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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte blushed just a little bit when he winked, he always had this affect on her and there was no way she could hide it, "Excited is an understatement! and yes please," she said. As he placed his hands on her hips she gave him a longer kiss this time, gazing up into his eyes as he spoke, "why thank you, thought I'd put in a little more effort now that I'm officially an author." she teased before giving him one more kiss and going to get Robbie ready. Around twenty minutes later they were all in the living room ready to go. 

Riley twirled a stand of hair around her finger as she watched the pair of them speak while Mila received her drink, "Could be both if I'm honest," she laughed a little at her next question and nodded her head. "yeah, I was in the year below Ryan and Elijah but we started dating in school so I spent a lot of time around Ryan as well. They use to be such nerds it was the sweetest thing, they would spend lunch breaks wrestling with each other and the amount of times they ended up in detention was ridiculous!!" 
International star

Henry gasped playfully. “Woah, are you going all fancy now that you’re a famous author?” He teased, walking out with her but he diverted into the kitchen, he got Charlotte’s little lunch box out and he put in a little box of leftovers, with some crisps and a little fruit pot and some juice too for her and he did the same for Robbie and then himself as well,  and that was when they all came out. “Come in then ladies and jellyfish, let’s get going.” He grabbed his keys and wallet and they all bumbled out the door and down to his cars getting in and heading to robbies school first. he pulled up outside and gave him a little wave as he ran off. This was the lif,do they were finally settling into what it always should have been.

Mila listened to her talk and she had to grin, shaking her head. “Oh really? He never told me that, he always told me he was a good boy, I knew he was a nerd, he’s shown me several pictures of him back in the day but I do have to admit I loved the Ryan with glasses look.” She laughed, wiggling her fingers at him when he turned to look at her, it was funny how Stephan and Tayla were just sulking now and keeping to themselves. “Detention huh? I’m gonna have to use this against him.” She laughed quietly. Sipping the rest of her drink slowly.

Charlotte had to admit that since Henry got this new job he just seemed to really get into the swing of family life and he was doing so much around the house for Robbie and herself. "aye aye captain!" she cheered as she stuffed her lunch box into her bag and headed out with him. She rested her hand on his lap as he drove, gazing out the window as she sang to the music. "have a good day!" she called after Robbie as he headed off to his school and once they pulled up at her university she turned to Henry and gave him a kiss, "thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world. see you after work?" she smiled, unlocking the car door and slipping out. 

Riley let out a laugh, "Ryan?! A good boy. That'll be the day! He was a little rule breaker you have no ideaaa. Gosh I almost forgot about his glasses, there was one day he got them stolen by another guy from his year so he went the rest of the day squinting and he walked into so many people." Shaking her head she picked up her own drink and took a sip, "Oh yeah a lot of detention. One time him, Elijah and Zane all showed up at lunch time almost black out drunk and they were made to do detention every night for three weeks just to make up for the mayhem they caused in the classes they went too." she couldn't help but laugh again just at the thought of all these memories, school really had been a great time.
International star

Henry didn’t mind that now he had this new apprenticeship he was on a substantially lower amount of money-making but it would all be worth it because he was so much happier now. He dropped Robbie off first and then in no time he was outside of charlottes university too, leaning over to her his hand cupped her cheek and he gave her a delicate kiss. “Of course, I’ll see you later babe.” He nodded and waited until he could see she was safe in the building before he pulled off and headed to work.

Ray he been brainstorming and thinking all night about what he was going to do for Charlie. It was her book launch day and even if she was a ghost writer, this was a big deal. And so he’s gotten her a big bouquet of flowers along with some chocolates and a little card too, and he was already in class waiting for her, with her coffee waiting for her room like always. His face lit up when he saw her come over and he waved at her. She looked nervous, how funny.

Mila had to giggle, shaking her head. “See, he painted this innocent picture of himself but I guess now I’m gonna have to question him some more. I always felt bad for being a bit of a naughty student sometimes but now you’re revealing all his secrets to me.” She teased, nudging her gently with her elbow. But every time she mentioned Zane she felt a pant of guilt. It had been weeks since she’d done anything with him, or even touched him, smiled at him. But still, it felt a little rough to even consider him in a conversation. The boys finished up their game and she grinned at them. “So who is the true champion then?” She asked.

