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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte pouted, "I could bribe your mum by baking her my extra special chocolate chip cookies," she let out a little sigh, grabbing for the bottle after he had some and took another swig herself, "we are celebrating remember! this bottle is in honour of your new found freedom, as well as to being young and free and together.. " she hiccuped a little, letting out another giggle. "plus.. I dare you, as payback for the tickling earlier!"

"If you want to go then go Mila, I'm not stopping you.  And there's a reason I'm not letting you drop out of my class, it will fuck up your grades for this year and that could affect your future. Which I'm not letting you do just so we can sleep together." Ryan rubbed his head, starting to feel stressed and he just simply wasn't in the mood for more stress than was necessary. "there's no use in fighting about this, I've made my mind up that I'm not ready and if thats not okay with you then I'm sorry."
International star

Henry smirked. "Tut, tut, Charlie, trying to bribe my innocent mother with baked good, she will banish you from this house forever if she finds out what a bad influence you are to me." He sat up a little and yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "What, you dare me to Carr on drinking? However will I survive." He took another big swig from the bottle. "To my freedom, and finally escaping that psycho bitch." He laughed, flicking the tv on to friends, something they could have on in the background.

mila was frustrated. She knew how selfish she was being and yet still, she yearned for more and didn't know when to stop pushing. "So that's it, your decision is final on everything, is it?" She turned her back to him and let out a huff, closing her eyes and counting to ten. She really didn't know how she was going to come round from this and make everything okay again, she honestly thought that was exactly what they were going to get up to and so she felt like a complete fool. "Sorry.." she whispered eventually.

Charlotte smirked, "says you! hiding the fact we are drinking under your mothers roof, now that is naughty." she nodded her head defiantly, "yes, yes I am daring you to drink." she took another large swig herself, feeling the alcohol begin to have an effect as she cuddled up closer to him. "she was definitely a psycho," she laughed, gazing over at the tv and frowning, "friends?! of all shows." she huffed a little.

Ryan raised his brow slightly, "It's okay, I'm sorry as well." he said after a long moment of silence had passed between them, "I wish things were easier I really do, but I care about you and that includes your future. Not just within our relationship but outwith." he moved back over to the bed, sitting himself down beside her and pulling her into a hug, letting his eyes close as he embraced her. "I love you," he whispered softly to her.
International star

Henry turned the volume up a little bit. "Woah don't you huff at me or I'll make you watch it and we will sit here in complete silence until you know every single word off by heart." He teased, he looked st the bottle and swished it around, "okay one more mouthful each and then it's all gone." He took one more big gulp of his drink and then passed the rest of the bottle to her, coughing jus a little bit, the intensity was just a bit too much for him. "I really don't want to go to school tomorrow." He admitted.

Mila had took the silence as a moment of luxury to compose herself hands loosened from the fists they were in, nail marks down in her palms where they had been dug in a little too hard. "I care about you too, I wish you could just let that side of you go.. just be carefree and wreckless.." leaning her head on his chest she wrapped her arms around his torso, keeping a tight hold of him. Freezing a small she heard those three crucial words. Her eyes opening. "I.. love you too, Ryan." She whispered back.

"I can huff all I want too mr!" Charlotte declared, taking the bottle from him and finishing off the contents, "I'll be right by your side the entire day," she said reassuringly, her hand running over his arm in a calming gesture. She let her head rest on his shoulder as she felt a shiver run through her. "but lets not think about it.. instead.. truth or dare?" she said, looking up with a cheeky grin on her face.

Ryan held her close, "I wish I could let it go too Mila, I really do." when she said those three special words back he felt his heart beat speed up, a smile crossing his face, "I'm so glad you said it back." he whispered, giving her a kiss on the head. Then he felt his phone start to buzz in his pocket, then break into his ring tone. He groaned slightly, standing up and taking his phone out, "Hey lovely, everything alright? ... Yeah yeah I'm knackered, just got to the hotel about ten minutes ago, starving! Ridiculous being sent on these things last minute... yeah .. what's up? you alright..?"
International star

Henry put his arm around her when her head rested against him and he placed a little kiss on the top of her  gently. "Nope, no huffing allowed in my room, it's one of my rules that I just made up this second which you MUST follow." He sighed at the idea of truth or dare she always made him drink some weird concoction and he wasn't entirely sure that his stomach was up to the job. "Okay but on one condition.. no mustard made with random sauces." 

