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reform [rp]

Lottie flinched when his arm landed against her shoulders, more from shock than anything else. "sorry.." she quickly mumbled, for her stupidity of freaking out. All of her confidence had been stripped after just a week or so of being here. Her eyes widened when she saw the cigarette, the moment he offered some she took it from his fingers and took a long drag on it. It felt like an eternity since she had had this pleasure, "thanks, I needed that." she laughed, handing the cigarette back to him, "haven't had one since I was arrest.. seems I've had particularly bad luck since being here." she said gently, resting her body against the wall they were standing next too, letting her head roll back a little before looking around them. "sexual favours or just regular ones?" she finally teased.

"I always wanted to travel, Evangeline, and my extended lifespan has allowed me to do so. Not sure I could ever get bored of the beauty of this earth." Nathan said as he remembered what freedom felt like. "but yes.. it gets lonely. My family died a long time ago and I must admit.. seeing them all pass was the hardest thing I've ever gone through." he looked up at her, flashing a small, sad smile. "You get proper meals in actual prison, a comfortable bed and luxuries like your own TV and MP3 player. But here.. this place I just don't trust it." he lowered his voice, moving his head closer to her. "this isn't just a place for us to reform.. there is something much more satanic going on here." he finished speaking in a whisper, "we don't know each other, but I will have your back if they do anything." and by they, Nathan specifically meant the guards.
International star

Gustav swiftly moved his arm away from her, respecting her boundaries. Something he didn't do very often but he could tell she needed it. Letting her take a couple of long tokes on the cigarette before leaning back in and taking a long drag himself. "I have to keep the charcoal in my chest flowing somehow, don't I?" He half joked, clearing his throat and rubbing his chest. Flicking the stub as far up and over the fence as he could, before heading back into the main courtyard, hisnhands in his pockets, keeping his head held as high as possible. Finding a small quieter area, he sat down, taking in a deep breath if the cool winter breeze that was coming before them. Smirking at her. "Just the regular ones, nothing worth doing sexual favours for in here."

Evangeline couldn't take her eyes off Nathan as he spoke, it was as if she was in some sort of trance and his words were silk, winding her up in some sort of spidery web that she was more than willing to become trapped in. Her hand hesitantly reaching over to squeeze his fingers. "I understand.. kind of. I mean it's nothing compared to what you've probably been through but, I get it, I do." Nodding her head once, she moved in closer to him, crossing her arms over on the tanker as their voices lowered. "I'm glad you agree.." she admitted, whispering quietly. "Something is up with this place and I don't know what it is, I've been lucky so far, I have no super power to test." She shuddered at the thought, it would only be a short amount of time before the realised her benefits.

Lottie was pleasantly surprised when he took his arm away. In the outside world if someone as attractive as Gustav had shown interest in her she would of lapped it up, but it just didn't seem right anymore. "would be easier if you just had someone magically gifted create an eternal flame for you." she said simply, before laughing a little "but where's the fun in that." she moved around the courtyard with him, sitting down beside him once he stopped. "in here, perhaps you are destined to work in a night club once you get out." she laughed a little, pulling her legs up to her chest which exposed some of the bruising on her lower legs. "you know Gustav, you are the only person in here that's actually talked to me since I arrived." 

Nathan nodded in agreement, "they have done tests on the gums around my fangs. not sure what they are looking to find but I don't like it." he paused, looking deep into her eyes before continuing, " just don't let them inject you with the serum.. I don't know what affect it would have on you but it's strong shit." he sat back, flashing a smile once again to stop guards from expecting them of doing anything awful. "lets get out of this hall, it's too crowded for my liking." he said as he rose to his feet, grabbing her tray and clearing it up for her while throwing away his baby sized bottle which was now completely empty.
International star

Gustav nodded his head, leaning his back into the grass and raised his arms above his head, turning his head to lean on his arm, his gaze now fully on her. Her body language was peculiar to him, she wasn't afraid of him, persay, but she was definitely afraid of something. His hand reached up to the bottom of her leg, where her leggings had lifted and ran his cool thumb along her skin, pulling away when she winced. "What have they done to you, Charlotte?" He asked, sitting back up and looking her in the eye. Concern wasn't his big thing but even a cold hearted soulless bastard like himself but there was no way he could let the guards get away with whatever they were plotting.

Evangeline furrowed her brows in confusion, twiddling the earring that was in her left ear as she listened to him speak. Turning to where the guard was, she couldn't help but smile also, so far she'd managed to stay on their good side, though whispers had spread and she was sure her time would be soon. "They're up to some sneaky crap and I don't like it. This is so much more than a rehabilitation centre and no one is ever going to find out. They've not let me phone anyone or write a letter since I got in here." She whispered, before leaning upright again and standing up from the table, for,lowing him out of the cafeteria area, shoving her hands into the pockets of the big jacket she was wearing.

