LOLITA wrote: i was supposed to drive to oslo and get my new rat pups but this virus made it impossible so im kind of over this virus and i just want it to be done
Ella wrote: Im honestly glad we still got 0 deaths in denmark
Oh aw wait.. There is one with corona that died, but it was from a cardiac arrest.
Tidligere på dagen kom det frem, at en 80-årig mand i Region Nordjylland er død af hjertestop. Manden blev sidenhen konstateret smittet med coronavirus. Men han indgår ikke i statistikken over coronarelaterede dødsfald. (Earlier today a 80 year old man from north jylland died as a result of a cardiac arrest. The man was later tested positive for corona. But isn't apart of the statistics)
Besides that they are only testing the sickest patients atm, to be sure they have enough tests.