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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry took the small shit glass and clinked it against hers, before swigging it down in one, wincing slightly as it burned down his throat. Coughing slightly, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, turning on his tv quietly. "Is that the guy that was bothering you in class? He's such a loser, I don't get why all the girls swoon after him. And I've heard rumours that he isn't so well endowed either, if you know what I mean." He smirked, diving his hand into the bag of maltesers and shoving a handful into his mouth. "Is there no other guys you like the look of? There has to be someone, surely."

Mila gasped, shaking her head quickly. "I mean right now all I can imagine is a giant pizza shaped baby falling out of me and it's put me off pizza for life." Laughing, she shuffled back in the bed so that her head was now on the pillow and she could look over st the tv screen, but her eyes weren't on that, they were on him. "That is the hardest question I've ever had to answer in my whole life.. but I'd have to say definitely pulled pork nacks with a can of fizzy cherry Coke." She grinned slightly. 

Charlotte stole a few of the Maltesers from his bag before opening up the strawberry laces she had chosen, "yeah, thats the one." she laughed at Henry's little comment, "but thats it he isn't attractive at all, yet girls fall for him because of his obnoxious confidence, it's irritating. Hopefully he gets bored of pestering me after another week or so." Her mind lingered on this question, it could of been a great time to be honest, air out the feelings that had started forming inside her, but today wasn't the right day, "I mean I like the look of Johnny Depp but I'm pretty sure he's never heard of little ol' Charlie." 

Ryan let out a laugh, "you better hold it lovingly by the crusts Mila!" he shook his head, trying to stop laughing. The pair of them together always came out with some of the weirdest stuff, it was ridiculous. She brought out his fun and care free side which had been buried for so long. "ooo that is a good choice I must admit, cherry coke is a pretty good shout as well." he hummed a little, trying to make up his mind on something, "I would have one of those drink dispensers you get in Burger King, and mix raspberry, vanilla and cherry in with Coke Zero to make the ultimate drink from heaven."
International star

Henry ran his fingers through his hair, scoffing on the chocolate, he picked up the bottle of vodka and took a straight swig from it, resting it back down on his night stand. "Honestly just ignore him best as you can and I bet he'll get bored sooner rather than later. He's not even worth telling the time of day to." He smiled over at her, stretching his body out across his bed. "Hey, you never know, he could be searching for you right now and waiting for you to get into contact with him." He joked.

Mila shook her head quickly. "Ew, you can't mix all the flavours together, they all blend into one and that's so gross." She laughed, sitting back up, she stared out of the window. It was a pretty view of the grounds of the hotel, a small pond with a little flower garden. "How did I not know this sort of place was here, I might start booking myself in just to look at the view, I love it here." She stood up and walked forward, leaning her hands on the window sill. Falling into a little world of day dream.

Charlotte nodded in agreement, the jerk was definitely worth ignoring, "that's the plan," she picked up the bottle and took another swig herself before putting it back down, "well he could hurry up because I'm getting impatient," she laughed then let out a small sigh, "do you remember when we use to play doctors and nurses? that is probably going to be the closest I get to a kiss, and you were giving possibly the worst mouth to mouth resuscitation known to child kind." she joked.

Ryan watched as she made her way over to the window, everything about her was perfection. He wouldn't be surprised if other girls were envious of the her. "maybe this could become our spot," he said softly, "unless of course you would rather come here all on your own to look at the view." as he spoke he moved off the bed and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to her , but not too hard as to not upset the food baby.
International star

Henry gasped and sook his head at her. "Well that is the biggest lie I have heard all day, I was the best at mouth to mouth! I saved all your barbie dolls and your teddies, if I remember correctly." He knelt up on the bed and stood over her. "Woah, we got a young female with a hard case of no loveingitis and we need to save her now!" He pushed down on her chest before grabbing her nose with his fingers and putting his whole mouth over hers. But he couldn't hold back the laughs.

Mila turned her head over her shoulder, her smile growing. "I'd really like that.. it's so easy and yet so genius, mo one will ever know." She stood up a little straighter, feeling his arms embrace her she closed her eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath, holding in her tummy just a little so he didn't feel just how bloated she was, because that definitely wasn't cute. "Nah, I think I can manage sharing it with you." She admitted, staying with her back to his chest because, well, this embrace felt so warm and comforting.