Lottie felt his hands against the bruising on her leg and she winced before quickly tugging down her leggings. Her voice lowered as her eyes cheeked their surroundings before she looked back at him, "they make me do spells, some just for the humour but the last two nights I've been wiping peoples memory." she looked down at the ground for a moment, "when I refuse or tire they hit me. then at the end they inject me with that liquid and it prevents me from using any magic." she looked back at Gustav, "I didn't use to be this weak.." she stated simply, "just feel like a distant memory of myself now and all because I was framed." she finished speaking, clearly peeved.

Nathan didn't say much more until they were out of the hall and into one of the larger communal areas where there were board games and playing cards. "I have some old friends that have been here before, actually they had a 4 year sentence and they should still be here." he paused for a moment before looking down at Evangeline, "I haven't seen or heard them since I got here. They never contacted me either in the last two years. They are simply gone." he frowned, sitting down at a table with a chess board set up. "the outside world doesn't care about what happens to criminals, so it's not roused any real suspicious, yet." he sighed again, hoping this wasn't the end of the line for himself.
International star

Gustav let our a gutteral growl, shaking his head at her. He knew he was evil, and he enjoyed it. what he did, he did it to people who deserve d it, people who were against his ways, or his family. Charlotte, he knew she wasn't any of those things. She didn't deserve harm, he knew it. "They're monsters. They call us criminals, we're the good guys, really. It's disgusting what they do. Shit, have they injected you with it as well? I thought they were just trying to sedate me and calm me down. What the hell are they doing with that stuff." He looked back to her eyes, sighing quietly. "So is that your thing, you have magic? That's pretty impressive."

Evangeline slid in behind him, sitting down opposite him at the table, she pulled her feet up so they were resting on the edge of the chair, her knees to her chest, she picked up a chess piece and hesitantly moved it, raising an eyebrow, a challenge to him. "That's sad.. it really gets your mind ticking doesn't it, you would have thought being here for almost a month you'd at least see them at lunch or something. I wanna know what they're doing with the bodies.. there must be bodies. They can't be on sight, the smell would be passing through the system by now.." she went on, looking back at him. "I hate that word. I did one thing wrong.. I'm not a criminal." A small sigh escaped her lips.

Lottie was surprised by his reaction, the last thing she had expected was for him to really care about what had been happening to her. "they want to keep the powerful ones weak, stops us from leading a revolution together." she sighed, pulling her legs closer to her chest as they spoke. "Yeah, I specialise in dark magic. It's interesting stuff." she said with a small smile on her lips before leaning forward and placing her hand on the ice cold winter grass, she mumbled a few words before the patch around her hand and some in class proximity turned black and was dead. She sat back up right, sighing again, "it's more impressive when I'm feeling 100% I swear." 

Nathan grinned when she moved a pawn to signify the start of the game, he loved a challenge. "perhaps we can work together on a detective mission. Just like Sherlock Holmes and John Watson!" he said laughing a little bit before she started talking about the bodies. "they definitely aren't held here, I'd have smelt them quickly. The stench of dead bodies is horrendous." he looked up at her after moving his pawn to accept her challenge. "can I ask what happened...? to get you in here? or am I not allowed to know." he said softly, trying to be as welcoming as he possible could be.
International star

Gustavs brows burrowed further, the disgust clear across his face. "It's gonna take a lot kore than some shitty sedative to make me weak. They don't know what they're messing with, and I can tell you now they're messing with the wrong person." He looked over his shoulders at one of the guards, raising both eyebrows at him, the guard smirked and looked away, and Gustav swiftly looked back at Lottie. His face lifting, he couldn't help but smile as she mentioned dark magic. "Now that is something I can get on board with, the darker the better. Maybe you and me should be friends and try and burn this place down for good." He smirked, speaking in hushed tones.

Evangeline ran her tongue along her teeth, glad he had accepted the challenge. She sat forward a little more in her seat, letting her feet drop from the edge of the chair to the floor, her hand hesitating before moving another piece. Lifting her eyes, she looked back up at Nathan. "And I'm guessing you're Sherlock and I'm Watson? I couldn't see it working any other way. And I am kind of like a doctor." She smiled, her fingertips running up and down the splintered wood of the small table they were playing at. Taken aback a little by his question, she cleared her throat, looking over at him. He. Didn't have to know everything. "I badly assaulted a woman who was trying to interfere in my life."

