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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry made sure it was looking nice and romantic, he could do it when he put his mind to it and this was the time to woo his girlfriend too. He wiped down the dusty shelves and sprinkled a few rose petals as well, looking over his shoulder at her and grinning. "I know I'm pulling out all the stops tonight eh?" He closed the door and locked it, the last thing they needed was Robbie running in at them. He hung the towels on the radiator to warm them up and then went over to herm gently tugging her tshirt off her head, before pressing his lips to hers again.

Mila knew he was right, she needed to stop acting like this before it got out of hand. "At least it wasn't anyone's face this time." She raised an eyebrow and laughed quietly. She was just glad she hadn't lashed out on anyone. She listened to him speak and frowned a little her hand resting on to of his, her fingers gently tracing along the veins. They had a lot more in common than she first thought. "That doesn't sound like fun. How did you manage to stop feeling so angry?" She asked. It was obvious the anger management classes weren't helping.

Charlotte couldn't remember the last time Henry had done something like this for her, excluding the rather awkward proposal from last night, but it felt really special. He had even used her favourite sugar cookie candles and the little rose petals were just like icing on the cake, "you really have," as he pulled off her top she planted another kiss onto his lips before wriggling out of the rest of her clothes and climbing into the bath. "perfect temperature as well."

Zane raised a brow slightly when she mentioned it not being anyones face this time but it was probably best he didn't question her further on that incident. "Well it was a long process and you better not laugh at this but I started doing yoga and meditation. After a while I found that I was able to enter this other. headspace when I got stressed." he was a little uncomfortable talking about this but if it would help her find some peace than it was worth sharing. "anyway... pick what you want to eat and I'll add something for myself." he said passing her his phone.
International star

Henry watched her undress and his eyes washed over her, not in a sexual sort of way, but simply admiring the body of his beautiful girlfriend. She was a keeper that's for sure. She took off his work clothes and shoved them into the laundry basket they had in the bathroom, before sliding himself in at the other end, resting his arms on either side of the tub and his legs on the outside of hers, he leaned himself back and let out a sigh. "I know, I think I finally know how to make the perfect bath, hey maybe I should add it to my cv and see if it gets me any more job opportunities." He chuckled.

Mila smiled while she listened to him, it was a funny thiugtm zane in little leggings doing some yoga, that would have been a funny sight. "I tried meditation but the sound of my own breathing annoys me.." she raised an eyebrow and shrugged, taking his phone from him and scrolling through the options, ignoring the couple of texts he had flossing in from other girls, she presumed. "Ooooo pizza, I love pizza." She added herself a medium sized pizza and some cookies too for pudding. Sliding his phone back to him.

Charlotte let her eyes linger over him as he got undressed but all she could think about was another womans hands being all over him, maybe getting over this was going to be a lot more complicated than she ever thought. "maybe you could work in a care home running baths for all of the sweet old ladies that want to flirt with you and give you soggy kisses." she teased.

Zane chuckled at her comment, "have you tried doing it with headphones in and some relaxing sounds? it makes it a little easier." He watched as she ordered some food and he relaxed a little more, taking the phone back and adding a pizza for himself as well before ordering. "right it'll take about half an hour, lets get comfy in the living room." he said as he slid off of the stool and took the now melted ice and tea towel and let what was left fall down the sink before going into the living room and flopping onto the sofa.
International star

Henry was in heaven now. What more could he have wanted? His gorgeous girlfriend sat nude in front of him, covered in bubbles and the image of beauty, and she had a smile on her face too. He couldn't not be happy at that point in timeline, he felt like the cat that had got all the damn cream. "That's possibly the worst idea you've ever had, Charlie, I actually couldn't think of anything worse." He scrunched his face ulm grabbing some foam in his hand and blowing it so it went in her direction.

Mila shrugged. "Indint think it's my thing, I guess I'll grow out of it or something. Plus I'm allowed to be mad right now, I have valid reasons!" She jumped down from the bar stool, ruffling her finge about with her fingers and following him into the living room, she looked around and decided to place herself in the corner of the L shaped sofa, picking up a cushion and hugging it in front of her, letting her legs dangle in front of her. "Thank you for letting me hang out with you, I don't really know what I would have done if I was on my own."

"What do you meaaannnn the worst idea?! It's perfect! I can see it now, you in your cute little scrubs helping out all the little old ladies and singing them sweet songs." she lifted her toes up and used it to prod his chest gently as she laughed. As he blew bubbles at her she gasped and swatted them away with her hand, "hey! I'm just trying to be helpful there is no need to launch a bubble attack mission on me out of the blue like that." she put on a sweet little pout.

