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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry batted his lashes and gave her the biggest of smiles. "No more museum bans, not yet anyway." But Robbie seemed to be having the best time and that was all he cared about and he let him run off to finish off his sheet. "Don't poke the Mummy too hard, you'll wake her up!" She teased, some younger kids heard and looked petrified and ran out screaming and Henry laughed. "So how many moserlla sticks are we ordering from McDonald's today?"

Mila gasped and paused on her bike to give him possibly the biggest pout she had ever given him in her life, the drama queen within her coming out but then she grinned and carried in cycling, taking in the gorgeous view of this park they had right on their doorstep. They were so lucky with where they lived. "Uh huh, it sudks now I'm a grown up with a job, we don't get enough time together and I hate it." She tucked her hair behind her ear.

Charlotte raised her brow ever so slightly as if to say to behave but the smile on her lips showed she found it funny, "good ! because otherwise I'll ground you and take away all your tv privileges." she teased, watching as Robbie ran over to the mummy display and some of the kids seemed horrified at Henrys comment and she laughed. Some of the parents looked over at them in a judgy way and she rolled her eyes. "I was thinking at least their entire stock." she laughed.

Ryan chuckled at her dramatic pout, she was definitely a budding drama queen but he loved her for all of her playful ways. As they cycled further they approached the small river which was relatively quiet which meant they could get a good spot to set up their picnic. "It's not fair but we will make it work, plus maybe we could look at going away on a nice holiday at some point once things have settled down." he was definitely going to need a holiday after the stresses of being a father.
International star

Henry was throwing all adulthood out of the window and was living the dream, he was a bad influence on Robbie sometimes but it was also hilarious. "Noooo not the tv privilege his ever will we survive?!" He teased, taking her hand and pulling her into him once Robbie was out of sight and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. He wasn't 100% sure how she was feeling and he could have been reading it wrong all over again but he felt like they were back to normal. "Is that all? Then we must raid more than one McDonald's." he teased. Walking around the exhibit slowly.

Mila pulled up to the little spot they'd found, it was pretty romantic and they had an ideal sunny spot too where they could chill for the afternoon without being bothered by kids in the park. She'd had enough of kids for one day. "That would be really nice, we said we were gonna do that didn't we?" She put the bike down to the side and then got the bag out of it shaking the blanket out and lying it down and resting the bag of food on top, she kicked her converse off and then sat herself down, stretching her legs out. "This is perfect."

Charlotte let his hand slip into hers and she moved closer to him, kissing him softly with a smile on her lips. Things felt normal again, or as close to normal as you could get after your relationship had practically fallen apart. "maybe we should just go to two McDonalds." she followed him slowly around the last exhibit but she pulled him close to her again for another kiss, "I love you," she whispered softly before turning to Robbie, "come on big boy!" 

Ryan pulled up to the spot and jumped off his bike, resting it against a tree alongside Milas and he helped her lay out the blanket. Once it was laid out he flopped down onto it, "yeah and honestly we both deserve it. You've been working so hard with your apprenticeship and it would just be nice to have some fun in the sun." he kicked off his dr Martens which hadn't been the best choice for a bike trip but his outfit looked great. "it really is," he said as he lay back, fishing the sandwiches out from the bag.
International star

Henry tilted his head to the side. "Or I could just force them to make you loads more and claim its my way of showing my undying love for you." He said it in a real soppy way, giving her the puppy dog eyes and everything. He paused when she did, a little taken aback that it was her kissing him, his hand coming up to rest against the side of her face. "And you have no idea how much I love you, Charlie." He smiled, pulling back when Robbie came running over and he crouched down to look at the sheet properly. "Oh well you've done amazing, you found everything!"

Mila felt terrible, she hadn't been working that hard at all, she spent most of her time flirting or kissing her boss and she saw it more as drawing for fun instead of being a tattoo artist, she enjoyed it so much. But she knew Ryan was falling more and more out of love with his teaching job. "I know, that weekend we had away was the best time, remember?" She grinned over st him, plucking out the little tupperware full of strawberries and she munched on them instead, not such a fan of the sandwiches. 

Charlotte had a fleeting thought of sneaking off with Henry to somewhere quieter but she couldn't afford to take her eyes off of Robbie. The last thing she needed was him to run off with some stranger or go around touching more exhibits. "you will always be my best friend and the love of my life," she replied before Robbie came over to them and she looked down at his sheet, "well done! Lets head to the exit and you'll get your prize." she smiled and the group headed to the exit. 

