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ET: Writing Competition
International star

Loved the ocean

Ever since you were a young child, you loved the ocean. You swam in it, looked at it and enjoyed everything it had to offer. You loved the tiny jellyfish floating around, the small fish tickling your feet and the waves greeting you body every time you went in.
But there was one thing you particularly liked about the ocean. You didn’t really know what, or rather who, it was. But it was beautiful and mysterious. You saw it once in a while - long silky hair, a soft pastel glow and a seemingly worried look upon its face. You only called it ‘it’, because it didn’t look like either a fish nor a human. It was.. Special.
Over time you became more and more curious about this pastel creature, but it always held a safe distance from you, only a head peeking up from behind the bigger waves. And always out in the deeper part of the ocean, parts you liked but didn’t really explore. You could swim, but you knew the deeper the ocean got, the more dangerous it was. But this beautiful creature always looked at you and drove you mad with curiosity.
And one day, your caved in. You swam out as soon as the flowing silky hair emerged from the waters surface. Surprisingly the creature didn’t flinch or move at all, even though you expected it to flee from you. No, the creature waited for you and when you got there, you realized that ‘it’, was a ‘she’. And that ‘she’ was a creature beyond your wildest fantasies. She was big - a lot bigger than you, with pink skin and almost icy eyes. You looked at her with such awe and admiration, you didn’t realize the sticky pastel tentacles wrapping around your body. It was almost as if, you couldn’t see them nor feel them. You were lost in her deep eyes and worried look, suddenly madly in love with this creature. This feeling kept you away from the pain when she wrapped you tightly in her tentacles, and maybe it was for the better. Because you didn’t even notice or feel when she bared a sudden pair of sharp teeth and sank them into your soft skin. She looked at you lovingly while she devoured you slowly. But it didn’t matter, because finally, you got to see this beautiful lovely creature. And you were completely in love with her.
Because ever since you were a young child, you loved the ocean. And she loved you too.
World famous

ooooh so much fun to read!! 
National star

International star

I am a poet and I know it ;0
@Annihilation Thank you for the tag!
Youtube star

Beautiful creatures

“You can go inside and sleep, I can take the rest of the night shift” I say as I leave the cabin and out to the guard on duty. “Are you sure? You do this every night, you need to rest as well.” He replies to me. I hid and smile towards my crew mate. He replies with a smile and a nod and leaves for the beds. I walk to the edge of the ship, looking out at the waves calmly moving back and forward. The sky being dark and filled with start glimmering like diamonds and the moon shinning up on the diamond dressed sky. To be honest, the only reason I volunteer to guard the ship every night is because of her. I’ve only seen her a few times. But each time I see her, she’s even more beautiful than the last. I’ve always wondered what kind of creature she is, because I am sure she’s not human. What human would life under water? I’ve never seen her waist down... I sigh heavily, leaning over the edge, standing between two of the canons. My crew mates thinks I’m just sick and imagining her. Cabin fever.... I sure as hell don’t have that. Sure, we spend months at a time on this pirate ship. Just us.. 
I heard a splash in the water, just a single splash. I looked down and there she was, as beautiful as ever. But this time, I have made my decision. I’m going in. I stepped back and grabbed a rope, tying it around my waist before I leaped across the ship and jumped into the water. I swam closer to her. 

She put her hands on my cheeks, smiling brightly. Her wet hands still felt great in my cheeks, to finally be touched by someone again. However, something felt wrong. I felt the rope loosening around my waist, I looked back and saw the rope was loose and before I knew it I felt someone grab my ankle, pulling me deep down under the water. I can’t breath, i’m Surrounded by them. Creatures that looks just like her. Some were pink, some were blue and some were green. They all have tentacles below their waists, and hair flowting in the water as if their hairs were blowing in the wind. I see they all come closer to me, all of them reaching out towards me. It this how it ends? I fell for the temptation, the temptation the rest of the pirate crew warned me about. I closed my eyes, feeling these creatures grab me by my arms and legs and pulling me down deeper. I can’t breath, I have no energy to fight against them. Everything is going dark for me... this is the end, and I only have myself to blame.
National star


She was the most beautiful princess in the whole sea, yet she was hated by most.
Her hair was the most amazing light lavender, but the people wanted it gone.
Her eyes were covered in the tears she had shed, they created a thin white frost on her eyelashes. 
The temperature went below zero, still the people did not want her help. 
All because of her unique limbs.

She knew she could never be normal.
She knew she couldn’t be like them.
She knew she was always going to be mistreated.

However she did not give up yet, the girl was going to show her royal blood. 
She was alone in her fight against the nation, standing in front of the public all alone.
Trembling in fear she stood there, catching the eyes of everyone in reach.
Suddenly a person embraced her hand, a person with stones covering them from head to toe.
Then another individual took her left, someone with one arm. 
The crowd started to mutter, not leaving a whisper. 
The horde moved, each living soul came forward to show their imperfections.
The community had come forward and once then, she realised, she was not alone.
Minister of Pop

My entry:
My darling doesn't leave me now!
I will not leave you because you are so wonderful!
But you swim with another person!
Yes, with that is just because I and he are friends and we want to hang out!
I have to swim away now to the bottom of the sea and meet an octopus and singer.
The octopus is a girl and she must meet to be able to afford my troublesome situation and the octopus can give it because she is magic because she is a princess.
She can give me the energy to cope with this situation and you can keep me warm and loving.
You promise to never leave me! I will always be at your side and take care of you, my wonderful boyfriend.
I will always be at your side and support you as much as I can with my wonderful girlfriend and I promise.
World famous

50 words is a LOT for a poem. i wrote three haiku and i'm still only at 36 words.
National star

She, with the lashes clumped in sea-salt, would open her lips agape and sing a song drenched in melancholy. Perched atop a rock, she watched as the moon’s light kissed the waves and created a tumultuous tide that felt much akin to the stirrings inside of her stomach.

