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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry grinned. “Well I would be ever so sad if you did choose to ignore me, you and your squishy little butt owe me some time!” He chuckled, his hands trailing up and down her sides very gently, relaxing with her but he was conscious of the time, he didn’t want the beg to over cook. “I think I’m the lucky one here, having a beautiful girlfriend coming home to me everyday? Yeah, I’m living the dream.” He told her, cupping her chin with his hand and kissing her a couple of times before patting her butt. “Come in, you lay the table and I’ll start serving up.” He stood up, easing her off his lap and heading into the kitchen.

Mila had to laugh at what Riley said but she nodded. “Oh don’t worry, the honeymoon phase is still filled with all of that, you’re not missing out in much.” She scrunched up her face, but was glad when she started asking about her, someone was taking interest in her and Mila was feeling real confident now. Until Tayla decided to pipe in and she purses her lips together. There was two ways this could go, Mila could be polite and brush it off, or she could have started world war three. “I’m not a child. I have a job, thanks. I work in a tattoo studio as an apprentice. One of Ryan’s old friends owns it actually.” But she left it there, deciding to stay cool. For now.

"I knowww you have my full attention now though I promise!" Charlotte said before pressing a kiss to his nose, "shush you, you are getting all mushy and cute." but the reality was that guilt was starting to eat her up. Charlie had never been good at lying or pretending, she always lived by the motto of being honest. "but I wanted cuddles," she gave him a small pout before shuffling off him and following into the kitchen where she set up the table as he finished cooking. "Can't believe tomorrows the release day of my book," she said, biting her lip just a little. 

Riley felt just a tad awkward at the way Tayla was behaving, the two got on well but after a few drinks there was always the risk of those loose lips running her rampant. "A tattoo studio? that sounds amazing! You'll need to show us some of your work, I've got a few tats myself but nothing intricate because I've not found anyone I trust to do something big you know."

Tayla rolled her eyes a bit, sipping from her fifth or sixth glass as she listened to the pair speak, "Zane by any chance? Guys a loose cannon I swear. I've heard some real stories about the guys and Zane back at school." she chuckled, looking away from the girls for a moment before back again, "but can you actually tattoo yet or is it still all practice work?"
International star

Henry had the sweetest look on his face, he just hadn’t been this happy in a long time. They’d worked through their blip and his jealously had disappeared, mainly because he knew Charlotte wouldn’t really be hanging out with ray any more. “You can have plenty of cuddles after dinner, that I can guarantee.” He began plating up for everyone, making sure to hide peas and sweet corn in Robbie’s mash, a way to get him to eat veg without knowing it. He turned to her and gasped. “Oh my goodness is that already? Then we have to celebrate!” He told her, putting the plates on the table.

Mila was grateful that Riley was there, she was much easier to talk to and had a much calmer energy, which Mila needed sometimes. “Oh I have some pictures on my phone let me show you!” She got her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through the pictures, since her practise had gone so well zane had let her do a couple of very small ones. “Yeah you can say that again, he sure is a character.” She raised her eyebrows. Showing both the girls the pictures she’d done. “I can tattoo.. just under supervision for now.” She told her. “You really do like playing twenty questions don’t you Tayla?”

Charlotte had laid out the place mats and cutlery and was currently sat folding the napkins into little boats. This was something she had started doing and Robbie absolutely loved it, his favourite so far was the boat but Henry loved the suit jackets. "That better be a promise mister because I'm in a really cuddly mood," she nodded her head, "yeah! I mean I know no one is going to know its me unless they read the small print but I don't even care." 

Robbie could hear the pair in the kitchen and decided to shuffle out of his room to investigate and he smiled, "your book, it's for that zoella right Charlie?! all the girls in school love her." he said, sitting himself into the chair and grinning at the food.

