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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte had known this fact about him for years, even before they were dating he use to go on about how nice other girls butts looked and while she never told him it had meant that when they weren't together she made sure to do a decent amount of squats to try and improve her own. "I know you are I see you looking at my booty all the damn time!" she teased but as he started objecting to all stars she gave him the cutest pout which changed his mind. 

Ryan should have seen this coming, there was only so long that Mila could have kept all her anger inside and now it was going to come bursting out. "it's just for a few days Mila not forever .. surely you can feel how awkward this is right now for both of us." he was glad she had hit him rather than any solid object that could of really damaged her hand but it still made him upset seeing her resort to aggression. "babe this is just temporary until we both can clear our heads and figure out what it is we want and need from this relationship."
International star

Henry had always admired charlottes little tushy, even when they weren't together she always had a good bum and Heidi had mentioned several times that she was jealous, and she was right to be as well. "Yeah but can you blame me?" His hand slipped along the curve of her hip and gave her bottom a little tap tap before pulling her in closer to his side, leanin ghis hesd back when she turned all stars on. He couldn't think of anything worse to watch but if it kept her happy he wouldn't complain. "So explain this to me again?" He pointed to the screen.

Mila couldn't even hear the words he was saying she wasn't so angry, all she could see was red, well, blurry red from the tears she was fighting back and she stood there, glaring at him. "Don't you dare call me babe, no!" She yelled, rubbing at her eyes roughly with the back of her hand. To her this felt like he just didn't want her around any more, which was understandable,, but it was a dagger to the heart. "Fine, I'll fucking leave!" She exclaimed as she stormed back upstairs into their bedroom. Grabbing a duffle bag from under the bed she began to shove things in without even really paying attention.

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully but she wasn't going to stop him from giving her some appreciation, "I suppppppose I can't, I mean you were lucky enough to have me as a best friend." she teased before wriggling up closer to him to get comfy as the episode started. "RIGHT so these queens have been on previous drag race seasons and they are coming back to battle it out for the crown but the top queen of the week does a lip sync for her damn legacy and if she wins she gets to pick who leaves out of the bottom of the week. Its simple!" 

Ryan was reminded of their age gap when Mila would go into these fits of anger and it was near impossible for him to calm her down now. "its just for a few days.." he repeated but she was off and he could hear her throwing things around upstairs. Giving her a few minutes he took a deep breath and walked up to their bedroom where he leaned against the doorframe watching her, "Mila this isn't us breaking up or anything okay? I just need a few days to clear my head don't you understand that?"
International star

Henry narrowed his eyes slightly as she began to explain and he tried his best to follow what she was saying, but she'd lost him as soon as she mentioned lip syncing and his brain had left the conversation. He blinked and just grinned down at her. "If you say so babe, as long as you enjoy it, I'll just relax." He settled into the sofsm his arm around her as he cuddled her close. But he had to admit when the catwalk song came on he sang along quietly to it. "I think I've watched this way too many times." He laughed.

Mila was so upset right now, it felt like Ryan really had had enough of her and didn't want her around any longer. She lifted her head when he came in and glared at him. "How the hell can you say that, when an hour ago you said you didn't want me to leave, huh? You changed your mind pretty soon." Her biggest fear was that he was going to use this time to get back with his wife. She shoved a load of her clothes in the bag. "Are you sure? Because that is what it feels like."

Charlotte was speaking with a lot of enthusiasm that she hadn't really noticed him clicking off of the conversation, "oh I definitely enjoy it." With that she kept her eyes on the screen as the episode played out, laughing as he sang along to the music, "for someone that puts the pout on whenever this show goes on you really do know the words." by about half way through the episode though Charlie had found herself dropping off to sleep on his lap. 

Ryan ran a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down so that he stayed level headed during this conversation. It would be easy for him to fly off the handle with her and they end up in a shouting match but that would get them nowhere, "I also said an hour ago that I felt like I needed time and after having some thinking time it would be best." frowning a bit he shook his head, "of course I'm sure. why the hell would I make plans with you for this weekend if I wasn't sure Mila?!"
International star


Ray had agreed to meet Charlotte in the car park for her block of flats. She'd made up some bullshit excuse but whatever kept that scummy boyfriend of hers happy, he wouldn't argue with for now. He was dressed in this but without the hat. He didn't do smart looks too well but he'd put in some real effort today and even tamed his hair into a neat man bun on the top of his head. He was leaning against his car with his arms crossed loosely over his chest, grinning when he saw Charlotte, his jaw dropping slightly. "Well I am definitely glad I asked you to be my date." He took her hand and twirled her around. "Ready to go?"

