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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte nodded her head, he was right after all she could end up demanding anything she wanted and it was the last thing the two of them needed. All of this wouldn't have happened if he had just kept his dick in his pants. "Henry.. this is all just so fucked up." she said with a sigh and she tugged on his hand to take him into the living room so they could d be a little more comfortable. "I wish things could just go back to how they use to be." rubbing her head lightly she tried to not let her emotions get the best of her.

Ryan didn't expect her to be so unhappy with him, was she really angry with him for going to help his ex-wife who was carrying potentially his child, "She went into labour Mila and no one else was around to help her get into the hospital." he paused, trying to remain calm as he paced the hallway of the hospital. "you can't seriously be annoyed at me for wanting to be there when this is probably my damn kid." he was on a short fuse due to the lack of sleep he had and the last thing he could be putting up with was Mila acting childishly.
International star

Henry got up and followed her into the living room, flopping down he undid his belt so he could get a bit more comfy and out his hands over his face, sighing extremely deeply. "I'm sorry Charlotte.. I really am. Just for everything. But it's gonna be okay, things are gonna be okay, I promise you. It might not be straight away but we are gonna be alright." He reached his hand over to her and gave it a squeeze. "What cafe did you go to anyway huh?" He smiled. He was trying to make more of an effort with her.

Mila couldn't quite believe he was taking this tone with her, and all she had to keep thinking was try not to kick off, but he had pushed her over the edge and the riot in her brain was about to go off. He'd fists clenched and her voice raised a little more when she spoke. "Oh well excuse me for being fucking concerned when my boyfriend runs off to his ex wife, but if you hadn't realised, I'm not a mind reader, Ryan, and you didn't message me until this morning. How was I supposed to know she was having a baby, huh? It's probably not fucking yours anyway." She scowled.

Charlotte felt a little bad for him but this really was the biggest dose of karma known to man. "I know you are Henry, this isn't all your fault.. you didn't know you were sleeping with a complete psycho." she said with an awkward little laugh. Though when he asked her about the cafe she was glad for a change of conversation, "well I don't remember its name but they sold Chinese food AND had cats everywhere. So you could just sit and pet them for ages. Robbie would love it there I just know it."

Ryan couldn't believe the way she was acting, "For fuck sake did you seriously think I was just running off back to her for the sake of it?! Surely you could have worked out what was going on. And we don't know that and until I have the results I will be treating this little girl like she's my own. I was excited to tell you this news but that's been ruined." he took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair, "do you want to come and see her? " he said once he had calmed himself down a bit more.
International star

Henry knew he only had himself to blame and if he could go back in time, he would have never walked out on berm he would have sulked and shouted but not left. "Oh well that's cool ain't it, that's right up your street. Chinese and cats, you must have been in heaven, no wonder you didn't want to leave there." He teased, nudging her. "How about we go there for dinner next time inhave a day off? It could be a treat for Robbie too, I feel like we've definitely got some making up to do with him too." He shrugged, slinging his arm around her and pulling her closer to him, kissing her head.

Mila just didn't comprehend how he ever thought she would be okay with this, with him having a baby in their life's, it would change their relationship dynamic completely. "Well what was I supposed to think when you just dumped me in the middle of a music venue! It's a good job Zane was there otherwise I dunno what would have happened." She sighed, scratching her fingers through her fringe, she was walking a little slower behind Zane so their conversation felt more private. She was 18 for god sake, why the hell would she want to meet a baby? "I'd rather not.. I don't feel comfortable doing that Ryan."

Charlotte nodded her head, Henry knew she adored cats and had also always wanted one. "I still feel like such an idiot for losing track of time, normally I'm so on top of things." she sighed, looking back over at Henry and giving him a smile, "I'm just glad you could rescue Robbie." She liked the idea of them all going there as a little family, it made her smile and she threw her arms around Henry and pulled him in for a hug. All she wanted was for things to be normal and happy again.

Ryan rolled his eyes a little, "The place was ten minutes away from our house Mila you are acting like I left you in a foreign country!" When she said she didn't want to meet the child his heart stopped and he stopped walking as well, "Why not.. ?" he asked, his tone of voice had changed dramatically. This kid was potentially his blood, and now Mila didn't even want to see her.

