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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Ray let her into his flat and closed the door after her. If he wasn’t trying to be a gentleman he could have had her there and then but he was savouring they moment and he was going to make her feel like a million dollars first, really rub that salut into the wound. “Awesome, you can just get changed in my bedroom.” He led her through, but he sat in the edge of the bed, his arms crossed over her chest and she stood there awkwardly. “What, you thought I was going to leave while you got changed?” He laughed but it wasn’t a very nice one and his eyes never left her fore the entire time she spent getting changed. “I’ll still never understand why you never actually were invited to the book signings.” He mentioned.

Mila nodded her head. “Uh huh, but don’t worry, your dirty little secrets are safe with me.” She tapped her nose. She was so glad to be home, she loved going out, she was quite a sociable person but there was nothing better than the comfort of their house. She never imagine living with someone at this age but then again, nothing about their relationship was exactly conventional. She waited until he’d flopped onto the sofa before shuffling over on her knees, plopping herself down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, beaming up at him.

Charlotte nodded her head and she pulled the dress out of the bag and headed towards his room, hovering a little as she watched him sitting down, "are you not.." but he answered the question for her and she felt her cheeks go pink. Awkwardly she shimmied out of her clothes, trying to keep as much of herself hidden as was humanly possible and she changed into this stunning dress. "the YouTube and her management team want to make it look like she wrote it herself so I guess having a nobody there would give the game away," at least talking about her book gave her some distraction from how uncomfortable she felt. "is this okay?" she asked, a little worried he would find an issue with this outfit as well. 

Ryan knew that the moment his butt had made contact with the sofa that Mila was going to get comfy on his lap, it was there go to cuddle position not he sofa and he loved it. Wrapping his arms around her waist he tugged her in closer and smiled as he gazed deep into her eyes. "I'm proud of you today, even with people trying to push your buttons you stood your ground and didn't let them rile you up. That's something to be proud of." and with that he planted a kiss onto her nose, "though I was very close to knocking Stephan out myself so I wouldn't have blamed you in the slightest for wanting to do the same."
International star

Ray couldn’t take his eyes off her, like a dog being handed a bone. He took in every inch of her gorgeous skin and he just knew he had to have her. She’d been teasing him for too long, all the sweet little outfits she wore, she must have been doing it on purpose right? “Well yeah but you could have just been in the side lines, like a producer or something. You’re the one that worked hard, you deserve to be celebrated.” He stood up once she was done, his eyes drinking her in. If she was his girlfriend there’s no way he’d let her wear anything that short. “It’ll do.” He simply said, spritzing his aftershave he shoved his wallet and phone in his pocket. Grabbing his small duffel bag. “We’ll get an Uber so I can have a drink.” He loaded up the app and ordered one.

Mila shuffled herself as close as she could possibly get to him, that was the boot thing about being petite, she could just sort of squish herself close to him and he could make her feel so loved and safe in his arms. Gazing up at him, her cheeks went a little pink when she listened to him. She didn’t realise how much restraint she’d had but when Ryan explained it, she nodded. “You’re right.. twelve months ago I would have smashed his face in.. I guess it’s just not worth ruining my hands any more. Would have been fun to see you do it though.” She laughed, shrugging casually. She’d never seen him in a fight.. was it bad she thought it knight be attractive?

Charlotte had to agree with him on that note, she deserved at least a little bit of recognition but Zoella hadn't even been interested in meeting her in person. "Yeah, I guess.. at least soon I'll be able to pay you back," she said. As his eyes travelled across her body she looked away just for a moment before meeting his gaze once his eyes met hers, "good," she said. Sitting down on the edge of his bed she slid her feet into the nude heels she had taken with her to go with the dress and they completed off her look. "that only seems fair," and within minutes the uber had arrived and she grabbed her bag and headed out along side him. 

As Mila spoke Ryan let his hands slip from around her waist to hold travelling down her arms until he came to her hands, bringing one up to his lips and pressing gentle kisses to her knuckles, "these talented hands definitely don't deserve to be ruined," he let a low laugh escape from his lips as he lowered her hand but continued to hold eye contact with her, "perhaps it would have.. but just know if I ever need to I will fight for you princess. No one will ever get away with hurting you." he let his right hand let go of her hand but slid it up to run against her chin before pressing a kiss to her soft lips. 
International star

Ray grabbed his grey blazer to match with his trousers and then he was out the door with her and in the car, holding the door open before getting in himself. The driver already had the location and so they could just sit easy in their seats as he drove them to the inner city, it was a very luxurious restaurant they were going to and he couldn’t wait to spoil her rotten, just more reason for her to oblige to his wants and needs. “Are you excited?” He asked, his hand resting over hers, giving her a solid smile. “because you should be, this place is awesome, I’ve eaten here a couple of times before and you’ll love it.” He told her.

Mila has the happiest smile in her face and butterflies forming in her stomach from just how charming Ryan was being, looking down at her hands with him. They were a little rough now, mainly from the time she punched an actual brick wall, that had never healed well. “You’re so lovely Ryan. What did I ever do to deserve you huh?” But she never got an answer, she just got a very soft kiss to her lips instead and she felt like she was in heaving, her delicate hands resting against his chest.  This was her happy place, her safe place, and no one could take that away from her.

Charlotte tugged on her dress as she got comfortable in the taxi, making sure it was covering all of the important bits but all she could think about was Henry and how badly she wanted to see him. Hopefully once she had paid Ray the money back he would leave her alone and these games would stop, "of course I am," she lied, but it was hopefully convincing enough, "I've never been to somewhere so fancy so I am a little bit anxious" she admitted. The fear of doing or saying something wrong was starting to overpower her.

Ryan got himself lost in the world that was her lips and he held her close to him, his hand now getting lost in her hair as their lips collided. After some time he finally pulled away, a cheesy smile on his lips as he stood up, pulling her legs up so they wrapped around his waist, "come on princess, I think we've had a long day." he gave her a cheeky wink before carrying her up the stairs. XOXO
-- shall we move them to the next day when baby grace comes roundd
International star

Ray let his fingers dance against her hand as they sat there and he listened to her, nodding. “You’ll fit in just fine, you look sexy this evening.” He informed her. They got there eventually just about managing to squeeze through the rush hour traffic and he got out. “The hotel is just across the road. You wait here, I’ll go dump our bags.” He toLd her. He didn’t want her seeing the room just yet, he’d had it decked out romantically. He crossed over and it was just a small little independent hotel and he gave his details, taking the key he jogged up to the room and he chucked their bags inside, doing a little peepee and then he was down and back across the road to her. “Hope you didn’t miss me.” He grinned, resting his hand on the small of her back and leading her into the restaurant.

Mila was awake pretty early the next morning to shower herself. It was a Saturday, so she didn’t have work, but they had baby grace coming round today and that was real important to Ryan, which in turn meant it was important to her too. Her room was perfectly done and all the safety precautions were in place, now all they had to do was figure out how to keep her alive and kicking for twenty four hours. She got out of the shower after pampering herself and waltzed back into the bedroom, humming to herself, sitting at her vs it to get herself ready for the day.

Charlotte let out a small laugh but it was due to her nerves, "thank you," she lifted her head to have a look at the hotel and once they were out the car he grabbed both of their bags, "alright I'll be here." and she watched him run off, slipping her phone out of her clutch bag to text Henry, I miss you, can't wait to get cuddles from you real soon x After hitting send she put her phone onto silent and slid it back into her bag before Ray returned and she gave him a smile, wanting to keep on his good side, "Maybe just a little," she joked, following him inside and then again following their server as they got shown to their seats, "this place is gorgeous.." she said, taking it all in.

