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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry drove to work and got there a little bit early for his shift, so he slipped behind the counter, nodding once to his manager and giving him a little smile. He probably looked horrible but he really didn't care at that point in time, he'd turned up for his shift and that was all he cared about. He got himself a strong cup of coffee and leaned back against the wall, sipping it down and closing his eyes. He wondered what Charlotte would get up to now, maybe she'd still have a fun time with Robbie. But his little dream come to a crash when customers started bickering and he opened his eyes, raising an eyebrow. He hadn't even started and already they were getting arsey.

Mila lifted her head when she heard his footsteps coming down the stairs and smiled to herself, he still sounded sleepy and he had that husky morning voice that she just adored. "Morning!" She called, she had her positive pants in today and nothing was going to ruin that. She closed her portfolio and put her pens back into the packet, pushing herself up and shuffling off into the kitchen, going over and wrapping her arms around him for a little morning cuddle. "Do you feel better now you've had some proper sleep?"

Robbie frowned when Charlotte said that he wouldn't make it, "no I want to go out with Henry he promised! he.. he pinky promised." his eyes welled up and he left the room, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him. 

Charlotte felt like the biggest dick of the century, "Robbie!" but he was gone and she knew getting him to cheer up was going to take an army. Pulling her phone out she texted Henry, hey I know we said we would take time apart today but Robbie really wants to see you, when does your shift end? x

Ryan acknowledged that Mila was definitely more awake than he was and he wasn't quite ready to dive in to todays activities. "You are full of energy today," he chuckled as he filled up the kettle and flicked the switch for it to start boiling. As she wrapped his arms around him he slung one around her to pull her in for a hug. "definitely though I think I could probably sleep for the entire day if I got the chance. What are you working on anyway?" he asked as he put two slices of bread into the toaster. 
International star

Henry felt his phone buzz and he pulled it out, he had approximately four minutes before he started and he was going to savour every second of it. I should be finishing at four, bit late for a movie but we could grab some pizza if he wants to? I think I owe him a bit of an explanation anyway, hope he doesn't hate me too much x that was who he worried about the most, man that poor little boy, he felt like they were split up parents fighting over custody or something. But he was gonna make it up to him in any way he could.

Mila smiled up at him and shrugged, pulling away form the hug sonthat he could sort out his breakfast and not be too clingy, she was on her best behaviour so far. Who knew how long it would last for, though. "I mean you could sleep all day but then I'd have to go for a picnic on my own and that just sounds sad." She laughed, going over to the fridge and grabbing out some leftover melon she'd chopped up, grabbing a couple of slices to slurp on. "My portfolio for work, do you wanna see!"

Charlotte nibbled on her lip as she waited for him to respond, which he did almost instantly, yeah that would be amazing but can we talk beforehand? I need to clear something up xx She couldn't risk Robbie dropping the bomb that she had kissed Ray because that would just make everything blow up in her face.

Melissa came shimmying in ready for her shift to start when she saw Henry sitting on his phone in the staff room, "hey Henry babyyy," she said with a cheery little smile as she hung her coat up on her hook as well as her handbag before wrapping her apron around her waist, "how's the love life going?"

Ryan looked out a plate and some raspberry jam which he spread over his toast once it was all ready. "I could always just rest my head on your lap and have a little snooze while we have the picnic," he teased but picking up his plate he moved over to the dining table where he sat down to eat. "Of course I do!" he said in-between bites, "you know I've always loved seeing your art work." he watched as she ran through to the living room to get her portfolio. 
International star

Henry read the message and it sent a pang of concern around his body. Was this it, did she want to break up for good? Maybe this moment of clarity had made her realise she didn't really  love him any more and he felt sick. Of course, I'll ring you when I'm done, gotta go now, love ya. X he sent, shoving his phone away he lifted his head when he heard his name, but an automatic eye roll followed after it. "Melissa. Morning." He tried to head through tinthr main bit of the cash register but she stood in his way. "My love life? None of your fucking business is what it is, so please move."

Mila grinned at the thought. "I could decorate your face with food and see how long it lasts til you move, like a game of buckeroo." She smiled brightly, munching on the slices of melon in her hand she slurped them and then threw the rinds in the bin, running off to the living room, licking her fingers clean before grabbing her book and her pens too, and going back in, sitting at the dining table near him and opening it up. She'd gone for an aquatic theme for her first batch of flash stencils.

Melissa loved being the way she was, manipulative and cunning. She moved to the side so that his path was blocked and he couldn't get passed her, "None of my business? Last time I checked it was definitely my business to know. Because you see you made me out to look like an idiot and I don't take kindly to that Henry," she moved slightly so that they were now in view of the camera and as he tried to go passed her she dramatically moved back in a defensive move, "OUCH" she shouted, putting on the waterworks, "why would you push me?! STEVE" she shouted, who was their manager.