Charlotte snorted a little, "you were most certainly not!! Most of them would have died if I wasn't helping them stay alive," she looked up at him as he moved, quickly figuring out what he was going to do, "don't you dare!!" she squealed as he pushed her back, the pair of them laughing away with his mouth over hers, it was ridiculous but this entirely summed up their friendship. There never was barriers, they just loved being absolute idiots around each other.

"Apart from we won't be ordering Papa Johns regularly as that may cause some suspicion." Ryan said with a little chuckle under his breath, "well that is awfully nice of you sweetheart." he moved her hair away from her neck and placed a few soft kisses there before gazing out of the window, "this view is stunning, but doesn't quite compare to getting to see you." he whispered softly to her before turning her around so that they were once again looking into each others eyes.
International star

Henry pulled his mouth off her and fell back on his bed, letting out the loudest laugh ever. "See, I just saved your life again. I should be a doctor or something, maybe that's what I'll do once we leave school." He rubbed his eyes from the laughter filled tears that had filled them. "I suppose we better go and put robbie to bed, we don't want a grumpy bum to deal with in the morning." He wiped the slobber from his lips and stood up from his bed. "After all, if you're anything to go by, he definitely needs his beauty sleeonto function in the morning."

Mila nodded her head, "papa John would never grass on us, would he?" She gasped playfully, turning in his hold she looked up at him, with her big sparkling eyes. "You're not exactly hard to keep my eyes on, either." Her arms wound around his neck and she reached up on her tip toes, letting her lips rest against his gently, stepping back slightly so that she could rest her butt against the window sill to kee she a little more steady.

The moment Henry got off of her she wiped her mouth clean of all his slobbers, "you are ridiculous you know that," she said through laughter, "you are smart enough to be one, though I'm not sure your life saving skills are quite up to par yet." she nodded in agreement, taking a bite of a strawberry lace to try and mask the smell of booze on her breath. "HEY! we've been over this, I'm just not a morning person." she huffed, leaving the room with him to go down to the living room where Robbie was still drawing.

"He better not, especially after I tipped Mr John as much as I did," Ryan said, his voice very soothing and gentle at this time. He held her lips against his, wanting nothing more than to stay in this moment forever, but he never wanted to step over the mark. Even if he was a douchebag for cheating on his wife he was never going to cross the line with Mila, not until things felt right, until he wasn't with someone. He wanted their relationship to be strong and open before things went too far.
International star

Henry was just thankful that the vodka smelt weirdly a little bit like his mouthwash and he could pass it off as well, something other than alcohol. His parents would go mad. "I mean there's not being a morning person, and then there's you. You are another level of absolute grumpy pant syndrome!" He sat down on the sofa and ruffled Robbie hair around. "Right little champ, its about time you headed off to snoozeland. Rocket launching in threeeee.. twoooo... ooooneee." He threw Robbie into his back and ran up the stairs with him.

Mila could listen to him talk forever, they wrapped around her like silk sheets and soothed her mind and soul. Letting her hands drop they decided to instead rest on the tops of his trousers, a much more comfortable position to be in, much less strain on her puny little muscles. Her perfectly manicured nails running up and down the leather of his belt, she thought to herself, before looking back up at him. "I dunno how you can stand to be in such tight clothes all day." She smiled innocently up at him.

Robbie knew the moment he heard his sisters and Henry's voice, "nooooo not bed time already!" he said pathetically, "my drawing isn't finished yet," he pouted but before he got a chance to protest more he had been lifted into the air and was squealing with joy and excitement. 

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh as she watched Henry run off with Robbie, her eyes dropped to the drawing and she felt her heart ache. Her little brother had drawn himself in-between two poorly drawn people with the names Charlie and Henry under them. She felt the tears form in her eyes but forced herself to keep it together, turning away from the drawing and heading to the guest bedroom where Henry was tucking him in, "now you get a good nights sleep alright?" she placed a kiss on his forehead and whispered, "I love you." to him, before standing up off the bed and heading to the doorway.