Riley leaned in close to look at the photos as she scrolled through them, some were of the tattoos she had done on skin and others were of her portfolio, "wow I love this rose one." she said, pointing at one in her portfolio, "well once you can take commissions for larger pieces it would be an honour to have your talent on my skin." she said before her eyes shifted to Tayla and she gave her a slight frown.

Tayla raised her brow ever so slightly, so this kid was going to get feisty well two could play at that game. "Would you prefer if I showed no interest in you and your life, kid?" she said, a small devious smirk on her lips as she said the word, knowing that it was going to push a few of Mila's buttons.
International star

Henry put robbie’s plate down for him first and then Charlie’s and then his own, and then put the Gravy boat in the middle, before sitting down. “Let’s say grace. Grace!” He let out a belly laugh before digging into their roast beef dinner which he had cooked to perfection, with crispy little roasties and home made Yorkies too. There was silence which was only interrupted by little ‘mm’ noises from anyone. “How about we go out for dinner tomorrow then? I think a Pizza Hut is in order to celebrate the amazing book huh?” He grinned.

Mila was glad that at least someone was appreciating her work. “I’ll have to keep that in mind, I can’t wait til I’m allowed to do bigger pieces, but it has only been a few months so I’m not surprised.” He laughed, putting her phone back in her pocket and she was about to ignore Tayla until she called her kid and it was like a switch flipped. “Don’t fucking talk to me like that.” She warned her, giving her the ultimate death glare. But the guys had stopped bowling now and she just rolled her eyes, sitting down and sulking in her seat.

Charlotte was surprised to hear her brother remember anything about the book she was writing but it made her smile, "thats the one, means you'll have bragging rights if the book goes down well." She looked over at Henry and just laughed, "whose Grace huh?!" she teased, nudging him with her foot under the table before digging into the food. Pizza Hut was one of her favourites and Henry knew it, "how am I suppose to say no to Pizza Hut with my two favourite boys?!" she laughed before continuing on with her dinner.

Riley nodded her head a little, "of course! I'm so excited for you." she said brightly but the look in Tayla's eyes told her that things were about to kick off and there was no stopping her once she had started. What she hadn't expected was for Mila to have a backbone and she was a little proud.

Tayla also hadn't expected Mila to fight back, usually girls squirmed below her. It was clear that Tayla had been the queen of high school drama. "Aww is the little baby going to cry because the adults are using big words when talking to her." she really was poking the bear.

Ryan and the other guys had been playing a three man game of bowling and had left the girls to chat away but when he heard Mila snap his head turned to see what was going on and the way Tayla reacted sent a big of anger through his veins, "Is there a problem here Tayla? Because I don't think the way you are talking to my girlfriend is appropriate at all." this definitely put Tayla in her place as she scuffed and rolled her eyes.
International star

Henry grinned at Robbie. “Maybe you’ll get yourself a girlfriend now that your sister is famous.” He teased, laughing at the face that Robbie pulled. The cooties were still strong and he wondered how long that phase would last him, maybe girls really were disgusting nowadays. “Exactly that’s the whole point, you can’t say no which means we definitely have to go.” He winked, demolishing his dinner in no time, putting some beef and then a roastie in his Yorkshire pudding before shoving the full thing in his mouth. “Mmm, I am better than Gordon Ramsey I tell ya!”

Mila felt like she’d found her match and she wasn't a fan if this bitch and whoever she thought she was but Mila wasn’t backing down anytime soon. Her hands were in fists now and she was about to retort but ryan came over, which was probably for the best. Mila didn’t want to show him up in front of his friends. “Everything is fine, we just had a little disagreement is all.” She shrugged, looking up at him. At least he didn’t look too mad at her.

Stephen went over and slung his arm around Tayla, chuckling. “Now now, play nice babes.” He kissed her cheek, but his head snapped to Ryan when he spoke to Tayla. “Oi mate, it wasn’t her fault, maybe you should learn to keep the kid on a leash or something yeah?” He rolled his eyes, looking back down at his girlfriend. “Let’s grab a drink.” He told herm taking her hand and walking over to the bar with her, so she could cool down.