Ryan snorted with laughter, what a ridiculous idea but that was the beauty of Milas creative mind she just seemed to be so creative it was unbelievable. "but what if when I woke up I gave you a scare," he teased shaking his head a little before he took another few bites of his toast. Lifting his head back up when she returned and opened up the book beside him and he took a peak at the pages, "damn and you did all of these this morning? they look incredible."
International star

Henry frowned at her, why was she still so caught up on it? It was nothing but a mistake and he'd told her time and time again that it meant nothing but she just didn't listen to him, and he was getting frustrated. "I've not made you into anything, no one knows and they aren't going to either, Melissa. You really are making yourself look stupid." He went to step past but she did some weird stumble and his eyes widened when she shouted their managers name and he took a step back, putting his hands in the air quickly. "what the fuck are you doing?" He hissed.

Steve had just got through a very busy cycle of customers and Melissa and Henry should have been on the floor by now, but he could hear them bickering, so when it went quiet he walked out the back, to see Melissa almost in geaesnand Henry looking flustered. "Hey sweetie are you okay? What's going on here?" He was a big softie, like the dad that everyone wanted.

Mila shrugged. "Maybe poo my pants, maybe a wee, who knows, lets not find out though cos that's not cute." She scrunched her nose up, reaching for the crust of his toast that he'd peeled off and chomping away at it, she'd already had some porridge but she was a bit of an eating machine. Maybe itnwas growth spurts or something. "Well I have been awake for almost like.. three hours now? So yeah. I like this one the most." She pointed to a little rainbow fish, that she'd added metallic detail to.

Melissa wasn't here to play nice, she loved causing as much trouble as humanly possible and that wasn't going to stop just because some guy needed his job. As soon as their manager entered the scene she activated the water works, "Henry pushed me and I've hurt my back," she stopped for a sniffle and to rub at her eyes, "and yesterday when we were up front his girlfriend came in and I just tried to remind him to stay professional and he grabbed my arm really tight. I don't feel safe working around him."

Ryan couldn't contain the laugh as she say she might poo her pants, why was she so ridiculous? It made him crack up even on his worst days. "fine! I suppose I'll just have to stay wide awake then," he chuckled. She'd been awake for three hours? that explained why she seemed to have a lot more energy than he did but it was nice of her to leave him catching up on the rest he needed. "yeah that one might be my favourite as well, or this little guy," he said pointing at a little clown fish at the bottom, "but maybe thats because I like finding nemo"
International star

Steve frowned, seeing Melissa so upset and Henry was looking a little hot under the collar, and something wasn't adding up white right here. "Hey Hyde calm down, it'll be okay. You grab yourself a glass of water and I'll deal with this okay?" He patted her shoulder and dismissed her, and then turned to Henry with a stern look on his face. "I am not having you intimidate one of my hardest workers, and Taylor. You have been slacking lately and now this behaviour? You are a threat the the business and you are dismissed, with no pay until we meet up for a disciplinary action." He ordered. "Now I suggest you go home and think about what you're going to say in this meeting."

Henry couldn't believe what was happening. How the hell was melissa getting away with this, he was innocent and she was a manipulative bitch! It made him so angry and now he was.. losing his job? Wellnthat was just the cherry in the cake, he might as well dig himself a hole in the ground and lie in it now. "You know what, I didn't touch her I haven't done anything, but sure, believe her over me. I've been nothing but loyal to this company and you don't deserve me!" He took his apron off and threw it down on the grounds grabbing his jacket and storming out. It was probably a bad idea but he just couldn't stand the pressure any more.

Mila grinned and nodded. "Good! these weekends are crucial and plus today is a big day, right?" She smiled, tucking a leg beneath her and talked him through all the different designs she had done. "I thought I might do something a bit out of my comfort zone too, like some darker stuff with thicker lines and more solid, I dunno, I guess I just wanna push myself." She closed the book and then leaned her arms on it. "What time is visiting hours? I should probably get myself ready soon." She glanced up on the clock that was baove the doorway.

Melissa nodded her head like a little bobbing head, "thank you Steve, I'll try and pull myself together to get out on the floor soon." she said and as Steve turned away from her she smirked over at Henry before flipping her hair over her shoulder and heading into the main staff room area to get herself a drink.

Charlotte had managed to get Robbie out of his grump by telling him that they were still going to be able to hang out with Henry they just wouldn't be going to the cinema. Once he had gotten dressed she headed to the park with him and the pair were playing around on the climbing frame and having a good old time and she even sent a cute picture of Robbie to Henry on snapchat.