Ryan let his eyebrow raise ever so slightly, his hands moving to take hers away from his belt, "it can be very difficult but I push through," he said, kissing her hands before taking a step away from her. His eyes gazed along hers, knowing what she most likely wanted, and probably what she had hoped would come of this little overnight stay. "Mila, you know I care about you so incredibly much.." his words tumbled out before he had even thought them all the way through. Perhaps they needed to have a proper conversation about all of this, but he didn't want to ruin their trip.
International star

Henry rested him down once they had arrived in the spare room and sat him on the bed, helping him change into his sonic the hedgehog pyjamas, he tucked him into the beck, turning on the little nightlight he had had since he was a little boy. "See ya in the morning lil dude!" He called before closing the door, and going back into his room, taking off his hoody he climbed into his bed properly, patting the space next to him. "Come on, we've got plenty more snacks and vodka to get through before we go to sleep." He flicked through to Netflix.

Mila tried her very best to stay calm but she just couldn't help the pout this now formed on her lips as he pulled her hands away from his belt. "Yeah yeah I get it.." she mumbled, getting up off the window sill she moved back to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, she looked down at the ground, concentrating all her energy into doing her absolute most, to not flip on him. "I know you do.. but.. I just.. I thought it was what we both wanted." She cheeks a little pink, slightly embarrassed.

Charlotte nodded her head, feeling a little out of it after seeing the drawing, "yeh... I'll be there in a minute, just gonna pop to the toilet" she made her way to the bathroom, shutting the door and taking a long hard look at herself in the mirror before snapping out of it and finding a makeup wipe to remove what was left of the days look. Once done she headed back to Henry's bedroom and flopped on the bed next to him, taking a big swig of vodka, "ok, your turn to talk, what are you going to do now you are a single man once more."

Ryan knew he had messed up but he was just trying to do the right thing, "it is what we both want Mila, we just can't.. not right now. I worry that I'm taking advantage of you and I don't want to do that." he let out a sigh, looking over at her now that she had moved to the bed, "I care too much about you to hurt you. Thats why all of this is so much more complex. I wish we could have met at the cinema or something silly like that, where I wouldn't need to have this professional role in your life as well as a intimate one."
International star

Henry tilted his head to the side, but let it go. It had probably been an emotionally hard day for her, too, having to deal with all his drama and he as grateful that he had her by his side. Smiling when she came back into the room, he pulled the duvet over them both and cuddled a bit closer. "My plans? Well, I'm gonna enjoy being a single weirdo for a little bit, hang out with you, catch up on all the sleepovers we've missed out on. I dunno, just enjoy my life.." he smiled slightly, finishing off the last of the maltesers, starting to feel slightly sick.

Mila frowned and thought about it, before lifting her head to look at him. "Why not. Why can't we, Ryan? Is it that really you just don't want to, that you don't see me like that? I'd rather you tell me the truth so I know I'm not wasting my time.." his was exactly what she was fearing, that he was in too deep and the harmless flirting had gone too far for him. Maybe he didn't want a relationship, he just wanted a bit of fun. "Fuck being professional, do you really think I care about that?" She looked back down at the ground.

Charlotte curled up under the duvet, keeping close to him as they chatted and finished off the open snacks. "that sounds like a pretty amazing idea if you ask me," she closed her eyes as they sat there, their bodies resting against each other. It was so peaceful being in his company when he wasn't stressed. "school is going to be weird tomorrow, maybe we should just build a pillow fort and never leave." she knew that that suggestion was never going to work but it was definitely worth a shot.

Ryan let out a deep sigh, "Why does your mind automatically assume that it's because I've been lying about how I see you Mila? Is me not telling you almost every day not enough to make it clear that I do care for you." he took a breath, keeping himself calm and composed, "unfortunately we can't just 'fuck being professional', I can't pretend that I don't need to teach you and talk to your parents about your grades and reports. It's hard, it's hard pretending that I don't want to just sweep you off your feet while your sat in front of me during a class." 
International star

Henry moved closer and slipped his arm around her. He'd missed this, he missed how she knew about every inch of him and there was no place to hide. He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. "Man I wish that was an option, unfortunately I don't think Robbie would allow it, and neither would my mom, if I'm honest." He reached over and took the bottle, taking another swig, feeling it go to his head a little. "Maybe I should slow down with that." He laughed, lying his head back on his pillow.

Mila pushed her thumbs into the corner of her eyes as she tried her very best to keep calm. Embrace the alter ego, embrace the alter ego. FUCK THE ALTER EGO. she stood up suddenly, her little hands now balled into fists. "Well then kernel me drop out of your class. I've asked and asked and you keep saying you won't allow it, but it would make this so much easier for both of us!" She crossed her srms over her chest, chewing on her bottom lip. "Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe we should just go home."
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