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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte had always loved getting cocktails and she had become quite the professional at making homemade ones but they were never as good as getting them from the bar. "which is why they can be the most dangerous drink of all," she laughed, watching as he had another sip but then his hand was against her cheek and he leaned in and kissed her. Instantly she panicked and pressed her hand against his chest to politely push him back, "Ray.. what are you doing?" she asked, biting down on her lip. 

Ryan was doing rather well and he was definitely competitive but so was Stephan which was usually how the two of them ended up banging heads. He took his next go and oh look, "another strike," he said with a cheeky smirk as he picked up his beer and took a drink from the glass. Looking over he smiled as he saw Mila and Tayla talking, not hearing their conversation he simply assumed they were getting on well.

Tayla was rather taken aback by this sassy comment, she hadn't expected it from this kid but either way she gave a small giggle, as to not make things too awkward between them. "Two years huh? That must have been so tough with him going through the divorce and separation. Not to mention the fact you two must have started dating when you really shouldn't have," she said with a cheeky wink, looking over at Ryan, "no wonder you fell in love having a teacher that was that good looking and such a good guy."
International star

Ray had gone in for the kill and at first, he felt like it was working, her wonderful lips felt so good on his and it made him hungry, so hungry to taste all of her. He opened his eyes when she pushed him away and frowned. He didn’t want to be nasty but also, he was going to take what he wanted. “What am I doing? Something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. And if you want me to keep this away from love boy, I suggest you follow my lead.” He told her, shuffling close and his hand came up to rest on her neck, pulling her mouth back to his, an open mouth tongue involved kiss. He wasn’t giving her a choice this time.

Mila fidgeted with her space buns, running her fingers through her fringe as she sat there, feeling like an ant under a magnifying glass. Crossing one leg over the other, she finished her drink and then turned to Tayla. Wow, she really was digging as far as she could and Mila just rolled her eyes at her. So Tayla wasn’t going to be her friend, that was fine. Maybe the other woman would be nicer, but she seemed to be letting this chick run her mouth. “Yeah we started dating a few months before I left school. I helped him through the divorce.” She raised an eyebrow.

Stephan looked up at the leaderboard and shrugged, seeing that Ryan was winning and he smirked. “Looks like your young friend over there is your lucky charm.” He teased him, finishing off his pint. “Everyone want another?” He asked. He watched as Tayla and Mila spoke and he knew that his wife would probably be playing 20 questions, but it was obvious that everyone wanted the gossip on Ryan’s new relationship. He headed to the bar to get them all another drink.

Charlotte had no idea what was going on now, she thought that he had just wanted her company so that they could get things finished but now it was clear. "Please don't tell him.. " she pleaded quietly, things were escalating so quickly and the only option she could see right now was to go with the flow. As he held her close to him she kissed him back, his tongue in her mouth felt so foreign and wrong but it was the only option right now. Taking Rays help was going to be the biggest regret of her life. 

Tayla was loving all of these juicy details and she was practically digging for more dirt on the two of them. "very naughty," she said with a teasing smile as she finished off the last of her own drink and set it down. Watching as her husband went off to get more for them all, "Kelly really was a drag, wasn't she Riley?"

Riley had been listening but not really taking part in the conversation but when her name was mentioned she nodded her head, "She use to stop Ryan from going out with the guys, it was like she had him on this leash. I'm sure you will be a lot better for him." she added.

Ryan gave Stephan a nudge and shook his head, "Least I can impress my woman, not sure your score is really wowing your wife." he smirked before nodding. "I'll give you a hand." But before following Stephan he went over and gave Mila a kiss on the lips before looking at the other two girls, "you two better be playing nice." he joked as he jogged after Stephan to the bar. "Tayla looks like she is grilling Mila," he said with a small laugh, "she always is relentless huh?"
International star

Ray heard her pleas and begs and he smirked, nodding. “Your dirty little secret is safe with me, sweetheart.” He told her,  fore going back in for another kiss, it was rough and it probably wasn’t that pleasant but he certainly enjoyed it, his hand lingering against her thigh, he had wished she had been wearing a skirt but hey, he could always tell her to do that some other time. He pulled away eventually. But kept their faces close, his hand coming up to grab her chin. “This is gonna be easy, you do what I want, for as long as I want, and Henry doesn’t find out a thing, but the minute you try and get yourself out of this, I’ll tell him what a little slag his girlfriend is.” He warned, staring her in the eyes, before pulling away and letting go, he slurped the drink again.

