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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte was thankful that Robbie was in a good mood and he seemed oblivious to all of the bullshit that was going on around them. "Lead the way to the ice cream van Robbie!" she said as she slid her hand into Henry's as they walked towards the van with Robbie running ahead. "Henry.. I need to tell you something and I'll completely understand if you change your mind on everything about us but I really fucked up last night." she was keeping her voice low but so he could still hear her. 

Ryan gave himself a good scrubbing and washed his hair which really didn't take him long at all. Once he was out he towel dried his hair and body before wrapping the towel around his waist and returning to the bedroom, "you are looking lovely," he commented as he went over to the wardrobe and picked out a lightweight white turtleneck jumper and a pair of black jeans, as well as his dark blue denim jacket with faux fur collar to pull on before they left. He then dried off his hair and styled it as normal. It was fair to say he was a little nervous about Mila meeting Grace, what if seeing the baby in person scared Mila off entirely?
International star

Henry was relieved when he felt her dainty hand slip into his and he gave it a reassuring squeeze as they headed to the ice cream van, not too far from Robbie. He turned his head to look at her and raised an eyebrow. He didn't want to judge and he'd stay calm for as long a she could, but what the hell could she have done that was so wrong? "You fucked up? What do you mean.. what happened last night?" He frowned, concern growing inside of him the longer that there was a silence.

Mila turned her head to watch him get dressed, it was her favourite part of the routine, apart from when he was getting undressed, of course, but on weekends, when he didn't have to wear his work clothes, he looked extra handsome. "Wow mr Valentine you are looking devilishly divine today." She smirked going over and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, and then wiping away any remnants of red lipstick. She ruffled her fingers through he frins and then took a deep breath. "Come on then."

Charlotte took a few calming breaths, trying to keep herself from having any sort of panic attack. She slowed down their pace and looked over at him, "after you left Ray came over and it was just as friends but .. well we had some shots and we ended up kissing, and Robbie saw." she said, now not being able to look at Henry properly as she felt her eyes well up, "but I regretted it straight away and I'm just so sorry." she said trying to keep her emotions in. 

Ryan was glad that Mila approved of his look, he did wish he could dress in more his own style while at work but unfortunately that just wasn't possible, "well I am glad you approve." He was thankful that she was the type of woman that cleaned up any makeup marks, Kelly use to kiss him with the soul purpose of leaving as many lipstick marks on him as possible and it drove him crazy. Grabbing his phone from the bed and pulling his jacket on he nodded, "lets get going." and they descended down the stairs, shoving his feet into his worn black leather dr Martens he opened the door and waited for Gabbie to follow him outside before locking up.
International star

Henry let his thumb gently stroke against the top of her hand, he'd found it helped her regulate her breathing when she worked herself into these episodes. He'd never fully understand them but he would always be there for her. He felt his jaw tighten when she mentioned ray but he was going to stay calm until he heard the whole scenario and when he did, he wanted to flip his lid. But he'd slept with another girl.. it felt like it was what he deserved for betraying her like that. "Robbie saw? What did you tell him?" He asks,d concerned trusting on the smaller detail to not get worked up.

Mila was just in awe of how good he looked and she had to stop staring before she started drooling all over the place, he was just gorgeous. She slipped her feet into her platform vans and pulled her little all Saints leather jacket on, shoving her phone and keys into her pocket and then followed him out tonthr car, getting in when he unlockednit and strapping herself in, letting her hands drop into her lap as she stared out the window once they were on their way. She stayed quiet for the majority of the journey, wondering what she was going to say if she had to talk to Kelly. "Oh hi, I'm the teenager your husband ran off with."

Charlotte was thankful that he was rubbing her hand, it always seemed to keep her in a calmer state of mind. She could see the anger in his eyes and she couldn't blame him, she would feel the exact same way if roles were reversed but he had to understand that it was all a big mistake. "it's sounds ridiculous but we just said it was a friend thing and part of a bet that I'd lost." Squeezing his hand a little she finally brought herself to look into his eyes again, "I'm really sorry.."

