Acetone wrote:glowed wrote:
i love making makeup combos nd when i saw 2 pgs of makeup in your wd i had a heart attack ksjdcn , i'm sorry i failed the look terribly, as i said, idk why i can't make anything good tonight but i'll try some other daay
I'm neeeew, I came onto this website like 4 days ago max, no booli. And makeup items are expensive, that's why I have none.

I'll try to fill up the makeup category for your sake, also don't be surprised if you get suggested looks from me randomly, I love your wardrobe LOL. Sorry not sorry. ALSO I LIKED YOUR LOOK; DW!!
i have so much makeup that i don't use, i could send you some if you want ?? and also some other clothes , i use like 200 items out of, what, do i have 2k again ?? dAMn nearly 3k again h o w i literally did a 1pd sale a week ago uhhh