Zane was trying not to listen but he heard his name getting dropped in it and he raised a brow, glancing back to check she was alright but she seemed to want to keep the conversation to herself for now so he continued walking slightly ahead of her.
International star

Henry was pleased that she actually hugged him and he scooped her up in his arms, one arm underneath her bum and one arm around her back and he pulled her onto his lap. He didn't even care, she needed to be close to him and he needed to feel like they were a couple. Their friendship had lasted for so long, who knew it would get so complicated in a relationship? "I don't think Robbie was so happy about it, he's been a real grump lately. I think after I've made up with you, I've gotta tackle him. Do you reckon he'll want a cuddle?" He teased. Robbie was at that age where kisses and hugs weren't cool.

Mila was frustrated and she stopped in her tracks, the walk was making her breathless and she couldn't concentrate. "Because I was drunk, Ryan, you dint just leave your drunk girlfriend in a bar." She frowned, crossingnher arm over her chest, clearly sulking even though he couldn't see it. "Why not? I'm barely an adult myself, Ryan, that's why, why the hell would I want to be aidund your baby, where you ex wife is, in a hospital? It sounds like torture!" She knew she was being dramatic but she was just so scared that this baby would mean the end of their relationship.

Charlotte squealed as he picked her up and pulled her onto his lap but it was nice to feel his arms around her again. Sometimes she wondered if it would have been better off for them if they had stayed friends, maybe that way things could have been easier. "I don't think that'll work any more unfortunately, he's a big boy now remember." she laughed, that was what Robbie kept referring to himself as over the last month and it was funny but she missed the brother that would run to her for cuddles after school.

Ryan knew she was right about him suddenly leaving but it was just a panic that clearly Mila was too young to understand and maybe that was something they would need to figure out. "Yeah, your right, why the hell would you want to be around my baby. I'm such an idiot for wanting that from you, to think I'd ever want my girlfriend to meet my baby." he laughed, but it wasn't a kind one. "I'll speak to you later I can't argue about this right now, I'm exhausted." and with that he hung up the phone.
International star

Henry always considered their friendship, and if him admitting to her all those months and months ago fhatnhe ahd loved her, whether that had actually destroyed them and made it weird. He remembered the first time they got intimate, that had been the weirdest thing ever and he hadn't been able to concentrate, because he'd seen her as his best friend. "Oh of course, he's big boy Robbie now. Does that mean we can start giving him some chores so I don't have to do the vacuuming any more?" He raised an eyebrow, hopeful. He really hated that chore. He didn't have many because he had the linger work hours, but still.

Mila couldn't talk toim properly when they were on the phone, it didn't give her time to process it properly and her brain was in actual riot mode now. The real kicker was when he hung up and she let out a yell, her teeth clenched as she shoved her phone in her pocket, punching the brick wall that she had been leaning on, which made her wince. Man it had been a long time since she'd done that and the relief it brought her was ridiculous. She closed her eyes tight, wishing the hot tears away.

Charlotte could just imagine how badly that conversation would go with Robbie, the last thing she could see her little brother do was trying to push around the old vacuum they had. "As much as I would love to say that would work.. I don't think it will" She let silence fall between them as she sat there on his lap looking deep into his eyes. It had taken her a long time to feel confident to be intimate with him and now it felt like she was back at square one. "kiss me.." she whispered to him.

Zane turned around when he heard her yell but before he could do anything she had punched the wall, "Jesus Mila!" he said running over to her, "what are you doing?!" he pushed her hair away from her face to see her eyes closed tight, clearly trying to fight the tears that were forcing their way out. "what did that arsehole say to you? I swear to god if he's done something to hurt you." he rubbed his thumb under her ears, clearing away the tears as she cradled her hand.
International star

Henry let out a dramatic sigh and nodded. "I guess he's not such a big boy after all then, which means he will get nothing but big cuddles from me." He definitely saw Robbie as a son now, even though it was weird, but he was raising him and trying to be a good influence in his life, this kid deserved that. He ketnhis arms loosen the hold he had on her but they were still resting around her as he gazed down at her for a little while, there was silence but it wasn't awkward and it gave him time to take in her gorgeous face. And without her having to say another word, he brought his left hand up to rest on the side of her neck, his thumb against her jawline as he leaned in and kissed her.

Mila was furious at this point but she couldn't punch the wall again, she'd already caused a little damage and her knuckles were now grazed and bleeding and she felt like a class A clown. She did a couple of big sniffles, holding in the tears as much as she could, but it was hard when she felt like the love of her life didn't want her any more. He had a proper family now, something Mila couldn't give him for a long time, so why would he want to stick around her? She glanced up at Zane and shrugged, trying to hold her hand away from him. "Kelly had the baby." She said quietly, her bottom lip sticking out like a sore thumb she was just so sad.

