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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte could see the look in Henrys eyes and while he was clearly trying to look happy he wasn't and she sighed just a little before sinking into the sofa with a box of chips and picked at them. "it really has been," she looked away from her boyfriend to Robbie who was playing with his new happy meal toy as well as munching on his nuggets. "I'm exhausted," she said after all of her food was done and she curled up into the corner of her seat.

Ryan chuckled to himself at the thought, while her mood could switch very quickly he couldn't imagine her being any other way. In a way he felt they were made to balance each other out, he was a very calm and level headed guy in comparison. "the only thing I would ever change about you is that I wish you wouldn't be so self destructive when you are angry, that breaks my heart." he looked over to where she was pointing and laughed, "it does! and the one next to it looks sort of like a chicken nugget."
International star

Henry couldn't believe this, he didn't even feel settled in his own home anymore. Maybe he'd just have to burn the whole sofa and start all over again, and anything else Ray had touched he'd burn that too. He moved to sit in the floor instead and rested his food on the table, resting his back against the sofa and stretching his legs out in front of him. "Exhausted? Is it hard work keeping us boys under control?" He teased, finishing off his mountain of food.

Mila knew that was the thing she had to work on the most, she was so good at destroying herself and she knew she would do some real damage one day if she wasn't careful. "Maybe I need to go back to anger management? Maybe I'm not so okay as I thought.." especially if she had to be around a baby now, she would never hurt anyone intentionally. Her thumb stroked along his hand as she pulled her knees up, watching the clouds pass by and laughed at the shapes. "Wow a perfect meal in the sky."

Charlotte tried not to feel hurt by him moving away from beside her but the reality was it felt like a knife through the heart. As she stretched out her legs on the sofa she twirled some of her hair around her finger and nodded, "especially when museum security were giving you both the look!" she laughed, looking over at Robbie as he finished up his food and excused himself to his room to play with his new toys. 

Ryan was surprised to hear her suggest the anger management, originally he got the impression she was only doing it to make her parents happy but it was good for her to admit that she needed the help, "it could be worth a shot? I'll support you whatever decision you make." he moved his hand closer to her so that they were still making contact and a smile crossed his lips as he felt her thumb against his skin. "maybe thats where chefs get their inspiration when they are writing cook books" he joked.
International star

Henry watched Robbie run off, he really had become independent recently and he didn't know if that was because he didn't want to be around Charlotte and Henry any more, or if he was just going through a phase. "Well we were just being inquisitive us boys need to know what's going on." He shoved all the rubbish into one bag and then pushed himself up and went off to the kitchen, throwing it all away and going into the fridge for an afternoon beer but they were all gone. "Hey baby, did you drink some of my beers?" He called to her.

Mila turned her head to him again. "I think it will be good for me to do it, for both of us. I think if I don't then I'm scared I'll do something I really regret." She admitted to him, pushing herself back up slightly and leaning on her elbows, grinning slightly at his comment. "I can just imagine Gordon Ramsey sat in his garden as we speak writing his next book." She teased, sitting up properly she reached into the basket for the little cakes they'd packed. Pulling one of the little cup cakes out she broke it in half and fed him some.

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully, "that's one way of putting it but I'm not sure it would have gotten you out of trouble," she helped pack up all the cartons into the bag before he headed off into the kitchen and she tugged her blanket over her like she always did when on the sofa. Fuck, she thought to herself before leaning over the arm of the sofa so that she could see into the kitchen, "I let Ray have a few last night but I'll replace them for you I promise," she called through but she had a feeling this information would set him off.

Ryan agreed with what she said, sometimes he really did worry that she would fly off the handle and end up doing something regrettable but so far everything had been fixable. "well then we can look at getting you into another group," While she sat up he stayed lying down, moving his arms under his head as he gazed up into the sky, "Ramsey, the king of idiot sandwiches, definitely looks to the clouds for inspiration and thats a fact." as he spotted the cupcake coming towards him he sat himself up a little to munch away on it. 
International star

Henry felt his hand turn into a fist as it he,d into the fridge door a little tighter. "Do not only did he fucking kiss you but he drank my beers too? Brilliant. I wish he was here right nome id shove his head through the wall and.." he rubbed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. He wasn't a violent person but something about ray just gave him real bad vibes. He grabbed a can of Pepsi instead and flopped into the arm chair, switching the tv on. "I just really fucking hate him, his he's managed to manipulate you."