Zane shrugged his shoulders, "you have reason to be mad but not to fuck up your hand, that's what's not worth it." he said as they moved to the living room and he put the television on to some rock music channel so there was some background noise. Normally he would have had a drink and just chilled but with Mila here he was hoping for a little bit of action tonight if he was lucky. "hey its no problem, I could tell you weren't really ready to go back home and well.. after that phone call I really can't blame you."
International star

Henry just laughed at her. "You're such an idiot. Oh yeah after scrubbing away at all those old ladies I'll come home and touch you with my pruned fingers, would you like that huh?" He wiggled his fingers in her direction, getting rid of the rest of the bubbles that were on his hand and dunking himself down further so that only his head was sticking out the top. "We definitely should have brought a bottle of wine with us, that would have been the cherry on the cake, I think." He closed his eyes.

Mila nodded slowly, he was right, damn it why did he have to be such a smart ass, that made her mad too. She leaned she he's snack against the cosy sofa, if she got too comfy she had a feeling she would fall asleep very quickly here but she porbbaly should have headed home, in case Ryan decided to show up, which she doubted. "Yeah my life is just a shit show at the minute, indont really know what I'm doing any more. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just gone to university to make it all easier." She sighed, looking over at him.

Charlotte couldn't help but be playful in this situation, "oh but you know I just looooovveeee pruned fingers!" She reached out for his fingers and let their hands interlock and she gave them a squeeze before letting go and letting her arms drop under the water again. "why didn't we think of that, would have just made all of this perfect," she let out a small sigh as she watched him sink under the water and close his eyes. Moving a little she scooped up some bubbles and stuck it onto his chin, "never mind that made it perfect"

Zane watched her careful as she sunk into the sofa more and he decided that he should probably try and make a move otherwise she was going to be asleep. Sliding his hand into hers he gave it a squeeze, "well I'm glad you are here.. " he said softly before pulling her close to her and pressing his lips against hers gently. "university might have been easier but would you have enjoyed it as much? I think not.." he smirked.
International star

Henry had made himself very comfortable in the bath as he sank down, even if they didn't have a tasty glass of wine he hadn't a tasty snake right in front of him, which was exactly why he had his eyes closed for now, until he felt her adding bubbles to his chin and his lips twitched into a smirk, opening one eye he grasped her wrists very gently and pulled her so she was closer to him in the water. "Have you got a think for Santa or something?" He teased, wiggling his aka around to make the bubbles move around on his chin and fall to his chest too.

Mila was really zoning out now, some of her favourite music was playing in the background on the music channel he had put on and she had a pizza arriving soon, which was exciting, and she was finally flaming down properly. She opened her eyes when she felt his hand and got up on her knees, moving to sit next to him instead, leaning into his lips. It always felt so wrong but maybe that's why she enjoyed doing it so much. "That's very true. I wouldn't have met you, that's for sure." She bit down on her bottom lip.

Charlotte could feel herself relaxing and the delicious scent of sugar cookies was filling the bathroom now. Hopefully Robbie wasn't going to need the toilet any time soon because she was enjoying the pure bliss of this moment. As he caught her wrist in his hand she looked into his eyes and could see the passion and happiness within them, "How did you know I was into Santa? that was a secret between him and I." she put on a little pout.

Zane was sure that the intensity between them wasn't just something he was feeling because the way she looked at him was making him feel rather weak, "Exactly and it would have been a real shame if we hadn't met because then I wouldn't be able to kiss these delicious lips," and as he finished speaking he pressed his lips against hers again and this time went into a full make out session only to be interrupted by the delivery of their dinner. Groaning slightly he pulled away and accepted the food, dropping it down on the coffee table but looking down with Mila, "I'm not hungry for pizza anymore.."
International star

Henry watched her swish along in the water until she was closer to him and she was sat between his legs, and he he,d her there for a little while, pressing lots of little kisses to her lips, really trying his hardest. "Eeeeww Charlotte likes old men with big beards, no wonder you don't fancy me." He teased, sticking his Tongue out, he moved her arms so they were around his neck and then his hands found her thighs, slowly sliding up them which was much easier when they were under water. They were finally making progress and for him, everything was slotting back into place.

