EtEllerAndet wrote:Orchid wrote:
This was honestly so fucking epic
Also it's so unfair that you have a spotless face although you don't eat well? And here I am, excluding shit from my diet just so that I can get a spotless face AND I STILL DON'T GET IT
I am strangely impressed even though you seem anti everything that I like
Only the top of my awesome iceberg

Guess what? I also look like 6 years younger than my age

Okay fuck the bragging, you get it.
Also, that was mostly sarcasm in my last post. I actually dont speak German.

If you're ever too warm theres probably room on my iceberg.
But how old are you? Because if I'd look 6 years younger than my age I'd look like a 12 year old and that wouldn't be something to brag about lmao
That's so nice of you. I'll remember that haha