Charlotte leaned back in to give Henry an extra kiss on the lips, not reallt wanting to leave him just yet, "I love you." she said before heading towards the university building. All night she had pushed thoughts of having to see Ray out of her mind especially after he had snapped at her and threatened to tell everything to Henry. Comijg into the class she saw him almost immediately with a smile on his face and possibly the biggest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen. "Whats all this?" She said with a nervous laugh but she was smiling as well.

Riley was enjoying sitting and giggling away with Mila but she could feel Taylas daggers without having to turn to check. Sure she would be in trouble but fuck her, they didn't have a proper friendship anyway. "Hey maybe I could add you on Facebook and send over some photos from back in the day, that way you can really tease him." And with that she slid out her phone and they added each other on the social media platform.

Ryan was glad the game was done and him and Elijah went over to their girlfriends but it was clear that Elijah was about ten thousand times happier, "well he had an unfair advantage so it isn't about being the true champion.." ryan started but elijah chimed in, "I AMMM THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLDDDD"
International star

Ray was practically beaming when she came up to him. “Well they’re for you, of course, you silly! You and your big day today, I thought well we have to celebrate it somehow huh?” He grinned. It was attracting a bit of attention, and he knew that she didn’t want others knowing but he thought it was the most awesome thing in the world. “In fact, I’ve got w little treat for us planned this weekend, I’m sure you can come up with an excuse to tell loved it, right?” He asked, his voice a little lower and a bit more demanding now. He passed her the flowers and then took a sip of his coffee. This weekend was going to be when he finally got her all to himself, and he couldn’t wait to show her how much love he had to offer her. So much more than that stupid boyfriend ever could.

Mila could feel that Tayla was practically drilling a hole into the back of her head her gaze was that nasty but mila had decided to just ignore it for now, after all she didn’t want to show Ryan up and prove to the, that they were right, that she was just a kid, “of course, here you go!” She added Riley on Facebook and then grinned, sliding her phone away when the boys come over and Ryan looked like he had won but then Elijah burst out and she had to laugh. “Oh baby, was it so close yet so far?” She smirked standing up and taking his hands, Kew ing up time kiss him.

Steohen cleared his throat as he came over, Tayla trudging behind him. “Well we are gonna get gone anyway, it was nice catching up, Elijah, Riley.” He nodded his head at them, and then turned to Ryan. “Maybe leave the babysitting for a night you aren’t out with your friends, next time.” He raised an eyebrow, going over to the desk and handing the bowling shoes back.

Charlotte had never been one for public gestures like this and there was definitely people around them staring so naturally she was blushing. "You really didn't have to do all this its honestly not a big deal," she said but she gave him a thank you hug anyway before taking her seat and admiring the flowers. She was completely caught off guard at his next statement and she went to protest but it was clear that wouldn't go well, "I'll try and come up with something .. what were you thinking of doing?" She asked as she removed her laptop from her bag and took a sip of coffee, wishing she could vanish there and then.

Ryan gave Elijiah a nudge in the side but he was laughing, he was just glad he had beaten Stephen. "I was one away! Personally I think he was playing dirty but there was no referees available because you two were giggling away over here." He said with a chuckle, clearly not angry at her and he pulled her in for a kiss. Turning his head to look at Stephen and Tayla he tensed a little, planning to be civil but then he decided to take the low road, "Just fuck off Stephen, you just can't stand the fact that I've moved on and don't want to go on your pathetic 'lad nights out' where you are trying to cling to your teenage years."
International star

Ray was glad she didn’t bother putting up a fight. She wasn’t as stupid as she looked that was for sure. He pulled out his notebook and the lecturer walked in so he had to lower his voice a little. “Well I’ve got us dinner reservations at Alesandro, and then I’ve got us a nice hotel room booked for afterwards. I couldn’t get a room with two singles but you don’t mind top and tailing with me do you?” He smiled at her, one of those smiles where it looked like he was being polite but if she even dared to object she was going to have hell to pay for it. “So you’d only need to make an excuse for one night, maybe say you’re going to the book signing or something?” He suggested.