Mila had to laugh, she wasn’t wrong, all the sneaking sprung and kissing and hotel rooms they’d got through while they weren’t telling anyone, it had all been pretty magical. She lifted her head when Ryan gave her a little kiss and it made a beaming smile appear on her lips. “Yeah well Kelly seems to ruin everything Ryan wants in life.. did you guys know she got pregnant and had his baby too?” It was nice that they were kind of including her and Mila felt like it was the only way for her to be accepted into their little clique. Smiling at Riley, she nodded. “I can’t believe it’s took him this long to introduce me to you guys.”

Stephan ordered a beer each for the guys, and then he got all the girls a vodka and coke, cos that’s what girls liked to drink right? He knew Tayla did anyway and it was like her jiggle juice, she’d soon be up dancing and twerking with it, just one of the things he loved about his wife, how wild she was. He paid for them and then waited, leaning against the counter slightly he turned to Ryan and shrugged. “She’s just being friendly, she wants to know all about your missus. You’ve certainly been keeping her a secret haven’t you?” He smirked.

Charlotte could tell he was getting off on all of this, the way he smirked told her everything she needed to know. Once their kiss had ended she glanced down at his hand, praying for it to move away before meeting his gaze as he held her chin. Nodding her head a little she swallowed hard, "okay.. I'll be good." she said in a rather defeated voice. It was taking a lot for her to fight back any tears and she leaned forward and took a few sips of the drink before speaking again, "why are you doing this ray?" 

Tayla gave out a sweet awww as the two of them kissed, it was nice to see Ryan so happy around someone she couldn't deny that. "WHAT?!" she said, almost choking. Riley also gasping in unison at this very new bit of information. "A BABY?!" she repeated, her jaw was practically trailing not he ground now. 

Riley piped up when Mila commented on how it had taken him a while, "it might just be because of how Kelly was, maybe he was just anxious about how we would all get on."

Ryan ran a hand through his hair, messing it up a bit as they waited for the bar staff to fulfil their order. Hopefully this wasn't going to turn into a whole night out thing because he had taken his car and wasn't about to try driving home after too many. "eh what can I say, after everything with Kelly I just needed to make sure that this was right, you know?" he let out a small sigh, looking over to where Mila and the girls were sitting. "Plus I was a bit worried you guys would say she was too young for me but honestly when we are together the age difference isn't even something I realise."
International star

Ray tapped his finger on the jug of cocktail and he looked around, there was hardly anyone in there, it was a Sunday afternoon after all so it meant there wasn’t really anyone to be staring at them, which was good. He finished off the majority of the drink and then rubbed his hands together. “Why? Simply because I cam, Charlotte, and there’s not a single fucking thing you can do about it. I could love you so much better than your boyfriend and you don’t even get it.” He told her, standing up and grabbing his bag. “Are you read to leave?” He asked her.

Mila nodded her head, now she had the girls attention and she was finally getting along with them, all it took was some gossiping. “Yeah, she was cheating on his so she didn’t actually know who the dad was until the baby was born..” she bit her lip and grinned, watching as the guys spoke, making sure they weren’t listening in on the convo. “I think he was nervous I’d kick off or something, I have a tendency of not getting on with people..” and sleeping with his friends.. she thought to herself.

Stephan grabbed three of the drinks and Ryan grabbed the other three and they slowly began to head back but he was too busy enjoying hearing the latest news from his friend. “Well I have to say, I am glad you’re not with that birch any more but I didn’t think you’d stoop to a lower generation just to find yourself a new girlfriend, if I’d have known she was so young I would have suggested a ball pit.” He smirked at his own joke, putting the glasses down on the table for everyone to grab a drink. “Come in then, we need to kick some ass honey.” He said to Tayla.

Charlotte fiddled with her straw a little bit before taking another sip. All she wanted to do was go home to Henry and curl up into his arms and cry but she wouldn't even be able to do that without telling him why. She flinched at his words, so it was because he wanted to be with her. "Okay.." she said before nodding, not sure what else to even say to that. "yeah I'm finished." she said as she slid out of the booth, slinging her bag onto her back. Finally she could get away from him. Once they were back outside she forced herself to smile, "just um.. text me if you need anything." she said awkwardly, not exactly sure what to say. 

