There was a group of teenage girls swooning over him and she duke for help but laugh just a little bit, finishing off her drink she leaned up to whisper in Ryan's ear. "I'm just gonna grab another drink, I'll be back in a second." She kissed his cheek and then slipped her way through the crowds, and back to the bar to grab another rum and Coke and Ryan a beer.
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