hurtful wrote:
Okay, so, Dean's father was a successful scientist back when he was alive. He was doing well, so well in fact that he was chosen to participate in a secret mission, medling with outer forces, also known as aliens. Of course, this was kept as a secret from the outside world, if anyone knew about the aliens, they would've simply lost their minds. A secret organization was created.
But Dean's father's moral compass couldn't help him but leave this organization, the second they started using human lab-rats, he couldn't take it any longer. Being forced to cut up people of his own, as well as aliens, was too much. He couldn't take it, afraid the phycological impact would lead him to take his own life. He tried to leave, but being bound by a contract to the organization, and the aliens himself, it was nearly impossible. The organization gave him but one option, hand them his son.
He fought the thought for long, but the sleepless nights, the heaps of blood on his hands, it was too much.
You see, Dean's mother was pregnant with twins. Dean's father knew that there was no place to hide from the organization and while the organization wanted both children, they agreed upon letting them keep one of the boys.
Of course, to keep this from his wife, the organization had the doctor's fake that the first child was stillborn.
But in reality, the other would be directly sent into the lab, and Dean's father, who had given up his place at the organization, would never see a glimpse of that child again.
But after a while, Dean's father couldn't bear hearing his wife cry about the loss of her first son. The guilt was eating him up, and so he attempted to take his child back, which resulted in his death.
So, I was thinking about creating Dean's fucked up twin who spent his entire life as a lab-rat. He'll be a good character that could explain to the others sort of what's going on, and also I'd really enjoy playing someone severely damaged.
And yes there are some really severe faults in this backstory, I'm well aware but I can go back and fix it if there's something that's way too much to get behind. (The whole thing with a father willingly giving up his son to get out of work is kind of a reach but hey).
** edit: just realized the his father died when Dean was in college.. Uh, just change it so that the car-accident occurred when he was really young. Two, three years old maybe.