Charlotte laughed at the look on Robbie's face at the mention of getting him a girlfriend, bless he was so afraid at the mention of girls and she had seen him dodge them on his way into school. "girls aren't so scary Robbie I promise." Picking up her glass of Pepsi max she took a sip before finishing off the remainder of her food. "maybe if we cross our fingers really tightly the book will be a success and we can get a decent amount of income from this, then there could be a few more Pizza Hut trips." Laughing at Henrys reaction she nodded, "you are superior to Ramsay baby." 

Ryan raised hie eyebrow when Stephen turned to talk to him and he was not impressed with his tone either, "Excuse me? That's my girlfriend you are talking about so you better watch your tongue. You might think you are being a smart ass but it's not going to fly." he watched as they went away to the bar and his eyes were burning into the back of Stephens head before looking at Mila and he wrapped one arm around her waist to pull her in close to him, planting a kiss on the top of his, "Is everything really okay princess? because I won't let them talk down to you, not on my watch."
International star

Henry licked his lips and rubbed his belly. “Well I reckon we will be having Pizza Hut for breakfast lunch and dinner. How many preorders did You say it had again? Man it’s gonna be wicked, they should have you going in the book tours so that you can enjoy the atmosphere. Still I guess that would give away that she didn’t do all the hard work herself.” He chuckled, dipping his remaining Yorkshire puddings into the gravy boat. “Right, you go and chill on the sofa and I’ll tidy up.” He got up and grabbed all the empty plates, kissing her cheek and then heading into the kitchen.

Mila was in full strop mode and was grateful that Ryan came across. The way Tayla had spoken to her made her feel like she was ten inches tall. But of course Stephen stuck up for her, it was exactly like what Ryan was doing. She nudged her forehead to his chest and pouted slightly, closing her eyes for a second. Taking a deep breath. “Honestly it was just a disagreement, everything is fine.” She reassured him, picking up her glass and sipping it. “But maybe me and her just shouldn’t be left in a room in our own.” She shrugged, giving her daggers from across the room.

Charlotte had to think about it for a moment, though it was a rather crazy amount, "I think it was in the thousands somewhere but its just because the you tubers fans are crazy." she stood up and was going to start clearing up, "are you sure?" she said but as he planted the kiss to her cheek she took that as a sign and went into the living room, unplugging her phone and flopping onto the sofa. She went onto amazon and there her book was as an option to preorder and the release date as tomorrow, it made her heart beat just that little harder from excitement.

Ryan was proud of Mila for refraining from flying off the handle because of Tayla and Stephens comments, it showed a lot of progression and he just wanted to cover her in kisses. "Alright if you are sure, just don't want anyone making you feel shitty or uncomfortable." He pressed another kiss to her head as she cuddled into his chest, squeezing her waist gently, "that can definitely be arranged. I'll just finish this game and we can head off home, how does that sound? I'm not exactly in the mood for a night out if my mate is going to act like an absolute bellend towards my girl."
International star

Henry nodded his head. “Of course I’m sure, you’ve been at the library all day babe.” He smiled and washed all the dishes up and any leftovers, he made into tiny meals that they could have for lunch for the next couple of days too, being the efficient guy that he was. He then got them out a little smart price tub of vanilla ice cream and two spoons and then went and sat down with her, putting his feet up. “What you looking at hun?” He asked, flicking through the channels, he picked up his spoon and dig into the box.

Mika eventually looked up at him, once she’d calmed herself down and she let out a small sigh, her hands finally unclenching from the fists they were in. “We don’t have to do that if you don’t want to Ryan, we can still have a good time but I’ll just keep to Riley for now is all.” But home sounded like, the best place right now. She reached her hand up to capture his chin between his thumb and finger and kissed him once. “One more drink and then we will go.”