Mila had spent the rest of the week at her parents place. Ryan had texted and called but she had ignored the majority of it, he said he needed space and she was giving it to him. She had stuck it out at the apprenticeship too but after telling Zane it was all over, he had been particularly harsh with her. Currently she was sat in her old bedroom, still tucked up in bed because it was a Saturday and she just had no energy, or oomph left inside of her. She was scrolling through her phone, looking at some tiktoks.

Charlotte was filled with anxiety about having lied to Henry about going on a night out with some of the girls from her class, she claimed it was to celebrate one of their birthdays and it was a pretty dressy occasion. The dress she had chosen for the evening was this one here but without the star necklace, and she had put on a pair of simple nude heels to match. Her hair was straight as requested and her makeup kept simple yet effortlessly elegant. As she approached the car she blushed a little and laughed, "I'm glad you approve!" she smiled before getting into his car.

Ryan was meant to be meeting with Mila to work on the nursery in the spare bedroom for Grace moving in on some days of the week but she had been ignoring his texts and calls across the week. During the week he had managed to get the room gutted of anything that didn't need to be there anymore and had donated most of the furniture to charity. Now he was slumped on the sofa  staring at Milas name trying to talk himself into texting her again, hey, are you still wanting to come back home today? let me know x
International star

Ray couldn't take his eyes off her, looking her uonand down several times before opening the car door to let her in, and then getting back in on the drivers side. "I made up some excuse as to why my mom hasn't met you before. But like I said.. you're my date, so we kind of have to be pretending. Cos I kinda told my mom this is serious.." He admitted driving out of town and down the motorway to the location.  Turning up the radio, some indie folk music was playing, his type of thing.

Mila was watching some cute tiktok boys do some dances, when Ryan's message come up and she frowned. She knew they'd made plans but she didn't know if he even wanted her to be in his life like that any more. I think we need to talk before we do that. She replied. Their relationship wasn't feeling so stable, and even though she was the one that cheated, she definitely wasn't feeling very loved by Ryan any more.

Charlotte felt his eyes on her and she would be lying if she said she didn't love it. Clicking the seat belt into place she crossed her legs all lady like and turned her head to look at him, "Of course we can make it believable considering how much time we've been spending together over the last few months anyway." Laughing a little she gazed out the window, this music wasn't exactly her cup of tea but it wasn't completely awful. "I'm a little nervous about meeting your mum as crazy as that sounds," she admitted. 

Ryan was a little surprised by the text he received from her considering that she had been actively avoiding all of his attempts at talking. Of course, do you want to meet for coffee then? he hovered over the send button for a minute or so before finally hitting it. Now he was starting to worry that she was planning on breaking up with him and he wasn't sure how he would handle that conversation. While the last few days had practically killed him, he had finally felt like he could forgive her actions and they could hopefully move on.
International star

Ray was making his way to the venue, driving at a decent speed and relaxing, on ehand in the wheel and the other on his gear stick as he relaxed into his seat, humming along to the music quietly. "That's very true, we do know an awful lot about each other." He grinned, to him it sounded like she wanted to pretend to be his girlfriend and that was exciting. "What have you been up to today anyway, apart from making yourself look beautiful?" He asked her. "And don't worry about my mother, if you think I'm laid back you wait until you see her." He smiled.

Mila sighed a little, she couldn't just go back to their house and act like everything was fine, that woukdnjust be weird, they needed to talk first. She needed to know if he still loved her. Cool, I'll meet you at Leonard's. x she sent before she got herself out of bed and slid into this dress here. It was a pretty nice day outside which always put her in a good mood. Her scraped her hair into a neat bun and brushed her fringe through, sliding her espadrilles on she grabbed her little across the body bag and then headed out, down the road to the cafe.

Charlotte focused on the scenery quickly changing outside of the window as he drove and she tried to push thoughts of Henry to the back of her mind otherwise a wave of guilt was going to hit her. "Robbie and I were playing Minecraft earlier," she laughed a little before continuing, "he is determined to build us a mansion but he gets scared playing it alone because of the creepers that sneak up on you and explode." Moving her eyes onto him she took in just how good he was looking, "what have you been up too?"