Ryan got into his car and pulled his phone out quickly just to drop Kelly a text to let her know they were on their way. He had already asked if she was okay with going for a walk to the little outdoor area so they could have some alone time with Grace and she had agreed with it at the time. "lets get going," he said as he cranked the radio up and drove to the hospital. Neither of them particularly said much on the way there but once he had pulled up into a space and they were out of the car he took hold of Milas hand, "everything will be alright, don't worry."
International star

Henry let his hand drop from hers once she began to explain it a little more, he was angry, he was furious and he wanted to scream and shout but they were in public, and he just wasn't that type of guy at all. "I'm gonna ask you one question, and I just want you to be honest with me.." he paused, ordering them both a cone with whippy ice cream and a flake, handing the money over and then taking them. "Did you want to kiss him? I won't be mad if you say yes, I just need to know where we stand."

Mila froze in the spot once she got out of the car and saw the hospital in front of jerk, her threat feeling like it was closing up and her eyes widened. What the hell was she doing, this was the most droid idea she'd ever had. But it was too late now, he was holding her hand and leading the way, her palms were probably super sweaty but she had good reason to be nervous. Would this make her step mommy now? That was just weird. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked quietly.

Charlotte let the question linger in her mind and the guilt washed over her, "I did.. yes." her voice was small and she could just tell that this was really going to ruin their relationship. She thanked Mr Whippy man for the ice cream and made sure Robbie was heading back to the park before they followed him. What could she even say at this point to rectify things, "have I ruined this for us?" she finally asked, still not really looking at him and concentrating on Robbie who was up ahead.

Ryan was heading through he hospital towards the correct ward but he could tell that Mila was getting in her own head about this, but he couldn't blame her at all. This was such a big moment and honestly he wasn't sure how it was going to all go down, "of course.. if you don't want to go through with it you don't have too. Just say now before we head up the last flight of stairs." he said as he slowed to a stop in the stairwell. 
International star

Henry took his ice cream, licking at it and pushing the flake down so it went further into his cone, Robbie ad ran back off to sit on some climbing frame while he ate his ice cream and he wasn't causing any harm, it was better for him to be away from this. Henry literally felt his heart broke when she admitted she wanted to kiss ray and he rubbed at his left eye with his palm, trying to keep it all together. "I dunno, I mean when you want to kiss another guy when we're supposed to be fixing our relationship, it kind of speaks volumes doesn't it Charlie?"

Mila looked up at him, he was so calm and so strong and she had to do this for him, more than anything, show him that she was going to be there no matter what came their way. "No no.. let's do it. Let's meet your daughter." She smiled and carried on up the last stair case with him and as soon as they pushed the door open there was that sound of babies crying and screaming and Mila pulled s face, holding his hand just a little bit tighter as she followed him along.

Charlotte was the type of person that ate the flake first and then the ice cream so that is exactly what she did. When Henry finally spoke she should have expected the response and she just stared off into the distance over towards Robbie, "I don't know anymore, because after doing it all I could think about was you." she sat herself down at one of the picnic benches, Henry sitting on the opposite side from her. "what do we do from here then.."

Ryan headed into the ward and along the corridor until they got to the room Kelly was in and his eyes brightened up as he saw Grace asleep in her little crib/box THING (idk how babies work my dude). Gently squeezing Mila's hand they headed into the room, "hello Kelly, this is Mila - my girlfriend." he said with a polite smile on his face. 

Kelly had gotten herself dressed since she had promised Ryan that she would go for a walk so that he could spend some time along with Grace and his girlfriend. As the pair came in she raised a brow, the two couldn't be further apart in style and she was definitely much younger, "well its lovely to meet the woman that stole my husbands heart." she said with a rather cheeky smile on her lips.
International star

Henry dug his mouth into the ice cream and munched it up, until he got down to the cone and chomped on that too, the silence seemed to last forever but he was just debating what to do. "We are going to work this out, we promised each other that we would and I still love you, even if you don't entirely love me right now. But I just gotta ask you, you can't see Eay any more, Charlotte. I don't want to be that guy but having him around is obviously doing more harm than good, and I don't trust him, more than anything." He looked over at her.

Mila put her hand up in a little wave, taking in Kelly. She looked even better now than she did in the photos, and she'd given birth too, this just wasn't fair. Mila was feeling pretty shit about herself at that point, a pang of jealousy in her chest. "I uhm.. what? I didn't steal him.." but she tried to stay quiet as she followed Ryan over to the little cot that the baby was in and just stared down at her. So tiny and fragile, it was amazing that one day she'd grow up to be a scientist or something. "She's tiny.." she whispered.

