Lexta wrote:
I love reading when it rains. ^^
Victoria: the fayz series is about a town where all of a sudden everyone over (I think 15?) disappears. It's probably most akin to lord of the flies or hunger games because the kids have to try and survive on their own, which is pretty brutal sometimes. Lots of people die throughout the series. But they are also getting special powers (like xmen style, each person has a unique ability). It's only a small percent of the kids getting powers, but they are very original ideas and play into the plot of kids alone very well.
Thirst ( originally published as The Last Vampire) is a series about a 5,000 year old, pretty bad ass vampire woman. I liked it because it's fairly different from most vampire stories. The main character is capable of being super generous, but she'll still crush a man's skull with her bare hands. It's not all flowers and teen romance. (Book 6 does take a weird scifi turn, but mostly as a tool to go back in time and learn her history, so I didn't mind)