Naoye wrote:Era wrote:Naoye wrote:
Aaaaaah I love pets, I've a dog myself! She's so cute (:
I play VP since the beginning of 2016 I think? I tried to quit once but it didn't work out hehe
I wanted too once!

)) But BT was in search of members and i said to see what happens. I didnt got in, but i i didnt gave up vp, and one month later, i woke up iin BT xD
Oh nice! I've been in NT and FT on the Dutch server, but I quitted both because a lack of inspiration. I wanted to apply for the NT here, but when my application was almost ready, I realised that the applications were already closed ): I made a mistake with the time zones D:
I applied NT and know i am waiting for the results! i am so excited!! C: