Cindy wrote:Helia wrote:Cindy wrote:
I love it all mostly haha, fantasy, romance, fantasy romance, dark romance, and sometimes if i am in the mood for it thriller. I have a lot of books at home that i still need to read haha. I have a talent I'm good in reading books BUTTTT i am better in buying books HAHAHA. You don't wanna know how many unread books i have oops. XD
Ahha you know what they say! Reading books and buying books is two different hobbies. xD
I actually prefer to read digitally so I don't own that many.

Ohh and also, you got any favorite book to recommend?
I do have a ereader too, but i prefer to hold a book but sometimes it is also easier to have it on my phone or reading on mine ereader. And yes yes and i just a bit better in the buying books hobby lol. xD
Oefff recommending books i find hard to do, because i am always scared that the book i recommend is not your cup of tea. I did hear that the books from Elsie silver are good book, I also have books from Kelsie Stelting but so also has the hello serie but then here name is: Kelsie hoss. Don't ask me why haha, but i hear those books are pretty good too! There is some spicy in them i hear i do have them but didn't read it myself yet. She is known for writing stories about 'bigger' girls and i love this concept!
Ohh! I always get neck pain so I prefer to read online so I can lay down. But a real book looks so good on the bookshelves.