Sylvan wrote: do you plan on using captcha for anti-spam measures or like user characteristics that rely on data collection.
Anti-spam measures. At this point there is not any anticipated requirement for collecting any additional data from users than what has already been provided upon sign up & through participation in the site. If that changes, that would be announced to the site and explained before ever being implemented.
whydoiexist wrote: can you also do smth about the inserted images? so you can insert like screenshots and files instead of having to upload them somewhere
whydoiexist wrote: can you also do smth about the inserted images? so you can insert like screenshots and files instead of having to upload them somewhere
whydoiexist wrote: also probably falls under wardrobe thing but if youre making an outfit in your wd and open someone elses or a shop or smth it doesnt automatically change the outfit in your wd? like unsync them or smth