Air still intertwined in her song, she took her fingers and gently leaned over to dip them in the cool ocean. Eyes fluttering shut, she painted a picture of otherworldly beauty that would never be framed and adored.

For she did not, could not belong. Not below, where if she concentrated long enough she could hear the whispers of her kind – undulating with the tide. Nor above, where her increased sense of hearing allowed her the tragedy of listening in on the mirthful festivities of land-dwellers.

The gentle curve of her rose petal lips too mortal; the glittering iridescence of her tentacles too inhuman…

She would forever be stranded in the desolate in-between, ostracized for eternity – a curse beset her at the hands of two parents who had been carelessly and hopelessly in love.  

The poor, gentle half-breed.
World famous

Samfie wrote:
Limited wrote:
btw should we post it here or where?
Yes, post it here.
Youtube star

Dear father,

I’m so sorry.

I don’t know exactly what for, but I know my heart aches at the thought of you.
I am so sorry.

My soul didn’t deserve the love you gave me, and every gesture, every act of kindness soiled it further. You’re a kind man, a righteous one, and I? An abomination. I am reminded of the mistake I made by living, but I am only still here for the love I have for you. You have every right to be happy, but must that happiness consist of the monster of a daughter you have?
Must it be at the expense of my horrors? I’m sick, and diseased. Horrific, and yet, you call me your beautiful girl. Your baby. Mother left because of me. She couldn’t handle the disappointment and shame I brought, and I just feel burdened and shame for it. But for you, I feel guilty to take such advantage. I don’t deserve your kindness, and I don’t deserve your tears, but this isn’t where I belong.
I’m so so sorry daddy. I never meant to hurt you, or burden you with the weight of raising me. This affliction just drowns me. Grief and sorrows, and everywhere I turn, there’s no escape.
I don’t mean to leave you but I can’t watch you suffer anymore. I was never meant to be. We both know I never belonged up here, on land. . . In your heart. Please, father, I’m so sorry, not for this, but for everything. You were so good to me, so kind, patient when no one else was, and I’ll never know love like yours again, but for once, I’ll know that you’re free of me. Free to live, to love, to experience. To travel like you always wanted. And I, I get to watch you thrive, from a safe distance. Please don’t come searching for me, it’ll just hurt more. For a while you might see me in everything, but in hopes of good faith, eventually that will dull, as will your memory. Just know that I’m now happy myself, and free to be me. I’m where I belong, with mommy, in the sea. So every time you smell those salty winds, or feel the waves tickle your feet, the sunset is that beautiful soft pink, or perhaps you’ll see a seashell in a shop window, I hope you think of me, and know, I am finally happy. Painless. And free. The land no longer binds me, and I am finally home.

I love you,

National star

. Yes, that's what she was, ungrateful.
She knew she was the prettiest fish in the sea and she flaunted it proudly.
Anyone who thought differently had something coming for them, that's for sure.
She was a living pearl, beautiful and rare, but she had a dark side.
She would only wear the finest of fashions, silver was out of the question,
gold was her favorite, and she would make her favorite stylist cancel all their
appointments for her when she felt like it. She was old money, the daughter to powerful people
She had to be the best, always.
Anyone who thought differently had something coming for them.

But, unfortunately for her, people always get what's coming for them
because down the current lived an old woman she would make fun of
"Old hag", "Spinstress", "Dying eel" and so on...
the day where things went too far, however, was the day that ended it all
The day they, the girl and her friends, threw shells at the woman's home and broke a window
they continued to throw shells nonetheless.
If they had stopped maybe she would have had a chance to stop
because after one particular shell was thrown it had struck the lady's
catfish, killing it in a slow and painful death.
The catfish had been with her for 50 long years strong, her child almost.
The woman had had enough.
Because, unfortunately for her, people always get what's coming for them.

She started to cough hysterically almost immediately, it looked like dust
And then she started to scream, her tail was in excruciating pain
It felt as though someone had taken a blade to it and went to town
It was almost worse when she looked down
Her beautiful tail was now tentacles, long and ugly moving sporadically and uncontrollably
That was until a few seconds later, then they just froze up
but it didn't stop at her tail
Her arms started to freeze up, too
"No, no I'm sorry, I'll never do this again, I'm sorry! Please, have some mercy!"
she begged and pleaded
It moved up to her waist
"Why should I if you never did to all those kids you tormented?
She looked at her shocked, trying to find something to say
Something to say that would stop this
Something to say
Up her chest
Up her shoulders
Up her neck
But nothing could come out after the first letter
She was frozen

A few people, people who knew her, who faced her wrath, came up
something held in their hands together
What was it? They came closer
A glimmer of
gold peaked through
It was a crown
A golden crown that they had placed above her head
where it would stay forever

Because people always get what's coming for them.

National star

wow never noticed how long that was lmao

Youtube star

Waaaa, octomaid *hypered*
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