Charlotte didn't know what to say, they still had their project to finish off and there was no way of changing not with how far through they were, "I don't know if thats going to be possible Henry, we still have about half of this semester working together and its too late for me to find another partner. But I promise I won't see him outside of doing course work." she had eaten all of her ice cream and was playing with the cone, it was her least favourite part and normally Henry would have it.

Ryan rolled his eyes at Kellys comment, "she's only kidding, Kels do you mind giving us some space?" he asked, before he moved passed her and over to the small cot where baby Grace was peacefully lying. "isn't she, and her fingers are just ridiculously small." he said in a soft voice before scooping her up into his arms and holding her close to him. Every time he held Grace he felt like the whole world just stood still and that all that mattered was protecting her.

Kelly frowned a little before putting on a laugh, "of course I'm joking," she said before getting off of the hospital bed and looking over at the pair of them, that was meant to be her happy little family and Mila was ruining it for her. Turning away she left the room.
International star

Henry shook his head. "I'm asking you to do this one thing, Charlie. You need to stay away from him, he's nothing but bad news, and you can FaceTime or whatever and work on your coursework but he isn't stepping foot in our flat again, no way. And you're not flouncing off to cafes or anything with him either, it's him I don't trust, Charlie." He didn't want to be that kind of controlling boyfriend but he needed to cut ray out of the situation, he seemed to be the main source of the issues now.

Mila felt really awkward meeting his wife in the flesh, she was clearly giving Mila daggers and she was doing everything in her power to stay cool. Once she was gone she turned back to Ryan, watching as he lifted the little baby up and he,d her, she looked even smaller now that Ryan was holding her and she was all pink and squishy and her little hands were wriggling and Mila wanted to cry. This was way too many emotions.  "She's really cute." She he,d her finger out to stroke against Graces hand.

Charlotte wanted to do anything and everything she could to make their relationship work so she nodded her head, "I'll do my best to try and keep it as strictly just university library and nothing more, but I can only do so much when this is for uni as well." she slid her hand into his and gave it a small squeeze, "but I promise to you I don't want to and will not kiss him again. I swear on my life."

Ryan found that he was lost staring down into little Graces eyes, she was incredible and to have her in his life just made everything seem better somehow, even though this was only a recent change. Lifting his head up to look at Mila he smiled brightly, "you think?" and as she looked back down Grace her tried to wrap her tiny fingers around one of Milas fingers and he thought it was possibly the most adorable thing he had ever seen in the world.
International star

Henry was glad she was working on his side and maybe this was just a little blip they could yet again get over, just like he had cheated with Melissa and she was working on forgiving him for that. "Thank you.. I just, I don't feel comfortable knowing he's been around Robbie, you know? I don't want Robbie thinking he's replacing me or whatever." He had some news to tell her as well but he didn't even know how to begin bringing it up, it was gonna cause so much stress and he was really avoiding it, looking at her cone he smirked cheekily and swiped it from her hand.

Mila was kind of in awe of this baby, how such a small thing that seemed insignificant fondhr was in fact taking over his entire world and flipping it upside down. But this baby was innocent and Mila wasn't mad at her, she was mad at Kelly. "Inknow so, cos she kind looks like you Yano." She hesitated when grace grabbed atbher finger but let it happen anyway, being careful thstbher sharp acrylic nails wouldn't hurt her at all. "you suit this, you know. You look right holding her."

Charlotte felt bad, she hadn't even considered the impact of him being around Robbie which made her feel even worse. "if it makes you feel any better the first question he asked was where you were." but it didn't make her feel much better, she felt like the worst girlfriend on planet earth. As he took the cone she couldn't help but laugh, at least some things were staying relatively normal. "what happened with work anyway?" 

Mila saying that Grace looked like him made the smile on Ryan's face practically beam into outer space. "I thought the same, even though she is just a cute little thing." he watched as Mila was careful not to scratch little Grace but the little one just seemed interested in trying to squeeze her finger. "you think? I don't know part of me feels like all of this isn't real.. like it's going to be taken away from me any moment and I don't think I could cope with that.." he lowered his voice a little, "I'm worried somehow Kelly gets full custody..."
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