Ryan could hardly forget their little trip away, her parents had been worried sick but it was worth it overall. Well, apart from the sunburn he got on the back of his neck but otherwise it was incredible. "how could I forget?! I still have all the photos we took together on those cameras. Which were an amazing idea by the way," he said with a gentle nudge before he tucked into his BLT sandwich and gazed out towards the river side. "I've been thinking, once things settle down with Grace and figuring out a schedule with Kelly I think I'm going to apply for some different jobs. find something that really sparks some joy."
International star

Henry wanted to do a little happy dance when Charlotte said that, he really had worked hard to get her to feel that way and he wasn't going to take it for granted any more. Robbie jumped up and down at the sound of a prize and Henry rested his hand on his shoulders guiding him back outs straight past the gift shop with a load of overpriced crap and straight to the front desk and Robbie handed it in, and the lady passed Robbie s little bag of sweeties and a toy dinosaur as well. "Wow that's amazing, day thank you robster!" He waved to the lady and then walked back out to the car.

Mila grinned at the memory, they had didn't most of their time on the beach and in the sea, and she'd got the most magnificent tan. Her parents hadn't been too pleased and she hadn't been able to see Ryan for weeks after that but it had definitely been worth it. "Have you still got them? Maybe we should put some on a cute string with some fairy lights and put them in the hallway or something, it could be the start to us adding a personal touch to the house." She suggested, finishing off her strawberry and then holding one out for him to much on. "I think that's the best idea you've had for a long time."

Charlotte was glad they made a quick escape through the gift shop without Robbie wanting to buy any of the overpriced nonesense. "wow that's a really cool prize Robbie," she smiled a thanks to the lady before they headed to the car and all bundled inside. "now save your sweets for later we are away to get a McDonalds!" she said with a bright smile, ruffling up her little brothers hair before moving back into her seat properly.

Robbie's face lit up at the sight of the goodies, "A DINOSAUR?! thanks!" he said brightly as they all headed to the car. 

Ryan had never thought of that but that was why he wasn't a great decorator, he just kept things simple. "Yeah of course, they are in a photo album at the moment but that sounds like a much better use for them." he grinned over at her, he could remember how gorgeous she was as they had been splashing about in the sea together. Once he finished his sandwich he took a strawberry from the box and took a bite out of it. "mmm I wouldn't go that far, having you in my life and moving in together was a personal favourite of mine."
International star

Henry jumped in and made sure everyone was strapped in again before he set off to the McDonald's drive through, putting the music on quietly and tapping his fingertips on the steering wheel. "You know we should decorate your room like jurrasic park, we could do it like a jungle and make it look really cool if you wanted." He suggested, driving along and turning it up when one of charlottes favourite songs came in, which he loved to annoy her with by singing at the top of his lungs. "EIGHT DAYS A WEEK SUCKER SIGHT DAYS A WEEK!" 

Mila has her isn little algum of photos but she kept them to herself, a lot of their relationship had been secret so she still found it hard to be open, even though she had been desperate for it at the time it was still hard to adjust to. She finished off what she wanted to eat and then wiped her hands clean on the blanket, before moving to roll and lie on her stomach, kicking her feet in the air and leaning on her elbows to grin up at him. "Well yeah there's that, we can't forget that. But I think I'm more proud that you're taking this leap."

Charlotte could see it now, Robbie's bedroom kitted out with fake grass and cut outs of dinosaurs everywhere - he would probably love it. He was going through a real dinosaur phase and the amount of facts Robbie had somehow stored in his small head never ceased to amaze her. "that would be pretty cool," and in a lower voice she said, "but probably expensive." As he cranked up the music she sang along with him, though Henrys booming voice always blocked out the actual song.

