scoff wrote:
So, my 22 year old Volvo finally broke down bad enough that I don't feel it's worth the money, time or effort to get it fixed up again. This leaves me with no real means of transportation. I don't like it.
So, I'm looking to get a newer, better car. Still used, I'm not made of money. The problem? They're all hella expensive. So I'll need to take out a loan if Imma be able to get one that isn't 20 years old with over 200k miles on it.
Now, that's another expensive story. I wanna be able to pay it off as soon as possible, when I make the calculations if I wanna pay it off in 3-4 years, the newest and best it's gonna get me is a 2017 Opel Station Wagon.
Is it worth it?
Or what the fuck am i supposed to do?
I need a car.