Ryan nodded his head, "yeah it is, I'm honestly a little nervous but I'm glad you want to meet her and I understand this is probably terrifying for you," he said as he rested his hand on hers and gave it a gentle rub with his thumb before returning to his breakfast to finish it off. "that sounds good, have a nice mix of options seems like the best way forward. Maybe you could do a shark as well, that'd be pretty badass."
International star

Henry was fuming, he didn't know if what he had done was just quit but it was probably pushing the manager to the mindset that Henry didn't belong there, because he wasn't a team player or some bullshit. He didn't care, he needed some time to himself to calm down and he really wished he smoked at that point, it would have made it much easier. He pulled his phone out when it did the long buzz for a snapchat notification, and slid it open, smiling. I'll come meet you, work plans have changed my long story. He sent, getting in his car.

Mila gulped and nodded. Was it that obvious that she was terrified? Cos she was, she didn't know how on earth she was supposed to do this but it was for Ryan, he needed her and she needed to be a supportive girlfriend. "Yeah.. I am, but it'll be fine, I mean what can go wrong?" She said positively, running her fingers through her messy bed hair she stood up and tucked she chair in. "A shark? You mean like this?" And she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, and then bit st his neck a few times before laughing.

Charlotte was sat up beside the slide watching as Robbie showed her just how good he was at running up the steep slide but he kept falling and sliding back down. She felt a buzz in her pocket and pulled the phone out, a smile crossing her lips though slightly concerned as to what was going on with work, okay we are at the big park and were just talking about getting an ice cream soon x It was probably ridiculous to refer to a park as 'the big park' but it was the best thing to call it when the closer one was much smaller. 

Ryan laughed lightly at her comment, but he had about a million scenarios in his head about how things could go wrong and all of them involved Kelly being a royal pain in his ass as she always was. "exactly, everything is going to be fine." he said with a sweet smile. Thankfully he had finished eating before Mila had attacked his neck but he found it surprisingly ticklish, "yes yes like that!" he laughed, putting his hands up to protect his neck before getting up, "and the visiting hours start in about forty minutes so I better get my stinky arse into the shower."
International star

Henry read the message before he pulled off. Ice cream, yeah, he coukdnreally do with some ice cream right now to cool down the temper that was raging inside. Be there soon, don't miss me too much! He replied before connecting his phone to the car and then driving to where the big park was, it was a little better than thrnine nearer to their house and there was a gigantic play ground for Robbie to run about and cause chaos in, which he loved to do. He parked up and then walked down, looking around until he spotted them and he snuck over, grabbing Robbie from behind. "Guess who!"

Mila smirked at his reaction and she gave him just a few more little munches to his neck before he stopped and he was stood up so she couldn't even reach any modem, which was sad. She sniffed him and scrunched her face up. "Poooey toy stink!" She teased, patting his bum and doing it all the way up the hallway and up the stairs until they were at their bedroom. "Do I wear make up? Or is that too over the top.. but I want to look nice.." She was thinking out loud more than anything and she went over to her wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear.

Charlotte nibbled down on her lip as she read the text, how the hell was she going to explain what had happened to him without it going into a fight in front of Robbie. She spotted Henry arriving before Robbie did and pretended not to see him so he could surprise Robbie but the smile on her face said exactly how happy she was to see him, "you made it!" she said playfully.

Robbie was far to focused on doing a big run up the slide but next thing he knew he was in the air and he squealed, but then the familiar voice met his ears and he cheered, "HENRYYYYYY!!!" he squealed, "you are just in time for ice creammmm"

Ryan chuckled, she really was adorable but he put on a playful gasp as she sniffed him, "okay I'm not that bad missy!" he protested but he headed up the stairs and stopped outside of the bathroom, "Wear makeup if you want too, though I think you look beautiful either way." he said with a genuine smile before grabbing a towel and nodding to the shower, "I'll be back shortly." he said simply before he went into the bathroom and straight into the shower. The warm water was exactly what his slightly aching muscles needed, falling asleep on that chair hadn't done wonders for his back.
International star

Henry loved that Robbie still loved him, it made him feel like he'd made some good choices with his life and that it was all worth it. "Ice cream? Wow how lucky are we? Let's go kid!" He put him down on the ground and then smiled over at Charlie. She was looking as beautiful as ever. How was he supposed to explain that he had possibly just lost their job, and that he now didn't have any savings because if the non returnable engagement ring he'd got her? This was a complete fail. "I think I'm gonna get one with all the juice and sprinkles." He watched Robbie race over and he waited for Charlotte before they headed over.

Mila smiled at him. "Oh hush you." But then he was in the bathroom and she went over to her wardrobe. She was going to keep it quite classy, she didn't want Kelly thinking bad of her, or that Mila was a downgrade or anything. She pulled on some clean underwear, being careful of her tattoo, along with some high waisted ankle grazer jeans with a striped tshirt tucked in, and then sat at her vanity, she scraped her hair into a low bun that looked nice and class, and then did her make up, finishing it off with a red lip and adding some hoop earrings, and she was finally done.
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