Tayla was surprised her jaw was even still attached with all this gossip. She was still a teenager at heart when it came to gossip and she loved to being able to find out everything about anyone. "holy shit.. he kept that one quiet!" Her attention was taken away when Stephan returned with more booze and she practically jumped up to help him bowl and be his cheerleader.

Riley nodded in agreement with Tayla, listening to the whole conversation and she gave Mila a small smile, "well hopefully you feel comfortable enough with us. I know Tayla can come on a bit strong but we aren't bad people, I promise you."

Ryan hooked the drinks up in his hands and carefully returned to their seated area, laughing just a little when he called Kelly a bitch. That was putting it gently. "You are full of jokes today aren't you," he said with a slight shake of the head but he knew that his friend was just saying things in jest. Though if they continued or Mila took offence he would be speaking up quickly. Once they got back he rested the drinks down on the table before sitting himself down in the empty seat Tayla had left when she went to her husband. "this is for you," he said with a smile, handing her the drink.
International star

Ray made sure they had everything and then he took her hand, basically yanking her out of the booth and walking out with her, it was still light so he had plenty of his time for himself. “Oh I will dine you worry, I’ll see you in class tomorrow sweetheart.” He called to her before turning and walking back to his own apartment, back to his house, he really felt like he’d made his mark with her and she knew where they stood now. He’d eased her in but he needed to be truthful.

Henry had been a little shocked that Charlotte had decided she was staying out longer and didn’t need picking up but he brushed it off and he was currently sat on the sofa. He’d prepped a Sunday roast for them and now all he and to do was boil the veg and it would have been done. He lifted his head when he heard the front door and smiled, standing up and going over. “Hey baby girl, where did you get up to huh?” He chuckled. Pressing a kiss to her lips but pausing, tasting alcohol.

Mila laughed quietly. Yeah bless him, he’s been through a lot of shit lately, I guess it was easier if he kept it to himself.” She shrugged it off. She felt a lot better now and it felt like Tayla and Riley had actually accepted her, which was nice. “You guys have actually made me feel really welcome. I thought being a bit younger you’d just ignore me but.. thanks.” She grinned, taking her drink from Ryan and then kissing his cheek. “Hello you.” Shed just caught the end of Stephans comment but she was ignoring it for now and the rest of them started taking their turns.

Charlotte just let him hold her hand, there was no use in protesting it because this situation was bound to get worse. "see you in the morning," she said but with no enthusiasm at all. Letting a small sigh out she dug through her bag and spritzed herself with some perfume to try and mask the scent or Rays aftershave before heading home. Since her phone was dead there was no hope of getting a lift. Once she was home she kickedd her shoes off and smiled as Henry came over, kissing him back forgetting that she would even taste of alcohol. "I'm really sorry for being late, ended up going to the pub with a few people after finishing the work and then my phone died."

Riley was glad to hear that she felt comfortable, "don't be silly! I'm glad you feel comfortable around us, hopefully we can all hang out again in the not so distant future."

Ryan continued doing well and his competitive nature was really shining through. They decided to do a second round because Stephan wasn't happy with losing which was fine by everyone else because they all wanted to have more fun. Sipping on his beer he let his hand rest on Milas leg, his thumb gently stroking it, "hope you are having fun baby, I know you were getting a little anxious before hand." he said the second part quiet enough that only she would hear, not wanting to make anything worse if she didn't feel comfortable just yet. 
International star

Henry has noticed the smell of aftershave, but when she explained what she’d been up to he just gave her one of his soppy smiles. “That’s okay baby as long as you had a good time. I wish you would have text me though, I hate you walking along these streets in your own.” But that was just the protective side of him. “Come on, out your feet up, I’m just gonna finish dinner.” He kissed his cheek and then trotted off to the kitchen, turning the steamer on for the veg, he leaned in the doorway so that he could still talk to her. “Would you like a drink of anything?”

Mila couldn’t believe it, something she’d never had was girl friends and now these women wanted to hang with her, it was like a miracle. She let out a little cheer when they settled in another round and she stood up to stretch her back out, letting out a yawn, she stood in front of Ryan and smiled , a hand either side of his face, she nodded. “I’m having a great time, the girls are awesome. Your friends however seem to be making some jokes don’t they?” She raised an eyebrow. She’d noticed but she was doing her best to behave for now.