Ryan had felt Mila's body shift out of the bed but he wasn't quite ready to get up so he continued to snooze just a bit longer. After another twenty or so minutes he rolled onto his back and yawned, rubbing his eyes as he tried to convince himself to wake up. "good morning princess," he said, propping himself up to see her and waving so that she could see him in her mirror. Grabbing his phone from the bedside table he checked to see Kelly's messages panicking that he didn't have the right set up for Grace and he let out a grown, "awake two minutes and Kelly is already trying to hold Grace hostage from me," he said before texting her back Kels everything is in place okay, don't worry! I'll be round to pick her up soon and I'll give you regular updates I promise. He could kind of understand that as the mother she was probably going to have a bit of separation anxiety and nerves about not being around her baby. 
International star

Ray followed the aired who showed them to the seat and he didn’t have to do the gentlemanly thing and pull the seat out for her because the waiter was already doing it for them. And so he sat opposite her and without him having to say a thing they brought a bottle of rose champagne over which he had organised and then two menus were placed in front of them, once their glasses of bubbly had been poured. “It’s beautiful isn’t it? And you make it a whole lot better.” He told her, holding his glass in the air. “To you, being a fabulous writer who will one day, have her own book with your very own name in the front!” He cheered, clinking their glasses together before taking a sip.

mila saw him through the mirror and giggled softly, blowing him a kiss through it while she brushed her leggy clean hair out. “Good morning handsome.” She cooed, grabbing her hair dryer she brushed her hair into place before starting it up. Thankfully she’d invested in a Dyson so it wasn’t too noisy and she could still hear him talking. And she just had to roll her eyes, it was like kelly wanted to ruin everything in their lives, Ryan had been looking forward to it. She grabbed her round brush and styled her fringe. “If it’s really that much of a bother I don’t have to be here while grace is.” She knew that was a big thing that Kelly was against.

Charlotte about died when they came out with the fanciest looking bottle of rose champagne she had ever seen, Ray really had gone above and beyond for her but she just didn't understand why. Clearly he was a lot more into her than she had ever realised. "It's absolutely breathtaking," she said, her cheeks flushing pink just a little as he complimented her, "and to you, for always being there for me." It only seemed fair to return the generosity plus, maybe he wasn't going to be so controlling and it had all been a misunderstanding..right? Taking a sip from the glass she then had a read through the menu and the prices were ludicrous. 

Ryan had to suffer through a bit and back and forth on the old phone as he messaged with Kelly, she was the biggest pain in the arse he had ever met. "Oh no no, that's not happening. She can suck her jealous up and take it else where, you are a huge part of my life and you aren't getting brushed off to the side just to keep her shut up." Finally he crawled out of bed, tossing his phone to the bed and going over to give Mila her good morning kiss, "I'm gonna jump in the shower," and with that he was gone and in the shower trying to de-stress. His ex-wife was the nightmare that wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon, at least not while he fought to have Grace in his life.
International star

Ray was glad she was pleased with it, after all she deserved the world and more and her boyfriend obviously wasn’t giving her that. “Did Henry do anything to celebrate with you?” He asked calmly, but it was a little passive aggressive, like he was trying to one up him or something. “I’ll always be right by your side, Charlie, never forget that. You are one of the most intelligent and beautiful women I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.” And with that he sipped his glass, his eyes scanning the menu. “And don’t worry about the prices, I want you to enjoy this evening and have whatever your heart desires.” He told her with a twinkle in his eyes.

Mila gave him a big smile, she finished off drying her hair and it was pretty straight naturally but she ran her straighteners through it anyways just to make sure it stayed frizz free for the rest of the day. “I know, I just want this to go well for you is all.” She leaned upon and met his lips, patting his bum as he walked off and she continued with her make up, adding a winged liner and a classic red lip, she was good to go. Settling into some lingerie, she pulled on this little outfit here, and she was finally good to go. She had nervous butterflies now, excited to see little baby grace. 

Charlotte felt a knot tighten inside of her chest when he asked about Henry, "yeah um Henry, Robbie and I went to Pizza Hut," it was clear just how different the situation was but she was sure if he had more money they would have done something fancy like this. "Gosh, thank you Ray." and just like that she was blushing again, taking compliments never was her strong point. Letting her eyes wonder the menu a little longer she decided on the smoked salmon, something she had had once years ago and absolutely loved. Once they had both ordered she found her foot gently rubbing against his leg due to how she was sitting but thought nothing of it, "I'm glad our presentation went well on Monday, the professor awarded us full marks which is almost unheard of."

