Salem wrote: > when you hover over something you've added to your wl there could b an option saying "remove from wishlist" or just having a lil "x" next to what's currently there > up to idk 6? categories where you can add items to a "collection" so if you filter your wd on that collection, only the items you've added to it shows up. so for example u wanna keep all your halloween items together so you can find them easily, or you wanna just have a reminder of all your favourite items so you can navigate to them quicker. could also charge creds 4 this like with bff spots/name change or make it a diamond feature or something > option when physically on your own wl to hover over an item, when it pops up it also has a lil < and > on it which when clicked can send the item a page forward or back so if you have more than 1/2 pages of wl you can order it easier than having to drag it or delete + re-add to wishlist/delete n re-add a diff item to get it on a different page
I'm sure there was something else but the first 2 in particular would b sooo helpful for me personally idk abt u guys but just thought I'd drop this here