*next day for Charlie and Henry*
Charlotte had woken up earlier than everyone else from excitement at the thought of her book launch, not that she was invited to anything special for it but seeing everyone on twitter talking about it made her feel proud. Having already showered and washed she changed into this outfit here  and putting on minimal makeup. Classes started first thing today but she felt like putting in a little extra effort considering the occasion. Turning her head to the bed as Henry began to wake up she moved over to him and kissed his cheek, "wakey wakey," 

Ryan didn't even want to stay any longer, the jokes at the start were alright but that last comment from Stephen had really pissed him off. At least Elijah had been on his best behaviour and just kept out of it, the two of them had always been closer friends. "One more drink sounds good but if you feel uncomfortable at any point just tell me okay?" he smiled when she caught him for a proper kiss, moving his hand behind her neck to hold her close so he could steal a second one from her. "I'll get us one," and with that he headed off to the bar.

Riley waited until Ryan had left before going back over to Mila, "hey I'm really sorry about Tayla, she can be a bit of a bitch especially after a few drinks. And Stephen... well he can be an ass at any hour of the day." she said with a small laugh.
International star

Henry didn’t have to get up as early any more and he normally relied on Charlotte waking him up now, which she did and he smiled, opening one eye to look up at her, grinning, “todays the day babe.” He kissed her once before sitting up and getting himself out of bed, stretching his arms above his head, waddling off to the bathroom where he did his morning pee, and then brushed his teeth too, ruffling his fingers through his hair, he walked back into the bedroom. “What are the plans for today then girly?” He pulled off his shorts and then pulled in some clean pants and then his uniform too. 

Mila gave him a reassuring smile. “I can handle it, I promise. I can’t promise the big vein in my forehead will behave tough,” she teased, letting their lips linger for a little while longer, before turning away when he walked off. He really was the best boyfriend she could have asked for and she had to ask herself over and over why she had been so stupid. Turning to Riley, she shrugged. “It’s fine, she’s nothing I can’t handle, she’s obviously taken offence to me being young for some reason but it’s whatever.” She smiled a little at her. “You’re lovely though.” She told her.

Charlotte planted just a small kiss to his lips once he had opened his eyes and gave him a smile, "indeed it is." Shuffling off the bed again she packed up her backpack with all of her things for university and waited for him to come back through once he was a bit more put together, "well I have classes pretty much all the way through lunch, then I might have a quick walk to Waterstones and see the book in action. Maybe do some extra course work and then it'll be time for us to go out to celebrate!" 

Riley was glad that Mila had a backbone, she had seen so many girls before crumble from the wrath of Tayla and it meant in turn that she lost a lot of potential friends. "No idea why, maybe she just feels a little threatened because of how pretty you are." A bright smile spread across her lips when she was complicated, "thank you, as are you Mila."

Ryan returned from the bar with two drinks, one for himself and another for Mila and he rested it down on the small table beside her, "enjoy." he said with a smile before moving over to beside Elijah and continuing on their three man game, though Stephan was now not taking Ryan on at all and Tayla was sat on his lap sulking.
International star

Henry made sure he was looking cute, like he always did and he was ready in no time, it literally took him minutes to get ready. “I bet you’re excited huh? It’s gonna be amazing, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.” He winked. “Want me to take you and Robbie this morning?” He asked, going over to her, resting his hands on her hips and leaning in to kiss her. “You look gorgeous today, by the way.” He told her, keeping his voice low, his eyes sparkling. He couldn’t believe his luck, how damn amazing she was. He counted his lucky stars every day.

Mila knew this would be her last drink anyways simply because she didn’t want if make a fool of herself or embarrass Ryan either. “Thanks baby.” She cooed at him, waving him off so he could finish off his bowling and she stuck with Riley who was much more welcoming to her. “Either that or she has some serious trust issues. Either way it’s her loss.” She shrugged, sitting herself down, she kicked off the bowling shoes considering she wouldn’t need them any more. “How long have you known Ryan anyway? Since school? I bet you’ve got loads of funny stories.” She grinned.
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