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Days of our Lives - ET Writing Competition
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Friday, 24th June 2011. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday. 

I had woken up at 7:25 a.m. to get ready for school but when I woke up that morning it didn't feel right. Nothing felt right at all. My mother and father, Grandma and Aunt still hadn't gotten back from the hospital just like the days before. I shrugged the feeling away and went on with my morning routine. I got my school uniform ready and went and took a shower, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth etc. After that I went in my room and gathered my school books up in my bag. Now, usually I would've had my music blaring from my CD player but it didn't feel like a morning for music. I fiddled around my room cleaning what I could, trying to keep my mind occupied. 
   That year my Grandfather had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and my parents thought it was best if we moved to Melbourne. It was only by coincidence that the people who was living next to my Grandparents house was up for rent for a year. And of course, we took the chance while we could. 
   After a while I came out from my room and found my older brother, Justin, in the living room staring into space which is very out of character for him. Because I am nosy and stupid I said, "What's up with you? Ya girlfriend dumped you?" and to my surprise he nodded. I felt like a total bitch for saying that and I definitely regret it. Justin looked at me and I could tell on his face that there was something else, something even he couldn't comprehend. He told me to check my phone so I went to the kitchen and retrieved my purple Samsung phone. Long and behold it read, 1 NEW MESSAGE and 5 MISSED CALLS. I was actually nervous to open the message but I knew it was important. So I took a deep breath and opened it.
Poppy's in a coma. Not sure if he'll come through. Stay put and keep safe xx 
   I remember dropping the phone and falling onto my bed not being able to breathe properly. I probably stayed there for ten minutes then being disturbed by a knock at the front door. Justin opened the door and Rebecca, my sister in law, came in and greeted us. There was this weird vibe she brought into the house and I didn't like it. I knew what she was here for.  
   "he's dead, isn't he?" I asked, anger and sadness building up inside me. Rebecca looked down not willing to meet our eyes. She nodded. "He's in a better place now" was all she said. You would expect me to started crying here but that's not what I did. It was obvious I wasn't going to school that day so I went in my room and got changed into normal clothes and I was super silent. After a while I grabbed my IPod and head phones and rushed out the house and bolted for my grandparents home. 
    Out the front of their house they had this big beautiful tree I loved to limb as a kid and over the years I would spend hours raking up the leaves in the Fall and that's where my Grand father and I bonded most. That's where I wanted to be. So, I remember for the rest of the day I raked leaves while listening to She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 on repeat just talking to myself as if Pop was right there talking to me. A few times I thought I even heard him reply to me.
    That night I staid up extra late when everyone else was fast asleep just so I could go outside and stare at the stars. To this day I still don't understand why I didn't cry. Reading this over I'm crying but at the time I just .. didn't.

Miss you, love you and will meet you again my dear poppy (l)
World famous

I will measage you when I'm done writting, if I can get it in on time that is.
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Karaoke star

On my 13th birthday...

 I was sitting in my room alone and in the dark because I like to be alone and in the dark.I didn't want to be with my family because I thought they were all big jerks.All they wanted was for me to be happy but I wasn't happy.I knew they cared for me but I didn't care.I kept the door locked and made sure it stayed locked.I only did this because my boyfriend broke up with and the fact my mother kept making me watch my sisters.I hated it big time.It was until my sister who is two years apart from me finally found out a way to get into my room.She told me life is gonna get harder and your family supports you through everything you do.Even when it might be the stupidest thing you've done they will love you.So I kinda learned that my family is there for me,and I'm now free because somebody opened the box I was trapped in.I don't have to depressed anymore because now I know I have people who love me and people who do care for me.

 I was depressed because I lost the guy I loved a lot and the fact I didn't have my freedom,but now I enjoy watching my sisters and the fact when I was 13 my boyfriend broke up with me.All because I found a better one :d and that my sisters really do enjoy me watching them :)

It feels like a decade ago since the incident. I had heard time and time again about the dangers of the roads. The high injury and death rates caused in crashes. You read about it in the newspaper or online all the time these days, car collisions, people being ran over, drunk drivers losing control or terrible weather causing the accidents. So many variations out there on ways to die due to technology. 

The day had seemed like no other, walking - almost running - to school with my two friends. We had been running late that day so it was a mad rush to get to school. We reached the busiest junction on our path towards hours of learning. A three way crossing, made up of eight lanes of cars all going in different directions. Some rushing, most likely they were like us - late - while others were taking it slow and sticking to slightly under the speed limit. These lights took ages to stop and let us cross, every day it was averagely a five minute wait here. Neither of the trio noticed a boy, maybe a year younger then us, run out from behind us and right into the middle of the road. Just at that moment, a shining red car sped forward and up the hill. Colliding into the boy as a white van swerved out of the way - causing the traffic to come to a stand still. 

I'd never seen something remotely close to this, maybe re-enactments on television but not the real thing. This young boy was almost flying in the air - and for some reason I just remember one of his shoes going off to the other side of the road - and crashing down to the ground in a harsh sound of pain. The impact had knocked him unconscious as people rushed out of their cars to see what was going on. The driver of the red car didn't look back, she or he drove straight off and away from the scene but the white van driver managed to catch their number plate. I never thought someone could be so selfish, leaving someone they had just wounded - maybe even killed. I scrambled into my bag for my phone and remember dialling 999 as quickly as possible. My mind had gone blank and I felt numb. Trying to remember the street name seemed impossible at the time. While I rattled off information to the emergency services the boys eyes opened and he was in a lot of pain and couldn't seem to move. Ten minutes later the ambulance came zooming down the road and paramedics jumped out to assist the boy. (I later found out he broken ribs and broken his left leg. But nothing life threatening.) I felt ill watching it all unfold in front of me, watching him being driven off into the distance to get treated. Police officers took my friends and my name down and asked us what we saw. Teachers from my school came down and rushed us on towards the school building. Allowing us time to sit in a small room to calm down after what we had just seen. However, we couldn't seem to stop crying. The whole thing had shook us up. I personally couldn't stop replaying the image of him being hit in my head and every time I did I felt sadder and sadder. 

The headteacher came through and spoke briefly to us before telling us to go back to class - at this point we were all in gym - but we were still all shook up about it. I was pale in the face and had never felt so upset and emotional before. My teacher took me aside and said she couldn't believe I was still in school after having witnessed it. If it wasn't thanks to her, I would of had a whole day of feeling miserable. Everyone kept asking me to tell them what happened and every single time I explained the story I found myself tearing up. 

This event really changed my view on just how dangerous it really is to cross a road before the lights change. I took away from the whole experience that it is safe to just spend the few minutes it takes for the green man to come up before walking, or looking both ways before crossing a road. You may be in a rush one day and think 'I don't have time to wait' but a few minutes is better then being injured, or worse. So think twice before you cross, because I know I will. 

Personal story from a few years ago, hope this is the right type of thing :3

:o :)

My childhood story (it really happened) For the competition : When i was 4 my parents decided to go to the Netherlands but all my family lived in England and i didn't know what was happening i wondered what my brothers and sister thought of it they were not aloud to tell me after that at school i thought why are they saying have fun moving.when we we came here i was like No wheres nan and grandma and granddad when i was 10 i had my first bf i wasnt sure what to do cause my brother went to university and then i found out my bf was cheating with 3 girls

hmm ik zal nadenken !?
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