Mila smiled appreciatively at him. "It's a deal. I'll sort my chaotic mind out and you get a job you love. We can both do big scary things that will make our future better." She wanted their future to be bright, no more messing around, havin stupid crushes, she was even considering leaving she apprenticeship altogether but she would see how monday was first. She munched on her half of the cake, and then dusted her hands off on her jeans. "This has been nice."

Charlotte felt herself tense up as he spoke and she pulled her gaze away from the kitchen, she was never good at dealing with people when they were angry but that was on childhood trauma. As he returned to the living room she refrained from asking him to sit with her, "I'm really sorry.. I'll go to the shop soon and get you some in about twenty minutes okay." she pushed some of her hair behind her ear as she looked over at him sipping away on the Pepsi.

Ryan knew that this was the best solution for the pair of them, "deal. We are both going to absolutely boss this I just know it." Once they finished off the cake he sat himself up properly and cleaned up the crumbs that had landed on his shirt, "it has been but we still need to go and feed those poor starving ducks, it would just be rude to cycle into their territory and give them nothing in return." he peered into the bag and removed some of the bread they had brought with them. 
International star

Henry could sense the fear radiating from her and his face softened as he looked over st her, sighing. He'd fucked up, the last thing he enacted was Charlotte being afraid of him and he quickly got up and went and sat next to her, one arm around her back and his other hand resting on the back of her head, holding her close room. "Hey hey hey no.. you don't need to do that, it's okay." He rested his can on the coffee table so he could hold her a little bit closer to him. 

Mila grinned cheesily at him. "Hell yeah we are!" She high fived him and then got up once he got the bread out the bag. Feeding the ducks was not high on her list to do, ever since she got pecked by one when she was a little girl she hated them and always had a little bit of fear. Already as soon as they pulled the bread out she could see the ducks coming over in the water and she pouted, standing slightly behind Ryan as they chucked the bread in. "These ducks are evil, I can just tell already."

Charlotte felt a wave of relief run through her as he moved over to the sofa and she moved a little closer to him, her eyes moving up to meet his, "I do need to, its all my fault and I'm an idiot so I'm going to make it up to you - whatever it takes." she moved a little closer to him as she pulled him in for a hug, feeling her eyes well up with tears which she tried to fight away, "I love you so much Henry," 

Ryan met her hand in the air as the high five, something he hadn't done in what felt like years but it made him chuckle. As he stood up and threw pieces of bread towards the ducks as they approached he noticed that  Mila had slid to hide behind him. "The ducks aren't evil! They are just hungry you silly monkey," he teased as he tossed another piece over to them before taking Milas hand, "the little babies are by far the cutest"
International star

Henry shook his head. He was the biggest fool going and he'd scared the one person he truly loved in life. He scooped his arms u derneath her legs and pulled her onto his lap sonthey could cuddle in a more comfortable way and his stroked her hair gently as he gazed down at her. "Baby, none of this is your fault. I'm not mad at you and I just need you to know that, okay?" He let his hands cup her face, his thumbs running underneath her eyes in case any tears dared to show themselves. "I love you too Charlotte. More than you'll ever know."

Mila was never an anxious or shy person but damn these ducks really were giving her the fear and she took a step back, shaking her head. She lirbablynlooked really silly, scared of some little ducks. "The little ones are the worst, they look sweet and innocent but they're the ones that wanna peck you to death." She narrowed she eyes at them though she could escape because Ryan was holding her hand so she just stood there sulking instead.

Charlotte let him scoop her up in his arms, it always made her feel so safe whenever he lifted her and she quickly cuddled into him once she was comfortably on his lap. "when we came in you couldn't even stay on the sofa beside me, I know I've fucked up and I want to take responsibility for that." she felt a few rogue tears escape her grasp but a smile fluttered onto her lips when he say he loved her too. Kissing him gently on the lips but only for a moment.

