EarsToSeeEyesToHear wrote:
Lola. in the end, just got up, grabbed her bag and walked out of the lesson and no one turned a hair. It was a regular occurance for her, but still, no one was that bothered, she was bright enough not to do anything. In the five minutes before the lessons ended, Lola managed to melt down 2 cigs and he equivalent of a double of vodka. The monday timetable was wierd, it consisted of an hour and a half of one lesson, then break, then 2 55 minute lessons, and then guidance after lunch.
Jake smiles "I'm here because I alwahys walk you to school anyway, and I wanted a cuddle off my baby.." he pouted cutely at her, kissing the top of her head as she snuggled in "Chicken nugget happy meal, chocolate milkshake and a brownie?"