FaCee wrote:Zegnet wrote:@FaCee I try not to lie but I don't lie for laughs. If your future daughter murdered

someone who wouldn't give her a money what would you do?
Not sure about having kids
but anywho if i did
I think it would really depend on why she killed them
Did she do it because she was desperately poor?----might feel bad for her ....would probably try to help her get back on her feet...help her hide the body
Or did she do it because they owed her money?-------not super sorry for her if this is the case.......as long as they were a bad person i would still help her hide the body
As long as i think my daughter has a good reason, i would probably help her out in any and all situations.
cause im a good mom
bad person
good mom
Rip the victim, lol. I think that I would ignore the whole thing and say I had nothing to do with unless they started accusing her. I would stick up for her but if things started to go downward... >.>