Once Ryan received the text he jumped up from the sofa and ran up the stairs to get ready. Texting back he said, Sounds good see you soon x and after hitting send he tossed his phone onto the bed. He had showered first thing this morning which meant he could just pick out an outfit and fix his hair up a bit. After trying a few different tops on he settled for this outfit here. Picking up his phone he headed downstairs to lock up the house and got into the car. The cafe was closer to Milas parents home than his home so it was a bit of a drive but once he pulled up he spotted Mila coming round the corner. Stepping out the car he smiled over at her, "hey you."
International star

Ray nodded slowly as he listened to her and he turned the radio down slightly so he could hear her better. "Bless him, I used to love playing minecraft! I'll have to log on at some point so we can play together." He said, grinning cheekily. Just wither way to get closer to her. He veered off at a junction and he headed into a small village that was very simple, it literally had a church, a supermarket and that was about it. It was where he had grown up and he loved it around here. He parked up at the church and then got out. "Here we are. Come on, I think we're just in time." He took her hand and led her inside, taking some seats at the back.

Mila felt full of nervous. This was either going to make or break them and she needed to be confident and grown up. The shouting and screaming didn't get her very far and Ryan wasn't as much of a pushover a she used to be. A lot of things had changed. She lifted her head when she heard his voice she gave him a little smile. She wanted to jump st him and grab him but this break had been his idea, so until he said he was comfortable, she was refusing to even hug him. "Hey, shall we head inside?" She nodded to the door and oushednit oodn, going and taking a seat in the window.

Charlotte would never have taken Ray to be the kind of guy to play Minecraft but looks can definitely be deceiving. "yeah we should at some point, would be a lot of fun." The small village was rather sweet especially in comparison to where she had grown up which was a larger city and everything seemed crammed together. The church itself looked gorgeous but she felt her nerves start to form, "I'll follow your lead," she smiled and headed inside with him and took her seat by his side with her hand in his. 

Ryan took a moment to take in every detail of her and the dress she was wearing flattered her body and made her eyes pop. All he wanted to do was scoop her up in his arms and cuddle her but it didn't seem like the right thing to do, not if she wanted to talk first. "yeah that sounds good." He held the door open for her and took the seat across from her. Rubbing his hands together he couldn't help but smile just at how beautiful she was looking, "I've missed you.. a lot over the last few days." he admitted, trying not to sound too pathetic as he did so, "was starting to get a bit worried when you weren't replying."
International star

Ray grinned to himself. This was going to be easy acting, because it was how he wanted to be with her. He deserved her, not that stupid guy who seemed to be a lost puppy. Ray could show her what a real man was. He sat close to her and soon after they'd sat down the ceremony had begun, it was a distant cousin but the ceremony was still beautiful and he patted away a tear as they said their vows. Clapping when it was all done, he stood up and headed outside where their would be photos and he met up with his mother. She was a slim lady with crazy blonde curls in her head and the most gorgeous green eyes. "Aaah ray, my lovey, you made it! And this must be the beautiful charlotte, who you have told me so much about." He kissed her cheek, beaming at her. "You're sommuch more beautiful than your photos." She cooed.

Mila nibbled in the bottom lip, sitting down she crossed one leg over the other and tugged the dress down over her thighdm tucking herself in a little bit more. The sun was shining through the window and was warm against her face and she actually felt like she could do this. "I missed you too. But you said you wanted some space so that's what I gave you." She admitted, looking up to meet his eyes. "You said you needed time." She shrugged.

Charlotte had never actually been to a wedding ceremony before and even though she didn't know the couple she still teared up a little as they said their vows. Once everything was done she followed him out of the hall and instantly she knew that the lady approaching them was his mother, they had a similar face structure and smile. "It's great to finally meet you Mrs ," and she gave her a very sweet smile before giggling a little and tried not to blush, "oh thank you, that's very sweet of you. You looking stunning, that dress is simply breathtaking." 

Ryan never really understood Mila's logic, surely if he was the one texting her it was clear that he wanted to talk to her. "Yes but at the same time I wouldn't have messaged if I didn't want to hear from you," he said it with a small laugh and looked down at his hands before back up to meet her gaze, "well I'm glad you still wanted to meet me today, do you want to order something for lunch as well? I haven't eaten yet." he admitted as he picked up one of the small menus and had a flick through it to distract himself a little from this conversation.
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