Stephen rolled his eyes back at Ryan. “You know you’ve really changed and I don’t like it. You were much better when you were with Kelly. Someone your own age, might want to think about that.” He retorted. Shoving his trainers back on, he shrugged himself back into his jacket. “I’ll see you laters.” He called, wrapping his arm around Tayla’s waist and walking out to their car with her. Ryan was his best friend but he seemed to be regressing, not growing up.

Mila audibly gasped when she heard Stephen talk and her little hands were in fists almost immediately. Was she really going to let him talk about her like that? No way. And his finally comment snapped and she went over, shoving him in the chest just before he left. “He was a shell of a man when he was with that bitch and if you can’t accept that your friend is finally happy, well then you’re no friend of his.” She exclaimed, scoffing when he just stormed out, she crossed her arms right over her chest. Staring at the ground for a little while. Public outbursts were never fun, and they never happened too often. But that was just called for.

Charlotte took a few sips from the coffee he had bought her and moved the flowers over to the side so that she wouldn't knock them over. How the hell was she going to explain those away when she got home?! Listening as Ray spoke she felt her stomach doing flips due to nerves, Alesandro's was an expensive restaurant that she could have only ever dreamt of going to and a hotel room together?! "You honestly don't need to do all this for me Ray, the flowers and chocolates were already too much." but she knew there was no getting out of this and she nodded her head a little, "yeah I'll try and come up with something.. thank you Ray." she said, forcing a smile onto her lips. 

Ryan felt his jaw clench from the way that Stephan was talking and even though he wasn't a violent person in that moment he wanted to knock Stephans lights out. When Mila stepped in he was both thankful but concerned because he knew what she could be like. Moving forward he wrapped an arm around Mila and pulled her close to his body, "thank you beautiful, just ignore him. I don't know what's gotten into him but hes not usually an ass like this." Pressing a kiss to her head he turned to look at Elijah and Riley, "I'll see you two later, we are gonna head off I think." the pair headed over to the counter to swap their bowling shoes back for their normal ones and while they were changing into him he thad calmed himself down. "I'm sorry about Stephan and Tayla, you don't deserve to be spoken to or about like that."
International star

Ray shook his head. “Nothing is too much for you, Charlie, you deserve the world and more.” He took her hand and kissed it, boy was he living in a fantasy world, acting as if she was his girlfriend but honestly, he felt like he was owed it and he wasn’t ever going to let it drop now. Because he had this dirt on her, and she would never want poor Henry to find out what she’d been getting up to behind his back. “You’re more than welcome, sweetheart.” he lifted his head when their names were called and he waggled his eyebrows at her. “Come in then, time for our presentation.” they walked down to the front of the room.

Mila had gone red in the face and she had been so close to punching that doofus but Ryan had held her back and she was glad about that. She turned to him and frowned. “He’s an asshole, that’s what his problem is.” She’d already changed her shoes a while ago when she had been talking to Riley so she grabbed her coat and her bag, giving Riley a little hug. ”I’ll see you later!” She called to her. Well at least one out of two wasn’t so bad, and mila hadn’t been the one to cause the rift this time. She walked out with him, her hand in his. “It’s okay.. I get that not everyone is gonna be happy with our relationship.” She told him.

Maybe a few days ago Charlotte would have found this gesture really sweet and would have been genuinely really thankful but now she was a little scared of Ray. He had switched so suddenly in the pub and now she just felt on edge. As he took her hand to is lips she felt a slight shiver run through her, "I appreciate everything." she said with a smile before her head turned to their lecturer and she swallowed hard. The pair descended to the front of the class where, for once, she actually lead the presentation. Talking them through the progress of their short book and their lecturer was clearly impressed with what they had to show.

