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Lexta & Fuu's Friendly chat room
International star

FuuChan wrote:
Haha yeah XD

Totally! I woke up like really dazed but i felt so good.
I was just like "OH Hey there..i feel better.." lol
Yeah me too. I woke up and it was like "AAAAH IT STINGS" XD
I always get eye allergies in the spring time unfortunately.

I am yes haha.
Idk why. I think it might be my competitive side.
I also recently got into fashion contests as well.

Hm..Not really. .3.
Nothing is really ever new with me u. u
Or not that i can remember. XD
Ahahaha, that is the best kinda naps! Good for you xD
Omg, riiiip! Poor eyes. That must really suck, darn. Im glad its not me, i freaking love spring and couldnt bear having allergies the whole season lol. i hope it'll get better for ya soon
International star

Lexta: What's uppp?
International star

Haha yes I so agree.
Yeah. sometimes i will get a bump on my top eye lid
and it looks like someone punched me. XD

It will clear up soon hopefully.
I am more of a summer person than spring cause of allery season
International star

Lexta wrote:
Fuu: I keep falling asleep everywhere, all day. Being sick is making me so tired!

 Vigi: you look so cool. I love that hair! OuO

Victoria: hello.
Thanks Lina! Tools forever to get them, not much ig rip..

@Fuu thanks, but my wardrobe is still pretty small, but I'm still new so it's slowly building. 
International star

Still the items you have are great
-may have been in your wd a few times-

But yeah I am doing the same.
I'm really gonna have to master my art style to afford the more expensive stuff though
International star

shii, that cant be pleasent at all! can you even open your eye then? xD

I hope it will xx
i really cant decide what season i like that best, like, at all. I love spring, with all the colors and new life, everything is growing and such. Summer, where everything have grown, the warm weather, the beach nights. Fall, with the warm colors. winter with snow (sometimes). I really love it all.
International star

I can but it does hurt a lot.
Especially when you get those eye crusties. like OW. that hurts.
I use to not be able to open it and just had to lay there with a cold damp cloth on my eye
to take down some of the redness and swelling.

Haha, well loving them all is always good.
I am mostly just summer because i will freeze in other seasons.
including spring. Like just a light breeze under the shade and i am like "It's so cold..." XD
International star

That sounds pretty serious, and very unpleasent. 
I've never had allergies that were THAT bad. 
I hope for you it'll get better sooner rather than later

Haha, yeah okay. What country are you from? 
Know the feeling! i wish i could say im good at dressing according to the weather, but i suck at that XD so i either end up sweating or freezing my ass off 
International star

Yeah, I've had some eye issues when i was younger.
I use to have a stye. Though my dad and sister get them.
I also think it's caused from very dry or oily skin sometimes.
But my eye is doing much better other than it stinging just a bit.

What about you?
Haha me too! It's worse though when i have to go to class.
The people in the next room turn on the AC so we are freezing.
So that is why i wear like...3 sweaters to class..
International star

I'm sorry to hear
Hmm, maybe, idk that much about it tbh
Oh, im glad!

Denmark, haha
Ahhh, not a fair move. we had a class room last year, that the school, for some reason, NEVER heated up, so everyone just sat in their jackets and sooo many layers of clothes, lolol. and the teachers kept asking us to take our jacket off, because we were inside, but hell nah. it was Freeeezing
International star

Yeah. hard o really pin point what causes it but eh.
At least I know what to do to help ease any pain.

Ooo awesome.
Do you like it there?
Haha my teacher also freezes and then the gal at the front desk will come up and turn the heat on XDD
International star

Its good having stuff that helps, when its needed

Haha, yeah i do, a lot actually. I've always said i wanted to move to abother country when i get older, but i honestly dont know anymore. Maybe for a couple of years, travel and such. but idk, time will tell
Clever girlll xD
International star

Victoria: Nothing much up with me. Just hanging out at work (not actually doing any work cause I'm lazy) and posting with my phone. :3

Fuu: I luckily haven't passed out. I'm at work or driving most of my day, so that would be dangerous. OnO

Vigi: I feel like my wishlist just gets longer everyday. XD
I just wish I could wear male clothes without changing to male. >.> 
need some gender neutral accounts. Just buy a base that's shaped. 
International star

Welp, sounds like something i would do at work, if we didnt have a strict phone politic lmao. where are you working? c:
International star

Hehe yup.

Haha that is true. I'll probably always live in the US
but i'd love to visit other countries.

Oh wow that would be super dangerous
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