Ryan stood under the hot water and just closed his eyes, letting his mind rest and he wished that he could climb back into bed and dream Kelly into another dimension where she wouldn't be able to bother him. But sadly he wasn't some sort of supernatural being so he had to settle for opening his eyes and shampooing his hair. Once he was nice and clean he got out the shower and dried himself off, using some of his facial products and returned to the bedroom where he used the hairdryer to style his hair perfectly. "Jeez you look stunning Mila," he said as he rested the Dyson hairdryer down on her vanity, soaking up her appearance.
International star

Ray kept a straight face but to him, that clearly showed that Henry just didn’t love her. “What, I give you money for rent and he still can’t afford to treat his lady? What a waster.” He shook his head. He ended up ordering himself the lobster meal which came with an array of different seafoods with a very rich sauce and some Parmesan fries to go with it, which he was just dying to try. “Oh and you’ll have to have the chocolate cake from here, I’ve heard it’s the absolute best thing you’ll ever taste.” Her foot was gently stroking on his leg and he took that as a sign, his hand under the table now resting gently on her bare thigh.

Mila turned her head when she heard him and she gave him the biggest smile she could. “Thank you baby!” She went over and gave him a very soft kiss on the cheek, making sure no lipstick residue was left, she knew Kelly used to do that to him and how much he damn hated it, well. On his face anyway. Not so much in his chest. “Do you want me to cook us up some breakfast while you go and get grace?” She suggested. It was probably best that she didn’t go to Kelly’s house with him, it would have been to easy for her to turn around and slam the door in his face. She rolled her jeans up at the end so they were more like ankle grazers.

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders a little, not entirely sure what to say, "we are saving up to do up Robbie's bedroom," which to her was more important than flowers and fancy food. "I do love chocolate cake," she said with a bright smile but as his hand touched her skin she felt the nerves returned and instantly regretted letting her foot rest against his leg. Taking a sip from her glass again she smiled as the waiter arrived with their food, "thank you." she said and wow the food really did look amazing, far too good for what she deserved. 

Ryan flicked through his wardrobe trying to decide what the hell he was going to wear today, it was a big deal and he was going to ensure that about a million photos were taken so he had to look decent. Finally he settled not his here. "If you wouldn't mind that would be fab princess," he pulled her close for another kiss before moving closer to the mirror to mess with his hair a little more. "I better head off soon before the witch fleas the country before I get there," he joked, grabbing his phone from the bed and simply texting, leaving in five stop getting your knickers in a twist. 
International star

Ray let out a nasty little laugh. “Of course, right. Still, sounds like your honeymoon phase is officially over now, you’ve had your fun and now you’ve settled into adulthood good and proper?” He asked, pulling his hand away when the food came, he picked up his cutlery and began to dig away at the feast in front of him. But he frowned, something wasn’t quite right. He clicked his fingers and the waiter came rushing over. “I asked for extra sauce and what you’ve given me is abysmal.” The waiter rushed off and within seconds a large pot was in front of him and ray resumed eating away at his delicious seafood and fries. “How is yours, delicious?” He asked her, making sure everything was okay.

Mila looked him up and down and grinned. “Not bad for an old man..” she teased, bringing her hand up to rest on his face, kissing him just once more before heading to the doorway, “the wicked witch of the east, that’d suit her.” She smirked heading downstairs into their kitchen, curling her toes up at his damn cold the floor felt. She wasn’t chef material just yet but mila was slowly learning and she had mastered the majority of breakfast foods, and it made it real easy when he had a toastie maker so she didn’t have to do hardly any of the hard work. He added some cheese and ham in one and cheese and tomato in the others.

Kelly had just gotten grace off for her morning nap, luckily she was just about sleeping through the nights now, as in form midnight to six am, but it was a good start. This break was going to be nice but she didn’t want that young bitch laying a single finger on her precious daughter. Well hurry, she’s gone down for her nap and will be grumpy if she wakes in the car. She told him. She was dressed in her favourite sun dress here which still hid her mum tum but she hoped that Ryan would love it anyway, he always complimented her when she used to wear it. She was sat in the sofa, eating her fruit salad for breakfast. 
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