Ryan let out a low laugh, not wanting to scare the birds but also finding her sentence rather funny, "don't be silly they just want you to feed them." once he finished off the bread the ducks caught on that there was nothing more to gain from them and waddled off to find more picnic goers willing to part with some scrumptious food. Turning to look at Mila he pulled her in close with the hand that was holding hers and with his other he stroked her cheek gently, "you were so brave baby girl," he said in a cheeky voice before giving her a kiss.
International star

Henry leaned back a little bit so he could see her face properly. He sighed a little, gazing into her eyes, he and to word this so he wouldn't upset her, that was the last thing they needed. "That wasn't because if you, Charlotte. Believe me. It's because all I could think was that dickwad has been sat on this sofa thinking he's the bees knees." He let one hand fall to the small of her back to hold her close as they kissed, it was short and sweet but it was all he needed. "I've forgiven you Charlotte, it's okay."

Mila wasn't feeling it and when the ducks swam off she was really relieved and she felt the fear swim away with them too, but when he turned to her she gave him a sheepish grin, looking up at him, being pulled closer to him which she definitely wasn't going to argue about. Sometimes it felt like this was more a friendship than a relationship but he was giving her all sorts of butterflies low down in her body right now. "Oh I know, I think I deserve a medal or something." She jokedm her cheeks pink as they kissed.

one week later 
~ ~ ~

Charlotte and Henry had been back to living together after they made up a week back but money was still an issue. Henry had managed to pull some strings and got himself an apprenticeship that he was loving but for the time being the income wasn't enough to keep them afloat. At the moment she was sat at the university library writing an essay for someone in her class that had paid her a pathetic tenner for the whole thing but it was one of the few things she could do to make money at the moment. Sipping on her bottle of water she tapped her pen gently on the table as she considered what to write next.

Ryan had met with Kelly at the doctors where they were receiving the DNA results in regards to Grace and he had ended up being so overcome with emotions that the pair of them had ended up kissing in his car. As he drove home his mind was racing and guilt was quickly catching up with him, this wasn't the type of guy he was. Ryan was proudly loyal and that was something he stood by his entire life but the emotion of knowing that Grace was biologically his, it just hit differently. He pulled up into the drive way of his house and headed inside.
International star

Ray had had to keep his distance from Charlotte for the last week, she'd made up some bogus reason for it but he wasn't buying it and he was determined to slither his way back into her life. He headed into the library, a grin appearing on his lips when he spotted her and he slid into the chair next to her, hidnhsnd sliding over hers and giving it a squeeze. "Long time no see, I was starting to think you were avoiding me, angel." He winked, looking down at her. He couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Henry had done a 180 in his career. He was currently working in a garage, it was an apprenticeship so the pay was awful but he wasnfinslly doing something he loved and getting paid while learning. It also meant he worked normal hours and had more time to spend at home, and he finally felt like life was settling back to how it should have been. He had finished early today and so walked through the front door, picking up the letters off the ground and groaning. More final notices for bills.

Mila was in their kitchen, making them some cookies. She couldn't do normal cooking, she was still shocking, but her baking skills were pretty impressive and she had just made some white chocolate chip cookies that were still warm and she grinned when she heard the front door open. She wasnnervous for Ryan, this was such a big deal for him but also as bad as it sss, Mila kind of wanted him to not be the fsther sonshe could have his undivided attention again. She turned her head when he came in. "I'm in the kitchen!" She called.

Charlotte smelt Ray before she even saw him, he wore a very distinct cologne and while it was rather delicious he was the last person she wanted to see right now. They had been doing most of their work over text instead of meeting up to try and keep Henry happy. Sliding her earphone out she gave him a small smile as he slid his way into the seat next to her and his hand was on hers, "hey sorry I've just been so busy with course work.. you know how it is." she laughed lightly, pulling her hand away from his, but she saw his eyes wonder over to the screen and spotted that the essay was under someone elses name.

Ryan felt like he was having some sort of out of body experience as he pushed open the front door to his home, the hallway had changed over the week and now included some photos of Mila and him from their little holiday as well as some fairy lights. He jumped just a little as he heard her voice but he kicked his shoes off and made his way into the kitchen, "wow something smells amazing in here," he said with a smile but he knew he probably seemed out of it. How the hell was he going to explain this one? She was unlikely to understand because hell he didn't think he would feel hit by so much emotion.  
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