Ryan understood why they both struggled posting about their relationship online, it was something they were both adjusting to. What mattered the most is that they were both happy and things just seemed to be growing stronger as time went on. He was glad that she hadn't been tempted to go for someone 'cooler' than him, like Zane. "as long as you promise to hold my hand as I take it because I'm pretty fucking terrified." he laughed, helping himself to another few strawberries before pulling out a can of Pepsi from the bag.
International star

Henry nodded his head, "you're right.. maybe we will work out if this is just a phase first but if it sticks for another money inredkon we could do it for cheap, some branches out the park, we could make it look really cool." He just wanted to give the little boy everything that he deserved. He pulled intonthe drive ways turning the music down a little bit as they got closer. "Yeah can we have a Big Mac meal with a cola.." he began to list off their order. "Oh and right portions of mozerella sticks please." He pulled into the next window to pay. He was starving now. "You're a lucky boy, Robbie, you'll be getting two toys in one day with your happy meal."

Mila reached her hand over and squeezed his thigh gently. "Ryan, I am gonna be there for everything you choose to do. Like you have been with me, even if we fuck everything up and end up living in a bedsit, I don't care because it's me and you, yeah?" She was saying this more to reassure herself because damn it she was feeling so guilty right now. He was the sweetest, kindest man and she was just an idiot, more than an idiot she it was only a matter of time before it blurted out of her mouth.

Charlotte agreed with Henry, it would be nice to give Robbie something new and exciting in his room - he definitely deserved it. She pipped in with her order as they went through the drive through, blushing a little as he mentioned the amount of mozzarella sticks. As Henry was handed the food she then took it on to her lap for the drive home. "two! you'll be spoilt for choice," she teased. 

Robbie respected the rules of the car, no eating food in it. So he patiently sat with his happy meal box on his lap, his mouth practically watering as he waited until they got home. "quick Henry quick I want to get home so I can open it!"

Ryan slid his hand into hers as it rested on his thigh and he smiled, "you and me until the end Mila," he gave her hand a small sqeueeze. Having her stand by him meant more than he could ever really describe. For most of his life he had felt rather alone, he had no other siblings but his parents were always so focused and passionate about their work that they were never truly there to help guide him in life. "I'm so lucky to have you, I know I've said it already but I truly mean it and I'm glad that we managed to forgive each other last night. shows a lot of strength from both of us."
International star

Henry looked in his mirror and Robbie looked like he was jump into the front of the car and steal all the food. "Believe me it will be worth the wait we are gonna have a picnic in the living room!" He sped along probably a little bit faster than he should have and they were soon home and he jumped out, ruffling his hair around. It felt weird to be here, his stuff was all at the hotel and he would have to go back there again at the end of the day.  He followed Charlotte up to the flat and waited for her to let them in. "I can't esit to demolish this."

Mila shook her head and she sat up properly, sitting next to him and her hand rested under his chin, pulling his lips in so they could share a proper kiss, one filled with love and if had her heart beating fast because she just couldn't believe how lucky she was. "I don't know what I would have done if you didn't forgive me.. I thought I actually felt my heart break when I convinced myself you were leaving me." She felt a little bit silly admitting it but it was true.

Charlotte was thankful once they arrived home but also a little wary of going inside, back to the place that she had ended up kissing Ray the night previously. Unlocking the door she let Robbie run in first before following in behind him and going into the living room to lay out all of their food. "this is exactly what the doctor ordered if you ask me," she smiled over at Henry and tugged on his hand so he would sit next to her before she tucked into her own food, pulling her legs up onto the sofa. 

Ryan let his fingers work there way into her hair as he held her close, kissing her passionately. It was moments like this that told him he had made the right decision, being with Kelly had never made him feel this good or special it was unbelievable. "I could never leave you Mila, I love you too much for that." he said with a small laugh as he moved his hand away and lay himself back, gazing up into the sky. "what do you see, in the clouds?" pointing his hand up in the air he continued, "that one looks like an old woman with a hunch."
International star

Henry looked around and frowned a little, it didn't feel like home right now, it didn't feel like it was his place, even though he paid the majority of the rent and bills but ray had been here just the day before and it was horrible to think that. He perched in the edge if the sofa but all he could imagine was ray sat there, with his stupid long hair and tanned skin. Ugh, it made him sick. He took his food and dug his mouth into it. "God I can't remember the last time we had one of these!" He was trying to stay cool and calm.

Mila shrugged. "Sometimes I just think you might want someone a bit more grown up, someone who is calm and doesn't lash out when she doesn't get her way." She kissed his cheek and then turned and lay down next to him, keeping her one hand in his and the other shielding her eyes so that she could look up at the sky without squinting too much. "Look that one of these looks like those potato smiley faces." She pointed at it and grinned.
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