Lottie couldn't help but notice how much Gustav bigged himself up, perhaps he had a superiority complex or just wanted as many people to know how strong he was. "so tell me Gustav, who are you really?" she said, raising her brow a little as she looked at him. "underneath this hard boy exterior I mean." She wasn't saying it to insult him, rather that she was curious if there even was anything else to him. A smile crossed her lips, "I like the way you are thinking. Together we could break out of this dump successfully." her eyes moved over to the high walls in front of him. "did you hear about the werewolf kid that scaled the wall? when he got to the top and crossed over his body disintegrated." she paused for a moment before continuing, "there's some sort of spell in place."

Nathan chuckled a little bit, "well my dear Watson,  you do look rather different than I had imagined you but you fit the role perfectly." he let his hand hoover over another piece and moved it forward. He continued on the attack in the game of chess, the same way he always played. "A doctor huh? that's pretty cool. Not sure I could be around all that blood every day so props to you." He listened to her briefly explain her crime, a surprised look crossing his face for a moment before it passed, "well I must admit I did not expect you to have assaulted someone. You seem far too sweet for that." he laughed lightly before looking at her, "but good on you for sticking up for yourself.. for whatever the reason."
International star

Gustav ran his fingers through his hair, pushing some of it back from his forehead as he considered his answer for a moment, how exactly was he supposed to explain what he actually was? He wasn't the devil, not quite yet. He was close to it, however. "I mean you know you get guardian angels who protect you from bad and whatever? Well.. I'm the opposite. You do bad, you're a bad person, I'm gonna come after you and make you live your worst nightmare. A little bit like the grim reaper." Shrugging his shoulders, he followed her eyeline to the wall. Raising both eyebrows. "That's why your wonderful skills come in handy.." he laughed quietly, looking back at her.

Evangeline waited for him to make a move, her eyes wide with excitement, her fingers wiggled over the pieces as she selected one, holding it up for a while. "Not exactly a doctor.. I'm a nurse, I used to work in the hospital a few towns a way, Princetown General. There was a patient who uhm.. I paid some special attention to. I didn't know who it was I was just the middle man. This bitch, she caught me and was gonna report me.. so I uhm.. " her breathing deepened a little, her eyes closing, heart racing. It was the first time she had admitted it out loud, what she had done. "She's still alive, as far as I know." She said quietly, placing her chess piece down, looking him in the eye. "Check mate." She announced.

Lottie listened to him as he spoke, her eyes tracing along his jawline. "so you are the guardian of pain then." she said softly, laughing a little bit as she thought about him having to wear a comical white gown and gold winds as angels were painted to look. "so what did you do to end up in here?" Listening to him complimenting her skills and talents was definitely something new. The entirety of her coven had pushed her out and looked down on her as a failure for her dark magic. But she was born this way. Her mum was a witch and her father was the devils right hand man for years. "we shall see what I can do about it." she smiled finally.

"Princetown General huh? I've got a few friends that work near there." Nathan said, trying to seem as friendly as possible so she didn't back out of talking about what happened. "You just didn't want to lose your job huh? that's shit that it went downhill for you. I'm sorry." he said before gasping a little, "oh come on you distracted me with your story!" he said with a chuckle as he had knew he had lost, there was no way out of this checkmate. "Maybe you could move to another town and work as a nurse there? I mean after this place we are meant to get our records wiped clean, for whatever reason." he paused, remembering their talk about the guards earlier but then trying to push it out of his mind.
International star

Gustav couldn't keep his eyes off her. The way her face was so small and her eyes stood out. The colour of them simply stood out as bright as the stars and her smile well, that would entice even the purest of men. "I have a limit on how many deaths and murders I can get away with.. sort of a probation period each month. Well some guys made me a little angry, a group of people in particular.. turns out the hospital had a big blood donation that evening." Rubbing the back of his neck, he couldn't help but smirk, proud of his dirty work. "We have to escape this place or we're gonna be stuck in this shit for a much longer time than our sentence, Charlotte."

Evangeline was warming to this gentleman. He seemed to understand but not judge her and well, that was the one thing she needed at that moment. She was in deep into a situation she didn't particularly deserve, she thought. "Exactly. I knew the guy needed some extra help and so I was just helping a patient out, maybe against the regulations but when it's a life's or death situation, who cares.." she muttered on, biting down on her bottom lip she lifted her eyes from the board to him, grinning. "Or you just need to admit that I'm better at you, whichever works, Nathan." She reset the board and ,earned back in her seat, her smile dropping. "Yeah after they've erased everything else they'll erase us too. Like we're some kind of robot or something, factory reset us." The thought petrified her.
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