Mila has this look about her, when she knew what she wanted but she wasn't sure how to get it, her blue eyes sparkled slightly but Zane seemed to take all the hints rather well, in fact he wasn't wasting any time. Not like Ryan, Ryan was gentle and loving and worshipped her.. she needed to forget about him right now. Things were heating up just as the pizza man came and she giggled just a tad, her cheeks now flushed but the look on his face when he came back in meant business and she practically swooned for him, taking his hand and pulling him back onto the sofa. "Yeah there's only one thing I'm hungry for right now." Xoxo xox.

For a moment Charlotte got lost in the world of kisses but then there was suddenly a switch in her head and she panicked, pulling away from Henry and climbing out of the bath. "Sorry.. I.. I can't." she said as her cheeks flushed pink and she grabbed one of the towels and wrapped it around her body. This was a huge mistake and she should have realised how much temptation would be there for him. A wave of emotions went through her and tears filled up her eyes, "I thought I was ready but.. I just can't get the image of you and her out of my head."

Zane and Mila did the good time and once all was said and done they pulled themselves together on the sofa and he flipped open one of the pizza boxes. "well that didn't half work up an appetite," he said with a cheeky grin on his face as he took a slice of his pizza and had a bite out of it. He was glad that they were on the same page and she seemed to understand this was just no strings attached business.

Ryan had finally decided to leave the hospital as he was in desperate need of his own bed for the night. Getting out of the car he sluggishly unlocked the front door and entered into the house, he had expected for the living room light to be on but the house was in darkness, "Mila?" he called but when there was no response he thought she might be up in bed. Kicking his shoes off he practically dragged his feet upstairs but when he opened the door and she wasn't there his heart sank. Pulling his phone out he texted, hey are you still out? I'm just home now x
International star

Henry was glad to finally indulge in the wonderful body of his girlfriend, this was a long time coming and he was kissing her over bad over, until she pulled away suddenly and he paused hisnhands, opening her eyes to see her climbing out and he frowned. "Hey.. what the hell happened, I thought we were having a good time." But now she was in the verge of tears and something was seriously wrong. He stepped out too and grabbed his towel wrapping it around his waist and tucking it securely. "Charlie you have to let that go.. nothing is ever going to happen between me and her again, it was one stupid mistake.."

Mila was left rather unsatisfied if she was completely honest and sat up afterwards, raising an eyebrow at him. "Yeah I'm starving." She grabbed a slice of her pizza and shovelled it down her throat, she heard her phone buzz and searched for it on the sofa before grabbing it from between two cushions, sliding it open to read Ryan's message and sighed. Just having some pizza with the guys from work, will be home soon. X it wasn't a complete lie. She was having pizza.. and Zane was her boss right? "I need to go home." She said quietly, no longer hungry.

Charlotte felt like she had entered this horrible headspace and her anxiety had spiked, rubbing at her eyes to stop the tears she couldn't bring herself to look at him, "Let "THAT" go?! It was two days ago Henry! Don't you dare try and tell me how quickly I should be getting over this. You seriously hurt me and that's going to take time to fix, not just a proposal and a nice bath." she tried to calm herself down so that she wasn't shouting but she was shaking now. 

Zane barely looked at her as they ate and when her phone buzzed he was actually thankful, hopefully it was her boyfriend wanting her to go home and that way he could get some damn peace and quiet now. "right, I'll order you an uber." he said as he took out his phone and booked one, "it'll be here in five minutes." he grabbed for another slice of piece and took a few bites and as they headed the horn of the car he turned to her, "see you on Monday, try not to punch anything or anyone else." he teased.

Ryan pulled his clothes off and threw them into the washing basket before putting on some comfy jogger material grey shorts to lounge about in for the time being. Looking at his phone when it buzzed he let out a small sigh of relief, at least she was safe, ok I'll wait up for you x 
International star

Henry outnhis hands in the air, he recognised that face and he was crossing all sorts of bad boundaries. Nothing really ever got her out of this headspace, well apart from cuddles, but that was probably the last thing she wanted from him. "Just like I'm supposed to forget how your best fiend is in love wihtntou, leading you astray burninhave to forget about that don't I, Charlie?" He shook his head, pulling the plug outnthe bath and blowing the candles out. This romantic evening was officially over. He turned the main light back on and unlocked the door.

Mila had never got dressed so fast in her life, even if it did brush against her raw tattoo in the process and made her wince, she needed to get out of there before the guilt ate her up. She fixed her hair in the mirror in his hallway and then jumped into the cab, just rolling her eyes at him. He'd really put her in a stinking mood, Mila didn't like being used no matter how good it felt at the time. She was soon home and she rushed up to the front door, unlocking it and stepping in, but it was weird. It didn't feel like home. And she didn't want to be faced with the wrath of Ryan, either.
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