Mila frowned when his phond rang, their romantic moment over much sooner than she wanted it to be. Sitting back up straight, she rolled to the other side of the bed and stretched her whole body out, pulling her phone from the side of the bed, she loaded up her social media.

Kelly was sat on the bathroom floor, four pregnancy tests in front of her. Well, there was no denying it, it was positive. There was definitely a tiny little human inside her. This would be it, this is what would fix their marriage, it would make sure Ryan wouldn't leave her. Smiling when he answered. "Hey honeybun, it's so nice to hear your voice.. just checking to see how you are is all, I always get so lonely." She laughed, pushing her hair from her face. "Hey, listen.. I've got some news for you.. please promise me to stay calm when I tell you.."

Charlotte thought about this for a moment, then eventually agreed, "Fine, no mystery mustard. But I don't promise that there will be no huffing." she sat herself up right moving her hair behind her ears, "by the way I'm picking dare for you, and I dare you... to make the best impression you can of me. And don't be ridiculous with it, I want your genuine recreation of me!" she grinned.

Ryan leaned against the desk, trying to remain happy in his voice but also not wanting to sound to happy since Mila was sitting right there, "Is everything okay love?" he said, starting to feel a bit worried. About a million thoughts were racing through his mind, what if she's found out about his affair? is there a financial issue? "I can't promise I'll be calm until you tell me whatever it is that's on your mind" he looked over at Mila, giving her a questioning look and mouthing 'sorry' to her. 
International star

Henry sat up a little more, taking this game of truth or dare extremely serious. Rubbing his hands together, he gasped at her. "Woah, I didn't even get a chance to have a choice, I don't think that's very fair do you." He thought about it for a while before standing up from his bed, stumbling a little bit he chuckled. He rested his ahnds on his shoulders. "Oh look at me, I'm Charlotte and I'm the most beautiful girl in the whole world and I don't even know it, oh how I wish Johnny depp would just scoop me up and whisk me away." He imitated her voice,

Kelly could heat the concern in his voice, and knew that she had to tell him sooner rather than later. "Okay okay well.. I kind of wanted to tell you this face to face, but, well, I couldn't wait until then.. baby.. IM PREGNANT! How amazing!" She squealed, happy tears began to roll down her face. Hoping he had a similar reaction.

mila tuned her head over at him and shrugged, smiling. She understood. She understood that while they were madly in love, she still wasn't his only priority at the moment and she knew she had to accept it. Wondering exactly why she had decided to call.

Charlotte was completely shocked, he had never really commented seriously on how she locked and even though they were having a little bit of fun it meant a lot hearing him describe her like that, "oh shush you we both know thats bullshit!" she said, hitting his arm playfully before resting back into the bed. "though I really wouldn't mind if Johnny Depp just should up any time around about now to whisk me off into the world of Hollywood."

Ryan was floored. Had he just heard her right. Pregnant? A Child? They had .. "seriously?! Are you sure? we ... you are pregnant? " he said the words out loud as he moved to sit on the ground of the hotel room, running his hand through his hair and messing with it, something he did when he was stressed. "but I thought you were on birth control? " he finally said, now no longer being able to even look at Mila. He felt sick to the core. He wasn't ready for kids, he had spoken about this with his wife. She knew he wanted to further his career first, get a better house. And now here he was, destined to be the father.
International star

Henry put his arms up in defence and quickly backed away, laughing at her. "See, you even just admitted it yourself so nothing that j just said was bullshit, in fact it's far from. So there, point proven." He stuck his tongue out and sat back down on the bed, rubbing his eyes and smiling, "okay, your turn. And I say you have to tell the truth. Okay okay let me think... okay, you have to tell me about your most embarrassing moment, that I don't already know about." He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Kelly felt a sinking feeling as she frowned, wiping her eyes, the tone of his voice, she knew it far too well. "Yes, WE are going to have a baby. I thought you'd be happy about this, but whatever. Fuck, we can't even have one good thing without you doubting me. Maybe we should wait until you're home before we talk about this any more." she sighed standing up and flushing the toilet. "I guess the condom just didn't work this time."

Mila felt a gigantic lump in her throat form as she heard the words fall from Ryan's lips. She dropped her phone and sat up, staring at him for a second. What kind of fresh hell was this and how the hell was she supposed to escape it? This was it, this was the end of their relationship. It was just too good to be true, she knew it. She got up and went into the bathroom, quietly closing the door, she put her hands over her face.