Ryan let out a small sigh, he hadn't expected Stephan to react like this. Normally the two could share a joke but when it came to something important, like a partner or girlfriend, they would be able to have a serious discussion. Tonight Stephan had just acted like a big kid that was jealous.. maybe that was it? "Yeah.. I guess I just thought my friends would understand and be happy for me." Ruffling his hair about with his free hand he unlocked the car, the pair of them sliding inside. "You and Riley seemed to be getting on well though?" he said, trying to steer the conversation onto a more positive one, "hope you two weren't talking too much about me, I'm sure you both have some rather embarrassing stories about me you could share." he said with a light chuckle as he reversed out of the carpark.
International star

Ray had that going in his eyes like he was always warning her to watch her step, because one wrong move and she was outed to everyone. Her dirty laundry aired everywhere. Then they’d all know what a cheating little.. he had to pull himself together before he said something he didn’t want to. Walking down with her, he stayed to her side and he made a few comments but it was quite clear that he didn’t really give a shit, there was a reason he’d let Charlotte take the lead, and that was because he just wasn’t that interested, in fact he thought her ideas were pretty poor. As long as she thought she was good though, it kept her quiet.

Mila got herself comfy, resting her bag and jacket in her lap, sliding her seat belt on and relaxing back into the seat, her hands no longer clenched and her cheeks had cooled down, too. “Oh yeah Riley is a lovely girl, I got on with her really well!” She told him, a smile in her lips, turning to him even though he was driving. “She added me in Facebook and she was telling me all about you getting drunk and having detention. Turns out you weren’t as innocent as you made out, mr Valentine.” Her top lip twitching as she tried to refrain from smirking at him.

*skipping to Charlie & Ray going away*

Charlotte had packed a small overnight bag the night before and she had managed to convince Henry not to take her to the translation, saying that the journey was going to be far too early so instead she had walked to Rays place. Her body was filled with nerves and she felt sick, the wedding was one thing but now she felt so trapped and she genuinely thought that this was the only way to help her family and also not break Henry's heart. Opting for a dressier look she was wearing this and her hair had been straightened the way Ray liked it.

Ryan turned on some music they had been listening to on the way here and he hummed to the tune quietly so he could still hear Mila but he almost choked when she mentioned him getting drunk while having detention, "Riley really didn't hold back huh?" he chuckled, shaking his head a little but the smile on his face was clear from hearing her call him Mr Valentine. "Well I have to appear like a model student otherwise you would all be running wild and blaming it on your teachers old ways!" He put his foot down, wanting to get home sooner rather than later. "there was a good reason for why I never became head boy."
International star

Ray was dressed in his finest attire, a crisp light blue shirt with white cuffs and a collar the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with some grey trousers and then some grown suede shoes, with a brown belt to match. His luscious hair was neatly tied back and he had shaved all of his stubble off too, enhancing his strong jawline. He heard the knock at the door and he looked up at the clock, smiling. At least she was punctual. He opened the door and looked down at her, looking her up and down. Well. It was dressy for her standards but he wasn’t that. “Looking lovely as ever, are you changing before we go to the restaurant?” He asked her, stepping aside for her to come in.

Mila giggled even more when he admitted to it. “I didn’t think it was true but damn, you just dropped yourself in it now.” She smirked even more. Shaking her head, she leaned back comfortably as he drove home. All that angst she’d felt was gone now, thankfully. “I mean I was anyway, and I thought you’d at least be honest with meeee!” She gave him the cutest pout while he drove, before laughing again. The drive home didn’t take too long and they were back in no time. Climbing out she grabbed her keys out of her bag and let them in, kicking off her boots and flopping on the sofa immediately.

Charlotte was picking at her fingers as she waited for the door to open and there he was, yes Ray looked handsome but any attraction that had been there had begun to fade away. "yeah, of course I have a dress in my bag," she said with a small laugh as she stepped inside into his flat, "figured it would be a bit odd if I left looking really glammed up considering I'm meant to be going to a book signing." Thankfully this cover story went over well considering how big a hit the book was, it was the fastest selling book for a debuting author.. if only the knew the authors name. "you are looking handsome by the way," she added as she dropped her bag near the front door. 

Ryan let out a laugh, "shit.. so I could have gotten myself out of admitting the truth?" He thought back to his time at school and he really had been a cheeky wee shit for a number of years but he still managed to pass his classes with decent enough grades. "yeah me and the guys did sometimes sneak some alcohol into school and we may or may not have had a silent party in one of the old classrooms during our final year of school. Everyone had headphones in so no one knew there was music playing, It was pretty epic." he had to admit it. Once they were home he kicked off his shoes and hung his jacket up before following Mila into the living room and practically collapsing into the sofa.
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