Charlotte knew that the move had been a little hard on Robbie, this was the third place he had lived in under a year and changing schools had definitely been tough on him. But then she rarely stopped to think about the impact this change would have had on her relationship. All those mixed emotions faded as he kissed her and she ran her fingers through his hair as they had their moment but she eventually pulled her lips away. "I love you," she whispered.

Zane felt his lips make a little 'o' shape as Mila spoke, it was all starting to make sense now and he pulled hereunto his chest for a hug. "It's gonna be okay Mila," he said softly as he stroked her hair softly. "Now come on, we aren't far from mine and we can get a takeout to cheer you up and some ice on that hand." as they walked back to his he kept his arm around her, shielding her from the world. His house was a two bedroom place with a small conservatory and he was rather proud of it. Unlocking the door he held it open to let Mila inside first.
International star

Henry loved this, it finally felt like they were falling in love all over again and maybe, just maybe, Charlotte was forgiving him slowly. He didn't want to bring it up again so instead he just let his thumb run across the ring, wondering if she'd thought about it any more or if it had been a totally stupid idea. He pulled his lips away, smiling st her. "I love you to the moon and back, Charlotte." He ran his fingers through her waves, his hand resting st the back of her neck. "Do you want me to run you a bubble bath or something? You can have a chill out."

Mila let her arms wrap around Zane. He really wasn't the type of guy to give affection, she knew that straight off the bat, but anything to comfort her right now was enough. "I like the sound of that." She smiled and walked along with him, sliding into his house she looked around. It was very minimal, much like him. She hung her jacket and bag on the coat rack and kicked her doc martens off, wiggling the fingers in her bruised hand as she walked in further, heading for the kitchen area.

Charlotte could feel his thumb rub against the finger where the ring was and it made her heart flutter, she hadn't thought too much about the proposal and she definitely wasn't ready to commit like that but the thought of being at that stage definitely excited her. "only if you'll come and join me and let my give you a bubble beard," she said with a cheeky grin before kissing him once again. 

Zane was trying his best to be a decent guy but it wasn't something he did often, the whole relationship thing just wasn't his scene at all but Mila was special and clearly needed someone right now. "make yourself at home," he said as she went inside before locking the door behind them and kicking his own shoes off. In his hallway there was some of his artwork on the walls but he liked to keep things clean and organised. His furniture was mainly dark but with the light walls it meant the room felt open. Once they were in the kitchen he opened up his freezer and popped out some ice cubes, wrapping them in a tea towel before handing it over to her for her hand. "Can you move them alright?" he asked, nodding towards her hand.
International star

Henry chuckled softly, resting his forehead against hers. She had that cheeky look on her face but he wasn't going to push his luck with her, he wasn't that stupid. "A bubble beard? I think I can settle for that." He let his hands cup her butt as he stood them up from the sofa, gently placing her on her feet he pressed his lips to hers. "You grab the fluffy towels." He winked and headed to the bathroom, slapping the hot water on and drizzling her favourite bubbles underneath it to make it extra foamy. He also lit a couple of little tea light candles and dotted them around the room too.

Mila looked around his kitchen and smiled. It was a lot different to her and Ryan's home, which was nice and cosy, whereas this was much more modern and black and white. She pushed herself up onto one of the kitchen stools that were at the island in the middle, leaning one elbow on the counter, keeping her other hand in her lap until he brought the ice over and she rested it against her knuckles, wincing. "Its find.. they're find.. nothing I haven't done before." She muttered under her breath, looking down at them. This was the bit where she always felt like an idiot.

Part of Charlotte made her want to head into the bedroom with Henry and have some alone time but the other part played images of him with Melissa and she felt herself detach from the situation. "you always look cute with one," she teased before holding on tight as he stood up, letting her own feet hit the ground, "aye aye captain," she said playfully before heading to the small airing cupboard where they kept their towels and removing the two soft white ones they had and headed into the bathroom with them. "aww look at you setting up candles." she smiled.

Zane frowned a little as he moved over to the other stool and propped himself up onto it, taking his phone out and loading up justeat. "if you aren't careful you'll start doing permanent damage to your hand and I doubt you want to be in a position where you can't draw." He could tell she was worked up and he put his phone down, resting one hand on her thigh, "I use to struggle with my anger as well but instead of punching walls I would hit myself and one day I actually knocked myself out and woke up in hospital." he took a deep breath, sharing things like this wasn't usually his jam, "no one is worth you causing yourself pain, remember that."
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