Lexta wrote: Fuu: I'm at least not that bad. I'm sorry to hear you are. /hug
Victoria: As long as there are no customers in the store, we can do anything we want. I color in coloring books or read pretty often too. XD I work in a little shop that sells Asian things. Mostly Hello Kitty and anime stuff.
vig wrote: @Lina we have some gender neutral items for both, but they might be on the high end since it depends on what designers made them
@fuu thanks, I just decided to leave mine open for a while, it's gonna get closed/opened periodically. TBH male is much more slower. Less updates and low of amounts so guys don't tend to let things go but they do delete which deletes the items rip
VictoriaS wrote: Lexta It used to be that way where i work as well, but apparently not anymore :c Uhh, what do you read? Ahh, nicceee. Watched a loooot of anime when i was younger, and still watch some
Lexta wrote: Fuu: I hope you feel better! I'm planning to get back into art. I think I need to just force myself to start something. >.<
Vigi: I might have to try making my own gender neutral items. I've practiced making some items. A base that isn't very gender specific would be great.
Victoria: I've had this job for like 8 years now. I almost can't imagine having a different one. I do all my posting at work. XD I read mostly young adult books, fantasy and supernatural. I only watch a little bit of anime. Just sometimes when I hear about a really great sounding one. But I don't have the time to watch it very much.
VictoriaS wrote: Lexta Damn, thats pretty long. Im only 15, so like, this is my second year working xD Uh, same here. Any good books you canrecomend? We could all use some more time, lol
Lexta wrote: I hate storms. They are so scary to drive in! i don't care what the weather is when I'm inside, but it had better be nice if I'm driving! D:<