Charlotte frowned, "NO that does not prove anything! You are so full of shit sometimes honestly," she said it in a clearly playful tone. "But you've witnessed most of my embarrassing moments Hen!" she pouted, trying to think of something that would be good enough to tell him, "well.. something I never told you was maybe four months ago when I tried going on a date with a guy that use to be in the year above us and I accidentally called him Henry while we were out for dinner. " she blushed a little, looking away from him.

Ryans brain was racing like mad, "no no.. it's not that I'm doubting you Kel, it's just, you said you were on the pill and we use protection on top of that." he couldn't think straight, none of this made sense. Was his world seriously crumbling apart like this in front of him? "I'm just shocked y'know? we had talked about all of this and .... " his voice trailed off, lifting his head to see Mila run into the bathroom. fuck. was all he could think now. He was going to lose her, she wasn't going to want to be around someone that was going to be a father to someone elses child. It wouldn't be fair to her.
International star

Henry grabbed her in her sides and pulled her to him. "Sooooo full of shit and yet you listen to every word I've got to say regardless so what does that say about you?" He smirked as he let go of her, listening to end story. "Well I am flattered. I knew you'd been seeing him but I always wondered what happened between you guys. Couldn't keep your mind off me, huh?" He teased, wrapping his arms round her. "Chaaarlotte looooves me, oh yeah she dooooes!" He sang st the top of his lungs, before he Mom abruptly shouted up the stairs for him to stop.

Kelly hasn't taken her pill for around three months, but she was sure with him using protection they would be okay. "I stopped taking it.. it was messing with my mind but, I still thought we'd be okay if you were using something. I'm sorry honeybun, I .. I thought you'd be happy. Just me, and you, and this baby. No one else has to matter any more.." she whispered. Sure, their plans weren't steady but, she was praying this would pull him closer to her.

Charlotte squealed when he pulled her to him, "no I don't !" she said firmly, but the laughter crept on her before she knew it. "oh my god SHUSH!" she said, pushing him gently, thankful for his mum shouting upstairs, "you just wish I loved you, thats what it is!" she said cheekily, poking her tongue out at him before pulling the duvet back over herself. "as they say, boys only tease girls they are in lovvvveeee with." she smirked playfully. 

"YOU WHAT KELLY?" Ryan said, not being able to hold himself back, "why in the hell would you not tell me that you'd stopped?" He was on his feet, pacing now, absolutely stressed out his mind, "you knew I wasn't ready for children though, I just.. I don't get why you wouldn't talk to me first." he sighed, rubbing his head, "look we can talk about this later. I need to think and get my head on straight." he hung up, throwing his phone across the room and onto the bed. He moved towards the bathroom door, knocking, "mila.. you alright?"
International star

Henry clambered under the covers with her and scooped her in his arms again, he was a very loving drunk, that was certain. "And why don't you love me?" He asked, obviously very heart broken, which was made stronger by the pout that he formed on his lips. "I am your bestest friend and you don't even love me, that's really harsh." He lay his head in her shoulder, pretending to cry. Before looking back up at her again, grinning. "And so what if I loved you, huh? What are you gonna do about it?" He smiled.

Kelly walked into their bedroom, getting in on her side of the bed, her fling, Markus was on the other side, who firmly grasped her and began kissing down her neck. "Well if you're going to be like that then maybe we shouldn't have this baby!" She yelled, before hang up. Markus hadn't reacted like that, he was over the moon to maybe be a father.

mila wiped her eyes quickly and leaned her hands in the counters taking a couple of breaths. "Yeah uhm, I'll be out in just a sec." she wiped her face again but it was no she, her puffy eyes and lack of mascara and eyeliner gave away the game. She opened the door and though she tried to hold herself together, her bottom lip trembled again and the tears began to pour. "I didn't realise this was going to be over so soon.." she whispered.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around him, "hey I do love you! I love you for the silly goose that you are." she said childishly, "don't give me that little pout of yours mr, thats not fair at all." she looked into his eyes, her arms now loosely around his neck, "well you better love me, I'm your best friend. Otherwise I'll have to start doing all this pouting nonsense." she giggled a little, looking into his eyes and her mind said but you do love him Charlie, much more than just a best friend.

Henry wrapped her up into his arms and held her there, not wanting to let go. He could feel tears forming in his eyes but he fought them back, "I don't want to be with her.." he said quietly, "and to know that she's been lying to me about something so serious... its all just mind games and I'm exhausted." he said, letting go of mila and moving back into the main body of the room, taking off his shirt and removing his belt before flopping onto the bed. He felt exhausted now, this whole thing was just a nightmare.
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