Charlotte was riddled with guilt and anxiety about having to lie to Henry, he had the sweetest smile on his face and he wasn't even mad at her. "I know I wish I could have honest!" Smiling a little she nodded and headed into the living room where she flopped onto the sofa but so she was facing the kitchen door, watching him linger in the doorway, "a glass of wine pretty pleaseeeee." she replied, gazing over at him as he lingered in the doorway, "and a cuddle?" 

Ryan wrapped one arm around Mila's waist one she had finished stretching, pulling her close to him as he looked down into her eyes. This had been a really good day and seeing Mila laughing away with the girls made it even better. He would be lying if he didn't say he was a little nervous about her struggling to fit in with any of them but that worry was blown straight out of the park. "I know they just think they are being smart asses, just ignore them alright?" he said before pressing a kiss onto her lips, "they can see how happy we are together."
International star

Henry hummed to himself a he busied himself in the kitchen again, getting out one of her favourite bottles of wine he’d melt a hold of. They were cutting down on luxuries but he thought with how hard she’d been working, she deserved to have one bottle of it in the house, just in case. He poured her a small glass no then handed it to her, flopping into the sofa he grasped her thighs and pulled her to him, his arms wrapping around her, nuzzling his face into her neck. “Did you get all your work done?” He smiled.

Mila reached up and kissed him a couple of times, before leaning round and picking up her drink, taking a couple of small sips, but she was taking it easy in the alcohol, not wanting to embarrass herself. “Uh huh, they’re just jealous they’ve settled down and haven’t got the self a cutie little fireball.” She scrunched her nose up at him but then took a little step away, the rest of them were glancing over and it felt a bit weird. They all kept taking their turns.

Charlotte reached for her bag and managed to get her phone out, sticking in to charge and ignoring it for the time being. All she wanted for the rest of the evening was to spend time with Henry and when he came back with the glass her eyes brightened up, "thank you cutie," she cooed before she was pulled close to him and she wrapped her arms around him in return so that they could snuggle. "mhmm I got so much done, I was a little study machine. did you and Robbie have fun?"

Ryan indulged in the kisses, wishing selfishly that they were alone instead of in a group because he just wanted to keep on kissing her soft strawberry tasting lips. As she pulled away he loosened his arm around her so that she wasn't forced so close to him, "that's exactly it, who wouldn't be jealous of you." he smirked, kissing her scrunched up nose before he stepped away to resume bowling.

Riley tugged on Mila's hand so she came back to sit with them, "I can't cope with how cute you two are!! the way he looks at you is so intense ugh, I'm almost jealous. Elijah always seems to be in a world of his own I mean look at him," she gestured her hand over to her husband who was busy trying out a few varieties of bowling balls.
International star

Henry was so glad to have her in his arms because honestly now he had weekends off he realised just how lonely she must have been not having him to hang out with. They really hadn’t made too many friends since moving here. “Oh yeah I had a whale of a time being ignored while Robbie tells me to go away.” He smirked, pulling his face away from her neck to look down at her. “I did get him to do some homework though so it’s not a complete fail. And I did the roast potatoes just how you like them.” He gave her a big beaming smile.

Mila laughed to herself and was about to reply, when Riley pulled her back over and she grinned, huddling with her and Tayla while the guys went back to gossiping about motorbikes and whatever else guys liked to talk about. “Oh you know how it is, I guess me and Ryan are in the honeymoon phase still, we’ve been going through some real tough things so it’s nice we’ve come out strong the other side.” She giggled, sipping her drink. “Elijah seems nice though.”

Charlotte found herself holding onto this hug with Henry, tears threatening to form in her eyes as she took in the scent of his aftershave. Rays words were echoing in her head how much of a slag his girlfriend is, what the fuck was she meant to do. "well I'm here now and I promise not to ignore you,' she sad as their eyes met and a smile returned to her lips, "you really are the best. I don't know how I got so lucky." 

Riley laughed a little, "I would pay good money to be back in the honeymoon phase, nowadays all Elijah does is play xbox and scratch his balls, appppppparently thats exhausting work." she said with a chuckle. "I'm glad you two came out stronger, shows a lot of character to do that. So what kind of work are you doing?" she asked interestingly. 

Tayla decided to pipe in, now that she had consumed a few alcoholic beverages she was feeling rather loose lipped, "or are you studying? or whatever it is kids do these days." she said with a small giggle. It wasn't that she didn't like Mila, it was just that she was rather blunt about things.
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